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    NowThis x Samsung Unframed短视频广告营销案例



    NowThis x 三星 unframe

    案例简介:概要 2017年初,YouTube 和 Facebook 在他们的平台上启用了 360 ° 视频。然而,尽管这两个平台都使得上传和观看 360 度视频变得容易,但实际上很少有人这样做。我们注意到,消费者使用 360 相机来捕捉内容,就像他们拍摄传统镜头一样 -- 不考虑他们必须玩的 360 帧。因此,人们在社交网站上看到的 360 内容大部分不是高质量的、真正的 360 度内容。三星,360 硬件的市场领导者,知道为了发展 360 的类别,他们需要首先规范观看和创造 360 的内容。 战略 目标: 千禧一代。中等/重度社交用户,专注于 Facebook 、 Youtube 、推特和 Instagram。我们的策略是与社交内容制作人合作,解开他们的产品框架,并给人们提供令人惊叹的例子,说明当 360 视频被正确拍摄时,内容会有多好。我们理想的合作伙伴需要有巨大的全球影响力和高观众参与度,这使得现在成为完美的选择。现在,这是一个拥有独特使命的数字出版商: 为今天的移动一代讲述故事。现在,这将专家视觉讲故事与真实可信的声音结合在一起。考虑到这一使命,现在它已经发展了自己的专业知识,在 Facebook 、 Instagram 、 Snapchat 和其他社交平台上制作和分发引人入胜的视频, 通过引人入胜的社交故事,达到千禧一代的受众规模。 结果 现在,三星在 2017年 Facebook 上排名第一的品牌活动现在,我们的三星 Gear 360 系列在 2017年成为 Facebook 上排名第一的 360 视频出版商 (来源: 管状) 当 Facebook 给大众带来 360 时,我们确保这些大众看到了最好的例子。(随着 “无框架” 在 Facebook 上获得比 2017年任何 2d 活动更多的浏览量) (来源: BrandTale)。+ 2.39亿个组合视频视图我们的视频中有 23 个被 YouTube 选为最佳虚拟现实门户 -- 这是互联网提供的最佳 360/虚拟现实内容的展示 执行 我们与 Facebook 上著名的内容创作者 NowThis 合作,制作了 23 部 360 度电影,展示了 360 的优势。就像展示把相机放在动作中间,而不是仅仅面对它,是多么有趣。或者,如何将它安装在一个移动的物体上,让你感觉自己在移动一个场景,而不仅仅是观看。虽然观众认为他们只是在看关于他们最喜欢的东西的内容,但他们实际上是在学习非框架内容的好处,以及如何用他们自己的 360 相机创建它。我们的活动给人们提供了引人入胜的内容,鼓励他们四处看看,因为它将观众带到 5 大洲和 20 多个国家。我们让观众沉浸在遥远的地方和独特的经历中,比如在意大利骑贡多拉; 在芬兰圣诞老人的村庄滑雪; 探索肯尼亚的小象孤儿院。 活动描述 我们需要向人们展示,当有不止一个角度可以看的时候,他们喜欢看的一切都会更好.给他们一种超越传统框架的思考内容的方式。本质上,我们需要向他们展示当 360 视频被正确创建时,它有多好。我们的想法是与世界上最大的传统社交内容创作者之一合作,通过创建专门设计为 360 更好的内容来 “解开” 他们的产品。“无框架” 不仅仅是一条竞选路线,它是一种哲学,给了传统内容创作者和观众一种全新的方式来思考他们如何观看和创作内容。

    NowThis x 三星 unframe

    案例简介:Synopsis At the beginning of 2017, YouTube and Facebook enabled 360º videos on their platforms. However, even though both platforms made it easy to upload and watch 360-degree videos, very few people were actually doing so. We noticed that consumers were using 360º cameras to capture content in the same way they would shoot a traditional shot - not considering the 360º frame they had to play with. As a result, much of the 360º content people were seeing on social wasn’t high quality, real 360-degree content. Samsung, the market leader in 360º hardware, knew that in order to grow the 360º category, they needed to normalize watching and creating 360º content first. Strategy Target: Millennials. Medium/heavy social users, with a focus on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Instagram. Our strategy was to partner with social content producers to Unframe their offerings and give people amazing examples of how much better content can be when it’s properly shot for 360º video. Our ideal partner needed to have massive global reach and high audience engagement, which made NowThis the perfect choice. NowThis is a digital publisher with a singular mission: to tell stories that move for today’s mobile generation. NowThis brings expert visual storytelling together with an authentic, trustworthy voice. With this mission in mind, NowThis has developed its own expertise in producing and distributing engaging videos on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and other social platforms, that reach millennial audiences at scale with engaging social storytelling. Outcome NowThis x Samsung #1 Most Viewed Branded Campaign on Facebook in 2017 NowThis became the number one 360º video publisher on Facebook in 2017 with our Samsung Gear 360 series, (Source: Tubular) As Facebook brought 360º to the masses, we made sure those masses were seeing the best examples of it. (with ‘Unframed’ getting more views than any 2d campaign in 2017 on Facebook) (Source: BrandTale). +239 million combined video views 23 of our videos were selected by YouTube for their Best of VR Portal - a showcase of the best 360º/VR content the internet has to offer Execution We partnered with NowThis, a well known content creator on Facebook, to produce 23 360º films that demonstrated the strengths of 360. Like showing how much more fun it was to put the camera in the middle of the action, instead of just facing it. Or how, mounting it on a moving object, can make you feel like you’re moving through a scene, instead of just watching. While viewers thought they were just watching content about their favorite things, they were actually learning about the benefits of UNFRAMING content and how to create it with their own 360º cameras. Our campaign gave people engaging content that encouraged them to look around, as it transported audiences to 5 continents and over 20 countries. We immersed viewers in distant places and unique experiences like gondola riding in Italy; sleighing through Santa's Village in Finland; and exploring a baby elephant orphanage in Kenya. CampaignDescription We needed to show people that everything they loved to watch, can be better when there’s more than one angle to see... and, give them a way to think about content beyond the traditional frame. Essentially, we needed to show them how much better a 360º video can be when it’s created properly. Our idea was to partner with one of the world’s biggest traditional social content creators to “Unframe” their offerings by creating content that was designed specifically to be better in 360º. “Unframed” wasn’t just a campaign line, it was a philosophy, that gave traditional content creators, and viewers, a whole new way to think about how they watch and create content.

    NowThis x Samsung Unframed

    案例简介:概要 2017年初,YouTube 和 Facebook 在他们的平台上启用了 360 ° 视频。然而,尽管这两个平台都使得上传和观看 360 度视频变得容易,但实际上很少有人这样做。我们注意到,消费者使用 360 相机来捕捉内容,就像他们拍摄传统镜头一样 -- 不考虑他们必须玩的 360 帧。因此,人们在社交网站上看到的 360 内容大部分不是高质量的、真正的 360 度内容。三星,360 硬件的市场领导者,知道为了发展 360 的类别,他们需要首先规范观看和创造 360 的内容。 战略 目标: 千禧一代。中等/重度社交用户,专注于 Facebook 、 Youtube 、推特和 Instagram。我们的策略是与社交内容制作人合作,解开他们的产品框架,并给人们提供令人惊叹的例子,说明当 360 视频被正确拍摄时,内容会有多好。我们理想的合作伙伴需要有巨大的全球影响力和高观众参与度,这使得现在成为完美的选择。现在,这是一个拥有独特使命的数字出版商: 为今天的移动一代讲述故事。现在,这将专家视觉讲故事与真实可信的声音结合在一起。考虑到这一使命,现在它已经发展了自己的专业知识,在 Facebook 、 Instagram 、 Snapchat 和其他社交平台上制作和分发引人入胜的视频, 通过引人入胜的社交故事,达到千禧一代的受众规模。 结果 现在,三星在 2017年 Facebook 上排名第一的品牌活动现在,我们的三星 Gear 360 系列在 2017年成为 Facebook 上排名第一的 360 视频出版商 (来源: 管状) 当 Facebook 给大众带来 360 时,我们确保这些大众看到了最好的例子。(随着 “无框架” 在 Facebook 上获得比 2017年任何 2d 活动更多的浏览量) (来源: BrandTale)。+ 2.39亿个组合视频视图我们的视频中有 23 个被 YouTube 选为最佳虚拟现实门户 -- 这是互联网提供的最佳 360/虚拟现实内容的展示 执行 我们与 Facebook 上著名的内容创作者 NowThis 合作,制作了 23 部 360 度电影,展示了 360 的优势。就像展示把相机放在动作中间,而不是仅仅面对它,是多么有趣。或者,如何将它安装在一个移动的物体上,让你感觉自己在移动一个场景,而不仅仅是观看。虽然观众认为他们只是在看关于他们最喜欢的东西的内容,但他们实际上是在学习非框架内容的好处,以及如何用他们自己的 360 相机创建它。我们的活动给人们提供了引人入胜的内容,鼓励他们四处看看,因为它将观众带到 5 大洲和 20 多个国家。我们让观众沉浸在遥远的地方和独特的经历中,比如在意大利骑贡多拉; 在芬兰圣诞老人的村庄滑雪; 探索肯尼亚的小象孤儿院。 活动描述 我们需要向人们展示,当有不止一个角度可以看的时候,他们喜欢看的一切都会更好.给他们一种超越传统框架的思考内容的方式。本质上,我们需要向他们展示当 360 视频被正确创建时,它有多好。我们的想法是与世界上最大的传统社交内容创作者之一合作,通过创建专门设计为 360 更好的内容来 “解开” 他们的产品。“无框架” 不仅仅是一条竞选路线,它是一种哲学,给了传统内容创作者和观众一种全新的方式来思考他们如何观看和创作内容。

    NowThis x Samsung Unframed

    案例简介:Synopsis At the beginning of 2017, YouTube and Facebook enabled 360º videos on their platforms. However, even though both platforms made it easy to upload and watch 360-degree videos, very few people were actually doing so. We noticed that consumers were using 360º cameras to capture content in the same way they would shoot a traditional shot - not considering the 360º frame they had to play with. As a result, much of the 360º content people were seeing on social wasn’t high quality, real 360-degree content. Samsung, the market leader in 360º hardware, knew that in order to grow the 360º category, they needed to normalize watching and creating 360º content first. Strategy Target: Millennials. Medium/heavy social users, with a focus on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Instagram. Our strategy was to partner with social content producers to Unframe their offerings and give people amazing examples of how much better content can be when it’s properly shot for 360º video. Our ideal partner needed to have massive global reach and high audience engagement, which made NowThis the perfect choice. NowThis is a digital publisher with a singular mission: to tell stories that move for today’s mobile generation. NowThis brings expert visual storytelling together with an authentic, trustworthy voice. With this mission in mind, NowThis has developed its own expertise in producing and distributing engaging videos on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and other social platforms, that reach millennial audiences at scale with engaging social storytelling. Outcome NowThis x Samsung #1 Most Viewed Branded Campaign on Facebook in 2017 NowThis became the number one 360º video publisher on Facebook in 2017 with our Samsung Gear 360 series, (Source: Tubular) As Facebook brought 360º to the masses, we made sure those masses were seeing the best examples of it. (with ‘Unframed’ getting more views than any 2d campaign in 2017 on Facebook) (Source: BrandTale). +239 million combined video views 23 of our videos were selected by YouTube for their Best of VR Portal - a showcase of the best 360º/VR content the internet has to offer Execution We partnered with NowThis, a well known content creator on Facebook, to produce 23 360º films that demonstrated the strengths of 360. Like showing how much more fun it was to put the camera in the middle of the action, instead of just facing it. Or how, mounting it on a moving object, can make you feel like you’re moving through a scene, instead of just watching. While viewers thought they were just watching content about their favorite things, they were actually learning about the benefits of UNFRAMING content and how to create it with their own 360º cameras. Our campaign gave people engaging content that encouraged them to look around, as it transported audiences to 5 continents and over 20 countries. We immersed viewers in distant places and unique experiences like gondola riding in Italy; sleighing through Santa's Village in Finland; and exploring a baby elephant orphanage in Kenya. CampaignDescription We needed to show people that everything they loved to watch, can be better when there’s more than one angle to see... and, give them a way to think about content beyond the traditional frame. Essentially, we needed to show them how much better a 360º video can be when it’s created properly. Our idea was to partner with one of the world’s biggest traditional social content creators to “Unframe” their offerings by creating content that was designed specifically to be better in 360º. “Unframed” wasn’t just a campaign line, it was a philosophy, that gave traditional content creators, and viewers, a whole new way to think about how they watch and create content.

    NowThis x 三星 unframe


    NowThis x Samsung Unframed






    广告公司: R/GA (美国 纽约) 制作公司: R/GA , NowThis




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