案例简介:照片由 @ michaelchristopherbrown / Andre Bauma在Senwekwe大猩猩孤儿院中心携带一只孤儿大猩猩,这里是刚果民主共和国维龙加国家公园孤儿山地大猩猩的家园。Senkwekwe是世界上唯一一个收容在刚果战争和起义中失去父母的孤儿大猩猩的设施,并给大猩猩第二次生命的机会。在非洲最受保护的地区和非洲大陆的第一个国家公园中,维龙加于1979年被联合国教科文组织指定为世界遗产。它是活火山和数百种特有物种的家园,包括东部大猩猩和金丝猴。住在戈马的时候,我花了很多时间在郁郁葱葱、偏远的3,000平方英里的地方旅行,那里充满了壮丽。维龙加最近成为头条新闻,当时它的12名公园管理员在保护公园里的人和动物时被杀害,这些人都是在偷猎者、民兵和其他想利用公园资源的人的摆布下被杀害的。关注 @ michaelchristopherbrown,了解更多来自世界各地的人类故事。
案例简介:Photo by @michaelchristopherbrown / Andre Bauma carries an orphaned gorilla at the Senwekwe Gorilla Orphanage Center, home to orphaned mountain gorillas from Virunga National Park, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Senkwekwe is the world’s only facility that harbors orphaned gorillas that lost parents during the Congo wars and uprisings, and gives the gorillas a second chance at life. Among the most protected areas of Africa and the continent's first national park, Virunga was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1979. It's home to active volcanoes and hundreds of endemic species including the eastern gorilla and the golden monkey. While living in Goma, I spent much time traveling through the lush, remote 3,000-square-mile area, full of grandeur. Virunga made headlines recently when 12 of its park rangers were killed while protecting people and animals in the park, ever at the mercy of poachers, militias, and others looking to take advantage of park resources. Follow @michaelchristopherbrown for more human stories from around the world.
国家地理 - Photo by @michaelchristopherbrown / Andre Bauma carries an orphaned gorilla at the Senwekwe Gorilla Orphanage Center, hom
案例简介:照片由 @ michaelchristopherbrown / Andre Bauma在Senwekwe大猩猩孤儿院中心携带一只孤儿大猩猩,这里是刚果民主共和国维龙加国家公园孤儿山地大猩猩的家园。Senkwekwe是世界上唯一一个收容在刚果战争和起义中失去父母的孤儿大猩猩的设施,并给大猩猩第二次生命的机会。在非洲最受保护的地区和非洲大陆的第一个国家公园中,维龙加于1979年被联合国教科文组织指定为世界遗产。它是活火山和数百种特有物种的家园,包括东部大猩猩和金丝猴。住在戈马的时候,我花了很多时间在郁郁葱葱、偏远的3,000平方英里的地方旅行,那里充满了壮丽。维龙加最近成为头条新闻,当时它的12名公园管理员在保护公园里的人和动物时被杀害,这些人都是在偷猎者、民兵和其他想利用公园资源的人的摆布下被杀害的。关注 @ michaelchristopherbrown,了解更多来自世界各地的人类故事。
国家地理 - Photo by @michaelchristopherbrown / Andre Bauma carries an orphaned gorilla at the Senwekwe Gorilla Orphanage Center, hom
案例简介:Photo by @michaelchristopherbrown / Andre Bauma carries an orphaned gorilla at the Senwekwe Gorilla Orphanage Center, home to orphaned mountain gorillas from Virunga National Park, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Senkwekwe is the world’s only facility that harbors orphaned gorillas that lost parents during the Congo wars and uprisings, and gives the gorillas a second chance at life. Among the most protected areas of Africa and the continent's first national park, Virunga was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1979. It's home to active volcanoes and hundreds of endemic species including the eastern gorilla and the golden monkey. While living in Goma, I spent much time traveling through the lush, remote 3,000-square-mile area, full of grandeur. Virunga made headlines recently when 12 of its park rangers were killed while protecting people and animals in the park, ever at the mercy of poachers, militias, and others looking to take advantage of park resources. Follow @michaelchristopherbrown for more human stories from around the world.
国家地理 - Photo by @michaelchristopherbrown / Andre Bauma carries an orphaned gorilla at the Senwekwe Gorilla Orphanage Center, hom
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