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    案例简介:战略 Public Eye 拥有 25 '000 人的会员和捐助者。通过这项运动,我们向城市、受过良好教育的瑞士人发表了演讲,他们希望与社会不平等作斗争。关心全球正义的人。这个想法是为了接触目标受众,并通过激活公众视线社区来扩大接触范围。在 returntosender.ch 网站上,我们提供了关于肮脏生意的内容。这项运动通过推特和 Facebook 上的社交帖子、广告和玩笑得到了推动。我们还将特色内容放在目标受众阅读的杂志上。公共眼街小组在瑞士城市收集签名。但是我们需要大媒体加入进来,以便推动这场运动,让媒体传递信息。 相关性 这场运动的核心理念是一个引人注目的公关噱头。由于托克在加纳和其他西非国家用肮脏的柴油污染空气,我们在非洲活动家的帮助下将肮脏的空气送回了发送者。在返回瑞士的路上,近 20 万人支持并签署了阻止这家大宗商品巨头的请愿书。《卫报》、《纽约时报》和英国广播公司等主要新闻平台报道了这场运动和关于肮脏柴油的报道。在所有方面,“返回发送者” 是一个成功的公关概念。 概要 总部设在瑞士的大型石油交易商,如托克公司,将廉价燃料与超过欧洲极限数百倍的硫含量混合在一起。他们在非洲国家出售 “肮脏的柴油”,那里可以利用当地燃料标准的弱点。瑞士非政府组织公共眼发表了一份 160 页的关于肮脏生意的报告。为了揭露这种做法并推动托克村改变这种做法,该非政府组织必须采取行动,向更多的公众展示调查结果。《公众眼》要求我们发起一场运动,以明智的方式传达广泛的主题,并要求我们动员尽可能多的人签署一份反对托克肮脏商业的请愿书。 结果 媒体输出: 媒体报道从竞选开始时《卫报》的一篇文章开始,随后是《世界报》、《金融时报》、《纽约时报》、英国广播公司、路透社或法国 24。西非国家的媒体报道更大,迫使加纳采取行动。目标受众结果: 请愿书由近 20 万人签署。商业成果: 公众眼 Facebook 社区增长了 20% 以上,增加了 1000 个新成员 (基数: 25 '000 个成员)。我们运动造成的公众压力促使加纳政府将其国家硫标准提高了 60 倍。国家石油管理局 Ghanas 称我们的运动是这些行动的催化剂。贝宁、多哥、象牙海岸和尼日利亚紧随其后,提高了硫磺标准。荷兰和尼日利亚政府认识到出口肮脏柴油的问题,他们希望采取行动。阿姆斯特丹市议会希望禁止出口。 活动描述 为了展示肮脏的柴油对非洲人口的令人震惊的健康影响,我们发起了一场多渠道运动。在加纳阿克拉积极分子的帮助下,我们拍摄了一部短片,展示了当地人将污染的空气捕获到罐子里,并将其归还给发送者。换句话说: 作为对托克肮脏业务的反应,我们将集装箱中的空气送回了这个大宗商品巨头。 执行 该运动分三个阶段实施。在第一阶段,观众观看了一部预告电影,当地人将污染的空气捕捉到罐子里,并将其归还给发送者。世界各地的许多主要媒体平台都报道了肮脏柴油的故事。在第二阶段,肮脏的空气到瑞士的旅程开始了,是一个公共事件。用户可以在网站 returntosender.ch 上实时跟踪货船,包括集装箱船的精确地理位置、天气数据和进展。该网站还载有关于该报告的大量信息。这导致了一份请愿书,要求托克停止他们肮脏的业务,专注于他们成为社会责任市场领导者的目标。第三阶段的挂钩是将肮脏的空气送到发送者,送到日内瓦的托克村。国家电视台报道了这一事件。


    案例简介:Strategy Public Eye has a member and donor community of 25´000 people. With the campaign, we addressed urban, well-educated Swiss who want to fight against social inequity. People who care about global justice. The idea was to reach the target audience and to multiply the reach by activating the Public Eye community on- and offline. On the website returntosender.ch, we provided the content about the dirty business. The campaign was boosted with social posts, ads and teasers on Twitter and Facebook. We also placed featured content in magazines read by the target audience. Public Eye street teams collected signatures in Swiss cities. But we needed the big media to jump on board, in order to give the campaign a boost and let the media transport the message. Relevancy The core idea of this campaign is a striking PR stunt. As Trafigura pollutes the air with dirty diesel in Ghana and other West African countries, we sent the dirty air back to the sender with the help of African activist. On the way back to Switzerland, almost 20´000 people supported and signed the petition to stop the commodities giant. The campaign and the report about dirty diesel were covered by major news platforms like The Guardian, The New York Times and BBC. At all points, «Return to Sender» is a successful PR concept. Synopsis Based in Switzerland, big oil traders like Trafigura blend cheap fuel with sulfur levels hundred times over European limits. They sell the «dirty diesel» in African countries where the weakness of local fuel standards can be exploited. The Swiss NGO Public Eye published a 160-page report about the dirty business. In order to expose this practice and to push Trafigura to change it, the NGO had to act and to present the findings to a larger public. Public Eye asked us to create a campaign that communicates the extensive subject in a smart way and asked us to mobilize as much people as possible to sign a petition against the dirty business of Trafigura. Outcome Media output: Media coverage started with an article in the Guardian at the campaign beginning and was followed by wide-coverage news platforms like Le Monde, Financial Times, New York Times, BBC, Reuters or France24. The media coverage in West African countries was even bigger and forced Ghana to take action.Target audience outcomes:The petition was signed by almost 20´000 people.Business outcomes: The Public Eye Facebook community increased by more than 20%, 1000 new members were gained (base: 25'000 members). Public pressure caused by our campaign moved the government of Ghana to toughen its national sulfur standard by a factor of 60. The National Petroleum Authority Ghanas called our campaign the catalyst for these actions. Benin, Togo, Ivory Coast and Nigeria followed and toughened its sulfur standards. The Dutch and the Nigerian governments recognized the problem of the export of dirty diesel, they want to take actions. The city council of Amsterdam wants to ban the export. CampaignDescription To show the shocking health impacts dirty diesel has on the African population, we created a multichannel campaign. With the help of activists in Accra, Ghana, we shot a short film showing local people capturing the polluted air into canisters and return it to the sender. In other words: As a reaction to the dirty business of Trafigura, we sent the air in a shipping container back to the commodities giant. Execution The campaign was implemented in three phases. In phase one, the audience was shown a teaser film with local people capturing the polluted air into canisters and return it to the sender. A lot of major media platforms around the world reported about the story of the dirty diesel. In phase 2, the journey of the dirty air to Switzerland started and was a public event. Users could follow the cargo ship in real time on the website returntosender.ch, including precise geolocation of the container ship, weather data and progression. The website also contained extensive information about the report. It led to a petition demanding Trafigura to stop their dirty business and focus on their goal of becoming market leader in social responsibility. The hook of Phase 3 was the delivery of the dirty air to the sender, to Trafigura in Geneva. This event was covered by national TV.

    Return to Sender

    案例简介:战略 Public Eye 拥有 25 '000 人的会员和捐助者。通过这项运动,我们向城市、受过良好教育的瑞士人发表了演讲,他们希望与社会不平等作斗争。关心全球正义的人。这个想法是为了接触目标受众,并通过激活公众视线社区来扩大接触范围。在 returntosender.ch 网站上,我们提供了关于肮脏生意的内容。这项运动通过推特和 Facebook 上的社交帖子、广告和玩笑得到了推动。我们还将特色内容放在目标受众阅读的杂志上。公共眼街小组在瑞士城市收集签名。但是我们需要大媒体加入进来,以便推动这场运动,让媒体传递信息。 相关性 这场运动的核心理念是一个引人注目的公关噱头。由于托克在加纳和其他西非国家用肮脏的柴油污染空气,我们在非洲活动家的帮助下将肮脏的空气送回了发送者。在返回瑞士的路上,近 20 万人支持并签署了阻止这家大宗商品巨头的请愿书。《卫报》、《纽约时报》和英国广播公司等主要新闻平台报道了这场运动和关于肮脏柴油的报道。在所有方面,“返回发送者” 是一个成功的公关概念。 概要 总部设在瑞士的大型石油交易商,如托克公司,将廉价燃料与超过欧洲极限数百倍的硫含量混合在一起。他们在非洲国家出售 “肮脏的柴油”,那里可以利用当地燃料标准的弱点。瑞士非政府组织公共眼发表了一份 160 页的关于肮脏生意的报告。为了揭露这种做法并推动托克村改变这种做法,该非政府组织必须采取行动,向更多的公众展示调查结果。《公众眼》要求我们发起一场运动,以明智的方式传达广泛的主题,并要求我们动员尽可能多的人签署一份反对托克肮脏商业的请愿书。 结果 媒体输出: 媒体报道从竞选开始时《卫报》的一篇文章开始,随后是《世界报》、《金融时报》、《纽约时报》、英国广播公司、路透社或法国 24。西非国家的媒体报道更大,迫使加纳采取行动。目标受众结果: 请愿书由近 20 万人签署。商业成果: 公众眼 Facebook 社区增长了 20% 以上,增加了 1000 个新成员 (基数: 25 '000 个成员)。我们运动造成的公众压力促使加纳政府将其国家硫标准提高了 60 倍。国家石油管理局 Ghanas 称我们的运动是这些行动的催化剂。贝宁、多哥、象牙海岸和尼日利亚紧随其后,提高了硫磺标准。荷兰和尼日利亚政府认识到出口肮脏柴油的问题,他们希望采取行动。阿姆斯特丹市议会希望禁止出口。 活动描述 为了展示肮脏的柴油对非洲人口的令人震惊的健康影响,我们发起了一场多渠道运动。在加纳阿克拉积极分子的帮助下,我们拍摄了一部短片,展示了当地人将污染的空气捕获到罐子里,并将其归还给发送者。换句话说: 作为对托克肮脏业务的反应,我们将集装箱中的空气送回了这个大宗商品巨头。 执行 该运动分三个阶段实施。在第一阶段,观众观看了一部预告电影,当地人将污染的空气捕捉到罐子里,并将其归还给发送者。世界各地的许多主要媒体平台都报道了肮脏柴油的故事。在第二阶段,肮脏的空气到瑞士的旅程开始了,是一个公共事件。用户可以在网站 returntosender.ch 上实时跟踪货船,包括集装箱船的精确地理位置、天气数据和进展。该网站还载有关于该报告的大量信息。这导致了一份请愿书,要求托克停止他们肮脏的业务,专注于他们成为社会责任市场领导者的目标。第三阶段的挂钩是将肮脏的空气送到发送者,送到日内瓦的托克村。国家电视台报道了这一事件。

    Return to Sender

    案例简介:Strategy Public Eye has a member and donor community of 25´000 people. With the campaign, we addressed urban, well-educated Swiss who want to fight against social inequity. People who care about global justice. The idea was to reach the target audience and to multiply the reach by activating the Public Eye community on- and offline. On the website returntosender.ch, we provided the content about the dirty business. The campaign was boosted with social posts, ads and teasers on Twitter and Facebook. We also placed featured content in magazines read by the target audience. Public Eye street teams collected signatures in Swiss cities. But we needed the big media to jump on board, in order to give the campaign a boost and let the media transport the message. Relevancy The core idea of this campaign is a striking PR stunt. As Trafigura pollutes the air with dirty diesel in Ghana and other West African countries, we sent the dirty air back to the sender with the help of African activist. On the way back to Switzerland, almost 20´000 people supported and signed the petition to stop the commodities giant. The campaign and the report about dirty diesel were covered by major news platforms like The Guardian, The New York Times and BBC. At all points, «Return to Sender» is a successful PR concept. Synopsis Based in Switzerland, big oil traders like Trafigura blend cheap fuel with sulfur levels hundred times over European limits. They sell the «dirty diesel» in African countries where the weakness of local fuel standards can be exploited. The Swiss NGO Public Eye published a 160-page report about the dirty business. In order to expose this practice and to push Trafigura to change it, the NGO had to act and to present the findings to a larger public. Public Eye asked us to create a campaign that communicates the extensive subject in a smart way and asked us to mobilize as much people as possible to sign a petition against the dirty business of Trafigura. Outcome Media output: Media coverage started with an article in the Guardian at the campaign beginning and was followed by wide-coverage news platforms like Le Monde, Financial Times, New York Times, BBC, Reuters or France24. The media coverage in West African countries was even bigger and forced Ghana to take action.Target audience outcomes:The petition was signed by almost 20´000 people.Business outcomes: The Public Eye Facebook community increased by more than 20%, 1000 new members were gained (base: 25'000 members). Public pressure caused by our campaign moved the government of Ghana to toughen its national sulfur standard by a factor of 60. The National Petroleum Authority Ghanas called our campaign the catalyst for these actions. Benin, Togo, Ivory Coast and Nigeria followed and toughened its sulfur standards. The Dutch and the Nigerian governments recognized the problem of the export of dirty diesel, they want to take actions. The city council of Amsterdam wants to ban the export. CampaignDescription To show the shocking health impacts dirty diesel has on the African population, we created a multichannel campaign. With the help of activists in Accra, Ghana, we shot a short film showing local people capturing the polluted air into canisters and return it to the sender. In other words: As a reaction to the dirty business of Trafigura, we sent the air in a shipping container back to the commodities giant. Execution The campaign was implemented in three phases. In phase one, the audience was shown a teaser film with local people capturing the polluted air into canisters and return it to the sender. A lot of major media platforms around the world reported about the story of the dirty diesel. In phase 2, the journey of the dirty air to Switzerland started and was a public event. Users could follow the cargo ship in real time on the website returntosender.ch, including precise geolocation of the container ship, weather data and progression. The website also contained extensive information about the report. It led to a petition demanding Trafigura to stop their dirty business and focus on their goal of becoming market leader in social responsibility. The hook of Phase 3 was the delivery of the dirty air to the sender, to Trafigura in Geneva. This event was covered by national TV.



    Return to Sender










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