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    Pedigree Adoption Drive短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:结果和有效性: 我们显著改善了智利街头流浪狗的生活,并产生了真正的敏感性和意识: 2,125 收养 1,614 加入该事业的建议 6,804 在线援助链 4,680 注册 12% 自发召回, 20% 以上的产品活动在空中 (Millward Brown) 54% 有一个 “非常积极” 的债券与谱系(高于类别平均水平 2 倍) 一半的宠物主人选择纯种,而不是其他竞争对手 “我相信品牌”,增长了 7% “关心改善狗的生计”,改善了 7% 创意执行: 就在丑闻发生后,品牌街头团队分发了免费的 La Hora 报纸,其中有一份定制的血统新闻故事、信息和关于街头狗的统计数据。交互式公共汽车收容所安装了一个带有视频的屏幕,模拟了一只狗被关在收容所内的情况。那些走过破旧的木制 “避难所” 的人对房间黑暗角落里一只被吓坏的被遗弃的狗的叫声感到惊讶。人们对临时收容所发出的声音很感兴趣。我们通过 citylights 广告牌运动给每一只狗取了一个名字 -- “我的名字是露露,请收养我” -- 从而让被遗弃的狗复活了。16 位名人分享了他们收养狗的爱情故事,以及他们通过加入我们的纯种收养计划来帮助解决这个问题的努力。记者帮助我们在社论上传播这个词。外联团队提供食物、建议和训练有素的专业人员来帮助新的养狗者。 见解、战略和想法: 被遗弃的狗数量过多 -- 220,000 只在圣地亚哥首都 -- 在智利是一个巨大的问题,也是社会的一个主要负担,导致公共健康和安全问题 -- 尤其是对儿童。一个重大的地方丑闻爆发了虐待和虐待被遗弃的狗。在整个新闻中,这个故事引起了大众的反应和厌恶。但是没有一个机构能够管理这个问题,并有效地将公民从沟通冲击中转移到积极激励他们帮助解决这个问题。我们面临的挑战是激发人们对收养狗感兴趣的良知,并分享谱系人帮助解决这个问题的承诺。我们在户外努力与问题发生的地方以及每天都能看到的消费者联系。通过正面面对这个问题,我们在狗和潜在主人之间建立了长期的、移情的纽带,并让公民获得了积极的动力。


    案例简介:Results and Effectiveness: We significantly improved the lives of street dogs in Chile and generated a genuine feeling of sensitivity and awareness: 2,125 adoptions 1,614 recommendations to join the cause 6,804 online aid chains 4,680 registrations 12% spontaneous recall, 20% above product campaign on-air (Millward Brown) 54% have a “very positive” bond with Pedigree (2x times above category average) Half of pet owners choose Pedigree over other competitors “I trust the brand” rose 7% “Care to improve livelihood of dogs” improved by 7% Creative Execution: Just after the scandal, branded street teams distributed La Hora –free newspaper– with a custom Pedigree news story, information and statistics about street dogs. Interactive bus shelter installations featured a screen with a video that simulated the confinement of a dog left within a refuge. Those walking by the run-down wooden “refuges” were surprised by the cries of a scared abandoned dog in a dark corner of the room. People were intrigued by the sounds coming from the makeshift shelter. We brought abandoned dogs to life by giving each one a name -“My name is Lulu, please adopt me”- through a citylights billboard campaign. 16 celebrities shared their love stories of their adopted dogs and their efforts to help solve the problem by joining our Pedigree Adoption Programme. Journalists helped us to spread the word editorially. Outreach teams provided food, advice and trained professionals to help new dog adopters. Insights, Strategy and the Idea: The overpopulation of abandoned dogs -220,000 just in Santiago capital - is a huge issue in Chile and it’s a major burden within society, causing public health and safety issues – especially with children. A major local scandal broke about the mistreatment and abuse of abandoned dogs. All over the news, the story generated mass reaction and disgust. But no institution has been able to manage this problem and effectively move citizens from communication shock to actively motivate them to help solve this problem. Our challenge was to spark a conscience with people interested in adopting dogs and share Pedigree’s commitment to help tackle the problem. We took our efforts out-of-home to connect with consumers where the problem occurs and where it’s visible on a daily basis. By confronting the issue head-on, we made a long-lasting, empathetic bond between the dog and potential owner and moved citizens to active motivation.

    Pedigree Adoption Drive

    案例简介:结果和有效性: 我们显著改善了智利街头流浪狗的生活,并产生了真正的敏感性和意识: 2,125 收养 1,614 加入该事业的建议 6,804 在线援助链 4,680 注册 12% 自发召回, 20% 以上的产品活动在空中 (Millward Brown) 54% 有一个 “非常积极” 的债券与谱系(高于类别平均水平 2 倍) 一半的宠物主人选择纯种,而不是其他竞争对手 “我相信品牌”,增长了 7% “关心改善狗的生计”,改善了 7% 创意执行: 就在丑闻发生后,品牌街头团队分发了免费的 La Hora 报纸,其中有一份定制的血统新闻故事、信息和关于街头狗的统计数据。交互式公共汽车收容所安装了一个带有视频的屏幕,模拟了一只狗被关在收容所内的情况。那些走过破旧的木制 “避难所” 的人对房间黑暗角落里一只被吓坏的被遗弃的狗的叫声感到惊讶。人们对临时收容所发出的声音很感兴趣。我们通过 citylights 广告牌运动给每一只狗取了一个名字 -- “我的名字是露露,请收养我” -- 从而让被遗弃的狗复活了。16 位名人分享了他们收养狗的爱情故事,以及他们通过加入我们的纯种收养计划来帮助解决这个问题的努力。记者帮助我们在社论上传播这个词。外联团队提供食物、建议和训练有素的专业人员来帮助新的养狗者。 见解、战略和想法: 被遗弃的狗数量过多 -- 220,000 只在圣地亚哥首都 -- 在智利是一个巨大的问题,也是社会的一个主要负担,导致公共健康和安全问题 -- 尤其是对儿童。一个重大的地方丑闻爆发了虐待和虐待被遗弃的狗。在整个新闻中,这个故事引起了大众的反应和厌恶。但是没有一个机构能够管理这个问题,并有效地将公民从沟通冲击中转移到积极激励他们帮助解决这个问题。我们面临的挑战是激发人们对收养狗感兴趣的良知,并分享谱系人帮助解决这个问题的承诺。我们在户外努力与问题发生的地方以及每天都能看到的消费者联系。通过正面面对这个问题,我们在狗和潜在主人之间建立了长期的、移情的纽带,并让公民获得了积极的动力。

    Pedigree Adoption Drive

    案例简介:Results and Effectiveness: We significantly improved the lives of street dogs in Chile and generated a genuine feeling of sensitivity and awareness: 2,125 adoptions 1,614 recommendations to join the cause 6,804 online aid chains 4,680 registrations 12% spontaneous recall, 20% above product campaign on-air (Millward Brown) 54% have a “very positive” bond with Pedigree (2x times above category average) Half of pet owners choose Pedigree over other competitors “I trust the brand” rose 7% “Care to improve livelihood of dogs” improved by 7% Creative Execution: Just after the scandal, branded street teams distributed La Hora –free newspaper– with a custom Pedigree news story, information and statistics about street dogs. Interactive bus shelter installations featured a screen with a video that simulated the confinement of a dog left within a refuge. Those walking by the run-down wooden “refuges” were surprised by the cries of a scared abandoned dog in a dark corner of the room. People were intrigued by the sounds coming from the makeshift shelter. We brought abandoned dogs to life by giving each one a name -“My name is Lulu, please adopt me”- through a citylights billboard campaign. 16 celebrities shared their love stories of their adopted dogs and their efforts to help solve the problem by joining our Pedigree Adoption Programme. Journalists helped us to spread the word editorially. Outreach teams provided food, advice and trained professionals to help new dog adopters. Insights, Strategy and the Idea: The overpopulation of abandoned dogs -220,000 just in Santiago capital - is a huge issue in Chile and it’s a major burden within society, causing public health and safety issues – especially with children. A major local scandal broke about the mistreatment and abuse of abandoned dogs. All over the news, the story generated mass reaction and disgust. But no institution has been able to manage this problem and effectively move citizens from communication shock to actively motivate them to help solve this problem. Our challenge was to spark a conscience with people interested in adopting dogs and share Pedigree’s commitment to help tackle the problem. We took our efforts out-of-home to connect with consumers where the problem occurs and where it’s visible on a daily basis. By confronting the issue head-on, we made a long-lasting, empathetic bond between the dog and potential owner and moved citizens to active motivation.



    Pedigree Adoption Drive










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