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    The Shortcut Billboards短视频,户外广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 在 MINI 新的全连接汽车系列活动的框架内,我们需要提出一个促进实时交通信息 (RTTI) 的想法 -为汽车司机提供任何事故、交通堵塞和道路工程的实时警报。但是,我们不想预订标准的环境媒体,而是想创造一种独特的用户体验,邀请客户与品牌互动。 战略 你如何向每一个潜在的汽车司机 -- 也就是行人 -- 展示司机的利益?有一个让他们在旅途中体验好处的媒体想法: 快捷广告牌。我们的主要目标群体是柏林日程安排繁忙的居民 -- “小玩意男女”,渴望尝试新事物,并对先进技术持开放态度。连接和节省时间的功能对它们至关重要。首先,我们观察了柏林市中心的人们最需要捷径的地方。在那里,我们放置了特殊的广告牌,吸引了忙碌的居民的注意,他们非常感谢缩短通常路线的选择。我们还在社交媒体上播放了一段纪录片视频,目标是 MINI Connected 的潜在买家 -- 来解释这个功能。 相关性 推广新车系列功能的最有效方法是让人们亲身体验好处: 成千上万的行人通过媒体体验了实时交通信息的优势,并以他们通常的方式节省了时间。凭借快捷广告牌,MINI 成功地以创新和娱乐的方式与消费者联系在一起。 结果 成千上万的人体验到了每个迷你连接系统附带的节省时间的功能。在各种采访中,居民证实我们的位置选择得很好 -- 谁不想在城市中心的足球场周围有捷径?最后,快捷广告牌不仅证明了迷你帮助每个人找到最快的方式穿过城市, 但展示了迷你是一个引人入胜的品牌,喜欢在每个媒体渠道与消费者互动。这部视频纪录片也引起了社交媒体和媒体的广泛关注 (一周内就有 12,7 次印象) -MINI 也被要求在其他城市建立捷径。因此,我们不仅可以解释迷你互联套餐的核心功能,还可以宣称我们是创意城市解决方案的专家品牌。 执行 2018年4月,我们将我们的快捷广告牌放置在柏林米特、夏洛滕堡和布伦内维尔特尔等热门场所。广告牌是专门和一位建筑师一起建造的。门以及楼梯和梯子等 3D 元素帮助行人克服砖墙和栅栏等障碍。在那之后的一周,我们在 facebook 和 Instagram 上播放了我们的纪录片视频,作为视频广告和故事。 活动描述 司机每年要花 50 多个小时来堵车。迷你连接现在帮助他们找到最快的方式与实时交通信息。我们让柏林的行人亲身体验这一好处。通过将门、梯子和楼梯安装到特殊的广告牌上,我们为行人创造了将步行距离缩短 12 分钟的机会。简而言之: 每个人都可以用 MINI 找到穿过城市的最快方式。


    案例简介:Synopsis Within the framework of the campaign for MINI’s new fully connected car range we needed to come up with an idea that promotes Real-Time Traffic Information (RTTI) – a feature that gives car drivers real-time alerts for any accidents, traffic jams and roadworks ahead. But instead of booking standard ambient media, we wanted to create a unique user experience that invites the customer to interact with the brand. Strategy How do you showcase a drivers’ benefit to every potential car driver – namely pedestrians? With a media idea that makes them experience the benefit on the go: the shortcut billboards. Our main target group were residents in Berlin with a busy schedule – the “gadget guys and girls”, eager to try out new things and open to advanced technologies. Connectivity and time-saving features are essential to them. First, we observed where people in the city center of Berlin need shortcuts most. There we placed the special billboards and attracted the attention of busy residents who were very grateful for the option to shorten their usual routes. We also aired a documentary video on Social Media targeting potential buyers of a MINI with MINI Connected – to explain the feature. Relevancy The most effective way to promote a feature of the new car range is to make people experience the benefit themselves: Thousands of pedestrians experienced the advantage of Real-Time Traffic Information through the medium and saved time on their usual ways. With the shortcut billboards MINI succeeded in connecting with the consumer in an innovative and entertaining way. Outcome Thousands of people experienced the time-saving feature that comes with every MINI Connected system. In various interviews residents confirmed that our locations were chosen well – who wouldn’t want to have a shortcut around a soccer field in the middle of the city? In the end, the shortcut billboards not only proved that MINI helps everyone to find the fastest way through the city, but showcased that MINI is an engaging brand that loves interaction with the consumer in every media channel. Also the video documentary caused a lot of attention in Social Media and the press (12,7 impressions in only one week) – and MINI was asked a lot of times to build shortcuts in other cities as well. So we could not only explain our core feature of the MINI Connected package, but claim our leadership as expert brand for creative urban solutions. Execution In April 2018 we placed our shortcut billboards in the popular quarters Berlin Mitte, Charlottenburg and Brunnenviertel at much frequented places. The billboards were specially build together with an architect. Doors as well as 3D elements like stairs and ladders helped pedestrians to overcome obstacles such as brick walls and fences. In the week after that we aired our documentary video on facebook and Instagram as video ads and stories. CampaignDescription Drivers spend over 50 hours in traffic jams every year. MINI Connected now helps them to find the fastest way with Real-Time Traffic Information. We let pedestrians in Berlin experience this benefit for themselves. By fitting doors, ladders and stairs to special billboards, we created opportunities for pedestrians to shorten the distance they walked by up to 12 minutes. In short: everyone finds the fastest way through the city with MINI.

    The Shortcut Billboards

    案例简介:概要 在 MINI 新的全连接汽车系列活动的框架内,我们需要提出一个促进实时交通信息 (RTTI) 的想法 -为汽车司机提供任何事故、交通堵塞和道路工程的实时警报。但是,我们不想预订标准的环境媒体,而是想创造一种独特的用户体验,邀请客户与品牌互动。 战略 你如何向每一个潜在的汽车司机 -- 也就是行人 -- 展示司机的利益?有一个让他们在旅途中体验好处的媒体想法: 快捷广告牌。我们的主要目标群体是柏林日程安排繁忙的居民 -- “小玩意男女”,渴望尝试新事物,并对先进技术持开放态度。连接和节省时间的功能对它们至关重要。首先,我们观察了柏林市中心的人们最需要捷径的地方。在那里,我们放置了特殊的广告牌,吸引了忙碌的居民的注意,他们非常感谢缩短通常路线的选择。我们还在社交媒体上播放了一段纪录片视频,目标是 MINI Connected 的潜在买家 -- 来解释这个功能。 相关性 推广新车系列功能的最有效方法是让人们亲身体验好处: 成千上万的行人通过媒体体验了实时交通信息的优势,并以他们通常的方式节省了时间。凭借快捷广告牌,MINI 成功地以创新和娱乐的方式与消费者联系在一起。 结果 成千上万的人体验到了每个迷你连接系统附带的节省时间的功能。在各种采访中,居民证实我们的位置选择得很好 -- 谁不想在城市中心的足球场周围有捷径?最后,快捷广告牌不仅证明了迷你帮助每个人找到最快的方式穿过城市, 但展示了迷你是一个引人入胜的品牌,喜欢在每个媒体渠道与消费者互动。这部视频纪录片也引起了社交媒体和媒体的广泛关注 (一周内就有 12,7 次印象) -MINI 也被要求在其他城市建立捷径。因此,我们不仅可以解释迷你互联套餐的核心功能,还可以宣称我们是创意城市解决方案的专家品牌。 执行 2018年4月,我们将我们的快捷广告牌放置在柏林米特、夏洛滕堡和布伦内维尔特尔等热门场所。广告牌是专门和一位建筑师一起建造的。门以及楼梯和梯子等 3D 元素帮助行人克服砖墙和栅栏等障碍。在那之后的一周,我们在 facebook 和 Instagram 上播放了我们的纪录片视频,作为视频广告和故事。 活动描述 司机每年要花 50 多个小时来堵车。迷你连接现在帮助他们找到最快的方式与实时交通信息。我们让柏林的行人亲身体验这一好处。通过将门、梯子和楼梯安装到特殊的广告牌上,我们为行人创造了将步行距离缩短 12 分钟的机会。简而言之: 每个人都可以用 MINI 找到穿过城市的最快方式。

    The Shortcut Billboards

    案例简介:Synopsis Within the framework of the campaign for MINI’s new fully connected car range we needed to come up with an idea that promotes Real-Time Traffic Information (RTTI) – a feature that gives car drivers real-time alerts for any accidents, traffic jams and roadworks ahead. But instead of booking standard ambient media, we wanted to create a unique user experience that invites the customer to interact with the brand. Strategy How do you showcase a drivers’ benefit to every potential car driver – namely pedestrians? With a media idea that makes them experience the benefit on the go: the shortcut billboards. Our main target group were residents in Berlin with a busy schedule – the “gadget guys and girls”, eager to try out new things and open to advanced technologies. Connectivity and time-saving features are essential to them. First, we observed where people in the city center of Berlin need shortcuts most. There we placed the special billboards and attracted the attention of busy residents who were very grateful for the option to shorten their usual routes. We also aired a documentary video on Social Media targeting potential buyers of a MINI with MINI Connected – to explain the feature. Relevancy The most effective way to promote a feature of the new car range is to make people experience the benefit themselves: Thousands of pedestrians experienced the advantage of Real-Time Traffic Information through the medium and saved time on their usual ways. With the shortcut billboards MINI succeeded in connecting with the consumer in an innovative and entertaining way. Outcome Thousands of people experienced the time-saving feature that comes with every MINI Connected system. In various interviews residents confirmed that our locations were chosen well – who wouldn’t want to have a shortcut around a soccer field in the middle of the city? In the end, the shortcut billboards not only proved that MINI helps everyone to find the fastest way through the city, but showcased that MINI is an engaging brand that loves interaction with the consumer in every media channel. Also the video documentary caused a lot of attention in Social Media and the press (12,7 impressions in only one week) – and MINI was asked a lot of times to build shortcuts in other cities as well. So we could not only explain our core feature of the MINI Connected package, but claim our leadership as expert brand for creative urban solutions. Execution In April 2018 we placed our shortcut billboards in the popular quarters Berlin Mitte, Charlottenburg and Brunnenviertel at much frequented places. The billboards were specially build together with an architect. Doors as well as 3D elements like stairs and ladders helped pedestrians to overcome obstacles such as brick walls and fences. In the week after that we aired our documentary video on facebook and Instagram as video ads and stories. CampaignDescription Drivers spend over 50 hours in traffic jams every year. MINI Connected now helps them to find the fastest way with Real-Time Traffic Information. We let pedestrians in Berlin experience this benefit for themselves. By fitting doors, ladders and stairs to special billboards, we created opportunities for pedestrians to shorten the distance they walked by up to 12 minutes. In short: everyone finds the fastest way through the city with MINI.



    The Shortcut Billboards










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