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    The Desert Cowboys短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:斯柯达西班牙和邻近巴塞罗那用新项目 “沙漠牛仔” 重新发起对抗孤立的运动 2015 年,斯柯达西班牙和邻近巴塞罗那发起了一个社会项目,重点关注流动性,他们的戛纳狮子奖获奖 “70 冬季卫士” 活动。“沙漠牛仔” 是该品牌停止孤立的第二批,巩固了其打击影响西班牙的严重问题的承诺。 这次,斯柯达选择帮助塔伯纳斯沙漠 (西班牙东南部的阿尔梅里亚) 的村庄, 这个地区在全盛时期因拍摄意大利西部片而闻名 -- 这一迷人的过去与现在的情况形成了鲜明的对比。 “沙漠牛仔” 是一系列品牌内容视频 -- 向该地区辉煌的过去致敬,并孤立地解释其当前的问题 -- 目的是为创造一个 21 世纪驿站马车服务重新连接沙漠的村庄。 虽然该项目旨在将其范围远远扩展到阿尔梅里亚和西班牙之外,因为其最终目标是让人们意识到农村地区孤立的全球问题, 这个问题影响到世界各地成千上万的村庄。该项目的英文版本也已经开发出来,并将在捷克品牌的各个市场推出。 流动性: 一个社会项目 2015 年,斯柯达作为一个个人流动品牌,决定将解决影响 65% 西班牙城市的孤立问题作为其社会责任战略的核心。这项社会责任运动的第一个组成部分是获奖的 “70 名冬季卫士”,该项目帮助斯柯达拯救了西班牙最高的村庄瓦尔德莱纳雷斯, 通过提供一辆汽车而被抛弃,这反过来又创造了一份工作,吸引了一个家庭搬到村子里,从而确保乡村学校保持开放,其他家庭不会被迫离开。 通过 “沙漠牛仔” 运动,斯柯达正在加强其对公共流动的承诺,并制定具体举措,支持西班牙遭受孤立和通信不畅影响的地区。 该公司的目标是将其项目的范围扩展到阿尔梅里亚和西班牙之外,因为其最终目标是让人们意识到农村地区的全球孤立问题, 这个问题影响到世界各地成千上万的村庄。事实上,根据联合国的一份报告,超过 60% 的世界人口现在生活在城市中心。因此,还开发了该项目的英文版本。可在 http://www.thedesertcowboys.com 此外,它将在捷克品牌的各个市场推出。该网站包括一个功能,用户可以在世界上提出一个有隔离风险的村庄或地区,成为公司的下一个项目。 新阶段: 塔伯纳斯沙漠 塔伯纳斯沙漠 (阿尔梅里亚) 在国际西方工业的发展中发挥了重要作用。许多最具标志性的意大利西部片都是在那里拍摄的,包括《好的、坏的和丑陋的》、《一把美元》和《西方很久以前》, 这使克林特 · 伊斯特伍德和导演塞尔吉奥 · 利昂一举成名。这些沙漠景观构成了近 600 部电影的背景。事实上,在 60 年代,西部片的黄金时代,一年就拍摄了多达 50 部电影。然而,许多人并不知道这辉煌的过去。 一些曾经在国际电影中担任专业演员的当地人现在正在为游客表演。 自西部灭亡以来,塔伯纳斯沙漠的村庄一直缺乏工作机会,服务和通信联系差。这对该地区产生了巨大的人口影响 -- 生活在这里的人数在最近几十年减少了一半,导致人口老龄化,并使隔离成为一个令人恐惧的真正威胁。 结合品牌内容和创建真正服务的多媒体战略 “沙漠牛仔” 项目于 7月18日在西班牙启动,展示了一部经典西方风格的短片,并由实际生活在沙漠村庄的人主演。电影: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAni_Pu8DvY 回顾该地区辉煌的过去,解释那里当今生活的现实,并使用 Change.org 风格的设备发起挑战。如果视频的浏览量达到 5,000,000,它将表明公众支持创建沙漠运输服务的计划 -- 21世纪的驿站马车。竞选标签是 # Letsfightisolation。 邻近巴塞罗那的创意总监伊娃 · 桑托斯说, “许多人不知道西方的历史与我们的国家有着密切的联系,这个地区仍然有很多电影制作人可以提供。简单地通过分享它的历史,我们正在帮助建立一个新的礼物,这就是为什么我们选择这种 d竞选的 evice ”。 驿站马车服务将是免费的,并将连接该地区不再有交通工具的几个村庄,如塔哈尔和塞内斯,帮助目前难以获得基本服务的人更容易地做到这一点。Barcelona 和 PHD 为该活动设计了媒体计划,其中包括几部品牌内容电影,将于 8月和 9月上映,更深入地探索该地区、其历史和人民。内容将在斯柯达的 Facebook 页面和 http://thedesertcowboys.com/ 。 这些视频,包括一个关于 Tahal 学校的视频,该学校因为没有足够的学生而濒临关闭,另一个关于 Marchalico 村的视频, 现在已经完全放弃了,因为最后一个为了爱情离开村庄的居民,很快就会被释放。 与此同时,斯柯达承诺刺激该地区的经济发展,让电影明星参与该问题,并通过赞助阿尔梅里亚西部电影节来促进该地区的电影业。顾名思义,这个电影节是专门为西部片举办的,并于 2011年推出,目的是将阿尔梅里亚重新定位为世界领先的电影地点之一。 邻近地区的创意总监伊娃 · 桑托斯补充道,“在这场运动中,斯柯达想帮助并向生活在当时的地方的人们致敬, 西方电影业的一个关键因素,它给西班牙带来了许多魅力、旅游业和商业,帮助他们解决运输和孤立的问题。如果《沙漠牛仔》成功地让这种类型再次流行起来,电影制作人回来看看这些传奇电影场景会怎么样?“好的,坏的,丑的” 这句名言是这样的: “世界上有两种人,我的朋友。那些脖子上有绳子的人和那些有切割工作的人 ”。它完美地表达了运动背后的想法; 斯柯达想采取主动,在为时已晚之前割断绳子。


    案例简介:ŠKODA SPAIN AND PROXIMITY BARCELONA RENEW CAMPAIGN TO FIGHT ISOLATION WITH FRESH PROJECT: “THE DESERT COWBOYS” › In 2015, ŠKODA Spain and Proximity Barcelona launched a social project focused on mobility with their Cannes Lions award-winning “70 Guardians of Winter” campaign. “The Desert Cowboys” is the second instalment of the brand’s initiative to halt isolation, cementing its commitment to combating the serious issue affecting Spain. › This time, ŠKODA has chosen to help the villages of the Tabernas Desert (Almería, southeastern Spain), a region that became famous in its heyday as a location for filming spaghetti westerns – a glamorous past that contrasts starkly with its present day situation. › “The Desert Cowboys” is a series of branded content videos– paying homage to the region’s glorious past and explaining its current problem with isolation – with the aim of generating public support for creating a 21st century stagecoach service to reconnect the desert’s villages. › The project aims to extend its scope far beyond Almería and Spain, as its end goal is to make people aware of the global problem of isolation in rural areas, an issue that affects thousands of villages all over the world. An English version of the project has also been developed and will be launched across the Czech brand’s various markets. MOBILITY: A SOCIAL PROJECT In 2015, ŠKODA, as a personal mobility brand, decided to put tackling the problem of isolation, which affects 65% of Spanish municipalities, at the heart of its social responsibility strategy. The first initiative to form part of this social responsibility campaign was the award-winning “70 Guardians of Winter”, a project that helped ŠKODA save the highest village in Spain, Valdelinares, from being abandoned by providing a car, which in turn created a job that attracted a family to move to the village, thereby ensuring that the village school remained open and other families were not forced to leave. With the “The Desert Cowboys” campaign, ŠKODA is strengthening its commitment to public mobility and creating tangible initiatives to support areas of Spain that are suffering from the effects of isolation and poor communications. The company aims to extend the scope of its project far beyond Almería and Spain, as its end goal is to make people aware of the global problem of isolation in rural areas, an issue that affects thousands of villages all over the world. In fact, according to a UN report, over 60% of the world’s population now live in urban centres. An English version of the project has therefore also been developed. Available to view at http://www.thedesertcowboys.com, it will be launched across the Czech brand’s various markets. The website includes a feature where users can propose a village or area in the world at risk of isolation to become the company’s next project. A NEW STAGE: THE TABERNAS DESERT The Tabernas Desert (Almería) played a major role in the development of the international western industry. Many of the most iconic spaghetti westerns were filmed there, including “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”, “A Fistful of Dollars” and “Once Upon a Time in the West”, which catapulted Clint Eastwood and director Sergio Leone to fame. These desert landscapes have formed the backdrop to almost 600 films. In fact, in the 60s, the golden age of westerns, up to 50 films were shot in a single year. Yet many people are unaware of this glorious past. Some of the locals who used to work as professional actors in international films now perform in shows for tourists. Since the demise of the western, the villages in the Tabernas Desert have suffered from a lack of job opportunities and poor services and communication links. This has had huge demographic implications for the area – the number of people living here has halved in recent decades, leading to an ageing population and making isolation a real threat to be feared. A MULTIMEDIA STRATEGY COMBINING BRANDED CONTENT AND THE CREATION OF A REAL SERVICE The “The Desert Cowboys” project was launched on 18 July in Spain with the presentation of a short film in classic western style, and starring people who actually live in the desert villages. The film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAni_Pu8DvY recalls the region’s glorious past, explains the reality of present-day life there, and launches a challenge using a device in the style of Change.org. If the video reaches 5,000,000 views it will demonstrate public support for the plan to create a desert transport service – a stagecoach for the 21st century. The campaign hashtag is #Letsfightisolation. Eva Santos, Creative Director at Proximity Barcelona, says, “many people are unaware that the history of the western is closely linked to our country and that this region still has a lot to offer film makers. Simply by sharing its history, we are helping to build a new present, which is why we chose this kind of device for the campaign”. The stagecoach service will be free and will connect several villages in the area which no longer have transport, such as Tahal and Senés, helping people currently struggling to access basic services to do so more easily. Proximity Barcelona and PHD designed the media plan for the campaign, which includes several branded content films that will be released during August and September, exploring the region, its history and people in greater depth. The content will be available on ŠKODA’s Facebook page and at http://thedesertcowboys.com/. The videos, including one about the school in Tahal, which is on the verge of closure because there are not enough pupils, and another about the village of Marchalico, which is now completely abandoned because the last inhabitant left the village for love, are due to be released shortly. At the same time, ŠKODA has promised to stimulate economic development in the area by getting film stars involved in the issue and promoting the film industry in the region by sponsoring the Almería Western Film Festival. As the name suggests, this festival is dedicated to westerns, and was launched in 2011 with the aim of repositioning Almería as one of the world’s leading film locations. Eva Santos, Creative Director at Proximity adds, “With this campaign, ŠKODA wanted to help, and pay tribute to, the people who live in a place that was, in its day, a key factor in the western film industry, and which brought a lot of glamour, tourism and business to Spain, and to help them with their problems with transport and isolation. What if “The Desert Cowboys”, succeeds in making the genre popular again, and film makers come back to check out these legendary film sets? There’s a famous quote from “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” that goes “There are two kinds of people in the world, my friend. Those who have a rope around their neck and those who have the job of doing the cutting”. It expresses the idea behind the campaign perfectly; ŠKODA wants to take the initiative and cut the rope before it is too late.

    The Desert Cowboys

    案例简介:斯柯达西班牙和邻近巴塞罗那用新项目 “沙漠牛仔” 重新发起对抗孤立的运动 2015 年,斯柯达西班牙和邻近巴塞罗那发起了一个社会项目,重点关注流动性,他们的戛纳狮子奖获奖 “70 冬季卫士” 活动。“沙漠牛仔” 是该品牌停止孤立的第二批,巩固了其打击影响西班牙的严重问题的承诺。 这次,斯柯达选择帮助塔伯纳斯沙漠 (西班牙东南部的阿尔梅里亚) 的村庄, 这个地区在全盛时期因拍摄意大利西部片而闻名 -- 这一迷人的过去与现在的情况形成了鲜明的对比。 “沙漠牛仔” 是一系列品牌内容视频 -- 向该地区辉煌的过去致敬,并孤立地解释其当前的问题 -- 目的是为创造一个 21 世纪驿站马车服务重新连接沙漠的村庄。 虽然该项目旨在将其范围远远扩展到阿尔梅里亚和西班牙之外,因为其最终目标是让人们意识到农村地区孤立的全球问题, 这个问题影响到世界各地成千上万的村庄。该项目的英文版本也已经开发出来,并将在捷克品牌的各个市场推出。 流动性: 一个社会项目 2015 年,斯柯达作为一个个人流动品牌,决定将解决影响 65% 西班牙城市的孤立问题作为其社会责任战略的核心。这项社会责任运动的第一个组成部分是获奖的 “70 名冬季卫士”,该项目帮助斯柯达拯救了西班牙最高的村庄瓦尔德莱纳雷斯, 通过提供一辆汽车而被抛弃,这反过来又创造了一份工作,吸引了一个家庭搬到村子里,从而确保乡村学校保持开放,其他家庭不会被迫离开。 通过 “沙漠牛仔” 运动,斯柯达正在加强其对公共流动的承诺,并制定具体举措,支持西班牙遭受孤立和通信不畅影响的地区。 该公司的目标是将其项目的范围扩展到阿尔梅里亚和西班牙之外,因为其最终目标是让人们意识到农村地区的全球孤立问题, 这个问题影响到世界各地成千上万的村庄。事实上,根据联合国的一份报告,超过 60% 的世界人口现在生活在城市中心。因此,还开发了该项目的英文版本。可在 http://www.thedesertcowboys.com 此外,它将在捷克品牌的各个市场推出。该网站包括一个功能,用户可以在世界上提出一个有隔离风险的村庄或地区,成为公司的下一个项目。 新阶段: 塔伯纳斯沙漠 塔伯纳斯沙漠 (阿尔梅里亚) 在国际西方工业的发展中发挥了重要作用。许多最具标志性的意大利西部片都是在那里拍摄的,包括《好的、坏的和丑陋的》、《一把美元》和《西方很久以前》, 这使克林特 · 伊斯特伍德和导演塞尔吉奥 · 利昂一举成名。这些沙漠景观构成了近 600 部电影的背景。事实上,在 60 年代,西部片的黄金时代,一年就拍摄了多达 50 部电影。然而,许多人并不知道这辉煌的过去。 一些曾经在国际电影中担任专业演员的当地人现在正在为游客表演。 自西部灭亡以来,塔伯纳斯沙漠的村庄一直缺乏工作机会,服务和通信联系差。这对该地区产生了巨大的人口影响 -- 生活在这里的人数在最近几十年减少了一半,导致人口老龄化,并使隔离成为一个令人恐惧的真正威胁。 结合品牌内容和创建真正服务的多媒体战略 “沙漠牛仔” 项目于 7月18日在西班牙启动,展示了一部经典西方风格的短片,并由实际生活在沙漠村庄的人主演。电影: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAni_Pu8DvY 回顾该地区辉煌的过去,解释那里当今生活的现实,并使用 Change.org 风格的设备发起挑战。如果视频的浏览量达到 5,000,000,它将表明公众支持创建沙漠运输服务的计划 -- 21世纪的驿站马车。竞选标签是 # Letsfightisolation。 邻近巴塞罗那的创意总监伊娃 · 桑托斯说, “许多人不知道西方的历史与我们的国家有着密切的联系,这个地区仍然有很多电影制作人可以提供。简单地通过分享它的历史,我们正在帮助建立一个新的礼物,这就是为什么我们选择这种 d竞选的 evice ”。 驿站马车服务将是免费的,并将连接该地区不再有交通工具的几个村庄,如塔哈尔和塞内斯,帮助目前难以获得基本服务的人更容易地做到这一点。Barcelona 和 PHD 为该活动设计了媒体计划,其中包括几部品牌内容电影,将于 8月和 9月上映,更深入地探索该地区、其历史和人民。内容将在斯柯达的 Facebook 页面和 http://thedesertcowboys.com/ 。 这些视频,包括一个关于 Tahal 学校的视频,该学校因为没有足够的学生而濒临关闭,另一个关于 Marchalico 村的视频, 现在已经完全放弃了,因为最后一个为了爱情离开村庄的居民,很快就会被释放。 与此同时,斯柯达承诺刺激该地区的经济发展,让电影明星参与该问题,并通过赞助阿尔梅里亚西部电影节来促进该地区的电影业。顾名思义,这个电影节是专门为西部片举办的,并于 2011年推出,目的是将阿尔梅里亚重新定位为世界领先的电影地点之一。 邻近地区的创意总监伊娃 · 桑托斯补充道,“在这场运动中,斯柯达想帮助并向生活在当时的地方的人们致敬, 西方电影业的一个关键因素,它给西班牙带来了许多魅力、旅游业和商业,帮助他们解决运输和孤立的问题。如果《沙漠牛仔》成功地让这种类型再次流行起来,电影制作人回来看看这些传奇电影场景会怎么样?“好的,坏的,丑的” 这句名言是这样的: “世界上有两种人,我的朋友。那些脖子上有绳子的人和那些有切割工作的人 ”。它完美地表达了运动背后的想法; 斯柯达想采取主动,在为时已晚之前割断绳子。

    The Desert Cowboys

    案例简介:ŠKODA SPAIN AND PROXIMITY BARCELONA RENEW CAMPAIGN TO FIGHT ISOLATION WITH FRESH PROJECT: “THE DESERT COWBOYS” › In 2015, ŠKODA Spain and Proximity Barcelona launched a social project focused on mobility with their Cannes Lions award-winning “70 Guardians of Winter” campaign. “The Desert Cowboys” is the second instalment of the brand’s initiative to halt isolation, cementing its commitment to combating the serious issue affecting Spain. › This time, ŠKODA has chosen to help the villages of the Tabernas Desert (Almería, southeastern Spain), a region that became famous in its heyday as a location for filming spaghetti westerns – a glamorous past that contrasts starkly with its present day situation. › “The Desert Cowboys” is a series of branded content videos– paying homage to the region’s glorious past and explaining its current problem with isolation – with the aim of generating public support for creating a 21st century stagecoach service to reconnect the desert’s villages. › The project aims to extend its scope far beyond Almería and Spain, as its end goal is to make people aware of the global problem of isolation in rural areas, an issue that affects thousands of villages all over the world. An English version of the project has also been developed and will be launched across the Czech brand’s various markets. MOBILITY: A SOCIAL PROJECT In 2015, ŠKODA, as a personal mobility brand, decided to put tackling the problem of isolation, which affects 65% of Spanish municipalities, at the heart of its social responsibility strategy. The first initiative to form part of this social responsibility campaign was the award-winning “70 Guardians of Winter”, a project that helped ŠKODA save the highest village in Spain, Valdelinares, from being abandoned by providing a car, which in turn created a job that attracted a family to move to the village, thereby ensuring that the village school remained open and other families were not forced to leave. With the “The Desert Cowboys” campaign, ŠKODA is strengthening its commitment to public mobility and creating tangible initiatives to support areas of Spain that are suffering from the effects of isolation and poor communications. The company aims to extend the scope of its project far beyond Almería and Spain, as its end goal is to make people aware of the global problem of isolation in rural areas, an issue that affects thousands of villages all over the world. In fact, according to a UN report, over 60% of the world’s population now live in urban centres. An English version of the project has therefore also been developed. Available to view at http://www.thedesertcowboys.com, it will be launched across the Czech brand’s various markets. The website includes a feature where users can propose a village or area in the world at risk of isolation to become the company’s next project. A NEW STAGE: THE TABERNAS DESERT The Tabernas Desert (Almería) played a major role in the development of the international western industry. Many of the most iconic spaghetti westerns were filmed there, including “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”, “A Fistful of Dollars” and “Once Upon a Time in the West”, which catapulted Clint Eastwood and director Sergio Leone to fame. These desert landscapes have formed the backdrop to almost 600 films. In fact, in the 60s, the golden age of westerns, up to 50 films were shot in a single year. Yet many people are unaware of this glorious past. Some of the locals who used to work as professional actors in international films now perform in shows for tourists. Since the demise of the western, the villages in the Tabernas Desert have suffered from a lack of job opportunities and poor services and communication links. This has had huge demographic implications for the area – the number of people living here has halved in recent decades, leading to an ageing population and making isolation a real threat to be feared. A MULTIMEDIA STRATEGY COMBINING BRANDED CONTENT AND THE CREATION OF A REAL SERVICE The “The Desert Cowboys” project was launched on 18 July in Spain with the presentation of a short film in classic western style, and starring people who actually live in the desert villages. The film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAni_Pu8DvY recalls the region’s glorious past, explains the reality of present-day life there, and launches a challenge using a device in the style of Change.org. If the video reaches 5,000,000 views it will demonstrate public support for the plan to create a desert transport service – a stagecoach for the 21st century. The campaign hashtag is #Letsfightisolation. Eva Santos, Creative Director at Proximity Barcelona, says, “many people are unaware that the history of the western is closely linked to our country and that this region still has a lot to offer film makers. Simply by sharing its history, we are helping to build a new present, which is why we chose this kind of device for the campaign”. The stagecoach service will be free and will connect several villages in the area which no longer have transport, such as Tahal and Senés, helping people currently struggling to access basic services to do so more easily. Proximity Barcelona and PHD designed the media plan for the campaign, which includes several branded content films that will be released during August and September, exploring the region, its history and people in greater depth. The content will be available on ŠKODA’s Facebook page and at http://thedesertcowboys.com/. The videos, including one about the school in Tahal, which is on the verge of closure because there are not enough pupils, and another about the village of Marchalico, which is now completely abandoned because the last inhabitant left the village for love, are due to be released shortly. At the same time, ŠKODA has promised to stimulate economic development in the area by getting film stars involved in the issue and promoting the film industry in the region by sponsoring the Almería Western Film Festival. As the name suggests, this festival is dedicated to westerns, and was launched in 2011 with the aim of repositioning Almería as one of the world’s leading film locations. Eva Santos, Creative Director at Proximity adds, “With this campaign, ŠKODA wanted to help, and pay tribute to, the people who live in a place that was, in its day, a key factor in the western film industry, and which brought a lot of glamour, tourism and business to Spain, and to help them with their problems with transport and isolation. What if “The Desert Cowboys”, succeeds in making the genre popular again, and film makers come back to check out these legendary film sets? There’s a famous quote from “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” that goes “There are two kinds of people in the world, my friend. Those who have a rope around their neck and those who have the job of doing the cutting”. It expresses the idea behind the campaign perfectly; ŠKODA wants to take the initiative and cut the rope before it is too late.



    The Desert Cowboys










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