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    # Womennotobjects

    案例简介:概要 研究证明,自 80 年代以来,女性在广告中的客观化程度大大提高。多年来,社会对客观化及其造成的广泛危害变得不敏感,这种流行病正在伤害妇女的身体、精神和情感。年轻女孩在成长过程中认为她们的长相比她们的感受、她们要说什么和能做什么更重要。作为业内为数不多的女性领导的创意机构之一, 我们开始改变对话,制作一个视频,用现实生活中的例子展示女性在广告中被物化的程度。我们的目标是提醒世界,我们是 # WomenNotObjects,并通过要求人们站出来反对它来改变我们在广告中描绘和谈论女性的方式。 结果 超过 3100万的观赏性 10亿媒体印象达到 175 多个国家,创造了 1700万美元的媒体价值 战略 当我们最初在 YouTube 上发布 # WomenNotObjects 时,我们匿名发布,因为我们认为挑衅性和突破性的内容需要在没有创作者背景的情况下独立存在。我们的目标是联系并招募热情的倡导者来传播我们的信息,包括从年轻学生到老一代的每个人。一旦我们透露我们的代理是创造者,我们就利用本地广告和社交媒体来进一步提高知名度和真实性。我们还能够利用高调的媒体独家新闻,随后招募大使和联盟。 活动描述 我们制作了一个视频,展示了真正的女性讽刺地谈论女性被物化的广告,并展示了它造成的巨大伤害。我们号召全世界的人们为他们所爱的人挺身而出,让广告业达到更高、更公正的标准。通过使用强硬的镜头、图像和语言,我们迫使人们注意到我们是如何塑造女性的,我们不应该再接受它。 执行 1月11日,我们的机构在 YouTube 上发布了我们的视频。这一信息不仅吸引了广告业,也吸引了公众,引起了广泛的共鸣,并迅速传播开来。仅在两周多一点的时间里,我们就达到了 100万多次观看。随着我们的首席创意官被邀请在主要广播节目中宣传这一信息,赢得了媒体的浪潮, 包括与马特 · 劳尔在今日秀上的独家亮相,以及《华尔街日报》的一个特写。随着关键影响者开始独自参与对话,这一信息继续传播: 阿什顿 · 库彻、阿兰尼斯 · 莫里塞特、世界经济论坛、联合国妇女组织、乔治 · 竹木和阿什利 · 贾德。40 多个国家的出版物也参与了我们的运动,进一步在全球传播我们的运动。

    # Womennotobjects

    案例简介:Synopsis Studies prove the objectification of women in advertising has greatly increased since the ‘80s. Over the years, society has become desensitized to objectification and the widespread harm it causes, an epidemic that is harming women physically, mentally and emotionally. Young girls are growing up thinking that how they look is more important than how they feel, what they have to say and what they can do. As one of the few female-led creative agencies in the business, we set out to change the conversation by creating a video exposing the extent to which women are objectified in advertising using real-life examples. Our goal was to remind the world that we are #WomenNotObjects and to change how we portray and speak to women in advertising by asking people to stand up against it. Outcome Over 31 million viewsOver 1 billion media impressionsReached over 175 countriesGenerated $17 million in earned media value Strategy When we originally released #WomenNotObjects on YouTube, we did so anonymously because we believed the provocative and breakthrough content needed to stand on its own without the context of its creator. Our goal was to connect with and enlist passionate advocates to spread our message, including everyone from young students to the older generation. Once we revealed that our agency was the creator, we leveraged native advertising and social media boosting to further promote awareness and authenticity. We were also able to leverage high-profile media exclusives and subsequently enlist ambassadors and alliances. Campaign Description We created a video showing real women sarcastically speaking about ads in which women are objectified and demonstrated the significant harm it causes. Our call-to-action of standing up asked people all over the world to stand up for the ones they love and to hold the advertising industry to a higher, more just standard. Through the use of hard-hitting footage, imagery and language we forced people to take notice of how we are portraying women and that we should no longer accept it. Execution On January 11, our agency released our video on YouTube. The message took not just the ad industry, but also the public, by storm, resonating broadly and quickly going viral. In just over two weeks, we reached over 1 million views. The wave of earned media followed as our chief creative officer was invited to promote the message on major broadcast shows, including an exclusive appearance on the Today Show with Matt Lauer as well as a feature by the Wall Street Journal. The message continued to spread as key influencers started to engage in conversation on their own, amongst them: Ashton Kutcher, Alanis Morissette, World Economic Forum, UN Women, George Takei, and Ashley Judd. Publications in over 40 countries also picked up on our campaign, furthering disseminating our movement globally.


    案例简介:概要 研究证明,自 80 年代以来,女性在广告中的客观化程度大大提高。多年来,社会对客观化及其造成的广泛危害变得不敏感,这种流行病正在伤害妇女的身体、精神和情感。年轻女孩在成长过程中认为她们的长相比她们的感受、她们要说什么和能做什么更重要。作为业内为数不多的女性领导的创意机构之一, 我们开始改变对话,制作一个视频,用现实生活中的例子展示女性在广告中被物化的程度。我们的目标是提醒世界,我们是 # WomenNotObjects,并通过要求人们站出来反对它来改变我们在广告中描绘和谈论女性的方式。 结果 超过 3100万的观赏性 10亿媒体印象达到 175 多个国家,创造了 1700万美元的媒体价值 战略 当我们最初在 YouTube 上发布 # WomenNotObjects 时,我们匿名发布,因为我们认为挑衅性和突破性的内容需要在没有创作者背景的情况下独立存在。我们的目标是联系并招募热情的倡导者来传播我们的信息,包括从年轻学生到老一代的每个人。一旦我们透露我们的代理是创造者,我们就利用本地广告和社交媒体来进一步提高知名度和真实性。我们还能够利用高调的媒体独家新闻,随后招募大使和联盟。 活动描述 我们制作了一个视频,展示了真正的女性讽刺地谈论女性被物化的广告,并展示了它造成的巨大伤害。我们号召全世界的人们为他们所爱的人挺身而出,让广告业达到更高、更公正的标准。通过使用强硬的镜头、图像和语言,我们迫使人们注意到我们是如何塑造女性的,我们不应该再接受它。 执行 1月11日,我们的机构在 YouTube 上发布了我们的视频。这一信息不仅吸引了广告业,也吸引了公众,引起了广泛的共鸣,并迅速传播开来。仅在两周多一点的时间里,我们就达到了 100万多次观看。随着我们的首席创意官被邀请在主要广播节目中宣传这一信息,赢得了媒体的浪潮, 包括与马特 · 劳尔在今日秀上的独家亮相,以及《华尔街日报》的一个特写。随着关键影响者开始独自参与对话,这一信息继续传播: 阿什顿 · 库彻、阿兰尼斯 · 莫里塞特、世界经济论坛、联合国妇女组织、乔治 · 竹木和阿什利 · 贾德。40 多个国家的出版物也参与了我们的运动,进一步在全球传播我们的运动。


    案例简介:Synopsis Studies prove the objectification of women in advertising has greatly increased since the ‘80s. Over the years, society has become desensitized to objectification and the widespread harm it causes, an epidemic that is harming women physically, mentally and emotionally. Young girls are growing up thinking that how they look is more important than how they feel, what they have to say and what they can do. As one of the few female-led creative agencies in the business, we set out to change the conversation by creating a video exposing the extent to which women are objectified in advertising using real-life examples. Our goal was to remind the world that we are #WomenNotObjects and to change how we portray and speak to women in advertising by asking people to stand up against it. Outcome Over 31 million viewsOver 1 billion media impressionsReached over 175 countriesGenerated $17 million in earned media value Strategy When we originally released #WomenNotObjects on YouTube, we did so anonymously because we believed the provocative and breakthrough content needed to stand on its own without the context of its creator. Our goal was to connect with and enlist passionate advocates to spread our message, including everyone from young students to the older generation. Once we revealed that our agency was the creator, we leveraged native advertising and social media boosting to further promote awareness and authenticity. We were also able to leverage high-profile media exclusives and subsequently enlist ambassadors and alliances. Campaign Description We created a video showing real women sarcastically speaking about ads in which women are objectified and demonstrated the significant harm it causes. Our call-to-action of standing up asked people all over the world to stand up for the ones they love and to hold the advertising industry to a higher, more just standard. Through the use of hard-hitting footage, imagery and language we forced people to take notice of how we are portraying women and that we should no longer accept it. Execution On January 11, our agency released our video on YouTube. The message took not just the ad industry, but also the public, by storm, resonating broadly and quickly going viral. In just over two weeks, we reached over 1 million views. The wave of earned media followed as our chief creative officer was invited to promote the message on major broadcast shows, including an exclusive appearance on the Today Show with Matt Lauer as well as a feature by the Wall Street Journal. The message continued to spread as key influencers started to engage in conversation on their own, amongst them: Ashton Kutcher, Alanis Morissette, World Economic Forum, UN Women, George Takei, and Ashley Judd. Publications in over 40 countries also picked up on our campaign, furthering disseminating our movement globally.

    # Womennotobjects












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