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    Shrimps (French)短视频广告营销案例



    虾 (法国)

    案例简介:Boursin/cram me Bonjour “美食” 在四个不同的国家推出,对 Boursin 来说是一个巨大的市场机会,也是一个更新品牌形象的机会。品牌的信息 “轻松改善你的生活” 通过使用非常规的年轻厨师使用该产品并提供智能烹饪技巧来说明。在所有四个国家,Boursin 和 cram é me Bonjour 美食都大大超出了预期,大大超过了预期。此外,该活动使品牌接受新举措,从而产生积极的 “光环” 效应。 活动目标 -在所有国家的新产品品牌知名度至少提高 10%。 -对品牌形象产生积极的整体影响。 -生成烹饪产品的试验-达到国家的目标。关于我的全部®Che 的市场份额是: 。法国: + 3% 价值市场份额 。比利时: + 5% 价值市场份额 。瑞典: + 3% 价值市场份额 。芬兰: + 10% 价值市场份额 目标受众 “寻欢者” 是思想开放的人,他们在食物方面寻求日常快乐和新的体验。他们大多是 25-45 岁之间的男性/女性,他们领导家庭或负责杂货店购物,主要生活在城市环境中。 活动期间 2003年4月至 2003年7月。 哲学/解决方案 创意策略 目标群体中的人不喜欢提前计划烹饪什么,更喜欢自发地烹饪和创作。因此,他们需要聪明、精致的配料,这些配料可以以各种方式使用,以便给即使是最基本的菜肴带来额外的触感。 因此,新 “美食” 产品的关键信息被构建为 “轻松给你的生活带来味道和精致”。“简单的生活精致” 被翻译成电视厨师的非常规版本的概念: “简单的厨师”。这是一个聪明的年轻人,他独特而原始的看待食物的方式打破了传统。 每个电视广告都是一个鼓舞人心的 “现场” 烹饪会议,“美食” 产品不仅展示了使用中的产品, 但也总是增加其他关于如何改进你个人烹饪技能的好建议 (例如,如何从水果中获得更多柠檬汁,如何知道意大利面何时准备好等) 媒体 -广播 营销支出总额 低于 500 万英镑。 媒体战略 电视被选为主要媒体,以快速获得新产品的高度认识。在法国、瑞典和芬兰,杂志上的广告也被使用。此外,该活动还得到瑞典和芬兰店内广告的支持。 结果 -Boursin/cr ã me Bonjour 美食在品牌意识方面大大超出了预期。 -指标积分,如 “更多吸引力” 、 “购买意图” 等,超过了所有市场的国家标准,超出了 10 点的设定目标。 -在所有市场中,Boursin/cram é me Bonjour 美食的市场份额远远超过目标。

    虾 (法国)

    案例简介:The launch of Boursin/Crème Bonjour "Cuisine" in four different countries represented a great market opportunity for Boursin as well as an opportunity to refresh the brand image. The brand’s message "refines your life easily" was illustrated through the use of an unconventional, young chef using the product and giving smart cooking tips. In all four countries, Boursin and Crème Bonjour Cuisine greatly surpassed expectations, exceeding forecasts by a wide margin. Additionally, the campaign made the brands receptive for new initiatives, thereby generating a positive "halo" effect. CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES - Gain a minimum of 10% increase in brand awareness for the new product in all countries. - Achieve a positive overall effect on the brand image. - Generate trial of the cooking product – the objectives for the countries. concerning total Crème fraîche market share are: . France: + 3% value market share . Belgium: + 5% value market share . Sweden: + 3% value market share . Finland: + 10% value market share TARGET AUDIENCE "Pleasure Seekers" are open-minded people that are in search of daily pleasure and new experiences when it comes to food. They are mostly men/women between 25-45 who lead the household or are in charge of the grocery shopping, mainly living in urban environments. CAMPAIGN PERIOD April 2003 to July 2003. Philosophy/Solution CREATIVE STRATEGY People in the target group do not like to plan in advance what to cook, preferring to cook and create spontaneously. Hence, they need smart, refined ingredients which can be used in a variety of ways in order to give even the most basic dishes that extra touch. The key message for the new "Cuisine"-products was therefore constructed as "bringing taste and refinement to your life easily". "Easy life refinement" was translated into the concept of an unconventional version of a TV-cook : "The Easy Chef". This is a smart young man whose unique and original way of looking at food breaks with conventions. Every TV commercial was an inspiring "live" cooking session with the "Cuisine" products – not only showing the product in use, but also always adding other good advice on how to refine your personal cooking skills (e.g. how to get more lemon juice out of the fruit, how to know when pasta is ready etc.) MEDIA - Broadcast TOTAL MARKETING EXPENDITURE Under €5 million. MEDIA STRATEGY TV was chosen as the primary medium in order to gain high awareness of the new product quickly. In France, Sweden and Finland, advertorials in magazines were also used. Additionally the campaign was supported with in-store advertising in Sweden and Finland. Results - Boursin/ Crème Bonjour Cuisine greatly surpassed expectations with regards to brand awareness. - Points for indicators such as “More appealing”, “Purchase intent” etc. exceed the country norm in all markets and went beyond the set objective of 10 points. - In all markets, Boursin/ Crème Bonjour Cuisine increased its market share well beyond targets.

    Shrimps (French)

    案例简介:Boursin/cram me Bonjour “美食” 在四个不同的国家推出,对 Boursin 来说是一个巨大的市场机会,也是一个更新品牌形象的机会。品牌的信息 “轻松改善你的生活” 通过使用非常规的年轻厨师使用该产品并提供智能烹饪技巧来说明。在所有四个国家,Boursin 和 cram é me Bonjour 美食都大大超出了预期,大大超过了预期。此外,该活动使品牌接受新举措,从而产生积极的 “光环” 效应。 活动目标 -在所有国家的新产品品牌知名度至少提高 10%。 -对品牌形象产生积极的整体影响。 -生成烹饪产品的试验-达到国家的目标。关于我的全部®Che 的市场份额是: 。法国: + 3% 价值市场份额 。比利时: + 5% 价值市场份额 。瑞典: + 3% 价值市场份额 。芬兰: + 10% 价值市场份额 目标受众 “寻欢者” 是思想开放的人,他们在食物方面寻求日常快乐和新的体验。他们大多是 25-45 岁之间的男性/女性,他们领导家庭或负责杂货店购物,主要生活在城市环境中。 活动期间 2003年4月至 2003年7月。 哲学/解决方案 创意策略 目标群体中的人不喜欢提前计划烹饪什么,更喜欢自发地烹饪和创作。因此,他们需要聪明、精致的配料,这些配料可以以各种方式使用,以便给即使是最基本的菜肴带来额外的触感。 因此,新 “美食” 产品的关键信息被构建为 “轻松给你的生活带来味道和精致”。“简单的生活精致” 被翻译成电视厨师的非常规版本的概念: “简单的厨师”。这是一个聪明的年轻人,他独特而原始的看待食物的方式打破了传统。 每个电视广告都是一个鼓舞人心的 “现场” 烹饪会议,“美食” 产品不仅展示了使用中的产品, 但也总是增加其他关于如何改进你个人烹饪技能的好建议 (例如,如何从水果中获得更多柠檬汁,如何知道意大利面何时准备好等) 媒体 -广播 营销支出总额 低于 500 万英镑。 媒体战略 电视被选为主要媒体,以快速获得新产品的高度认识。在法国、瑞典和芬兰,杂志上的广告也被使用。此外,该活动还得到瑞典和芬兰店内广告的支持。 结果 -Boursin/cr ã me Bonjour 美食在品牌意识方面大大超出了预期。 -指标积分,如 “更多吸引力” 、 “购买意图” 等,超过了所有市场的国家标准,超出了 10 点的设定目标。 -在所有市场中,Boursin/cram é me Bonjour 美食的市场份额远远超过目标。

    Shrimps (French)

    案例简介:The launch of Boursin/Crème Bonjour "Cuisine" in four different countries represented a great market opportunity for Boursin as well as an opportunity to refresh the brand image. The brand’s message "refines your life easily" was illustrated through the use of an unconventional, young chef using the product and giving smart cooking tips. In all four countries, Boursin and Crème Bonjour Cuisine greatly surpassed expectations, exceeding forecasts by a wide margin. Additionally, the campaign made the brands receptive for new initiatives, thereby generating a positive "halo" effect. CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES - Gain a minimum of 10% increase in brand awareness for the new product in all countries. - Achieve a positive overall effect on the brand image. - Generate trial of the cooking product – the objectives for the countries. concerning total Crème fraîche market share are: . France: + 3% value market share . Belgium: + 5% value market share . Sweden: + 3% value market share . Finland: + 10% value market share TARGET AUDIENCE "Pleasure Seekers" are open-minded people that are in search of daily pleasure and new experiences when it comes to food. They are mostly men/women between 25-45 who lead the household or are in charge of the grocery shopping, mainly living in urban environments. CAMPAIGN PERIOD April 2003 to July 2003. Philosophy/Solution CREATIVE STRATEGY People in the target group do not like to plan in advance what to cook, preferring to cook and create spontaneously. Hence, they need smart, refined ingredients which can be used in a variety of ways in order to give even the most basic dishes that extra touch. The key message for the new "Cuisine"-products was therefore constructed as "bringing taste and refinement to your life easily". "Easy life refinement" was translated into the concept of an unconventional version of a TV-cook : "The Easy Chef". This is a smart young man whose unique and original way of looking at food breaks with conventions. Every TV commercial was an inspiring "live" cooking session with the "Cuisine" products – not only showing the product in use, but also always adding other good advice on how to refine your personal cooking skills (e.g. how to get more lemon juice out of the fruit, how to know when pasta is ready etc.) MEDIA - Broadcast TOTAL MARKETING EXPENDITURE Under €5 million. MEDIA STRATEGY TV was chosen as the primary medium in order to gain high awareness of the new product quickly. In France, Sweden and Finland, advertorials in magazines were also used. Additionally the campaign was supported with in-store advertising in Sweden and Finland. Results - Boursin/ Crème Bonjour Cuisine greatly surpassed expectations with regards to brand awareness. - Points for indicators such as “More appealing”, “Purchase intent” etc. exceed the country norm in all markets and went beyond the set objective of 10 points. - In all markets, Boursin/ Crème Bonjour Cuisine increased its market share well beyond targets.

    虾 (法国)


    Shrimps (French)










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