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    POM 精彩礼物: 有史以来最伟大的电影

    案例简介:描述活动/条目 Pom 精彩的礼物: 有史以来最伟大的电影首次在美国展出。目前,与欧洲存在的限制性更强的指导方针相比,品牌、营销人员和广告商相对不受限制地接触内容创作者以及各种网络和分销平台。除了对烟草和酒精产品的限制 (特别是对未成年人的广告) 之外,内容创作者基本上可以自由地为他们的各种财产进行任何交易。随着媒体景观变得越来越分散,越来越多的家庭使用 dvr,品牌越来越多地寻找突破众所周知的噪音的方法。当这部电影在国际上发行时,各种广播公司能够将这部电影视为一种收购,而不是本土制作, 允许在电影中放置产品,以避免通常排除此类放置的各种法规。 结果 在创作第一部关于营销和品牌的纪录片时,这部纪录片完全是由营销和品牌付费的, 我们创建了第一个营销和促销活动,让各个品牌赞助一部电影,作为回报,成为宣传他们品牌的纪录片的一部分。有史以来最伟大的电影销售利用 22 个不同的品牌合作伙伴,旨在接触他们的忠实消费者、新客户以及电影制作人的粉丝群。每个品牌都有类别排他性,并且能够宣传他们的产品是该类别中的 “最伟大”,例如捷蓝航空公司总是被称为 “你会飞行的最伟大的航空公司”。该活动涵盖了多个营销渠道,从电影方面来看,总体目标是: 传播对项目的兴奋和兴趣,从品牌方面来看: 加强品牌作为风险承担者和挑战创意支持者的身份。促销和搭售范围从飞行 (捷蓝航空) 到酒店 (凯悦),商店 (POM 精彩、 Sheetz 、老海军、艾米、 Carerra 、 Petland 折扣, thayers) 到剧院 (KDF,电影票),在线 (所有 22 个品牌合作伙伴),基于活动 (快速公司,PRG,三叉戟),并在电影植入式广告中 (其中包括 15 名合作伙伴,其中 3 人在电影背景下获得了 30 次原创广告)。我们能够创建和执行一场运动,让品牌对这部电影的支持,以及这部电影的营销和推广,看起来像是这部电影本身的自然延伸。他们的参与和策略在电影中被揭露出来,所以后来,每当你看到广告、弹出式广告、瓶子上的贴纸或飞机上的视频时, 你会觉得这部电影的幽默和洞察力已经渗透到你的日常生活中。 POM 精彩的礼物: 有史以来最伟大的电影为观众提供了一种全新而独特的与品牌互动的方式。品牌有史以来第一次参与了这个笑话,也是围绕这部电影的媒体叙事的重要组成部分。品牌可以完全公开他们的广告实践,同时支持关于广告在我们生活中扮演的角色的重要讨论,同时仍然创造店内广告、产品搭配, 传统的商业广告和电影本身与观众联系在一起。 22 个品牌的参与所产生的电影意识是天文数字。这部电影宣布 6 周后,在圣丹斯电影节首映 10 天后,伯勒尔的媒体监测报告说,这部电影已经获得了超过 900 的媒体印象。当时,这部电影已经完成了美国的戏剧表演,这个数字已经攀升到超过 500 亿。传统的营销活动与品牌整合和促销支持相结合,为许多品牌创造了新的消费者尊重。他们成为 “酷” 和 “可访问”,并被视为他们空间内的创新思想领袖。许多品牌 (包括 POM 、 Ban 、免费在线购买 & Mane 'n Tail) 的参与直接导致了销售的增长。围绕这部电影的活动持续了 3 个多月,覆盖了美国的每一个州,并在国际上达到了 10 个国家。到目前为止,每当有人提到这部电影,他们仍然必须用它的实际赞助名称 “POM 精彩礼物: 有史以来最伟大的电影” 来称呼它。

    POM 精彩礼物: 有史以来最伟大的电影

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry Pom Wonderful Presents: the Greatest Movie Ever Sold was first exhibited in the United States. Currently, the brands, marketers and advertisers enjoy comparatively unfettered access to content creators and the various networks and distribution platforms when compared to the more restrictive guidelines that exist across Europe. Besides restrictions on tobacco and alcohol products (specifically in terms of advertising to minors) content creators are largely free to pursue any deals for their various properties. As the media landscape becomes more-and-more fragmented and an increasing number of homes are using DVRs, brands are increasingly looking for ways to break through the proverbial noise. When the film was distributed internationally, the various broadcasters were able to treat the film as an acquisition rather than a home-grown production, allowing the product placements within the film to avoid the various regulations that would normally preclude such placements. Results In creating the first ever documentary film about marketing and branding that was paid for entirely by marketing and branding, we created the first ever marketing and promotional campaign that had individual brands sponsoring a movie and in return being part of a documentary that promoted their brands. The Greatest Movie Ever Sold utilised 22 different brand partners and was designed to reach their loyal consumers, new customers, as well as the filmmaker’s fan base. Each brand had category exclusivity and was able to tout their product as being the ‘Greatest’ in that category e.g. JetBlue Airways was always referred to as ‘The Greatest Airline You’ll Ever Fly’. The campaign covered multiple marketing outlets, and the overall objectives were, from the film side: to spread excitement and interest in the project, and from the brand side: to enforce the brand’s identity as a risk taker and supporter of challenging ideas. The promotions and tie-ins ranged from in-flight (JetBlue) to in hotel (Hyatt), in store (POM Wonderful, Sheetz, Old Navy, Amy’s, Carerra, Petland Discounts, Thayers) to in theatre (KDF, MovieTickets), online (all 22 brand partners), event based (Fast Company, PRG, Trident), and in film product placement (which included 15 of the partners, 3 of whom received original 30 second commercials within the context of the film). We were able to create and execute a campaign that made the brands’ support of the film, and the marketing and promotion of it, seem like a natural extension of the film itself. Their involvement and strategies were revealed within the film, so afterwards, whenever you would witness an ad, a pop up, a sticker on a bottle, or a video on a plane, it would feel as though the humour and insight of the film were carrying over into your everyday. POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold presented a completely new and unique way for audiences to interact with brands. For the first time ever, brands were in on the joke and an essential part of the media narrative surrounding the film. Brands could be completely up front about their advertising practices while supporting an important discussion about the role advertising plays in our lives, while still creating in-store advertising, product tie-ins, traditional commercials and the film itself to connect with their audiences. The awareness of the film generated by the 22 brands’ involvement was astronomical. 6 weeks after the film had been announced, and 10 days after its premiere at the Sundance Film Festival, Burrell’s Media Monitoring reported that the film had already achieved more than 900m media impressions. By the time, the film had finished its US theatrical run that number had climbed to more than 5bn. The traditional marketing campaign combined with the brand integration & promotional support created new consumer respect for many of the brands. They emerged as ‘cool’ and ‘accessible’, and were seen as innovative thought leaders within their space. Many of the brands (including POM, Ban, Get it for Free Online & Mane ‘n Tail) experienced boosts in sales as a direct result of their involvement. The campaign surrounding the film lasted more than 3 months, covered every state in the US, and reached 10 countries internationally. To date, whenever anyone mentions the film, they still must call it by its actual sponsored name, POM Wonderful presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目 Pom 精彩的礼物: 有史以来最伟大的电影首次在美国展出。目前,与欧洲存在的限制性更强的指导方针相比,品牌、营销人员和广告商相对不受限制地接触内容创作者以及各种网络和分销平台。除了对烟草和酒精产品的限制 (特别是对未成年人的广告) 之外,内容创作者基本上可以自由地为他们的各种财产进行任何交易。随着媒体景观变得越来越分散,越来越多的家庭使用 dvr,品牌越来越多地寻找突破众所周知的噪音的方法。当这部电影在国际上发行时,各种广播公司能够将这部电影视为一种收购,而不是本土制作, 允许在电影中放置产品,以避免通常排除此类放置的各种法规。 结果 在创作第一部关于营销和品牌的纪录片时,这部纪录片完全是由营销和品牌付费的, 我们创建了第一个营销和促销活动,让各个品牌赞助一部电影,作为回报,成为宣传他们品牌的纪录片的一部分。有史以来最伟大的电影销售利用 22 个不同的品牌合作伙伴,旨在接触他们的忠实消费者、新客户以及电影制作人的粉丝群。每个品牌都有类别排他性,并且能够宣传他们的产品是该类别中的 “最伟大”,例如捷蓝航空公司总是被称为 “你会飞行的最伟大的航空公司”。该活动涵盖了多个营销渠道,从电影方面来看,总体目标是: 传播对项目的兴奋和兴趣,从品牌方面来看: 加强品牌作为风险承担者和挑战创意支持者的身份。促销和搭售范围从飞行 (捷蓝航空) 到酒店 (凯悦),商店 (POM 精彩、 Sheetz 、老海军、艾米、 Carerra 、 Petland 折扣, thayers) 到剧院 (KDF,电影票),在线 (所有 22 个品牌合作伙伴),基于活动 (快速公司,PRG,三叉戟),并在电影植入式广告中 (其中包括 15 名合作伙伴,其中 3 人在电影背景下获得了 30 次原创广告)。我们能够创建和执行一场运动,让品牌对这部电影的支持,以及这部电影的营销和推广,看起来像是这部电影本身的自然延伸。他们的参与和策略在电影中被揭露出来,所以后来,每当你看到广告、弹出式广告、瓶子上的贴纸或飞机上的视频时, 你会觉得这部电影的幽默和洞察力已经渗透到你的日常生活中。 POM 精彩的礼物: 有史以来最伟大的电影为观众提供了一种全新而独特的与品牌互动的方式。品牌有史以来第一次参与了这个笑话,也是围绕这部电影的媒体叙事的重要组成部分。品牌可以完全公开他们的广告实践,同时支持关于广告在我们生活中扮演的角色的重要讨论,同时仍然创造店内广告、产品搭配, 传统的商业广告和电影本身与观众联系在一起。 22 个品牌的参与所产生的电影意识是天文数字。这部电影宣布 6 周后,在圣丹斯电影节首映 10 天后,伯勒尔的媒体监测报告说,这部电影已经获得了超过 900 的媒体印象。当时,这部电影已经完成了美国的戏剧表演,这个数字已经攀升到超过 500 亿。传统的营销活动与品牌整合和促销支持相结合,为许多品牌创造了新的消费者尊重。他们成为 “酷” 和 “可访问”,并被视为他们空间内的创新思想领袖。许多品牌 (包括 POM 、 Ban 、免费在线购买 & Mane 'n Tail) 的参与直接导致了销售的增长。围绕这部电影的活动持续了 3 个多月,覆盖了美国的每一个州,并在国际上达到了 10 个国家。到目前为止,每当有人提到这部电影,他们仍然必须用它的实际赞助名称 “POM 精彩礼物: 有史以来最伟大的电影” 来称呼它。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry Pom Wonderful Presents: the Greatest Movie Ever Sold was first exhibited in the United States. Currently, the brands, marketers and advertisers enjoy comparatively unfettered access to content creators and the various networks and distribution platforms when compared to the more restrictive guidelines that exist across Europe. Besides restrictions on tobacco and alcohol products (specifically in terms of advertising to minors) content creators are largely free to pursue any deals for their various properties. As the media landscape becomes more-and-more fragmented and an increasing number of homes are using DVRs, brands are increasingly looking for ways to break through the proverbial noise. When the film was distributed internationally, the various broadcasters were able to treat the film as an acquisition rather than a home-grown production, allowing the product placements within the film to avoid the various regulations that would normally preclude such placements. Results In creating the first ever documentary film about marketing and branding that was paid for entirely by marketing and branding, we created the first ever marketing and promotional campaign that had individual brands sponsoring a movie and in return being part of a documentary that promoted their brands. The Greatest Movie Ever Sold utilised 22 different brand partners and was designed to reach their loyal consumers, new customers, as well as the filmmaker’s fan base. Each brand had category exclusivity and was able to tout their product as being the ‘Greatest’ in that category e.g. JetBlue Airways was always referred to as ‘The Greatest Airline You’ll Ever Fly’. The campaign covered multiple marketing outlets, and the overall objectives were, from the film side: to spread excitement and interest in the project, and from the brand side: to enforce the brand’s identity as a risk taker and supporter of challenging ideas. The promotions and tie-ins ranged from in-flight (JetBlue) to in hotel (Hyatt), in store (POM Wonderful, Sheetz, Old Navy, Amy’s, Carerra, Petland Discounts, Thayers) to in theatre (KDF, MovieTickets), online (all 22 brand partners), event based (Fast Company, PRG, Trident), and in film product placement (which included 15 of the partners, 3 of whom received original 30 second commercials within the context of the film). We were able to create and execute a campaign that made the brands’ support of the film, and the marketing and promotion of it, seem like a natural extension of the film itself. Their involvement and strategies were revealed within the film, so afterwards, whenever you would witness an ad, a pop up, a sticker on a bottle, or a video on a plane, it would feel as though the humour and insight of the film were carrying over into your everyday. POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold presented a completely new and unique way for audiences to interact with brands. For the first time ever, brands were in on the joke and an essential part of the media narrative surrounding the film. Brands could be completely up front about their advertising practices while supporting an important discussion about the role advertising plays in our lives, while still creating in-store advertising, product tie-ins, traditional commercials and the film itself to connect with their audiences. The awareness of the film generated by the 22 brands’ involvement was astronomical. 6 weeks after the film had been announced, and 10 days after its premiere at the Sundance Film Festival, Burrell’s Media Monitoring reported that the film had already achieved more than 900m media impressions. By the time, the film had finished its US theatrical run that number had climbed to more than 5bn. The traditional marketing campaign combined with the brand integration & promotional support created new consumer respect for many of the brands. They emerged as ‘cool’ and ‘accessible’, and were seen as innovative thought leaders within their space. Many of the brands (including POM, Ban, Get it for Free Online & Mane ‘n Tail) experienced boosts in sales as a direct result of their involvement. The campaign surrounding the film lasted more than 3 months, covered every state in the US, and reached 10 countries internationally. To date, whenever anyone mentions the film, they still must call it by its actual sponsored name, POM Wonderful presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold.

    POM 精彩礼物: 有史以来最伟大的电影












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