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    案例简介:结果 现场直播有 750,000 人观看,与总结视频一起观看了 300万次,达到 800万人。除此之外,该倡议还获得了大量媒体报道,包括巴西最重要的新闻媒体。尽管目标公司不太高兴,并利用他们的私人保安以及警察试图中断这项倡议,但至少他们听到了这样的信息: 节日过后,平均等待时间下降了 43%。 战略 我们根据在 Reclame Aqui 提出的投诉,计算了顾客在听音乐时等待的平均时间,并根据这一点,我们选择了作为节日舞台的公司。我们邀请了三个著名的巴西乐队,并委托创作了三个著名的乐队。乐队在公司让顾客等待的时间里演奏它们。除此之外,我们还邀请了一位主持人在社交媒体上现场介绍活动,提供信息并与街上的人互动。我们的策略包括针对每个新闻片段的不同方法: 音乐、名人、文化活动、政治和日常生活。 相关性 我们创建了第一个音乐暂停节,并在公司面前搭建了舞台,让他们的客户保持最长的时间,听这种音乐。由于每个巴西人都是消费者,至少被虐待过一次,这次活动受到了大规模的接受,并被主要新闻媒体报道。 概要 巴西人平均在呼叫中心等待 29 分钟,更糟糕的是,他们受到了真正的 “折磨”: 重复听同样的保持音乐。巴西最大的消费者保护服务机构 Reclame Aqui 决定反击,并表明没有人应该忍受这种痛苦。 执行 一切都从一个邀请人们参加聚会的在线预告开始,聚会将在庆祝消费者权利日时现场直播。在设定的日期,新闻媒体都在现场直播报道。我们使用一辆卡车作为移动舞台,在一天内我们参观了该倡议的三家公司。弹出式舞台让每个人都大吃一惊; 乐队演奏的时间平均来说是公司让顾客等待的时间。在那之后,一切都被分解了,我们搬到了下一个公司。一切都在社交媒体上直播,整个行动都由新闻媒体报道。艺术家的粉丝俱乐部发挥了积极作用,促进活动,并在大日子出席。最后,发布了一段视频,总结了当天的战略和发生的一切。 活动描述 Reclame Aqui 构思了第一个音乐节日,在那些让顾客在电话上等待时间最长的公司面前搭建舞台。5,000 瓦的声波功率被炮轰回那些负责每天折磨他们的客户。


    案例简介:Outcome The live broadcast was seen by 750,000 people, which together with the wrap-up video amounted to 3 million views and 8 million people reached. In addition to that, the initiative received massive media coverage, including the most important news media outlets in Brazil. The target companies weren’t very happy though, and used their private security, as well as the police, to try and break off the initiative, but at least the message reached their ears: the average waiting time dropped 43% after the festival. Strategy We calculated the average time customers spend waiting while listening to hold music, based on complaints filed at Reclame Aqui, and based on that we selected the companies that served as stages for the festival. We invited three famous Brazilian bands and commissioned versions of three well-known hold tunes. The bands played them for the amount of time the companies leave their customers waiting. On top of that, we invited a host to introduce the event live on social media, provide information and interact with people on the street. Our strategy included a different approach for each news segment: music, celebrities, cultural events, politics and daily life. Relevancy We created the first Music on hold Festival and set up the stage in front of companies that keep their customers on hold the longest, listening to this kind of music. Since every Brazilian is a consumer and has been mistreated at least once, the event was met with massive acceptance, being covered by major news media outlets. Synopsis Brazilians lose an average 29 minutes waiting at Call Centers, and to make matters worse they’re subjected to a genuine “torture”: listening to the same hold music on repeat. Reclame Aqui, the largest consumer protection service in Brazil, decided to hit back and showed that no one should endure such agony. Execution Everything began with an online teaser inviting people to a party, which would be broadcast live in celebration of Consumer Rights Day. On the set date news media outlets were at the scene to cover the happening live. We used a truck as mobile stage, and in one day we visited the three companies that were targeted by the initiative. The pop-up stages caught everyone by surprise; the bands played for the amount of time the companies leave their customers waiting, on average. After that, everything was disassembled and we moved on to the next company. Everything was broadcast live on social media, and the whole action was covered by news media outlets. The artists’ fan clubs had an active role, fostering events and being present on the big day. In the end a video was released that summed up the strategy and everything that took place on that day. CampaignDescription Reclame Aqui conceived the first Music on hold Festival, setting up stages in front of the companies that leave their customers waiting on the phone the longest. 5,000 watts of sonic power were blasted back at those responsible for the daily torture of their clients.

    On Hold Music Festival

    案例简介:结果 现场直播有 750,000 人观看,与总结视频一起观看了 300万次,达到 800万人。除此之外,该倡议还获得了大量媒体报道,包括巴西最重要的新闻媒体。尽管目标公司不太高兴,并利用他们的私人保安以及警察试图中断这项倡议,但至少他们听到了这样的信息: 节日过后,平均等待时间下降了 43%。 战略 我们根据在 Reclame Aqui 提出的投诉,计算了顾客在听音乐时等待的平均时间,并根据这一点,我们选择了作为节日舞台的公司。我们邀请了三个著名的巴西乐队,并委托创作了三个著名的乐队。乐队在公司让顾客等待的时间里演奏它们。除此之外,我们还邀请了一位主持人在社交媒体上现场介绍活动,提供信息并与街上的人互动。我们的策略包括针对每个新闻片段的不同方法: 音乐、名人、文化活动、政治和日常生活。 相关性 我们创建了第一个音乐暂停节,并在公司面前搭建了舞台,让他们的客户保持最长的时间,听这种音乐。由于每个巴西人都是消费者,至少被虐待过一次,这次活动受到了大规模的接受,并被主要新闻媒体报道。 概要 巴西人平均在呼叫中心等待 29 分钟,更糟糕的是,他们受到了真正的 “折磨”: 重复听同样的保持音乐。巴西最大的消费者保护服务机构 Reclame Aqui 决定反击,并表明没有人应该忍受这种痛苦。 执行 一切都从一个邀请人们参加聚会的在线预告开始,聚会将在庆祝消费者权利日时现场直播。在设定的日期,新闻媒体都在现场直播报道。我们使用一辆卡车作为移动舞台,在一天内我们参观了该倡议的三家公司。弹出式舞台让每个人都大吃一惊; 乐队演奏的时间平均来说是公司让顾客等待的时间。在那之后,一切都被分解了,我们搬到了下一个公司。一切都在社交媒体上直播,整个行动都由新闻媒体报道。艺术家的粉丝俱乐部发挥了积极作用,促进活动,并在大日子出席。最后,发布了一段视频,总结了当天的战略和发生的一切。 活动描述 Reclame Aqui 构思了第一个音乐节日,在那些让顾客在电话上等待时间最长的公司面前搭建舞台。5,000 瓦的声波功率被炮轰回那些负责每天折磨他们的客户。

    On Hold Music Festival

    案例简介:Outcome The live broadcast was seen by 750,000 people, which together with the wrap-up video amounted to 3 million views and 8 million people reached. In addition to that, the initiative received massive media coverage, including the most important news media outlets in Brazil. The target companies weren’t very happy though, and used their private security, as well as the police, to try and break off the initiative, but at least the message reached their ears: the average waiting time dropped 43% after the festival. Strategy We calculated the average time customers spend waiting while listening to hold music, based on complaints filed at Reclame Aqui, and based on that we selected the companies that served as stages for the festival. We invited three famous Brazilian bands and commissioned versions of three well-known hold tunes. The bands played them for the amount of time the companies leave their customers waiting. On top of that, we invited a host to introduce the event live on social media, provide information and interact with people on the street. Our strategy included a different approach for each news segment: music, celebrities, cultural events, politics and daily life. Relevancy We created the first Music on hold Festival and set up the stage in front of companies that keep their customers on hold the longest, listening to this kind of music. Since every Brazilian is a consumer and has been mistreated at least once, the event was met with massive acceptance, being covered by major news media outlets. Synopsis Brazilians lose an average 29 minutes waiting at Call Centers, and to make matters worse they’re subjected to a genuine “torture”: listening to the same hold music on repeat. Reclame Aqui, the largest consumer protection service in Brazil, decided to hit back and showed that no one should endure such agony. Execution Everything began with an online teaser inviting people to a party, which would be broadcast live in celebration of Consumer Rights Day. On the set date news media outlets were at the scene to cover the happening live. We used a truck as mobile stage, and in one day we visited the three companies that were targeted by the initiative. The pop-up stages caught everyone by surprise; the bands played for the amount of time the companies leave their customers waiting, on average. After that, everything was disassembled and we moved on to the next company. Everything was broadcast live on social media, and the whole action was covered by news media outlets. The artists’ fan clubs had an active role, fostering events and being present on the big day. In the end a video was released that summed up the strategy and everything that took place on that day. CampaignDescription Reclame Aqui conceived the first Music on hold Festival, setting up stages in front of the companies that leave their customers waiting on the phone the longest. 5,000 watts of sonic power were blasted back at those responsible for the daily torture of their clients.



    On Hold Music Festival










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