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    Hungry Puffs海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:背景 简报是为了筹集资金和提高认识,以支持食品银行在圣诞节前一个月将政府每年向慈善机构的资金削减323,000澳元后,向西澳大利亚州的饥饿儿童提供紧急食品救济和早餐计划。 目的是填补因削减资金而造成的资金缺口,以确保不取消粮食救济计划,并提高人们对该国日益严重的饥饿危机的认识-每年有超过五分之一的儿童在澳大利亚遭受粮食不安全。 总预算-$15,000 AUD。 描述创意 (投票40%) 我们创建了一个新的谷物品牌,名为 “饥饿泡芙”-100,000西澳儿童每天醒来的早餐-什么都没有。 在圣诞节前夕,整个西澳大利亚州的40多个主要超市谷物过道中存放了完全空的饥饿泡芙盒。 正在为自己的家人购买食物的杂货店购物者突然被鼓励支持更大的事业-并帮助喂养每天不吃早餐的孩子。 为了将一盒一无所有的东西变成东西,购物者只需在退房时购买饥饿的泡芙以及每周的杂货。每5美元的盒子为10个孩子提供下一顿饭。 描述执行 (投票40%) 尽管是一个空盒子,我们还是像对待任何新的零售产品一样对待饥饿的泡芙,并寻找在圣诞节前在繁忙的超市环境中脱颖而出的方法。 我们研究了其他谷物品牌的包装和设计技术,决定使用一系列流行的谷物品牌比喻,但有一个鲜明的,黑白的设计,和一些黑暗的扭曲-就像创造一个 “悲伤的孩子” 角色和一个空碗。 说服西澳大利亚州的40多家主要超市放弃宝贵的货架空间,这是确保该活动足够大以产生真正影响的关键。 该活动得到了在线商店,店内采样摊 (一无所有的碗),低预算电视,印刷,广播和社交媒体活动的进一步支持,该活动获得了澳大利亚各地名人,政客,有影响力的人和食品博客作者的支持。世界。 列出结果 (投票20%) 在4周内,“饥饿泡芙” 运动为西澳大利亚儿童创建了625,770餐,并筹集了 $312,885。 卖了62,577盒饥饿的泡芙。 在竞选期间,对Foodbank的捐款也增加了一倍以上。收到的捐款比上一年多2.4倍 (2017 2018年)。 饥饿的泡芙为Foodbank带来了1973% 的投资回报-竞选预算总额为15,000澳元。 饥饿的泡芙带来的积极关注和宣传帮助推翻了拟议的政府削减资金。相反,政府同意在未来四年内将其资金增加一倍。 Foodbank刚刚与一家大型连锁超市达成协议,到2019年底,Hungry Puffs将在全州的另外208家商店中库存。


    案例简介:Background The brief was to raise money and awareness to support Foodbank in delivering emergency food relief and breakfast programs to hungry children across Western Australia after the Government cut funding to the charity by $323,000 per annum just a month before Christmas. The aim was to fill the funding gap created by the funding cut to ensure food relief programs weren't cancelled and to raise awareness of the growing hunger crisis in the country - with more than 1 in 5 children experiencing food insecurity each year in Australia. The total budget - $15,000 AUD. Describe the creative idea (40% of vote) We created a new cereal brand, called Hungry Puffs – The breakfast over 100,000 West Aussie kids wake up to every day – nothing. In the lead-up to Christmas, entirely empty boxes of Hungry Puffs were stocked in over 40 major supermarket cereal aisles across Western Australia. Grocery shoppers who were in the process of buying food for their own families were suddenly encouraged to support a much bigger cause – and help feed children who go without breakfast every day. To turn a box of nothing into something, shoppers simply had to purchase Hungry Puffs at check-out along with their weekly groceries. Every $5 box provided 10 children with their next meal. Describe the execution (40% of vote) Despite being an empty box, we treated Hungry Puffs as you would any new retail product and looked for ways to stand out in a busy supermarket environment in the lead up to Christmas. We studied other cereal brands packaging and design techniques, deciding to use a series of popular cereal brand tropes, but with a stark, black and white design, and a few dark twists – like the creation of a ‘sad child’ character and an empty bowl. Convincing over 40 major supermarkets across Western Australia to give up valuable shelf space was key to ensuring the campaign was big enough to make a real difference. The campaign was further supported by an online store, in-store sampling stands (bowls of nothing), a low budget TV, print, radio and social media campaign that gathered support from celebrities, politicians, influencers and food bloggers throughout Australia and across the world. List the results (20% of vote) In 4 weeks, the Hungry Puffs campaign resulted in the creation of 625,770 meals for Western Australian children and raised $312,885. 62,577 boxes of Hungry Puffs were sold. Donations to Foodbank also more than doubled during the campaign period. Receiving 2.4 times more donations on the previous year (2017 to 2018). Hungry Puffs produced a 1973% return on investment for Foodbank - on a total campaign budget of $15,000 AUD. The positive attention and publicity gained from Hungry Puffs helped overturn a proposed government funding cut. Instead the government agreed to double their funding over the next four years. Foodbank has just reached an agreement with a major supermarket chain which will see Hungry Puffs stocked in a further 208 stores across the state by the end of 2019.

    Hungry Puffs

    案例简介:背景 简报是为了筹集资金和提高认识,以支持食品银行在圣诞节前一个月将政府每年向慈善机构的资金削减323,000澳元后,向西澳大利亚州的饥饿儿童提供紧急食品救济和早餐计划。 目的是填补因削减资金而造成的资金缺口,以确保不取消粮食救济计划,并提高人们对该国日益严重的饥饿危机的认识-每年有超过五分之一的儿童在澳大利亚遭受粮食不安全。 总预算-$15,000 AUD。 描述创意 (投票40%) 我们创建了一个新的谷物品牌,名为 “饥饿泡芙”-100,000西澳儿童每天醒来的早餐-什么都没有。 在圣诞节前夕,整个西澳大利亚州的40多个主要超市谷物过道中存放了完全空的饥饿泡芙盒。 正在为自己的家人购买食物的杂货店购物者突然被鼓励支持更大的事业-并帮助喂养每天不吃早餐的孩子。 为了将一盒一无所有的东西变成东西,购物者只需在退房时购买饥饿的泡芙以及每周的杂货。每5美元的盒子为10个孩子提供下一顿饭。 描述执行 (投票40%) 尽管是一个空盒子,我们还是像对待任何新的零售产品一样对待饥饿的泡芙,并寻找在圣诞节前在繁忙的超市环境中脱颖而出的方法。 我们研究了其他谷物品牌的包装和设计技术,决定使用一系列流行的谷物品牌比喻,但有一个鲜明的,黑白的设计,和一些黑暗的扭曲-就像创造一个 “悲伤的孩子” 角色和一个空碗。 说服西澳大利亚州的40多家主要超市放弃宝贵的货架空间,这是确保该活动足够大以产生真正影响的关键。 该活动得到了在线商店,店内采样摊 (一无所有的碗),低预算电视,印刷,广播和社交媒体活动的进一步支持,该活动获得了澳大利亚各地名人,政客,有影响力的人和食品博客作者的支持。世界。 列出结果 (投票20%) 在4周内,“饥饿泡芙” 运动为西澳大利亚儿童创建了625,770餐,并筹集了 $312,885。 卖了62,577盒饥饿的泡芙。 在竞选期间,对Foodbank的捐款也增加了一倍以上。收到的捐款比上一年多2.4倍 (2017 2018年)。 饥饿的泡芙为Foodbank带来了1973% 的投资回报-竞选预算总额为15,000澳元。 饥饿的泡芙带来的积极关注和宣传帮助推翻了拟议的政府削减资金。相反,政府同意在未来四年内将其资金增加一倍。 Foodbank刚刚与一家大型连锁超市达成协议,到2019年底,Hungry Puffs将在全州的另外208家商店中库存。

    Hungry Puffs

    案例简介:Background The brief was to raise money and awareness to support Foodbank in delivering emergency food relief and breakfast programs to hungry children across Western Australia after the Government cut funding to the charity by $323,000 per annum just a month before Christmas. The aim was to fill the funding gap created by the funding cut to ensure food relief programs weren't cancelled and to raise awareness of the growing hunger crisis in the country - with more than 1 in 5 children experiencing food insecurity each year in Australia. The total budget - $15,000 AUD. Describe the creative idea (40% of vote) We created a new cereal brand, called Hungry Puffs – The breakfast over 100,000 West Aussie kids wake up to every day – nothing. In the lead-up to Christmas, entirely empty boxes of Hungry Puffs were stocked in over 40 major supermarket cereal aisles across Western Australia. Grocery shoppers who were in the process of buying food for their own families were suddenly encouraged to support a much bigger cause – and help feed children who go without breakfast every day. To turn a box of nothing into something, shoppers simply had to purchase Hungry Puffs at check-out along with their weekly groceries. Every $5 box provided 10 children with their next meal. Describe the execution (40% of vote) Despite being an empty box, we treated Hungry Puffs as you would any new retail product and looked for ways to stand out in a busy supermarket environment in the lead up to Christmas. We studied other cereal brands packaging and design techniques, deciding to use a series of popular cereal brand tropes, but with a stark, black and white design, and a few dark twists – like the creation of a ‘sad child’ character and an empty bowl. Convincing over 40 major supermarkets across Western Australia to give up valuable shelf space was key to ensuring the campaign was big enough to make a real difference. The campaign was further supported by an online store, in-store sampling stands (bowls of nothing), a low budget TV, print, radio and social media campaign that gathered support from celebrities, politicians, influencers and food bloggers throughout Australia and across the world. List the results (20% of vote) In 4 weeks, the Hungry Puffs campaign resulted in the creation of 625,770 meals for Western Australian children and raised $312,885. 62,577 boxes of Hungry Puffs were sold. Donations to Foodbank also more than doubled during the campaign period. Receiving 2.4 times more donations on the previous year (2017 to 2018). Hungry Puffs produced a 1973% return on investment for Foodbank - on a total campaign budget of $15,000 AUD. The positive attention and publicity gained from Hungry Puffs helped overturn a proposed government funding cut. Instead the government agreed to double their funding over the next four years. Foodbank has just reached an agreement with a major supermarket chain which will see Hungry Puffs stocked in a further 208 stores across the state by the end of 2019.



    Hungry Puffs





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