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    Outthink Melanoma短视频广告营销案例



    Outthink 黑色素瘤

    案例简介:结果 每一个基准都被打破了:-我们从 488万的媒体印象中创造了 4560万次约会-我们的名人电影吸引了 425万次观看。 -推特产生了大约 820万的印象。 -Facebook 帖子达到 440万。 -澳大利亚金融评论在第三页刊登了我们的故事,向我们的 C-Suite 观众讲话。 -Tech AU 为我们的 IT 专业人员广泛报道了这个故事。 -邦迪激活被列为当天在高流量网站上的顶级活动,包括 EventFinda 和体验悉尼。 -所有 4 家国家广播公司都报道了这个故事…… 包括澳大利亚最高收视率新闻 7 频道。-产生了 6 个深入的电台采访…… 包括不带广告的美国广播公司。 -22% 遇到沃森的人进行了现场皮肤检查-40% 随后被转到皮肤科医生那里。 -有些人发现了可疑的痣,然后就像伊恩 · 凯尔索尔一样。 -我们才刚刚开始。 活动描述 我们发现了一个大多数澳大利亚人都认同的问题.黑色素瘤.让沃森工作。黑色素瘤每 6 小时杀死 1 名澳大利亚人。这是我们最致命的皮肤癌,但讽刺的是,这是最容易治疗的癌症之一.存活率最高可达 98%。关键是早期识别黑色素瘤。IBM 与黑色素瘤研究所和 Molemap 合作,致力于帮助皮肤癌专家更快、更准确地检测黑色素瘤。如何准确?目前临床医生可以用肉眼成功检测到大约 60% 的黑色素瘤。通过皮肤镜改善到 80% +。IBM · 沃森的目标?91% 的准确性。每年有 13,000 人直接受到影响,但沃森需要数据。我们让所有的澳大利亚人告诉沃森他们的黑色素瘤故事。没有沃森智能镜子的推特、帖子、照片甚至互动都会有所帮助。通过分享他们的故事,澳大利亚人可以帮助拯救生命。 战略 我们建立了一种全新的数据收集方法 -- 沃森智能镜子。仅仅站在镜子前,每天都有澳大利亚人和沃森交谈,他分析了他们的年龄、性别和防晒霜覆盖范围。如果他们的风险状况得到保证,他们会被转介到隔壁摊位的皮肤专家那里。然后,如果需要的话,该专家将拍摄他们痣的高分辨率图像,由皮肤科专家进行分析。但是很明显,不是每个人都能亲自去邦迪见沃森。因此,为了给每个澳大利亚人提供参与的机会,我们发起了一个全国性的电话,在社交媒体上讲述你的黑色素瘤故事。通过用 # outthink黑色素瘤标记你的故事,沃森可以阅读并将你的经历融入他自己的学习中。 概要 我们如何让人们相信他们从未接触、看到或体验过的品牌?IBM 是认知计算领域的世界领导者。他们的尖端人工智能,名叫沃森,可以理解自然语言,自学,推理和交互处理大量数据, 比任何人类一生所能经历的都要详细。但是证明这一点可能很难。过去的表达并不总是成功地为我们的观众提供对其真实世界能力的真正理解。因此,对于它在解决业务问题上的应用仍然存在混乱。我们需要揭开 IBM · 沃森的神秘面纱。 执行 黑色素瘤不歧视。它对每个人都有同样的影响。男人和女人。年轻和年老。著名和未知。不同的种族和宗教。所以创造性地我们的处决以一系列澳大利亚面孔和声音为特色。我们在社交媒体上开始了与澳大利亚名人的生存故事的对话:-麦克 · 霍顿.奥运会金牌游泳运动员黛博拉 · 赫顿媒体个性 -- “迪安” 、 “哈里斯” 和 “克尔福德”.救生员在 “邦迪救援” 电视节目中亮相。接下来是预播视频、展示和印刷广告,八名澳大利亚人在对话中加入了他们的观点。在活动的前一周,我们播放了三个黑色素瘤故事的广播节目,沃森自己的声音要求听众加入进来,在现场阅读的推动下,额外的竞选参与。最后,邦迪冲浪巴斯的救生俱乐部,激活场所,穿着 IBM 的黑色素瘤制服,并打电话给当地媒体。

    Outthink 黑色素瘤

    案例简介:Outcome Every benchmark was smashed:- We generated 4.88 million engagements from 45.6 million media impressions- Our celebrity films attracted 4.25 million views.- Twitter generated approximately 8.2 million impressions.- Facebook posts reached 4.4 million.- Australian Financial Review ran our story on page 3, addressing our C-Suite audience.- Tech AU extensively covered the story for our IT professionals.- Bondi activation was listed as the day’s top event on high traffic sites including EventFinda and Experience Sydney.- All 4 national broadcasters covered the story… including Channel 7, Australia’s highest rating news.- Generated 6 in-depth radio interviews… including the ABC which doesn’t take commercials.- 22% of people who met Watson had an on-site skin check - 40% were then referred onto a dermatologist.- Some had suspicious moles identified then removed – like Ian Kelsall.- And we’re just getting started. CampaignDescription We found an issue most Australians can identify with... melanoma... and put Watson to work. Melanoma kills 1 Australian every 6 hours. It is our deadliest skin cancer but, ironically, one of the easiest to treat... survival rates can top 98%. The key is identifying melanoma early.In partnership with the Melanoma Institute and Molemap, IBM is working to help skin cancer experts detect melanoma sooner and more accurately. How accurately?Currently clinicians can successfully detect melanoma at about 60% with the naked eye. That improves to 80%+ through dermoscopy. The target for IBM Watson? 91% accuracy. That’s 13,000 lives every year that could be directly affected.But Watson needed data. Lots of data.We engaged all Australians to tell Watson their melanoma story. A tweet, a post, a photo, or even an interaction without the Watson Smart Mirror would help. By sharing their stories, Australians can help save lives. Strategy We built a brand new data collection method – the Watson Smart Mirror. Simply by standing in front of the mirror, everyday Australians spoke to Watson as he analysed their age, gender and sunscreen coverage. Where their risk profile warranted, they were referred to a skin specialist in the booth right next door. That specialist would then take hi-resolution images of their moles for analysis by a specialist dermatologist if warranted.But clearly, not everyone could get to Bondi to meet Watson in person. So, to provide every Australian with the chance to participate, we launched a nationwide call to tell your melanoma story on social media. By tagging your story with #outthinkmelanoma, Watson could read and incorporate your experiences into his own learning. Synopsis How do we get people to believe in a brand they never touch, see or experience?IBM is the world leader in cognitive computing. Their cutting-edge AI, named Watson, can understand natural language, self-learn, reason, and interact - processing vast amounts of data, in more detail than any human could get through in a lifetime.But demonstrating this can be tough. Past articulations had not always successfully provided our audience with a true understanding of its real world capabilities. As a result, there was still confusion about its application to solve business problems.We needed to demystify IBM Watson. Execution Melanoma doesn’t discriminate. It affects everyone the same. Men and women. Young and old. Famous and unknown. Different ethnicities and religions. So creatively our executions featuring a range of Australian faces and voices.We started the conversation on social media with survival stories from Australian celebrities:-Mack Horton... Olympic Gold Medal Swimmer-Deborah Hutton... Media personality -‘Deano’, ‘Harries’ and ‘Kerrbox’... Lifeguards featured on ‘Bondi Rescue’ TV ShowThis was followed by pre-roll video, display and print advertising featuring eight everyday Australians adding their perspectives to the conversation.In the week before the event we ran radio spots featuring three melanoma stories and the voice of Watson himself asking listeners to join in, with extra campaign participation driven by live reads.And finally Bondi Surf Bathers’ Lifesaving Club, the venue for the activation, was dressed in the livery of IBM Outthink Melanoma and calls made to local media.

    Outthink Melanoma

    案例简介:结果 每一个基准都被打破了:-我们从 488万的媒体印象中创造了 4560万次约会-我们的名人电影吸引了 425万次观看。 -推特产生了大约 820万的印象。 -Facebook 帖子达到 440万。 -澳大利亚金融评论在第三页刊登了我们的故事,向我们的 C-Suite 观众讲话。 -Tech AU 为我们的 IT 专业人员广泛报道了这个故事。 -邦迪激活被列为当天在高流量网站上的顶级活动,包括 EventFinda 和体验悉尼。 -所有 4 家国家广播公司都报道了这个故事…… 包括澳大利亚最高收视率新闻 7 频道。-产生了 6 个深入的电台采访…… 包括不带广告的美国广播公司。 -22% 遇到沃森的人进行了现场皮肤检查-40% 随后被转到皮肤科医生那里。 -有些人发现了可疑的痣,然后就像伊恩 · 凯尔索尔一样。 -我们才刚刚开始。 活动描述 我们发现了一个大多数澳大利亚人都认同的问题.黑色素瘤.让沃森工作。黑色素瘤每 6 小时杀死 1 名澳大利亚人。这是我们最致命的皮肤癌,但讽刺的是,这是最容易治疗的癌症之一.存活率最高可达 98%。关键是早期识别黑色素瘤。IBM 与黑色素瘤研究所和 Molemap 合作,致力于帮助皮肤癌专家更快、更准确地检测黑色素瘤。如何准确?目前临床医生可以用肉眼成功检测到大约 60% 的黑色素瘤。通过皮肤镜改善到 80% +。IBM · 沃森的目标?91% 的准确性。每年有 13,000 人直接受到影响,但沃森需要数据。我们让所有的澳大利亚人告诉沃森他们的黑色素瘤故事。没有沃森智能镜子的推特、帖子、照片甚至互动都会有所帮助。通过分享他们的故事,澳大利亚人可以帮助拯救生命。 战略 我们建立了一种全新的数据收集方法 -- 沃森智能镜子。仅仅站在镜子前,每天都有澳大利亚人和沃森交谈,他分析了他们的年龄、性别和防晒霜覆盖范围。如果他们的风险状况得到保证,他们会被转介到隔壁摊位的皮肤专家那里。然后,如果需要的话,该专家将拍摄他们痣的高分辨率图像,由皮肤科专家进行分析。但是很明显,不是每个人都能亲自去邦迪见沃森。因此,为了给每个澳大利亚人提供参与的机会,我们发起了一个全国性的电话,在社交媒体上讲述你的黑色素瘤故事。通过用 # outthink黑色素瘤标记你的故事,沃森可以阅读并将你的经历融入他自己的学习中。 概要 我们如何让人们相信他们从未接触、看到或体验过的品牌?IBM 是认知计算领域的世界领导者。他们的尖端人工智能,名叫沃森,可以理解自然语言,自学,推理和交互处理大量数据, 比任何人类一生所能经历的都要详细。但是证明这一点可能很难。过去的表达并不总是成功地为我们的观众提供对其真实世界能力的真正理解。因此,对于它在解决业务问题上的应用仍然存在混乱。我们需要揭开 IBM · 沃森的神秘面纱。 执行 黑色素瘤不歧视。它对每个人都有同样的影响。男人和女人。年轻和年老。著名和未知。不同的种族和宗教。所以创造性地我们的处决以一系列澳大利亚面孔和声音为特色。我们在社交媒体上开始了与澳大利亚名人的生存故事的对话:-麦克 · 霍顿.奥运会金牌游泳运动员黛博拉 · 赫顿媒体个性 -- “迪安” 、 “哈里斯” 和 “克尔福德”.救生员在 “邦迪救援” 电视节目中亮相。接下来是预播视频、展示和印刷广告,八名澳大利亚人在对话中加入了他们的观点。在活动的前一周,我们播放了三个黑色素瘤故事的广播节目,沃森自己的声音要求听众加入进来,在现场阅读的推动下,额外的竞选参与。最后,邦迪冲浪巴斯的救生俱乐部,激活场所,穿着 IBM 的黑色素瘤制服,并打电话给当地媒体。

    Outthink Melanoma

    案例简介:Outcome Every benchmark was smashed:- We generated 4.88 million engagements from 45.6 million media impressions- Our celebrity films attracted 4.25 million views.- Twitter generated approximately 8.2 million impressions.- Facebook posts reached 4.4 million.- Australian Financial Review ran our story on page 3, addressing our C-Suite audience.- Tech AU extensively covered the story for our IT professionals.- Bondi activation was listed as the day’s top event on high traffic sites including EventFinda and Experience Sydney.- All 4 national broadcasters covered the story… including Channel 7, Australia’s highest rating news.- Generated 6 in-depth radio interviews… including the ABC which doesn’t take commercials.- 22% of people who met Watson had an on-site skin check - 40% were then referred onto a dermatologist.- Some had suspicious moles identified then removed – like Ian Kelsall.- And we’re just getting started. CampaignDescription We found an issue most Australians can identify with... melanoma... and put Watson to work. Melanoma kills 1 Australian every 6 hours. It is our deadliest skin cancer but, ironically, one of the easiest to treat... survival rates can top 98%. The key is identifying melanoma early.In partnership with the Melanoma Institute and Molemap, IBM is working to help skin cancer experts detect melanoma sooner and more accurately. How accurately?Currently clinicians can successfully detect melanoma at about 60% with the naked eye. That improves to 80%+ through dermoscopy. The target for IBM Watson? 91% accuracy. That’s 13,000 lives every year that could be directly affected.But Watson needed data. Lots of data.We engaged all Australians to tell Watson their melanoma story. A tweet, a post, a photo, or even an interaction without the Watson Smart Mirror would help. By sharing their stories, Australians can help save lives. Strategy We built a brand new data collection method – the Watson Smart Mirror. Simply by standing in front of the mirror, everyday Australians spoke to Watson as he analysed their age, gender and sunscreen coverage. Where their risk profile warranted, they were referred to a skin specialist in the booth right next door. That specialist would then take hi-resolution images of their moles for analysis by a specialist dermatologist if warranted.But clearly, not everyone could get to Bondi to meet Watson in person. So, to provide every Australian with the chance to participate, we launched a nationwide call to tell your melanoma story on social media. By tagging your story with #outthinkmelanoma, Watson could read and incorporate your experiences into his own learning. Synopsis How do we get people to believe in a brand they never touch, see or experience?IBM is the world leader in cognitive computing. Their cutting-edge AI, named Watson, can understand natural language, self-learn, reason, and interact - processing vast amounts of data, in more detail than any human could get through in a lifetime.But demonstrating this can be tough. Past articulations had not always successfully provided our audience with a true understanding of its real world capabilities. As a result, there was still confusion about its application to solve business problems.We needed to demystify IBM Watson. Execution Melanoma doesn’t discriminate. It affects everyone the same. Men and women. Young and old. Famous and unknown. Different ethnicities and religions. So creatively our executions featuring a range of Australian faces and voices.We started the conversation on social media with survival stories from Australian celebrities:-Mack Horton... Olympic Gold Medal Swimmer-Deborah Hutton... Media personality -‘Deano’, ‘Harries’ and ‘Kerrbox’... Lifeguards featured on ‘Bondi Rescue’ TV ShowThis was followed by pre-roll video, display and print advertising featuring eight everyday Australians adding their perspectives to the conversation.In the week before the event we ran radio spots featuring three melanoma stories and the voice of Watson himself asking listeners to join in, with extra campaign participation driven by live reads.And finally Bondi Surf Bathers’ Lifesaving Club, the venue for the activation, was dressed in the livery of IBM Outthink Melanoma and calls made to local media.

    Outthink 黑色素瘤


    Outthink Melanoma










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