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    Footcare spot短视频广告营销案例



    Footcare spot

    案例简介:Blonde + Co 帮助 ARM & HAMMER 进入新活动的舒适 Brand 的新足部护理系列 轻松的 3 点活动展示了从战略到帖子的代理/创意内容工作室能力 纽约 -- 寻找一种创造性的方法来提高人们对其新系列足部护理产品的认识®技术-Premier,ARM & HAMMER 的制造商™足部护理 *-转向 Blonde + Co,这家屡获殊荣的创意机构/内容制作工作室由公司创始人兼首席执行官朱莉 · 斯塔尔领导, 为消费产品巨头的新系列脚粉、鞋垫和擦鞋产品创建一个新的 3 点活动。广告在 7月中破裂。 Blonde + Co 的副创意总监 Cueva Andrea 解释说,ARM & HAMMER™足部护理来到他们面前,利用这项技术和值得信赖的 ARM & HAMMER,为他们创建了一个夏季活动,突出他们新的足部护理产品™品牌名称作为在该类别中脱颖而出的一种方式。 “我们想玩得开心一点,” 安德里亚解释道。“这一类的许多广告都非常重视自己。我们希望这些更有趣,让足部护理更人性化。夏季意味着很多令人尴尬的臭脚,因为臭脚让人们和你周围的人感到不舒服,运动的重点是让人们从脚开始对自己感觉良好。我们决定用幽默与目标观众联系。" 该活动由 3: 15 秒组成,主要由副本、画外音和编辑驱动。设置成一个乐观的配乐,每个点,而焦点略有不同 (一个更多的是关于夏天的脚; 另一个以舞蹈序列蒙太奇为特色的 “时髦” 一词的戏剧; 第三个聚焦于幽默,将臭脚比作臭鼬) 以快速剪辑的脚动作为特色。 轻松的拷贝和画外音播放了这些图像,同时也推动了他们的突破,这是他们的汗水激活了新鲜的守卫®技术。每个景点都以标语 “走进舒适区,感受新鲜” 结尾。“最终结果是一则广告,让观众始终参与其中。 “我们非常喜欢在这场运动中与金发 + Co 团队合作,” ARM & HAMMER 的 Rachel Mignano™足部护理营销,说。“他们坚定不移的奉献精神、现代方法和协作创意环境对于发展我们的品牌声音至关重要,同时忠实于 A & H 的传统。" 金发女郎 + 公司账户总监维克多 · 拉鲁补充道,“我们想用这种语言来演奏,让它令人难忘。我们需要以一种引人入胜的方式连接并交流手臂和锤子™是消费者信任的品牌,这种新的足部护理产品以这种有效的技术为特色。这是一个很大的机会,但是我们作为讲故事的人的优势帮助了这一点。" 安德里亚指出,“手臂和锤子™足部护理让我们期待一个典型的广告,我们提供的是新鲜的、更人性化的方法。我们不想让这感觉像通常的消费品广告,而是想给它注入更多的活力和幽默, 因为当你想到它的时候,你的脚支撑着你的整个身体。”

    Footcare spot

    案例简介:Blonde + Co Helps ARM & HAMMER Step Into The Comfort With New Campaign For Brand’s New Foot Care Line Light-Hearted 3-Spot Campaign Showcases Agency/Creative Content Studio Capabilities From Strategy Through Post NEW YORK, NY – Looking for an inventive creative approach to raise awareness for its new line of foot care products featuring its new sweat-activated Fresh Guard® technology – Premier, the makers of ARM & HAMMER™ Foot Care* – turned to Blonde + Co, the award-winning creative agency/content production studio led by company Founder and CEO Julie Stahl, to create a new 3-spot campaign for the consumer products giant’s new line of foot powders, insoles and shoe refreshers. The ads broke in mid-July. Cueva Andrea, Blonde + Co’s Associate Creative Director explained that ARM & HAMMER™ Foot Care came to them to create a Summer campaign highlighting their new foot care products, leveraging the technology and the trusted ARM & HAMMER™ brand name as a way to standout from their competitors in the category. “We wanted to have a little fun with these,” Andrea explained. “So many ads in this category take themselves very seriously. We wanted these to be a bit more playful and bring foot care down to a more human level. Summertime means a lot embarrassing smelly feet and because smelly feet makes people, and those around you, uncomfortable the point of the campaign centered on making people feel good about themselves starting by their feet. We decided to connect with the target audience with humor.” Consisting of 3 :15 second spots, the campaign is largely driven by the copy, the voiceover and the edit. Set to an upbeat soundtrack, each spot, while slightly different in focus (one is more about Summer feet; another a play off the word “funky” featuring a montage of dance sequences; and the third focuses on the humor, comparing smelly feet to skunks) features a quick-cut montage of feet in action. The light-hearted copy and voiceover play off the images, while also driving home the breakthrough that is their sweat activated Fresh Guard® technology. Each spot ends with the tagline “Step into the comfort zone and feel the freshness.” The end result is an ad that keeps viewers’ engaged throughout. "We thoroughly enjoyed working with the Blonde + Co team on this campaign,” Rachel Mignano of ARM & HAMMER™ Foot Care Marketing, says. "Their steadfast dedication, modern approach and collaborative creative environment has been essential in evolving our brand voice, while staying true to A&H's heritage." Victor Larue, Blonde + Co Account Director adds, “We wanted to play with the language and make it memorable. We needed to connect in an engaging way and communicate that ARM & HAMMER™ is a brand consumers trust, and this new line of foot care products features this effective technology. It was a lot to get across but our strengths as storytellers helped with that.” Andrea notes, “ARM & HAMMER™ Foot Care came to us expecting a typical ad and what we delivered was fresh, more human approach. We didn't want this to feel like the usual consumer product ad, but rather we wanted to imbue it with a bit more life and humor, because when you think about it your feet support your entire body.”

    Footcare spot

    案例简介:Blonde + Co 帮助 ARM & HAMMER 进入新活动的舒适 Brand 的新足部护理系列 轻松的 3 点活动展示了从战略到帖子的代理/创意内容工作室能力 纽约 -- 寻找一种创造性的方法来提高人们对其新系列足部护理产品的认识®技术-Premier,ARM & HAMMER 的制造商™足部护理 *-转向 Blonde + Co,这家屡获殊荣的创意机构/内容制作工作室由公司创始人兼首席执行官朱莉 · 斯塔尔领导, 为消费产品巨头的新系列脚粉、鞋垫和擦鞋产品创建一个新的 3 点活动。广告在 7月中破裂。 Blonde + Co 的副创意总监 Cueva Andrea 解释说,ARM & HAMMER™足部护理来到他们面前,利用这项技术和值得信赖的 ARM & HAMMER,为他们创建了一个夏季活动,突出他们新的足部护理产品™品牌名称作为在该类别中脱颖而出的一种方式。 “我们想玩得开心一点,” 安德里亚解释道。“这一类的许多广告都非常重视自己。我们希望这些更有趣,让足部护理更人性化。夏季意味着很多令人尴尬的臭脚,因为臭脚让人们和你周围的人感到不舒服,运动的重点是让人们从脚开始对自己感觉良好。我们决定用幽默与目标观众联系。" 该活动由 3: 15 秒组成,主要由副本、画外音和编辑驱动。设置成一个乐观的配乐,每个点,而焦点略有不同 (一个更多的是关于夏天的脚; 另一个以舞蹈序列蒙太奇为特色的 “时髦” 一词的戏剧; 第三个聚焦于幽默,将臭脚比作臭鼬) 以快速剪辑的脚动作为特色。 轻松的拷贝和画外音播放了这些图像,同时也推动了他们的突破,这是他们的汗水激活了新鲜的守卫®技术。每个景点都以标语 “走进舒适区,感受新鲜” 结尾。“最终结果是一则广告,让观众始终参与其中。 “我们非常喜欢在这场运动中与金发 + Co 团队合作,” ARM & HAMMER 的 Rachel Mignano™足部护理营销,说。“他们坚定不移的奉献精神、现代方法和协作创意环境对于发展我们的品牌声音至关重要,同时忠实于 A & H 的传统。" 金发女郎 + 公司账户总监维克多 · 拉鲁补充道,“我们想用这种语言来演奏,让它令人难忘。我们需要以一种引人入胜的方式连接并交流手臂和锤子™是消费者信任的品牌,这种新的足部护理产品以这种有效的技术为特色。这是一个很大的机会,但是我们作为讲故事的人的优势帮助了这一点。" 安德里亚指出,“手臂和锤子™足部护理让我们期待一个典型的广告,我们提供的是新鲜的、更人性化的方法。我们不想让这感觉像通常的消费品广告,而是想给它注入更多的活力和幽默, 因为当你想到它的时候,你的脚支撑着你的整个身体。”

    Footcare spot

    案例简介:Blonde + Co Helps ARM & HAMMER Step Into The Comfort With New Campaign For Brand’s New Foot Care Line Light-Hearted 3-Spot Campaign Showcases Agency/Creative Content Studio Capabilities From Strategy Through Post NEW YORK, NY – Looking for an inventive creative approach to raise awareness for its new line of foot care products featuring its new sweat-activated Fresh Guard® technology – Premier, the makers of ARM & HAMMER™ Foot Care* – turned to Blonde + Co, the award-winning creative agency/content production studio led by company Founder and CEO Julie Stahl, to create a new 3-spot campaign for the consumer products giant’s new line of foot powders, insoles and shoe refreshers. The ads broke in mid-July. Cueva Andrea, Blonde + Co’s Associate Creative Director explained that ARM & HAMMER™ Foot Care came to them to create a Summer campaign highlighting their new foot care products, leveraging the technology and the trusted ARM & HAMMER™ brand name as a way to standout from their competitors in the category. “We wanted to have a little fun with these,” Andrea explained. “So many ads in this category take themselves very seriously. We wanted these to be a bit more playful and bring foot care down to a more human level. Summertime means a lot embarrassing smelly feet and because smelly feet makes people, and those around you, uncomfortable the point of the campaign centered on making people feel good about themselves starting by their feet. We decided to connect with the target audience with humor.” Consisting of 3 :15 second spots, the campaign is largely driven by the copy, the voiceover and the edit. Set to an upbeat soundtrack, each spot, while slightly different in focus (one is more about Summer feet; another a play off the word “funky” featuring a montage of dance sequences; and the third focuses on the humor, comparing smelly feet to skunks) features a quick-cut montage of feet in action. The light-hearted copy and voiceover play off the images, while also driving home the breakthrough that is their sweat activated Fresh Guard® technology. Each spot ends with the tagline “Step into the comfort zone and feel the freshness.” The end result is an ad that keeps viewers’ engaged throughout. "We thoroughly enjoyed working with the Blonde + Co team on this campaign,” Rachel Mignano of ARM & HAMMER™ Foot Care Marketing, says. "Their steadfast dedication, modern approach and collaborative creative environment has been essential in evolving our brand voice, while staying true to A&H's heritage." Victor Larue, Blonde + Co Account Director adds, “We wanted to play with the language and make it memorable. We needed to connect in an engaging way and communicate that ARM & HAMMER™ is a brand consumers trust, and this new line of foot care products features this effective technology. It was a lot to get across but our strengths as storytellers helped with that.” Andrea notes, “ARM & HAMMER™ Foot Care came to us expecting a typical ad and what we delivered was fresh, more human approach. We didn't want this to feel like the usual consumer product ad, but rather we wanted to imbue it with a bit more life and humor, because when you think about it your feet support your entire body.”

    Footcare spot


    Footcare spot






    广告公司: Blonde (美国 纽约)




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