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    案例简介:@ edkashi的照片/受大流行影响的移民肖像。(1) A.V.,43、在她租的那栋整洁的小房子里遇见了我们。她对美国生活的拥抱是完整的。作为一家大型零售药房的值班主管,自从来自墨西哥城以来,她在美国居住的20年中,有18年一直在纳税。她有两个美国出生的孩子,但由于她没有证件,因此她的家庭中没有人有资格从care法案中获得经济救济。她的丈夫是一名临时工,抓到新型冠状病毒肺炎,失去了三个月的工作。在所有的挫折中,没有什么让A.V. 除了不得不推迟她买房的梦想之外。她获得了抵押贷款的批准,并准备了首付-直到大流行爆发,她的房地产经纪人告诉她,该公司将不再与无证件的买家合作。(2) G.R.,52,最初来自墨西哥普埃布拉,是新泽西州莱克伍德社区主要是东正教犹太家庭的房屋清洁工。自3月份疫情爆发以来,她不得不停止工作,失去了所有的客户。她正在努力抚养两个学龄女儿,并且拖欠租金。(3) f.m.x.,66岁,也来自普埃布拉 (Puebla),他在那里装饰了汽车内饰。2008年,他在索诺兰沙漠 (Sonoran Desert) 进入美国的旅途中晕倒了,幸存下来只是因为他的走私者回来找他。自从新泽西州英格兰镇的赛道因疫情而关闭以来,他一直无法回到他在新泽西州英格兰镇的赛道工作。他在3月份感染新型冠状病毒肺炎并住院; 从那以后,他一直依赖捐赠食物和药品。他与死亡的两把刷子帮助他决定了自己的未来: 他计划返回墨西哥。(4) M.R.,52岁,是普埃布拉 (Puebla) 的农民,他已经在美国呆了17年。他是承包商的临时工。他没有证件,由于大流行而失去工作,他无法将钱寄回墨西哥给他的妻子和8个孩子,他已经14年没有见过他们了。他计划回家。# 移民 # 大流行 # 工人 # 美国undercovid # 移民工人

    案例简介:Photos by @edkashi / Portraits of immigrants impacted by the pandemic.(1) A.V., 43, met us in the small, tidy house she rents. Her embrace of the American life is complete. As a shift supervisor at a major retail pharmacy, she's been paying taxes for 18 of the 20 years she's lived in the United States, since coming from Mexico City. She has two American-born children, but because she is undocumented, no one in her family qualified for financial relief from the CARES Act. Her husband, a day laborer, caught COVID-19 and lost three months of work. Of all the setbacks, nothing disappointed A.V. more than having to postpone her dream of buying a home. She was approved for a mortgage and had a down payment ready—until the pandemic hit and her realtor told her that the company would no longer work with undocumented buyers.(2) G.R., 52, originally from Puebla, Mexico, is a house cleaner for mostly Orthodox Jewish families in the community of Lakewood, New Jersey. She's had to stop working since the pandemic hit in March and lost all her clients. She's struggling to support her two school-age daughters and is behind on rent.(3) F.M.X., 66, is also from Puebla, where he upholstered car interiors. He collapsed during his journey into the states through the Sonoran Desert in 2008, surviving only because his smuggler came back for him. He's not been able to return to his groundskeeping job at the raceway in Englishtown, New Jersey, since its closure due to the pandemic. He was infected with COVID-19 in March and hospitalized; he's relied on donations for food and medicine since. His two brushes with death helped make up his mind about his future: He plans to return to Mexico.(4) M.R., 52, was a farmer from Puebla, and he's been in America for 17 years. He works as a day laborer for contractors. He's undocumented, and the loss of work from the pandemic has made it impossible for him to send money back to Mexico to his wife and eight children, who he hasn’t seen in 14 years. He plans to return home. #immigrants #pandemic #workers #Americaundercovid #immigrantworkers

    国家地理 - Photos by @edkashi / Portraits of immigrants impacted by the pandemic.(1) A.V., 43, met us in the small, tidy house she r

    案例简介:@ edkashi的照片/受大流行影响的移民肖像。(1) A.V.,43、在她租的那栋整洁的小房子里遇见了我们。她对美国生活的拥抱是完整的。作为一家大型零售药房的值班主管,自从来自墨西哥城以来,她在美国居住的20年中,有18年一直在纳税。她有两个美国出生的孩子,但由于她没有证件,因此她的家庭中没有人有资格从care法案中获得经济救济。她的丈夫是一名临时工,抓到新型冠状病毒肺炎,失去了三个月的工作。在所有的挫折中,没有什么让A.V. 除了不得不推迟她买房的梦想之外。她获得了抵押贷款的批准,并准备了首付-直到大流行爆发,她的房地产经纪人告诉她,该公司将不再与无证件的买家合作。(2) G.R.,52,最初来自墨西哥普埃布拉,是新泽西州莱克伍德社区主要是东正教犹太家庭的房屋清洁工。自3月份疫情爆发以来,她不得不停止工作,失去了所有的客户。她正在努力抚养两个学龄女儿,并且拖欠租金。(3) f.m.x.,66岁,也来自普埃布拉 (Puebla),他在那里装饰了汽车内饰。2008年,他在索诺兰沙漠 (Sonoran Desert) 进入美国的旅途中晕倒了,幸存下来只是因为他的走私者回来找他。自从新泽西州英格兰镇的赛道因疫情而关闭以来,他一直无法回到他在新泽西州英格兰镇的赛道工作。他在3月份感染新型冠状病毒肺炎并住院; 从那以后,他一直依赖捐赠食物和药品。他与死亡的两把刷子帮助他决定了自己的未来: 他计划返回墨西哥。(4) M.R.,52岁,是普埃布拉 (Puebla) 的农民,他已经在美国呆了17年。他是承包商的临时工。他没有证件,由于大流行而失去工作,他无法将钱寄回墨西哥给他的妻子和8个孩子,他已经14年没有见过他们了。他计划回家。# 移民 # 大流行 # 工人 # 美国undercovid # 移民工人

    国家地理 - Photos by @edkashi / Portraits of immigrants impacted by the pandemic.(1) A.V., 43, met us in the small, tidy house she r

    案例简介:Photos by @edkashi / Portraits of immigrants impacted by the pandemic.(1) A.V., 43, met us in the small, tidy house she rents. Her embrace of the American life is complete. As a shift supervisor at a major retail pharmacy, she's been paying taxes for 18 of the 20 years she's lived in the United States, since coming from Mexico City. She has two American-born children, but because she is undocumented, no one in her family qualified for financial relief from the CARES Act. Her husband, a day laborer, caught COVID-19 and lost three months of work. Of all the setbacks, nothing disappointed A.V. more than having to postpone her dream of buying a home. She was approved for a mortgage and had a down payment ready—until the pandemic hit and her realtor told her that the company would no longer work with undocumented buyers.(2) G.R., 52, originally from Puebla, Mexico, is a house cleaner for mostly Orthodox Jewish families in the community of Lakewood, New Jersey. She's had to stop working since the pandemic hit in March and lost all her clients. She's struggling to support her two school-age daughters and is behind on rent.(3) F.M.X., 66, is also from Puebla, where he upholstered car interiors. He collapsed during his journey into the states through the Sonoran Desert in 2008, surviving only because his smuggler came back for him. He's not been able to return to his groundskeeping job at the raceway in Englishtown, New Jersey, since its closure due to the pandemic. He was infected with COVID-19 in March and hospitalized; he's relied on donations for food and medicine since. His two brushes with death helped make up his mind about his future: He plans to return to Mexico.(4) M.R., 52, was a farmer from Puebla, and he's been in America for 17 years. He works as a day laborer for contractors. He's undocumented, and the loss of work from the pandemic has made it impossible for him to send money back to Mexico to his wife and eight children, who he hasn’t seen in 14 years. He plans to return home. #immigrants #pandemic #workers #Americaundercovid #immigrantworkers


    国家地理 - Photos by @edkashi / Portraits of immigrants impacted by the pandemic.(1) A.V., 43, met us in the small, tidy house she r










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