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    More to Give短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:结果 这场 “更多” 的运动取得了巨大成功。这场运动在网上激发了人们对这项事业 500% 的兴趣。这进一步导致了 2800万的社交媒体参与。但真正重要的结果是,器官捐赠承诺增加了惊人的 1500%。在几周内,22,000 人认捐了他们的器官,并将每百万人的器官捐献率从 0.5 提高到 0.8。 概要 印度的器官捐献率是世界上最差的,为每百万捐献者 0.5 人。每年有 500,000 以上的人死于等待器官。尽管价值数百万美元的名人大使发起了多次宣传运动,但国家对这一严重问题视而不见。由于印度遵循器官捐赠的选择加入程序,承诺并同意器官回收的责任掌握在人民手中。但是没有足够的人积极注册器官捐赠,这导致了有需要的人器官的严重短缺。在一个拥有 12亿人口的国家,2014年只有 314 名已故器官捐赠者。94% 的受访者意识到器官捐赠的概念,但只有 0.01% 的人承诺成为器官捐赠者。简报是为了提高对这个问题的认识,并让人们承诺他们的器官。 执行 我们与印度军队的截肢者老兵合作,他们失去了为国家而战的四肢。我们给他们拍照,让他们成为一场广泛的户外运动的面孔。这场运动是在这些老兵宣誓器官的新闻发布会上发起的。然后,我们与印度领先的新闻网络 NDTV 建立了联系,并制作了几个黄金时段的脱口秀节目来提高人们对这个问题的认识。国际名人,如 Irrfan Khan 、 Priyanka Chopra 和其他政府政要也加入了进来。所有主要宗教的首脑聚集在一起,消除了关于器官捐赠的神话和禁忌,甚至在国家电视台上宣誓捐献器官。在线活动补充了 “更多信息” 的微型网站、推特手柄和 facebook 帖子,促进了发布和以下活动。我们组织了大规模的地面活动,如步行马拉松、企业研讨会和捐赠亭,吸引了全国各地的人们。 战略 我们的洞察力: 即使人们认为他们没有,他们也有更多的东西可以给予。人们似乎已经为这个事业发展了一个沟通的盲点。为了让他们摆脱沉睡,我们需要在个人、情感、几乎爱国的层面上与他们联系。我们在一群一直是国家骄傲和灵感来源的人身上发现了这种完美的叙述,但他们与国家的所有社会阶层 -- 国防人员 -- 都有关联和可识别印度。这些现实生活中的英雄,在为国家服务的过程中失去了一部分身体,站起来向国家证明,他们承诺捐赠器官,心里有更多。如果他们已经给了这个国家这么多,仍然有更多的东西可以给,那么是什么阻止了印度其他国家这样做? 活动描述 一个器官捐赠者最多可以挽救 8 条生命。这意味着每个人都有更多的付出。为了提高对此的认识,我们需要人民尊敬的大使。所以我们与印度军队的截肢者老兵合作,他们失去了四肢,为国家而战。尽管他们失去了四肢,为国家付出了一切,但他们保证了自己的器官,并表明他们还有更多的东西要给。这一有力的行为刺痛了人民的良心,暴露了他们对这个问题的漠不关心。 相关性 “更多给予” 运动旨在呼吁年轻人和老年人摆脱对器官捐赠问题的冷漠。勇敢的退伍军人的户外运动激励人们通过保证自己的器官来行动。竞选的结果是竞选过程中获得的认捐数量。


    案例简介:Outcome The ¬¬¬¬More To Give campaign was a resounding success. The campaign spurred the interest for the cause online by 500%. This further led to 28 million social media engagements. But the result that really mattered was that there was an astounding 1500% increase in pledges for organ donation. Within weeks, 22,000 people pledged their organs and raised the organ donation rate from 0.5 to 0.8 donors per million people. Synopsis India has the worst organ donation rate in the world at 0.5 donors per million. More than 500,000 die every year waiting for organs. In spite of multiple awareness campaigns by celebrity ambassadors worth millions of dollars, the nation had turned a blind eye towards this grave problem. Since India follows an opt-in process for organ donation, the onus of pledging and giving consent for organ retrieval lies in the hands of the people. But not enough people are active about registering for organ donation, which leads to an acute shortage of organs for those in need. In a country of 1.2 billion people, there were only 314 deceased organ donors in 2014. 94% of people surveyed are aware of the concept of organ donation, but only 0.01% have pledged to be organ donors. The brief was to raise awareness about the issue and get people to pledge their organs. Execution We partnered with the amputee veterans of the Indian Army, who had lost their limbs fighting for the country. We photographed them and made them the faces of an extensive outdoor campaign. The campaign was launched at a press conference where these veterans pledged their organs. We then tied up with India’s leading news network, NDTV and created several prime time talk shows to raise awareness the issue. International celebrities like Irrfan Khan, Priyanka Chopra and other government dignitaries joined in. Heads of all major religions came together and dispelled myths and taboos surrounding organ donation and even pledged their organs on national television.Online engagements supplemented the ‘More to Give’ microsite, twitter handle and facebook posts promoting the launch and the following events.We organised massive on-ground events like walkathons, corporate workshops and donationkiosks that engaged people across the country. Strategy Our Insight: People have MORE TO GIVE even when they think they don’t.People seemed to have developed a blind spot towards communication for the cause. To shake them out of this slumber we needed to connect with them at a personal, emotional, almost patriotic level. We found this perfect narrative in a set of people who’ve been a constant source of pride and inspiration for the nation and yet are relatable and recognizable to all social strata in the country the defense personnel of India.These real-life heroes, who had lost a part of their body in the service of the country, stood up and proved to the country that they had much more in their hearts by pledging to donate their organs. And if they, who’d already given so much to the nation, still had More to Give, then what stopped the rest of India from doing so? CampaignDescription One organ donor can save up to 8 lives. Which means each and every person has more to give. To raise awareness on this, we needed ambassadors whom the people look up to. So we partnered with the amputee veterans of the Indian Army who had lost their limbs fighting for the nation. In spite of losing their limbs and giving everything for the nation, they pledged their organs and showed that they still had more to give. This powerful act pricked the conscience of the people and exposed the indifference they were showing towards the issue. Relevancy The More To Give campaign was designed to appeal to young and old alike to snap out of their indifference towards the problem of organ donation. The outdoor campaign with the brave army veterans spurred people to act by pledging their organs. The results of the campaign was the number of pledges the campaign garnered over its course.

    More to Give

    案例简介:结果 这场 “更多” 的运动取得了巨大成功。这场运动在网上激发了人们对这项事业 500% 的兴趣。这进一步导致了 2800万的社交媒体参与。但真正重要的结果是,器官捐赠承诺增加了惊人的 1500%。在几周内,22,000 人认捐了他们的器官,并将每百万人的器官捐献率从 0.5 提高到 0.8。 概要 印度的器官捐献率是世界上最差的,为每百万捐献者 0.5 人。每年有 500,000 以上的人死于等待器官。尽管价值数百万美元的名人大使发起了多次宣传运动,但国家对这一严重问题视而不见。由于印度遵循器官捐赠的选择加入程序,承诺并同意器官回收的责任掌握在人民手中。但是没有足够的人积极注册器官捐赠,这导致了有需要的人器官的严重短缺。在一个拥有 12亿人口的国家,2014年只有 314 名已故器官捐赠者。94% 的受访者意识到器官捐赠的概念,但只有 0.01% 的人承诺成为器官捐赠者。简报是为了提高对这个问题的认识,并让人们承诺他们的器官。 执行 我们与印度军队的截肢者老兵合作,他们失去了为国家而战的四肢。我们给他们拍照,让他们成为一场广泛的户外运动的面孔。这场运动是在这些老兵宣誓器官的新闻发布会上发起的。然后,我们与印度领先的新闻网络 NDTV 建立了联系,并制作了几个黄金时段的脱口秀节目来提高人们对这个问题的认识。国际名人,如 Irrfan Khan 、 Priyanka Chopra 和其他政府政要也加入了进来。所有主要宗教的首脑聚集在一起,消除了关于器官捐赠的神话和禁忌,甚至在国家电视台上宣誓捐献器官。在线活动补充了 “更多信息” 的微型网站、推特手柄和 facebook 帖子,促进了发布和以下活动。我们组织了大规模的地面活动,如步行马拉松、企业研讨会和捐赠亭,吸引了全国各地的人们。 战略 我们的洞察力: 即使人们认为他们没有,他们也有更多的东西可以给予。人们似乎已经为这个事业发展了一个沟通的盲点。为了让他们摆脱沉睡,我们需要在个人、情感、几乎爱国的层面上与他们联系。我们在一群一直是国家骄傲和灵感来源的人身上发现了这种完美的叙述,但他们与国家的所有社会阶层 -- 国防人员 -- 都有关联和可识别印度。这些现实生活中的英雄,在为国家服务的过程中失去了一部分身体,站起来向国家证明,他们承诺捐赠器官,心里有更多。如果他们已经给了这个国家这么多,仍然有更多的东西可以给,那么是什么阻止了印度其他国家这样做? 活动描述 一个器官捐赠者最多可以挽救 8 条生命。这意味着每个人都有更多的付出。为了提高对此的认识,我们需要人民尊敬的大使。所以我们与印度军队的截肢者老兵合作,他们失去了四肢,为国家而战。尽管他们失去了四肢,为国家付出了一切,但他们保证了自己的器官,并表明他们还有更多的东西要给。这一有力的行为刺痛了人民的良心,暴露了他们对这个问题的漠不关心。 相关性 “更多给予” 运动旨在呼吁年轻人和老年人摆脱对器官捐赠问题的冷漠。勇敢的退伍军人的户外运动激励人们通过保证自己的器官来行动。竞选的结果是竞选过程中获得的认捐数量。

    More to Give

    案例简介:Outcome The ¬¬¬¬More To Give campaign was a resounding success. The campaign spurred the interest for the cause online by 500%. This further led to 28 million social media engagements. But the result that really mattered was that there was an astounding 1500% increase in pledges for organ donation. Within weeks, 22,000 people pledged their organs and raised the organ donation rate from 0.5 to 0.8 donors per million people. Synopsis India has the worst organ donation rate in the world at 0.5 donors per million. More than 500,000 die every year waiting for organs. In spite of multiple awareness campaigns by celebrity ambassadors worth millions of dollars, the nation had turned a blind eye towards this grave problem. Since India follows an opt-in process for organ donation, the onus of pledging and giving consent for organ retrieval lies in the hands of the people. But not enough people are active about registering for organ donation, which leads to an acute shortage of organs for those in need. In a country of 1.2 billion people, there were only 314 deceased organ donors in 2014. 94% of people surveyed are aware of the concept of organ donation, but only 0.01% have pledged to be organ donors. The brief was to raise awareness about the issue and get people to pledge their organs. Execution We partnered with the amputee veterans of the Indian Army, who had lost their limbs fighting for the country. We photographed them and made them the faces of an extensive outdoor campaign. The campaign was launched at a press conference where these veterans pledged their organs. We then tied up with India’s leading news network, NDTV and created several prime time talk shows to raise awareness the issue. International celebrities like Irrfan Khan, Priyanka Chopra and other government dignitaries joined in. Heads of all major religions came together and dispelled myths and taboos surrounding organ donation and even pledged their organs on national television.Online engagements supplemented the ‘More to Give’ microsite, twitter handle and facebook posts promoting the launch and the following events.We organised massive on-ground events like walkathons, corporate workshops and donationkiosks that engaged people across the country. Strategy Our Insight: People have MORE TO GIVE even when they think they don’t.People seemed to have developed a blind spot towards communication for the cause. To shake them out of this slumber we needed to connect with them at a personal, emotional, almost patriotic level. We found this perfect narrative in a set of people who’ve been a constant source of pride and inspiration for the nation and yet are relatable and recognizable to all social strata in the country the defense personnel of India.These real-life heroes, who had lost a part of their body in the service of the country, stood up and proved to the country that they had much more in their hearts by pledging to donate their organs. And if they, who’d already given so much to the nation, still had More to Give, then what stopped the rest of India from doing so? CampaignDescription One organ donor can save up to 8 lives. Which means each and every person has more to give. To raise awareness on this, we needed ambassadors whom the people look up to. So we partnered with the amputee veterans of the Indian Army who had lost their limbs fighting for the nation. In spite of losing their limbs and giving everything for the nation, they pledged their organs and showed that they still had more to give. This powerful act pricked the conscience of the people and exposed the indifference they were showing towards the issue. Relevancy The More To Give campaign was designed to appeal to young and old alike to snap out of their indifference towards the problem of organ donation. The outdoor campaign with the brave army veterans spurred people to act by pledging their organs. The results of the campaign was the number of pledges the campaign garnered over its course.



    More to Give










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