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    Go Balls Out短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 # GoBallsOut 是一个基于手机的运动挑战,让男性使用免费的全球定位系统运动跟踪应用程序来绘制公鸡和球的形状 -- 这是他们自能持有以来一直愉快地绘制的东西一支铅笔。我们要求他们在社交媒体上与 # goballout 分享,并挑战他们的同伴加入进来。在参加挑战的过程中,他们做了一件有助于预防疾病的事情 -- 锻炼。我们还向他们展示了如何检查自己的疾病,如果发现任何问题,我们会得到帮助。 战略 很难让年轻人关心严重的医疗问题,更不用说参加像 # GoBallsOut 这样的积极挑战了。我们决定利用体育英雄、名人、艺术家和音乐家等有影响力的人来帮助传播信息,以此激励他们参与进来。在第一天,我们会让他们开始发布他们的公鸡和球地图,并挑战新西兰男性加入进来,开始分享他们自己的地图。我们还将针对我们的目标群体观看的适当的新闻媒体、体育和 “信息娱乐” 电视节目。这个故事也将向国际媒体发布。有针对性的社交和数字活动也将支持我们的公关活动。考虑到我们这个年龄段的人对他们的移动设备上瘾,最近健身应用和可穿戴设备的流行,以及他们对社交媒体和名人的热爱,我们认为这种方法会达到目标。 概要 睾丸癌是 15-39 岁男性的头号癌症。但是这些年轻人完全忘记了这一点 -- 这个年龄组的意识非常低。癌症甚至不在他们的雷达上。然而,这种疾病如果早期发现,是可以治疗的。这也是一个鲜为人知的事实,锻炼是帮助预防睾丸癌的最好和最简单的事情之一。我们需要提高对睾丸癌的认识,告诉年轻人如何预防睾丸癌,让他们在为时已晚之前检查自己的疾病。考虑到男性在谈论像这样严重的医疗问题时非常不舒服,这一挑战变得更加困难。 执行 在 4月全球睾丸癌意识月期间执行了 Go Balls Out。第一天,我们通过一系列采访和新闻媒体上的故事开始了公关活动,提高了人们对睾丸癌的认识,并介绍了 # GoBallsOut 挑战赛。我们的影响者已经准备好了,在社交媒体上播种了他们的 GPS 公鸡和球地图,并挑战新西兰男性走出去,在他们的移动设备上绘制他们的地图。一个沉重的社交和数字活动有效地用不可错过的公鸡和球的图像填充了我们目标的新闻提要。很快,来自新西兰和世界各地的男性发起了这项挑战,并加入了进来。 结果 # GoBallsOut 运动在新西兰以 15 比 39 的比例达到了 86%。运动前后的研究表明,我们的目标 71% 提高了人们对运动有助于预防睾丸癌的认识。仅仅两周后,超过 400万人观看了我们的视频 (仅花费 0.001 美元),并学会了如何检查自己是否患有睾丸癌。一些发现症状的年轻男性已经联系了新西兰睾丸癌,现在正在接受进一步的帮助。到第一天结束时,竞选活动在 Mashable 和英国广播公司流行起来。在接下来的几天里,我们获得了《独立报》、《赫芬顿邮报》、《 Reddit 》、《福克斯新闻》、《小伙子圣经》以及数百篇社论报道,通过超过 194 篇社论的提及覆盖了 400 个国家。毫无疑问,意识提高了,这种厚颜无耻的小公鸡和球的线条实际上拯救了生命。


    案例简介:CampaignDescription #GoBallsOut was a mobile phone-based exercise challenge that got males using a free GPS Exercise tracking app to map the shape of a Cock & Balls - something they’ve been happily drawing since they could hold a pencil. We asked them to share it on social media with #GoBallsOut, and challenge their mates to join in too. In taking part in the challenge, they were doing the very thing that can help prevent the disease - exercise.We also showed them how to check themselves for the disease, and get help if any problems were discovered. Strategy It’s hard getting young guys to care about serious medical issues, let alone take part in active challenges like #GoBallsOut. We decided to motivate them to get involved by using influencers like sporting heroes, celebrities, artists & musicians to help spread the message. On day 1 we would get them to begin posting their Cock & Balls maps and to challenge New Zealand males to join in and start sharing their own maps.We would also target the appropriate news media, sports, and “infotainment” TV shows that our target group watch. The story would also be released to international media.A targeted social & digital campaign would also support our PR activity.Given our age group’s addiction to their mobile devices, and the recent popularity of fitness apps and wearables, and their love of social media and celebrities – we thought this approach would hit the mark. Synopsis Testicular Cancer is the #1 Cancer for 15-39 year old males. But these young guys are completely oblivious to it – awareness amongst this age group is shockingly low. Cancer’s not even on their radar. However the disease is very treatable, if caught early. It’s also a little-known fact that exercise is one of the best and easiest things you can do to help prevent Testicular Cancer.We needed to raise awareness of Testicular Cancer, tell young guys how to prevent it, and get them to check themselves for the disease before it’s too late.A challenge made harder considering that males are extremely uncomfortable talking about serious medical issues like this. Execution Go Balls Out was executed during April – Worldwide Testicular Cancer Awareness Month. On day 1 we kicked off with PR via a series of interviews and stories on news media that raised awareness about Testicular Cancer, and introduced the #GoBallsOut Challenge. Our influencers were ready, and seeded their GPS Cock & Balls maps across social media, and challenged New Zealand males to get out there and map theirs on their mobile devices too.A heavy social and digital campaign effectively filled the newsfeeds of our target with unmissable images of Cocks & Balls.Soon enough, the challenge caught on and males from New Zealand, and all over the world got mobile and joined in. Outcome The #GoBallsOut campaign reached 86% of men 15-39 in NZ.Pre & post campaign research showed our target had a 71% increase in awareness that exercise helped prevent testicular cancer.After just two weeks over four million people had watched our videos (at a cost of just $0.001) and learnt how to check themselves for testicular cancer. Testicular Cancer NZ has been contacted by a number of young men who have found symptoms, and are now receiving further help. By the end of day one the campaign was trending on Mashable and the BBC. Over the following days we earned editorial coverage on The independent, Huffington Post, Reddit, Fox News, Lad Bible, and hundreds more, reaching 194 countries through over 400 editorial mentions.Awareness was undoubtedly raised, and lives were actually saved by this cheeky little line drawing of a cock & balls.

    Go Balls Out

    案例简介:活动描述 # GoBallsOut 是一个基于手机的运动挑战,让男性使用免费的全球定位系统运动跟踪应用程序来绘制公鸡和球的形状 -- 这是他们自能持有以来一直愉快地绘制的东西一支铅笔。我们要求他们在社交媒体上与 # goballout 分享,并挑战他们的同伴加入进来。在参加挑战的过程中,他们做了一件有助于预防疾病的事情 -- 锻炼。我们还向他们展示了如何检查自己的疾病,如果发现任何问题,我们会得到帮助。 战略 很难让年轻人关心严重的医疗问题,更不用说参加像 # GoBallsOut 这样的积极挑战了。我们决定利用体育英雄、名人、艺术家和音乐家等有影响力的人来帮助传播信息,以此激励他们参与进来。在第一天,我们会让他们开始发布他们的公鸡和球地图,并挑战新西兰男性加入进来,开始分享他们自己的地图。我们还将针对我们的目标群体观看的适当的新闻媒体、体育和 “信息娱乐” 电视节目。这个故事也将向国际媒体发布。有针对性的社交和数字活动也将支持我们的公关活动。考虑到我们这个年龄段的人对他们的移动设备上瘾,最近健身应用和可穿戴设备的流行,以及他们对社交媒体和名人的热爱,我们认为这种方法会达到目标。 概要 睾丸癌是 15-39 岁男性的头号癌症。但是这些年轻人完全忘记了这一点 -- 这个年龄组的意识非常低。癌症甚至不在他们的雷达上。然而,这种疾病如果早期发现,是可以治疗的。这也是一个鲜为人知的事实,锻炼是帮助预防睾丸癌的最好和最简单的事情之一。我们需要提高对睾丸癌的认识,告诉年轻人如何预防睾丸癌,让他们在为时已晚之前检查自己的疾病。考虑到男性在谈论像这样严重的医疗问题时非常不舒服,这一挑战变得更加困难。 执行 在 4月全球睾丸癌意识月期间执行了 Go Balls Out。第一天,我们通过一系列采访和新闻媒体上的故事开始了公关活动,提高了人们对睾丸癌的认识,并介绍了 # GoBallsOut 挑战赛。我们的影响者已经准备好了,在社交媒体上播种了他们的 GPS 公鸡和球地图,并挑战新西兰男性走出去,在他们的移动设备上绘制他们的地图。一个沉重的社交和数字活动有效地用不可错过的公鸡和球的图像填充了我们目标的新闻提要。很快,来自新西兰和世界各地的男性发起了这项挑战,并加入了进来。 结果 # GoBallsOut 运动在新西兰以 15 比 39 的比例达到了 86%。运动前后的研究表明,我们的目标 71% 提高了人们对运动有助于预防睾丸癌的认识。仅仅两周后,超过 400万人观看了我们的视频 (仅花费 0.001 美元),并学会了如何检查自己是否患有睾丸癌。一些发现症状的年轻男性已经联系了新西兰睾丸癌,现在正在接受进一步的帮助。到第一天结束时,竞选活动在 Mashable 和英国广播公司流行起来。在接下来的几天里,我们获得了《独立报》、《赫芬顿邮报》、《 Reddit 》、《福克斯新闻》、《小伙子圣经》以及数百篇社论报道,通过超过 194 篇社论的提及覆盖了 400 个国家。毫无疑问,意识提高了,这种厚颜无耻的小公鸡和球的线条实际上拯救了生命。

    Go Balls Out

    案例简介:CampaignDescription #GoBallsOut was a mobile phone-based exercise challenge that got males using a free GPS Exercise tracking app to map the shape of a Cock & Balls - something they’ve been happily drawing since they could hold a pencil. We asked them to share it on social media with #GoBallsOut, and challenge their mates to join in too. In taking part in the challenge, they were doing the very thing that can help prevent the disease - exercise.We also showed them how to check themselves for the disease, and get help if any problems were discovered. Strategy It’s hard getting young guys to care about serious medical issues, let alone take part in active challenges like #GoBallsOut. We decided to motivate them to get involved by using influencers like sporting heroes, celebrities, artists & musicians to help spread the message. On day 1 we would get them to begin posting their Cock & Balls maps and to challenge New Zealand males to join in and start sharing their own maps.We would also target the appropriate news media, sports, and “infotainment” TV shows that our target group watch. The story would also be released to international media.A targeted social & digital campaign would also support our PR activity.Given our age group’s addiction to their mobile devices, and the recent popularity of fitness apps and wearables, and their love of social media and celebrities – we thought this approach would hit the mark. Synopsis Testicular Cancer is the #1 Cancer for 15-39 year old males. But these young guys are completely oblivious to it – awareness amongst this age group is shockingly low. Cancer’s not even on their radar. However the disease is very treatable, if caught early. It’s also a little-known fact that exercise is one of the best and easiest things you can do to help prevent Testicular Cancer.We needed to raise awareness of Testicular Cancer, tell young guys how to prevent it, and get them to check themselves for the disease before it’s too late.A challenge made harder considering that males are extremely uncomfortable talking about serious medical issues like this. Execution Go Balls Out was executed during April – Worldwide Testicular Cancer Awareness Month. On day 1 we kicked off with PR via a series of interviews and stories on news media that raised awareness about Testicular Cancer, and introduced the #GoBallsOut Challenge. Our influencers were ready, and seeded their GPS Cock & Balls maps across social media, and challenged New Zealand males to get out there and map theirs on their mobile devices too.A heavy social and digital campaign effectively filled the newsfeeds of our target with unmissable images of Cocks & Balls.Soon enough, the challenge caught on and males from New Zealand, and all over the world got mobile and joined in. Outcome The #GoBallsOut campaign reached 86% of men 15-39 in NZ.Pre & post campaign research showed our target had a 71% increase in awareness that exercise helped prevent testicular cancer.After just two weeks over four million people had watched our videos (at a cost of just $0.001) and learnt how to check themselves for testicular cancer. Testicular Cancer NZ has been contacted by a number of young men who have found symptoms, and are now receiving further help. By the end of day one the campaign was trending on Mashable and the BBC. Over the following days we earned editorial coverage on The independent, Huffington Post, Reddit, Fox News, Lad Bible, and hundreds more, reaching 194 countries through over 400 editorial mentions.Awareness was undoubtedly raised, and lives were actually saved by this cheeky little line drawing of a cock & balls.



    Go Balls Out










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