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    案例简介:概要 1981年,米歇尔 · 莫东 (michh è lemouton) 成为第一位赢得世界拉力锦标赛冠军的女性。她用奥迪做的。没有其他女人能与这一壮举相提并论,这证明了性别之间机会的差异,尤其是在汽车领域。奥迪提倡一种社会平等的模式,这种价值比以往任何时候都更加重要。在西班牙,奥迪在高档汽车中的女性市场份额最高,这使其能够在该类别中率先提出女权主义信息。2016年,我们第一次把一个女人放在方向盘后面。今年,我们想强调平等价值观是该品牌DNA的一部分。我们将讨论从驾驶提升到竞争: “奥迪不仅希望您驾驶,还希望您赢得比赛。” 这使我们能够解决性别刻板印象的职业世界,特别是被视为高度男性化的职业: 驾驶员。 战略 性别差异在儿童时期出现和发展。根据心理学家的说法,在这一阶段,经典故事及其性别刻板印象会影响自尊和价值观的发展,例如女孩的智力和激情。这种见解给了我们两个不同的目标: 成年人 (尤其是妇女) 和儿童。我们选择这个故事是为了与两个目标联系起来。我们再次将mich è lemouton置于聚光灯下,将她的真实故事变成童话故事。我们改写了传统的故事,创造了一个童话,主角就像Mouton一样改变历史,逐一打破性别刻板印象。我们根据每个平台的内容消费调整了故事及其持续时间,设计了优先考虑观看质量的分发策略。我们在YouTube和Facebook上推出了短片,并使用Instagram作为发射台。 结果 奥迪选择了一部动画虚构电影作为其全球圣诞节活动。该内容已在40多个国家/地区使用,其平等信息产生了1.25亿多个影响。该短片已收到1500万多个意见。有了100万多个分享、喜欢和评论,以及40% 的参与,观众的反应导致95% 定性评论都有利于竞选活动的信息和展示。Facebook和Youtube的参与率很大 (24% 和39%,比基准高60点)。品牌情绪爆发。奥迪的媒体影响力猛增。该活动在全球范围内获得了报道,出现在200媒体上,影响了3500万多人,并产生了超过100万欧元的收入媒体。我们在通用媒体以及专门从事广告的媒体中,在国家和国际层面的最佳圣诞节活动排名中名列前茅。 执行 短片显示了两个不同的世界: 一个是真实的,另一个是幻想,女孩随着她的想象力而改变。因为对她来说,就像前司机Mouton一样,没有塔或南瓜或王子可以阻止她。为了传达现实与小说的融合,该作品结合了现场表演和3D动画,这两种以电影风格执行的技术。这也使电影既可以供成人也可以供儿童食用。该作品汇集了视觉参考和角色,例如 “灰姑娘”,“睡美人”,“小红帽” 和 “长发公主”。此外,由布达佩斯交响乐团的55位音乐家为电影创作了交响乐配乐。为了在网上进行宣传,还制作了更多的视频内容: 与米歇尔 · 莫 (mich è lemouton) 的纪录片,展示了虚构的故事与她的生活,配乐和预告片的制作之间的相似之处。 运动描述 “永远” 活动的核心是3D和真人动画短片。对于这个故事,我们回顾了米歇尔 · 莫东 (michh è lemouton) 作为前奥迪车手和唯一赢得集会的女性的成就和奋斗的被遗忘的历史。这部短片旨在赋予未来的Moutons权力,讲述了一位父亲给女儿读童话故事的故事。这个故事包括所有经典的刻板印象: 少女,仙女教母,狼,变成马车的南瓜,宫殿的舞会,白马王子等。然而,在 “永远” 中,我们通过一个女孩的想象力看到了这个故事,看着她如何改变它并赋予它新的含义。米歇尔 · 莫坦 (michh è lemouton)-30年后再次成为奥迪大使-参加了竞选活动。


    案例简介:Synopsis In 1981, Michèle Mouton became the first woman to win an event in the World Rally Championship. She did it with an Audi. No other woman has matched this feat, something that demonstrates the differences in opportunities between the genders, especially in the automotive world. Audi promotes a socially egalitarian model, a value that is more relevant than ever. In Spain, Audi has the highest female market share for premium cars, allowing it to pioneer the feminist message in the category. In 2016 we put a woman behind the wheel for the first time. This year, we wanted to reinforce that egalitarian values are part of the brand’s DNA. We elevated the discourse from driving to competition: “Audi doesn’t just want you to drive, it wants you to win the race.” This allowed us to address the gender-stereotyped world of professions, specifically one viewed as highly masculine: the driver. Strategy Gender differences arise and develop in childhood. According to psychologists, during this phase, the classic stories and their gender stereotypes influence the development of self-esteem and values such as intelligence and passion in girls. This insight gave us two different targets: adults (especially women), and children. We chose the story in order to connect with both targets. We put Michèle Mouton under the spotlight once again to turn her true story into a fairy tale. We rewrote the traditional stories, creating a fairy tale in which the protagonist, just like Mouton, changes history, breaking down gender stereotypes one by one. We adapted the story and its duration to the content consumption of each platform, designing a distribution strategy that prioritized viewing quality. We launched the short on YouTube and Facebook, and used Instagram as a launching pad. Outcome Audi chose an animated fictional film as its global Christmas campaign. The content has been consumed in more than 40 countries, reaching more than 125 million impacts with its message of equality. The short has received more than 15 million views. With more than 1 million shares, likes and comments, and an engagement of 40%, the audience response resulted in 95% of the qualitative comments being in favor of the campaign’s message and presentation. Facebook and Youtube achieved big rates of engagement (24% and 39%, 60points above benchmark). Brand sentiment exploded. Audi’s media presence skyrocketed. The campaign received coverage worldwide, appearing in 200+ media outlets, impacting more than 35 million people, and generating earned media of more than 1 million euros. We featured in the rankings of the best Christmas campaigns at the national and international levels in generalized media as well as media specializing in advertising. Execution The short shows two different worlds: one real, and the other the fantasy, which the girl transforms with her imagination. Because for her, just like the former driver Mouton, no tower or pumpkin or prince can stop her. To convey this mixture of reality and fiction, the piece combined live action and 3D animation, two techniques executed with cinematic style. This also allowed the film to be consumed by both adults and children. The piece brings together visual references and characters such as “Cinderella,” “Sleeping Beauty,” “Little Red Riding Hood” and “Rapunzel.” In addition, a symphonic soundtrack was composed for the film, performed by the 55 musicians of the Budapest Symphony Orchestra. To publicize it online, further video content was created: a documentary with Michèle Mouton that showed the parallels between the fictional story and her life, the making of the soundtrack and a trailer. CampaignDescription The centerpiece of the “Ever After” campaign is a 3D and live action animated short. For the story, we revisited the forgotten history of Michèle Mouton’s achievements and struggles as a former Audi driver and the only woman ever to win a rally. The short, which seeks to empower the Moutons of the future, tells the story of a father reading a fairy tale to his daughter. This story includes all the classic stereotypes: a maiden, a fairy godmother, a wolf, a pumpkin that turns into a carriage, a ball at a palace, a Prince Charming, etc. In “Ever After,” however, we see the story through the imagination of a girl, watching how she transforms it and gives it a new meaning. Michèle Mouton—who, after 30 years, is once again an Audi ambassador—participated in the campaign.

    Ever After

    案例简介:概要 1981年,米歇尔 · 莫东 (michh è lemouton) 成为第一位赢得世界拉力锦标赛冠军的女性。她用奥迪做的。没有其他女人能与这一壮举相提并论,这证明了性别之间机会的差异,尤其是在汽车领域。奥迪提倡一种社会平等的模式,这种价值比以往任何时候都更加重要。在西班牙,奥迪在高档汽车中的女性市场份额最高,这使其能够在该类别中率先提出女权主义信息。2016年,我们第一次把一个女人放在方向盘后面。今年,我们想强调平等价值观是该品牌DNA的一部分。我们将讨论从驾驶提升到竞争: “奥迪不仅希望您驾驶,还希望您赢得比赛。” 这使我们能够解决性别刻板印象的职业世界,特别是被视为高度男性化的职业: 驾驶员。 战略 性别差异在儿童时期出现和发展。根据心理学家的说法,在这一阶段,经典故事及其性别刻板印象会影响自尊和价值观的发展,例如女孩的智力和激情。这种见解给了我们两个不同的目标: 成年人 (尤其是妇女) 和儿童。我们选择这个故事是为了与两个目标联系起来。我们再次将mich è lemouton置于聚光灯下,将她的真实故事变成童话故事。我们改写了传统的故事,创造了一个童话,主角就像Mouton一样改变历史,逐一打破性别刻板印象。我们根据每个平台的内容消费调整了故事及其持续时间,设计了优先考虑观看质量的分发策略。我们在YouTube和Facebook上推出了短片,并使用Instagram作为发射台。 结果 奥迪选择了一部动画虚构电影作为其全球圣诞节活动。该内容已在40多个国家/地区使用,其平等信息产生了1.25亿多个影响。该短片已收到1500万多个意见。有了100万多个分享、喜欢和评论,以及40% 的参与,观众的反应导致95% 定性评论都有利于竞选活动的信息和展示。Facebook和Youtube的参与率很大 (24% 和39%,比基准高60点)。品牌情绪爆发。奥迪的媒体影响力猛增。该活动在全球范围内获得了报道,出现在200媒体上,影响了3500万多人,并产生了超过100万欧元的收入媒体。我们在通用媒体以及专门从事广告的媒体中,在国家和国际层面的最佳圣诞节活动排名中名列前茅。 执行 短片显示了两个不同的世界: 一个是真实的,另一个是幻想,女孩随着她的想象力而改变。因为对她来说,就像前司机Mouton一样,没有塔或南瓜或王子可以阻止她。为了传达现实与小说的融合,该作品结合了现场表演和3D动画,这两种以电影风格执行的技术。这也使电影既可以供成人也可以供儿童食用。该作品汇集了视觉参考和角色,例如 “灰姑娘”,“睡美人”,“小红帽” 和 “长发公主”。此外,由布达佩斯交响乐团的55位音乐家为电影创作了交响乐配乐。为了在网上进行宣传,还制作了更多的视频内容: 与米歇尔 · 莫 (mich è lemouton) 的纪录片,展示了虚构的故事与她的生活,配乐和预告片的制作之间的相似之处。 运动描述 “永远” 活动的核心是3D和真人动画短片。对于这个故事,我们回顾了米歇尔 · 莫东 (michh è lemouton) 作为前奥迪车手和唯一赢得集会的女性的成就和奋斗的被遗忘的历史。这部短片旨在赋予未来的Moutons权力,讲述了一位父亲给女儿读童话故事的故事。这个故事包括所有经典的刻板印象: 少女,仙女教母,狼,变成马车的南瓜,宫殿的舞会,白马王子等。然而,在 “永远” 中,我们通过一个女孩的想象力看到了这个故事,看着她如何改变它并赋予它新的含义。米歇尔 · 莫坦 (michh è lemouton)-30年后再次成为奥迪大使-参加了竞选活动。

    Ever After

    案例简介:Synopsis In 1981, Michèle Mouton became the first woman to win an event in the World Rally Championship. She did it with an Audi. No other woman has matched this feat, something that demonstrates the differences in opportunities between the genders, especially in the automotive world. Audi promotes a socially egalitarian model, a value that is more relevant than ever. In Spain, Audi has the highest female market share for premium cars, allowing it to pioneer the feminist message in the category. In 2016 we put a woman behind the wheel for the first time. This year, we wanted to reinforce that egalitarian values are part of the brand’s DNA. We elevated the discourse from driving to competition: “Audi doesn’t just want you to drive, it wants you to win the race.” This allowed us to address the gender-stereotyped world of professions, specifically one viewed as highly masculine: the driver. Strategy Gender differences arise and develop in childhood. According to psychologists, during this phase, the classic stories and their gender stereotypes influence the development of self-esteem and values such as intelligence and passion in girls. This insight gave us two different targets: adults (especially women), and children. We chose the story in order to connect with both targets. We put Michèle Mouton under the spotlight once again to turn her true story into a fairy tale. We rewrote the traditional stories, creating a fairy tale in which the protagonist, just like Mouton, changes history, breaking down gender stereotypes one by one. We adapted the story and its duration to the content consumption of each platform, designing a distribution strategy that prioritized viewing quality. We launched the short on YouTube and Facebook, and used Instagram as a launching pad. Outcome Audi chose an animated fictional film as its global Christmas campaign. The content has been consumed in more than 40 countries, reaching more than 125 million impacts with its message of equality. The short has received more than 15 million views. With more than 1 million shares, likes and comments, and an engagement of 40%, the audience response resulted in 95% of the qualitative comments being in favor of the campaign’s message and presentation. Facebook and Youtube achieved big rates of engagement (24% and 39%, 60points above benchmark). Brand sentiment exploded. Audi’s media presence skyrocketed. The campaign received coverage worldwide, appearing in 200+ media outlets, impacting more than 35 million people, and generating earned media of more than 1 million euros. We featured in the rankings of the best Christmas campaigns at the national and international levels in generalized media as well as media specializing in advertising. Execution The short shows two different worlds: one real, and the other the fantasy, which the girl transforms with her imagination. Because for her, just like the former driver Mouton, no tower or pumpkin or prince can stop her. To convey this mixture of reality and fiction, the piece combined live action and 3D animation, two techniques executed with cinematic style. This also allowed the film to be consumed by both adults and children. The piece brings together visual references and characters such as “Cinderella,” “Sleeping Beauty,” “Little Red Riding Hood” and “Rapunzel.” In addition, a symphonic soundtrack was composed for the film, performed by the 55 musicians of the Budapest Symphony Orchestra. To publicize it online, further video content was created: a documentary with Michèle Mouton that showed the parallels between the fictional story and her life, the making of the soundtrack and a trailer. CampaignDescription The centerpiece of the “Ever After” campaign is a 3D and live action animated short. For the story, we revisited the forgotten history of Michèle Mouton’s achievements and struggles as a former Audi driver and the only woman ever to win a rally. The short, which seeks to empower the Moutons of the future, tells the story of a father reading a fairy tale to his daughter. This story includes all the classic stereotypes: a maiden, a fairy godmother, a wolf, a pumpkin that turns into a carriage, a ball at a palace, a Prince Charming, etc. In “Ever After,” however, we see the story through the imagination of a girl, watching how she transforms it and gives it a new meaning. Michèle Mouton—who, after 30 years, is once again an Audi ambassador—participated in the campaign.



    Ever After










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