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    Hope Inside The Fire短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 随着达科塔输油管道的抗议活动变得越来越激烈,主流媒体网络上燃烧的汽车和蒙面男子的照片被飞溅。然而,在标题后面,我们发现一个纯粹而独特的精神营地正在祈祷拯救站立的岩石苏部落唯一的供水。 “火中的希望” 证明了美国人和平祈祷的力量,这是其他媒体没有报道的。这是对寻找比自己更大的东西来改变环境和信仰斗争的谦卑行为的探索,这种斗争本质上是: 在受伤时宽恕,在邪恶面前行善, 向敌人示爱。 战略 我们有目的地给自己多个限制,以便让我们专注于我们的核心概念 -- 土著人祈祷的力量。我们不想让它同时尝试太多的事情。我们决定用胶片拍摄,只使用三个不同的镜头,因为使用这种相机的技术困难,迫使我们找到真正的人类时刻和联系。此外,我们知道电影的处理需要相当长的时间,所以我们试图找到那些在我们无法控制的日常变化中幸存下来的时刻。我们也知道我们将从一开始就小心翼翼地使用库存镜头,对比数字的、有问题的、和痛苦的图像与有机电影,显示了人们与地球的联系。 执行 我们首先参加了抗议活动,以支持该运动,随后在 Oceti Sakowin 营地呆了头五天。我们花了所有的时间与当地人建立真正的关系,从他们在营地的时间里了解他们的精神经历,以及这对他们意味着什么。当我们拿出相机的时候,我们已经离拍摄对象足够近了,他们让我们进入了他们最亲密的时刻,这些时刻在屏幕上被翻译得非常出色。因为营地没有细胞服务,也没有时间表,我们不得不将生产延长一天,以便捕捉一切。然而,花时间和个人在一起是我们看到他们精神实践力量的唯一途径。 结果 我们在 3月10日发布了这个视频,以回应当地国家在华盛顿的游行。这段视频获得了 Nowness 首映,也被各种其他出版物报道,比如《在线外》,将其描述为 “你没有看到的站立岩石的一面”。该视频通过许多支持抗议的大型 Facebook 团体分享,获得了超过 50,000 的浏览量、 1,000 的分享和 2,000 的赞。对于一个拥有有限新闻资源的小型乐队来说,我们对它获得的吸引力非常满意。最重要的是,许多意识到抗议但没有参与的观众被他们所目睹的受影响者的人性所感动,他们对人民、地方和角色进行了赌注。 相关性 “火中的希望” 是对今年音乐视频的独特贡献。在许多方面,音乐视频可以是一种稍微自私和空洞的形式,只需选择艺术家们可以利用的最新审美趋势。在这个项目中,乐队热衷于与阻止达科塔接入管道抗议的运动合作,这表明音乐和信息可以被重新翻译成另一种创造性的社会正义交流。这些年来,肯定还有其他视频提到了社会正义运动,但很少有人如此密切地融合了纪录片和音乐视频。 概要 在乐队寻找音乐视频的时候,我 (导演) 受到了北达科他州管道抗议中警察暴行的图像和故事的影响。我正在考虑自己拍摄一部关于抗议的纪录片,但仍在考虑一个我能够处理这个问题的角度。当我第一次听到这首曲目时,它似乎真的是这首曲子的完美主题链接。


    案例简介:CampaignDescription As protests at the Dakota Access Pipeline became increasingly heated, images of burning cars and masked men were spattered across mainstream media networks. However, behind the headline, we discovered a pure and singular spiritual camp was committing itself in prayer to save the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s only water supply.“Hope Inside the Fire” is a testament to the power of the Natives Americans’ peaceful prayer, that was not covered by other outlets. It is an exploration of the humble act of looking to something bigger than oneself to change circumstance and the struggle of faith that inherently carries: forgiving when hurt, doing good in the face of evil, and showing love to an enemy. Strategy We purposefully gave ourselves multiple constraints in order to focus us on our core concept - the power of the Natives' prayer. We didn't want it to try and be too many things at once. We decided to shoot on film and only use three different lenses, forcing us to find the real human moments and connection because of the technical difficulties of working with such a camera. Also, we knew the processing of the film would take quite a long time, so consequently tried to find the moments that would survive the daily changes that were out of our control. We also knew that we were going to use stock footage, cautiously, from the beginning, contrasting the digital, glitchy, and painful images with the organic film that showed the connection of the people to the earth. Execution We were at the protest first and foremost to support the movement and consequently spent the first five days embedding at the Oceti Sakowin Camp. We spent all our time building real relationships with locals and learning about their spiritual experiences from their time at the camp and what it had meant to them. By the time we brought out the camera we were close enough with the subjects that they let us into some of their most intimate moments which were translated brilliantly on screen. Because there was no cell-service at camp and consequently no schedule, we had to extend the production by a day in order to capture everything. However, taking the time to be present with individuals was the only way we were going to see the power of their spiritual practice. Outcome We released the video on March 10th for the Native Nations March on Washington to a great response. The video received a Nowness Premiere and was also covered by a variety of other publications such as Outside Online describing it as "the side to standing rock you didn't see". The video was shared through many of the larger Facebook groups supporting the protest, garnering over 50,000 views, 1,000 shares, and 2,000 likes. For a small band with modest press resources for the launch, we were very happy with the traction it gained. Most importantly, many viewers who were aware of the protest, but unengaged, became moved by the humanity of the affected they witnessed, taking stakes in the people, the place, and the characters. Relevancy “Hope Inside the Fire” is a unique contribution to this year's music videos. In many ways music videos can be a slightly self-serving and vacuous format, simply picking the latest aesthetic trends for artists to capitilize on. In this project, the band was keen to partner with the campaign to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline protests, showing that music and message can be retranslated into another creative communication for social justice. There have definitely been other videos that referenced social justice movements over the years but few have blended documentary and music video so intimately. Synopsis At the time the band was looking for a music video, I (the director) was very personally impacted by the imagery and stories of police brutality at the pipeline protests in North Dakota. I was considering going to film a documentary on the protest myself, but was still contemplating an angle that I would be able to approach the subject with. When I first heard the track, it really seemed like it could be the perfect thematic link for the piece.

    Hope Inside The Fire

    案例简介:活动描述 随着达科塔输油管道的抗议活动变得越来越激烈,主流媒体网络上燃烧的汽车和蒙面男子的照片被飞溅。然而,在标题后面,我们发现一个纯粹而独特的精神营地正在祈祷拯救站立的岩石苏部落唯一的供水。 “火中的希望” 证明了美国人和平祈祷的力量,这是其他媒体没有报道的。这是对寻找比自己更大的东西来改变环境和信仰斗争的谦卑行为的探索,这种斗争本质上是: 在受伤时宽恕,在邪恶面前行善, 向敌人示爱。 战略 我们有目的地给自己多个限制,以便让我们专注于我们的核心概念 -- 土著人祈祷的力量。我们不想让它同时尝试太多的事情。我们决定用胶片拍摄,只使用三个不同的镜头,因为使用这种相机的技术困难,迫使我们找到真正的人类时刻和联系。此外,我们知道电影的处理需要相当长的时间,所以我们试图找到那些在我们无法控制的日常变化中幸存下来的时刻。我们也知道我们将从一开始就小心翼翼地使用库存镜头,对比数字的、有问题的、和痛苦的图像与有机电影,显示了人们与地球的联系。 执行 我们首先参加了抗议活动,以支持该运动,随后在 Oceti Sakowin 营地呆了头五天。我们花了所有的时间与当地人建立真正的关系,从他们在营地的时间里了解他们的精神经历,以及这对他们意味着什么。当我们拿出相机的时候,我们已经离拍摄对象足够近了,他们让我们进入了他们最亲密的时刻,这些时刻在屏幕上被翻译得非常出色。因为营地没有细胞服务,也没有时间表,我们不得不将生产延长一天,以便捕捉一切。然而,花时间和个人在一起是我们看到他们精神实践力量的唯一途径。 结果 我们在 3月10日发布了这个视频,以回应当地国家在华盛顿的游行。这段视频获得了 Nowness 首映,也被各种其他出版物报道,比如《在线外》,将其描述为 “你没有看到的站立岩石的一面”。该视频通过许多支持抗议的大型 Facebook 团体分享,获得了超过 50,000 的浏览量、 1,000 的分享和 2,000 的赞。对于一个拥有有限新闻资源的小型乐队来说,我们对它获得的吸引力非常满意。最重要的是,许多意识到抗议但没有参与的观众被他们所目睹的受影响者的人性所感动,他们对人民、地方和角色进行了赌注。 相关性 “火中的希望” 是对今年音乐视频的独特贡献。在许多方面,音乐视频可以是一种稍微自私和空洞的形式,只需选择艺术家们可以利用的最新审美趋势。在这个项目中,乐队热衷于与阻止达科塔接入管道抗议的运动合作,这表明音乐和信息可以被重新翻译成另一种创造性的社会正义交流。这些年来,肯定还有其他视频提到了社会正义运动,但很少有人如此密切地融合了纪录片和音乐视频。 概要 在乐队寻找音乐视频的时候,我 (导演) 受到了北达科他州管道抗议中警察暴行的图像和故事的影响。我正在考虑自己拍摄一部关于抗议的纪录片,但仍在考虑一个我能够处理这个问题的角度。当我第一次听到这首曲目时,它似乎真的是这首曲子的完美主题链接。

    Hope Inside The Fire

    案例简介:CampaignDescription As protests at the Dakota Access Pipeline became increasingly heated, images of burning cars and masked men were spattered across mainstream media networks. However, behind the headline, we discovered a pure and singular spiritual camp was committing itself in prayer to save the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s only water supply.“Hope Inside the Fire” is a testament to the power of the Natives Americans’ peaceful prayer, that was not covered by other outlets. It is an exploration of the humble act of looking to something bigger than oneself to change circumstance and the struggle of faith that inherently carries: forgiving when hurt, doing good in the face of evil, and showing love to an enemy. Strategy We purposefully gave ourselves multiple constraints in order to focus us on our core concept - the power of the Natives' prayer. We didn't want it to try and be too many things at once. We decided to shoot on film and only use three different lenses, forcing us to find the real human moments and connection because of the technical difficulties of working with such a camera. Also, we knew the processing of the film would take quite a long time, so consequently tried to find the moments that would survive the daily changes that were out of our control. We also knew that we were going to use stock footage, cautiously, from the beginning, contrasting the digital, glitchy, and painful images with the organic film that showed the connection of the people to the earth. Execution We were at the protest first and foremost to support the movement and consequently spent the first five days embedding at the Oceti Sakowin Camp. We spent all our time building real relationships with locals and learning about their spiritual experiences from their time at the camp and what it had meant to them. By the time we brought out the camera we were close enough with the subjects that they let us into some of their most intimate moments which were translated brilliantly on screen. Because there was no cell-service at camp and consequently no schedule, we had to extend the production by a day in order to capture everything. However, taking the time to be present with individuals was the only way we were going to see the power of their spiritual practice. Outcome We released the video on March 10th for the Native Nations March on Washington to a great response. The video received a Nowness Premiere and was also covered by a variety of other publications such as Outside Online describing it as "the side to standing rock you didn't see". The video was shared through many of the larger Facebook groups supporting the protest, garnering over 50,000 views, 1,000 shares, and 2,000 likes. For a small band with modest press resources for the launch, we were very happy with the traction it gained. Most importantly, many viewers who were aware of the protest, but unengaged, became moved by the humanity of the affected they witnessed, taking stakes in the people, the place, and the characters. Relevancy “Hope Inside the Fire” is a unique contribution to this year's music videos. In many ways music videos can be a slightly self-serving and vacuous format, simply picking the latest aesthetic trends for artists to capitilize on. In this project, the band was keen to partner with the campaign to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline protests, showing that music and message can be retranslated into another creative communication for social justice. There have definitely been other videos that referenced social justice movements over the years but few have blended documentary and music video so intimately. Synopsis At the time the band was looking for a music video, I (the director) was very personally impacted by the imagery and stories of police brutality at the pipeline protests in North Dakota. I was considering going to film a documentary on the protest myself, but was still contemplating an angle that I would be able to approach the subject with. When I first heard the track, it really seemed like it could be the perfect thematic link for the piece.



    Hope Inside The Fire






    广告公司: All Expanded (美国 Brooklyn) 制作公司: All Expanded




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