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    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 在巴西,里约热内卢采取并扩大了前所未有的公共政策,以维持 “贫民窟” 的和平。2010 年,里约面临着一个试金石: 犯罪团伙的反应是袭击人和焚烧汽车。目标是寻求人口的支持,并表明解决城市问题的办法是每个人都应该接受的,而不仅仅是国家/警察。重点是说服最初以恐惧和严厉批评做出反应的舆论制定者。该战略是使国家行动人性化,通过政府官方渠道提供行动细节,并确定和支持互联网用户创造的最引人注目的合作行动。推特是战术战略的中心,因为它在巴西媒体上的影响力和名人的存在。为使用 @ paznorio 和跟踪 Twibbon @ govrj 而发起了一场自发的运动。对警察领导人的采访被发布,包括在巴西最常用的网络 Orkut。使用的社交媒体帮助竞选活动将个人担忧转化为集体和平事业: @ paznorio 在热门话题上 (360万份简介),并重复了 2000万次。通过 Twitcams 和 Orkut 的近 400,000 人接触 100万人。 描述客户的简报: 寻求有联系人口的支持,并表明解决城市问题的办法是每个人都应该接受的,而不仅仅是国家或警察。在里约,超过 500万的人使用社交网络,其中一个重点是说服那些以恐惧和严厉批评做出反应的舆论制定者。在网上,普遍的感觉是个人的: 居民担心自己的安全,有很多谣言。那么,个人的恐慌、担忧和恐惧如何变成集体的事业呢?人们如何能积极团结在他们对里约的热情周围? 战略: 社交网络的战略是将警察和那些有联系的公民所做的工作结合起来,使国家行动人性化。有必要在互联网上使用独家发言人,让行动人性化。还必须利用社交网络上的政府官方渠道,明确提供行动的所有细节,并防止谣言的传播。与此同时,必须鼓励在里约生活的自豪感。该战略还包括确定和支持互联网用户自己创建的最引人注目的合作行动, 扩大积极代言人,使 “里约政府” 成为该市和平运动的另一个盟友,而没有官方角色。 执行: 所有的社交网络都被使用,但推特是战术战略的中心。除了提供实时信息,推特在巴西离线媒体中也有巨大的影响。这也是名人影响人们的地方。在行动的 5 个最关键的日子里,安全部的一名官方发言人负责在 Twitcam 上回答问题并发表行动声明。在阿莱芒综合大楼前对警察领导人的采访被张贴在网络上,包括巴西最常用的网络 Orkut。在 YouTube 上,士兵们感谢人们的支持。为了寻求参与,自发发起了一场运动,使用 @ paznorio,并遵循官方的 Twibbon @ govrj。@ Paznorio 连续 4 天关注网络上的热门话题,是数百万条支持警察和政府行动的信息的锚。 情况: 在巴西,里约热内卢正准备举办两个最重要的全球体育赛事: 2016 届奥运会和 2014 届国际足联世界杯。国家正在采取和扩大前所未有的公共政策举措,例如在贫民窟维持和平。自 2008 以来,维持和平政策包括进入山坡,逮捕犯罪团伙,并向几十年来一直由毒贩控制的地区引入社会政策。2010年11月,里约面临着一个试金石: 犯罪团伙的反应是袭击人们,在首都焚烧汽车。 结果: 一直受到高度批评的是,警察在打击毒品交易方面第一次得到了人民的广泛支持,政府也是如此。数据: 里约政府的 SIM (*) 在 5 天内从 10 点提高到 + 42 点。•在四天内,@ Paznorio 达到了 360万个配置文件,并重复了大约 2000万次 (*)。连续四天都是热门话题。•Twitcams 吸引了大约 400,000 人,并在主要新闻媒体门户网站上产生了影响。•@ GOVRJ 的个人资料增长了 56%,在 5 天内有 7,587 名追随者。•超过 6,400 人加入了 Twibbon。•You Tube 达到 132,000 人 (*) Orkut 达到近 100万人。(*) SIM-社会影响力营销,开发被 Razorfish 私奔了越接近 + 100,品牌越好。(* *) 机器人网络监控工具。(*) TweetReach 工具 (www.tweetreach.com


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: In Brazil, Rio de Janeiro was adopting and expanding unprecedented public policy for peacekeeping the 'favelas.' In 2010, Rio was faced by a litmus test: criminal gangs reacted by attacking people and burning cars. The goal was to seek the support of the population and show that the solution to the city's problems is a cause for everyone to embrace, not just the state/police. The focus was to convince opinion makers that initially reacted with fear and harsh criticism. The strategy was to humanize state action, provide details of the operation through the official government channels and identify and support the highest-profile collaborative actions created by internet users. Twitter was the centre of the tactical strategy, due to its repercussion in the Brazilian media and presence of celebrities. A spontaneous campaign was created for the use of @paznorio and for following the Twibbon @govrj. Interviews with police leaders were posted, including at Orkut, the most used network in Brazil. The social media used, helped the campaign turn individual concerns into a collective cause for peace: @paznorio on Trending Topics (3.6 million profiles) and repeated 20 million times. Reach of 400,000 people via Twitcams and almost 1 million people at Orkut. Describe the brief from the client: Seek the support of the connected population and show that the solution to the city's problems is a cause for everyone to embrace, not just the state or the police. With over 5 million using social networks in Rio, one focus was to convince opinion makers that reacted with fear and harsh criticism. In the web, the prevailing feeling was individual: residents were concerned about their own safety and there were lots of rumours. How then, could individual panic, worry and fear be turned into a collective cause? How could the population be positively united around their passion for Rio? The Strategy: The strategy in the social networks was to bring together the work done by the police and those connected citizens, humanizing state action. It was necessary to give the operation a human face, using exclusive spokespeople on the internet. It was also necessary to clearly provide all the details of the operation, using the official government channels on the social networks and to prevent the spread of rumours. At the same time, pride in living in Rio had to be encouraged. The strategy also involved identifying and supporting the highest-profile collaborative actions created by internet users themselves, to amplify positive spokespeople and so to make the "Government of Rio" another ally in a campaign for peace in the city, without an official role. Execution: All social networks were used, but Twitter was the centre of the tactical strategy. Besides providing real-time information, Twitter has huge repercussions in the Brazilian offline media. It is also where celebrities are influencing people. During the 5 most critical days of the operation, an official spokesman from the Security Department was responsible for answering questions and making statements on operations, on the Twitcam. Interviews with police leaders in front of the Alemão complex were posted on the networks, including Orkut, the most commonly used network in Brazil. On YouTube, soldiers thanked people for support they were getting. Seeking engagement, a spontaneous campaign was created for the use of @paznorio and following an official Twibbon @govrj. @paznorio was on Trending Topics on the network for 4 consecutive days and was the anchor for millions of messages of support for the police and the government's action. The Situation: In Brazil, Rio de Janeiro is preparing to host two of the most important events global sport events: the 2016 Olympic Games and 2014 FIFA World Cup. The state is adopting and expanding unprecedented public policy initiatives, such as peacekeeping in the favelas (slums). Since 2008, the peacekeeping policy has consisted of entering the hillsides, arresting the criminal gangs, and introducing social policies to areas that had been dominated for decades by drug dealers. In November 2010, Rio was faced by a litmus test: criminal gangs reacted by attacking people, burning cars across the capital. Results: Always highly criticized, for the first time, the police received wide support from the people, as did the Government, in combating drug dealing. The data: • Evolution of SIM (*) for the Government of Rio - 10 to + 42 points in 5 days. • In four days, @Paznorio reached 3.6 million profiles and repeated about 20 million times (***). For four days in a row it was among Trending Topics. • The Twitcams reached about 400,000 people, with repercussions in major news media portals. • The profile @GOVRJ grew 56%, with 7,587 followers in 5 days. • More than 6,400 people have joined the Twibbon. • You Tube reached 132,000 people (***) • Orkut reached nearly 1 million people. (*) SIM – Social Influence Marketing, developed by Razorfish. The closer to +100, the better for the brand. (**) Robot Webgrama monitoring tool. (***) TweetReach Tool ( www.tweetreach.com


    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 在巴西,里约热内卢采取并扩大了前所未有的公共政策,以维持 “贫民窟” 的和平。2010 年,里约面临着一个试金石: 犯罪团伙的反应是袭击人和焚烧汽车。目标是寻求人口的支持,并表明解决城市问题的办法是每个人都应该接受的,而不仅仅是国家/警察。重点是说服最初以恐惧和严厉批评做出反应的舆论制定者。该战略是使国家行动人性化,通过政府官方渠道提供行动细节,并确定和支持互联网用户创造的最引人注目的合作行动。推特是战术战略的中心,因为它在巴西媒体上的影响力和名人的存在。为使用 @ paznorio 和跟踪 Twibbon @ govrj 而发起了一场自发的运动。对警察领导人的采访被发布,包括在巴西最常用的网络 Orkut。使用的社交媒体帮助竞选活动将个人担忧转化为集体和平事业: @ paznorio 在热门话题上 (360万份简介),并重复了 2000万次。通过 Twitcams 和 Orkut 的近 400,000 人接触 100万人。 描述客户的简报: 寻求有联系人口的支持,并表明解决城市问题的办法是每个人都应该接受的,而不仅仅是国家或警察。在里约,超过 500万的人使用社交网络,其中一个重点是说服那些以恐惧和严厉批评做出反应的舆论制定者。在网上,普遍的感觉是个人的: 居民担心自己的安全,有很多谣言。那么,个人的恐慌、担忧和恐惧如何变成集体的事业呢?人们如何能积极团结在他们对里约的热情周围? 战略: 社交网络的战略是将警察和那些有联系的公民所做的工作结合起来,使国家行动人性化。有必要在互联网上使用独家发言人,让行动人性化。还必须利用社交网络上的政府官方渠道,明确提供行动的所有细节,并防止谣言的传播。与此同时,必须鼓励在里约生活的自豪感。该战略还包括确定和支持互联网用户自己创建的最引人注目的合作行动, 扩大积极代言人,使 “里约政府” 成为该市和平运动的另一个盟友,而没有官方角色。 执行: 所有的社交网络都被使用,但推特是战术战略的中心。除了提供实时信息,推特在巴西离线媒体中也有巨大的影响。这也是名人影响人们的地方。在行动的 5 个最关键的日子里,安全部的一名官方发言人负责在 Twitcam 上回答问题并发表行动声明。在阿莱芒综合大楼前对警察领导人的采访被张贴在网络上,包括巴西最常用的网络 Orkut。在 YouTube 上,士兵们感谢人们的支持。为了寻求参与,自发发起了一场运动,使用 @ paznorio,并遵循官方的 Twibbon @ govrj。@ Paznorio 连续 4 天关注网络上的热门话题,是数百万条支持警察和政府行动的信息的锚。 情况: 在巴西,里约热内卢正准备举办两个最重要的全球体育赛事: 2016 届奥运会和 2014 届国际足联世界杯。国家正在采取和扩大前所未有的公共政策举措,例如在贫民窟维持和平。自 2008 以来,维持和平政策包括进入山坡,逮捕犯罪团伙,并向几十年来一直由毒贩控制的地区引入社会政策。2010年11月,里约面临着一个试金石: 犯罪团伙的反应是袭击人们,在首都焚烧汽车。 结果: 一直受到高度批评的是,警察在打击毒品交易方面第一次得到了人民的广泛支持,政府也是如此。数据: 里约政府的 SIM (*) 在 5 天内从 10 点提高到 + 42 点。•在四天内,@ Paznorio 达到了 360万个配置文件,并重复了大约 2000万次 (*)。连续四天都是热门话题。•Twitcams 吸引了大约 400,000 人,并在主要新闻媒体门户网站上产生了影响。•@ GOVRJ 的个人资料增长了 56%,在 5 天内有 7,587 名追随者。•超过 6,400 人加入了 Twibbon。•You Tube 达到 132,000 人 (*) Orkut 达到近 100万人。(*) SIM-社会影响力营销,开发被 Razorfish 私奔了越接近 + 100,品牌越好。(* *) 机器人网络监控工具。(*) TweetReach 工具 (www.tweetreach.com


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: In Brazil, Rio de Janeiro was adopting and expanding unprecedented public policy for peacekeeping the 'favelas.' In 2010, Rio was faced by a litmus test: criminal gangs reacted by attacking people and burning cars. The goal was to seek the support of the population and show that the solution to the city's problems is a cause for everyone to embrace, not just the state/police. The focus was to convince opinion makers that initially reacted with fear and harsh criticism. The strategy was to humanize state action, provide details of the operation through the official government channels and identify and support the highest-profile collaborative actions created by internet users. Twitter was the centre of the tactical strategy, due to its repercussion in the Brazilian media and presence of celebrities. A spontaneous campaign was created for the use of @paznorio and for following the Twibbon @govrj. Interviews with police leaders were posted, including at Orkut, the most used network in Brazil. The social media used, helped the campaign turn individual concerns into a collective cause for peace: @paznorio on Trending Topics (3.6 million profiles) and repeated 20 million times. Reach of 400,000 people via Twitcams and almost 1 million people at Orkut. Describe the brief from the client: Seek the support of the connected population and show that the solution to the city's problems is a cause for everyone to embrace, not just the state or the police. With over 5 million using social networks in Rio, one focus was to convince opinion makers that reacted with fear and harsh criticism. In the web, the prevailing feeling was individual: residents were concerned about their own safety and there were lots of rumours. How then, could individual panic, worry and fear be turned into a collective cause? How could the population be positively united around their passion for Rio? The Strategy: The strategy in the social networks was to bring together the work done by the police and those connected citizens, humanizing state action. It was necessary to give the operation a human face, using exclusive spokespeople on the internet. It was also necessary to clearly provide all the details of the operation, using the official government channels on the social networks and to prevent the spread of rumours. At the same time, pride in living in Rio had to be encouraged. The strategy also involved identifying and supporting the highest-profile collaborative actions created by internet users themselves, to amplify positive spokespeople and so to make the "Government of Rio" another ally in a campaign for peace in the city, without an official role. Execution: All social networks were used, but Twitter was the centre of the tactical strategy. Besides providing real-time information, Twitter has huge repercussions in the Brazilian offline media. It is also where celebrities are influencing people. During the 5 most critical days of the operation, an official spokesman from the Security Department was responsible for answering questions and making statements on operations, on the Twitcam. Interviews with police leaders in front of the Alemão complex were posted on the networks, including Orkut, the most commonly used network in Brazil. On YouTube, soldiers thanked people for support they were getting. Seeking engagement, a spontaneous campaign was created for the use of @paznorio and following an official Twibbon @govrj. @paznorio was on Trending Topics on the network for 4 consecutive days and was the anchor for millions of messages of support for the police and the government's action. The Situation: In Brazil, Rio de Janeiro is preparing to host two of the most important events global sport events: the 2016 Olympic Games and 2014 FIFA World Cup. The state is adopting and expanding unprecedented public policy initiatives, such as peacekeeping in the favelas (slums). Since 2008, the peacekeeping policy has consisted of entering the hillsides, arresting the criminal gangs, and introducing social policies to areas that had been dominated for decades by drug dealers. In November 2010, Rio was faced by a litmus test: criminal gangs reacted by attacking people, burning cars across the capital. Results: Always highly criticized, for the first time, the police received wide support from the people, as did the Government, in combating drug dealing. The data: • Evolution of SIM (*) for the Government of Rio - 10 to + 42 points in 5 days. • In four days, @Paznorio reached 3.6 million profiles and repeated about 20 million times (***). For four days in a row it was among Trending Topics. • The Twitcams reached about 400,000 people, with repercussions in major news media portals. • The profile @GOVRJ grew 56%, with 7,587 followers in 5 days. • More than 6,400 people have joined the Twibbon. • You Tube reached 132,000 people (***) • Orkut reached nearly 1 million people. (*) SIM – Social Influence Marketing, developed by Razorfish. The closer to +100, the better for the brand. (**) Robot Webgrama monitoring tool. (***) TweetReach Tool ( www.tweetreach.com













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