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    案例简介:阿迪达斯原创体现了底特律的创意复兴,由身份的菲利普 · 安德尔曼通过约翰尼斯 · 莱昂纳多执导的极简主义运动 纽约 (2017年10月18日) -- 阿迪达斯原创和约翰尼斯 · 莱昂纳多最近利用身份的菲利普 · 安德尔曼指导了一场当代运动,捕捉了阿迪达斯原创的 EQT 系列的简约哲学。五点运动通过展示当地艺术家和音乐家来表达底特律的创新精神,底特律是一个创新重生中的前瞻性城市。该活动在 Instagram 上首映,可在这里在线观看: https://vimeo.com/album/4741764 “EQT 品牌的整个理论是,它植根于精简的本质主义,” 导演安德尔曼说,“第一个 EQT 系列于 90 年代初在柏林诞生, 当它去年重新推出时,阿迪达斯 Originals 选择底特律作为 EQT 的新基地。他们就像姐妹城市,原始而真实,经历着重生和繁荣的艺术社区。在底特律拍摄一直是我的梦想,我真的和 EQT 品牌背后的哲学联系在一起。" 该活动在外景拍摄,包括四个 15 秒的地点,是当地底特律人才的迷你肖像,包括说唱歌手丹尼 · 布朗、音乐家和创意天使 · 哈兹, 艺术家 Tiff Massey 和音乐家兼制片人杰伊 · 丹尼尔。这场运动拥抱了底特律永恒的精神,一个充满灵魂的城市,从灰烬中崛起,从特色艺术家的眼中可以看到。一个长 60 秒的镜头达到了所有四位艺术家的创作理念的高潮,在整个城市的精简地点拍摄。 “这些地方令人惊叹,令人难以忘怀,非常美丽。“展示底特律的废墟很容易,但我们想展示一座准备开花结果并濒临复兴的城市,” 安德尔曼说,“我与民主党密切合作,我的朋友马克斯 · 戈德曼选择了一个看起来不像废墟的空旷的地方,而是表达了一种希望,那就是这个城市正在诞生。" 稀疏的位置与柔和、回响的配乐配对,为这座城市的艺术复兴创造了一个空画布,由创新的增长和转型推动。 关于身份 自成立以来,IDENTITY 凭借其视觉精致、个性和令人耳目一新的创造力,精心打造了品牌和声誉。IDENTITY 精心策划的高度创新和独特的导演名册受到世界各地的追捧。身份在三星、欧莱雅、蒂芙尼、吉列和雷克萨斯等客户的获奖作品上留下了印记,创造了一个创造力不断蓬勃发展的环境。作为视觉风格流派的主角,IDENTITY 的导演涵盖了完整的故事讲述和生活方式。 身份在曼哈顿 meatpacking 区的开放式论坛阁楼中蓬勃发展。在这个集体中,发现董事在其他项目上合作并不罕见。在轻松的氛围中做出色的工作是公司信条的一部分。 https://identityid.com/


    案例简介:Adidas Originals Embodies Detroit’s Creative Renaissance with Minimalist Campaign Directed by IDENTITY’s Philip Andelman via Johannes Leonardo New York, NY (October 18, 2017) – Adidas Originals and Johannes Leonardo recently tapped IDENTITY’s Philip Andelman to direct a contemporary campaign that captures the minimalist philosophy of Adidas Originals’ EQT line. The five-spot campaign expresses the creative spirit of Detroit, a forward-look city in the midst of an innovative rebirth, by featuring local artists and musicians. The campaign premiered on Instagram and is available to watch online here: https://vimeo.com/album/4741764 “The whole theory of the EQT brand is that it’s rooted in stripped down, sparse essentialism,” said Director Andelman, “The first EQT line was born in Berlin in the early 90s, and when it was relaunched last year, Adidas Originals picked Detroit as EQT’s new home base. They’re like sister cities, raw and real, undergoing a rebirth and fostering thriving artistic communities. It’s always been a dream of mine to shoot in Detroit, and I really connected with the philosophy behind the EQT brand.” Filmed on location, the campaign includes four 15-second spots that are mini portraits of local Detroit talent, including rapper Danny Brown, musician and creative Angel Haze, artist Tiff Massey and musician and producer Jay Daniel. The campaign embraces the undying spirit of Detroit, a city infused with soul, rising up from the ashes, as seen through the eyes of the featured artists. A longer 60-second spot culminates the creative philosophies of all four artists, shot in stripped-down locations throughout the city. “The locations were breathtaking, haunting and beautiful. It’s easy to show ruins in Detroit, but we wanted to show a city ready to blossom and on the verge of a revival,” noted Andelman, “I worked closely with the DP, my friend Max Goldman, to select stark, empty locations that didn’t feel like ruins, and instead expressed a sense of hope that there’s a birth taking place in the city.” The sparse locations are paired with a soft, echoed soundtrack, creating an empty canvas for an artistic renaissance in the city fueled by innovative growth and transformation. About IDENTITY From its inception, IDENTITY has painstakingly built a brand and reputation based on their visual sophistication, individuality, and refreshing creativity. IDENTITY’s curated roster of highly innovative and unique directors are sought after all over the world. IDENTITY has made its mark on award-winning work for clients such as Samsung, L’Oreal, Tiffany, Gillette and Lexus, creating an environment where creativity continuously flourishes. Headlining the visual-style genre, IDENTITY’s directors cover the complete range of storytelling and lifestyle. IDENTITY thrives in an open forum loft located in Manhattan’s meatpacking district. At this collective, it is not unusual to find directors collaborating on others’ projects. It’s all part of the company credo to have a great time doing remarkable work in a relaxed atmosphere. https://identityid.com/


    案例简介:阿迪达斯原创体现了底特律的创意复兴,由身份的菲利普 · 安德尔曼通过约翰尼斯 · 莱昂纳多执导的极简主义运动 纽约 (2017年10月18日) -- 阿迪达斯原创和约翰尼斯 · 莱昂纳多最近利用身份的菲利普 · 安德尔曼指导了一场当代运动,捕捉了阿迪达斯原创的 EQT 系列的简约哲学。五点运动通过展示当地艺术家和音乐家来表达底特律的创新精神,底特律是一个创新重生中的前瞻性城市。该活动在 Instagram 上首映,可在这里在线观看: https://vimeo.com/album/4741764 “EQT 品牌的整个理论是,它植根于精简的本质主义,” 导演安德尔曼说,“第一个 EQT 系列于 90 年代初在柏林诞生, 当它去年重新推出时,阿迪达斯 Originals 选择底特律作为 EQT 的新基地。他们就像姐妹城市,原始而真实,经历着重生和繁荣的艺术社区。在底特律拍摄一直是我的梦想,我真的和 EQT 品牌背后的哲学联系在一起。" 该活动在外景拍摄,包括四个 15 秒的地点,是当地底特律人才的迷你肖像,包括说唱歌手丹尼 · 布朗、音乐家和创意天使 · 哈兹, 艺术家 Tiff Massey 和音乐家兼制片人杰伊 · 丹尼尔。这场运动拥抱了底特律永恒的精神,一个充满灵魂的城市,从灰烬中崛起,从特色艺术家的眼中可以看到。一个长 60 秒的镜头达到了所有四位艺术家的创作理念的高潮,在整个城市的精简地点拍摄。 “这些地方令人惊叹,令人难以忘怀,非常美丽。“展示底特律的废墟很容易,但我们想展示一座准备开花结果并濒临复兴的城市,” 安德尔曼说,“我与民主党密切合作,我的朋友马克斯 · 戈德曼选择了一个看起来不像废墟的空旷的地方,而是表达了一种希望,那就是这个城市正在诞生。" 稀疏的位置与柔和、回响的配乐配对,为这座城市的艺术复兴创造了一个空画布,由创新的增长和转型推动。 关于身份 自成立以来,IDENTITY 凭借其视觉精致、个性和令人耳目一新的创造力,精心打造了品牌和声誉。IDENTITY 精心策划的高度创新和独特的导演名册受到世界各地的追捧。身份在三星、欧莱雅、蒂芙尼、吉列和雷克萨斯等客户的获奖作品上留下了印记,创造了一个创造力不断蓬勃发展的环境。作为视觉风格流派的主角,IDENTITY 的导演涵盖了完整的故事讲述和生活方式。 身份在曼哈顿 meatpacking 区的开放式论坛阁楼中蓬勃发展。在这个集体中,发现董事在其他项目上合作并不罕见。在轻松的氛围中做出色的工作是公司信条的一部分。 https://identityid.com/


    案例简介:Adidas Originals Embodies Detroit’s Creative Renaissance with Minimalist Campaign Directed by IDENTITY’s Philip Andelman via Johannes Leonardo New York, NY (October 18, 2017) – Adidas Originals and Johannes Leonardo recently tapped IDENTITY’s Philip Andelman to direct a contemporary campaign that captures the minimalist philosophy of Adidas Originals’ EQT line. The five-spot campaign expresses the creative spirit of Detroit, a forward-look city in the midst of an innovative rebirth, by featuring local artists and musicians. The campaign premiered on Instagram and is available to watch online here: https://vimeo.com/album/4741764 “The whole theory of the EQT brand is that it’s rooted in stripped down, sparse essentialism,” said Director Andelman, “The first EQT line was born in Berlin in the early 90s, and when it was relaunched last year, Adidas Originals picked Detroit as EQT’s new home base. They’re like sister cities, raw and real, undergoing a rebirth and fostering thriving artistic communities. It’s always been a dream of mine to shoot in Detroit, and I really connected with the philosophy behind the EQT brand.” Filmed on location, the campaign includes four 15-second spots that are mini portraits of local Detroit talent, including rapper Danny Brown, musician and creative Angel Haze, artist Tiff Massey and musician and producer Jay Daniel. The campaign embraces the undying spirit of Detroit, a city infused with soul, rising up from the ashes, as seen through the eyes of the featured artists. A longer 60-second spot culminates the creative philosophies of all four artists, shot in stripped-down locations throughout the city. “The locations were breathtaking, haunting and beautiful. It’s easy to show ruins in Detroit, but we wanted to show a city ready to blossom and on the verge of a revival,” noted Andelman, “I worked closely with the DP, my friend Max Goldman, to select stark, empty locations that didn’t feel like ruins, and instead expressed a sense of hope that there’s a birth taking place in the city.” The sparse locations are paired with a soft, echoed soundtrack, creating an empty canvas for an artistic renaissance in the city fueled by innovative growth and transformation. About IDENTITY From its inception, IDENTITY has painstakingly built a brand and reputation based on their visual sophistication, individuality, and refreshing creativity. IDENTITY’s curated roster of highly innovative and unique directors are sought after all over the world. IDENTITY has made its mark on award-winning work for clients such as Samsung, L’Oreal, Tiffany, Gillette and Lexus, creating an environment where creativity continuously flourishes. Headlining the visual-style genre, IDENTITY’s directors cover the complete range of storytelling and lifestyle. IDENTITY thrives in an open forum loft located in Manhattan’s meatpacking district. At this collective, it is not unusual to find directors collaborating on others’ projects. It’s all part of the company credo to have a great time doing remarkable work in a relaxed atmosphere. https://identityid.com/









    广告公司: Johannes Leonardo (美国 纽约) 制作公司: Identity




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