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    F**K TREE短视频广告营销案例



    F * * K 树

    案例简介:结果和有效性: 超过百万人使用了这棵树。通过赚取、购买和拥有价值超过 90% 欧元的媒体,该活动达到了目标群体的 200万以上。这部 F * * K Tree 电影被观看了 125万多次,并传播到 216 个地点,在目标群体中具有很高的亲和力。我们的后续研究表明,讨论性传播感染风险的年轻人比例上升了 86%。讨论使用避孕套的年轻人的比例增加了 47%。F * * K Tree 27% 改善了瑞典人对安全套使用的态度。 创意执行: “当你和某人做爱时,你是在和他们做爱的每个人做爱。“ 我们创建了一个名为 F * * K Tree 的网络应用程序。该功能简单、有意义且实时: 通过 Facebook Connect 登录,提示您输入与多少人发生性关系。该应用程序从你的 Facebook 朋友和他们的朋友的照片中生成一棵树,以说明你有多少人在统计上和潜在的性行为。在 F * * K Tree 的整个体验中,参与者以娱乐和有意义的方式获得了关于瑞典性习惯的新知识。为了进一步传播这种树的体验,我们与年轻的瑞典名人一起制作了一部病毒电影,展示了这种树在现实生活中是如何工作的, 我们与一系列具有不同性取向的超级博客作者合作。我们没有告诉人们一条信息,而是给他们看了。通过利用他们认识和爱的人,我们把它变成了私人的。 见解、战略和想法: 尽管瑞典对性传播疾病的认识很高,但只有 56% 的 18-29 岁的年轻人认为在随意性行为时需要避孕套。因此,在过去的两年里,性传播疾病 (性传播疾病) 的传播速度上升了 20% 以上,艾滋病毒上升了 12%,这并不奇怪。瑞典的避孕套广告传统上采取恐吓策略,目标受众对它们免疫。为了影响并真正改变瑞典年轻人的态度和行为,我们必须不仅仅是挑衅。我们必须变得私人化。我们必须引诱目标的头脑,创造倡导者,他们将开始在自己和自己之间传播安全性行为的信息。所以我们转向了最终的口碑平台: Facebook

    F * * K 树

    案例简介:Results and Effectiveness: Over a million people used the F**K Tree. The campaign reached over 90% of the target group through earned, bought and owned media valued at over 2 million Euros. The F**K Tree film was viewed over 1.25 million times and spread to 216 sites, with a high affinity in the target group. Our follow-up study showed that the proportion of young people who discussed the risk of getting sexually-transmitted-infections rose by 86%. The proportion of young people who discussed the use of condoms increased by 47%. F**K Tree improved the attitude towards condom usage of young Swedes by 27%. Creative Execution: "When you have sex with somebody, you’re having sex with everybody they ever had sex with.” We created a Web application called F**K Tree. The functionality is simple, meaningful and real-time: login via Facebook Connect, where you’re prompted to enter how many people you’ve had sex with. The application generates a tree out of pictures of your Facebook friends—and their friends—to illustrate how many people you have statistically and potentially had sex with. Throughout the F**K Tree experience, participants received new knowledge about Swedish sexual habits in entertaining and meaningful ways. To spread the F**K Tree experience further, we created a viral film with young Swedish celebrities showing how the F**K Tree works in real life, and we collaborated with a range of super bloggers with different audiences of varying sexual orientations. Instead of telling people a message, we showed it to them. And by using the people they know and love, we made it personal. Insights, Strategy and the Idea: Even though awareness of sexually transmitted diseases is high in Sweden, only 56% of young adults aged 18-29 thought condoms were necessary during casual sex. No surprise, then, that the spread of STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) has risen at a rate of over 20% and HIV by 12% over the last two years. Condom advertising in Sweden traditionally takes the route of scare tactics, and the target audience had become immune to them. In order to influence and actually change Swedish youths’ attitudes and behaviours, we had to be more than provocative. We had to get personal. We had to seduce the minds of the target, to create advocates who would start spreading the word about safe sex on their own, among themselves. So we turned to the ultimate platform for word of mouth: Facebook

    F**K TREE

    案例简介:结果和有效性: 超过百万人使用了这棵树。通过赚取、购买和拥有价值超过 90% 欧元的媒体,该活动达到了目标群体的 200万以上。这部 F * * K Tree 电影被观看了 125万多次,并传播到 216 个地点,在目标群体中具有很高的亲和力。我们的后续研究表明,讨论性传播感染风险的年轻人比例上升了 86%。讨论使用避孕套的年轻人的比例增加了 47%。F * * K Tree 27% 改善了瑞典人对安全套使用的态度。 创意执行: “当你和某人做爱时,你是在和他们做爱的每个人做爱。“ 我们创建了一个名为 F * * K Tree 的网络应用程序。该功能简单、有意义且实时: 通过 Facebook Connect 登录,提示您输入与多少人发生性关系。该应用程序从你的 Facebook 朋友和他们的朋友的照片中生成一棵树,以说明你有多少人在统计上和潜在的性行为。在 F * * K Tree 的整个体验中,参与者以娱乐和有意义的方式获得了关于瑞典性习惯的新知识。为了进一步传播这种树的体验,我们与年轻的瑞典名人一起制作了一部病毒电影,展示了这种树在现实生活中是如何工作的, 我们与一系列具有不同性取向的超级博客作者合作。我们没有告诉人们一条信息,而是给他们看了。通过利用他们认识和爱的人,我们把它变成了私人的。 见解、战略和想法: 尽管瑞典对性传播疾病的认识很高,但只有 56% 的 18-29 岁的年轻人认为在随意性行为时需要避孕套。因此,在过去的两年里,性传播疾病 (性传播疾病) 的传播速度上升了 20% 以上,艾滋病毒上升了 12%,这并不奇怪。瑞典的避孕套广告传统上采取恐吓策略,目标受众对它们免疫。为了影响并真正改变瑞典年轻人的态度和行为,我们必须不仅仅是挑衅。我们必须变得私人化。我们必须引诱目标的头脑,创造倡导者,他们将开始在自己和自己之间传播安全性行为的信息。所以我们转向了最终的口碑平台: Facebook

    F**K TREE

    案例简介:Results and Effectiveness: Over a million people used the F**K Tree. The campaign reached over 90% of the target group through earned, bought and owned media valued at over 2 million Euros. The F**K Tree film was viewed over 1.25 million times and spread to 216 sites, with a high affinity in the target group. Our follow-up study showed that the proportion of young people who discussed the risk of getting sexually-transmitted-infections rose by 86%. The proportion of young people who discussed the use of condoms increased by 47%. F**K Tree improved the attitude towards condom usage of young Swedes by 27%. Creative Execution: "When you have sex with somebody, you’re having sex with everybody they ever had sex with.” We created a Web application called F**K Tree. The functionality is simple, meaningful and real-time: login via Facebook Connect, where you’re prompted to enter how many people you’ve had sex with. The application generates a tree out of pictures of your Facebook friends—and their friends—to illustrate how many people you have statistically and potentially had sex with. Throughout the F**K Tree experience, participants received new knowledge about Swedish sexual habits in entertaining and meaningful ways. To spread the F**K Tree experience further, we created a viral film with young Swedish celebrities showing how the F**K Tree works in real life, and we collaborated with a range of super bloggers with different audiences of varying sexual orientations. Instead of telling people a message, we showed it to them. And by using the people they know and love, we made it personal. Insights, Strategy and the Idea: Even though awareness of sexually transmitted diseases is high in Sweden, only 56% of young adults aged 18-29 thought condoms were necessary during casual sex. No surprise, then, that the spread of STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) has risen at a rate of over 20% and HIV by 12% over the last two years. Condom advertising in Sweden traditionally takes the route of scare tactics, and the target audience had become immune to them. In order to influence and actually change Swedish youths’ attitudes and behaviours, we had to be more than provocative. We had to get personal. We had to seduce the minds of the target, to create advocates who would start spreading the word about safe sex on their own, among themselves. So we turned to the ultimate platform for word of mouth: Facebook

    F * * K 树


    F**K TREE










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