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    案例简介:Karla Gachet @ kchet77的照片/“我对整个国家感到非常愤怒和沮丧。我一直在努力工作,以保持干净的记录,证明自己值得,为什么?对于一个不认识或不想要我的国家。”-22岁的杰西卡·加西亚·杰西卡 (Jesica Garcia Jesica) 六岁时来到美国。她的父亲三岁时离开墨西哥,两年后拜访了墨西哥的家人。她妈妈当时给了他三个选择: 回到美国,忘记我们的存在,回来和我们住在一起,或者送我们去,这样我们就可以一起住在美国,她父亲一个月后送他们去。对于Jesica来说,来美国总是要与父亲团聚。她学习英语,并成为整个初中和高中的优等生。她目前在加州大学圣克鲁斯分校 (UC Santa Cruz) 辅修社会学。当大流行来袭时,杰西卡不得不收拾好行李,离开宿舍回到她父母在洛杉矶的家。推迟儿童到达行动 (DACA) 保护一些作为儿童被带到美国的非法移民免遭驱逐出境。去年,最高法院阻止了特朗普总统结束DACA的企图。拜登总统签署了一项行政命令,以维护该计划。这个项目是由 @ kchete77和 @ ivankphoto在 @ insidenatgeo新型冠状病毒肺炎记者应急基金的支持下创建的。家庭照片由杰西卡·加西亚提供。# DACA # Dreamers # HomeIsHere(1) Jesica (右) 和她的姐姐来美国的时候 (2,3) Jesica在洛杉矶Marina del Rey的一家杂货店工作。(4,5) 杰西卡在洛杉矶新家的肖像。(6) Jesica的爱好之一是拼凑大型拼图。(7,8) 杰西卡 (Jesica) 和父母搬到一个较小的地方租房后,装饰了她的新房间。(9,10) 一个小耶稣坐在加西亚一家的客厅里。有关此故事的更多信息,请查看Nat Geo在bio中的链接。

    案例简介:Photos by Karla Gachet @kchete77 / “I feel a lot of anger and frustration at the country as a whole. I’ve been working so hard to have a clean record, to prove myself worthy, for what? For a country that doesn’t recognize or want me.” —Jesica Garcia Garcia Jesica, 22, came to the U.S. when she was six years old. Her father left Mexico when she was three and visited the family in Mexico two years later. Her mom gave him three choices then: Go back to the States and forget we exist, come back and live with us, or send for us so we can all live together in the U.S. Her father sent for them a month later. For Jesica, coming to the U.S. was always about reuniting with her dad. She learned English and became an honor student throughout middle and high school. She currently studies sociology with a minor in education at UC Santa Cruz. Jesica had to pack up her belongings and leave the dorms to come back to her parent’s house in Los Angeles when the pandemic hit. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) protects some undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children from deportation. President Trump’s attempt to end DACA was blocked by the Supreme Court last year. President Biden signed an executive order to preserve the program. This project was created by @kchete77 and @ivankphoto with the support of the @insidenatgeo COVID-19 Emergency Fund for Journalists. Family photo courtesy of Jesica Garcia. #DACA #Dreamers #HomeIsHere(1) Jesica (right) and her sister around the time they came to the U.S. (2, 3) Jesica works at a grocery store in Marina del Rey, Los Angeles. (4, 5) Portrait of Jesica at her new home in Los Angeles. (6) One of Jesica’s hobbies is putting together large puzzles. (7, 8) Jesica decorates her new room after moving to a smaller place with her parents to make rent. (9, 10) A baby Jesus sits in the Garcia family’s living room.Check out Nat Geo's link in bio for more on this story.

    国家地理 - Photos by Karla Gachet @kchete77 / “I feel a lot of anger and frustration at the country as a whole. I’ve been working so

    案例简介:Karla Gachet @ kchet77的照片/“我对整个国家感到非常愤怒和沮丧。我一直在努力工作,以保持干净的记录,证明自己值得,为什么?对于一个不认识或不想要我的国家。”-22岁的杰西卡·加西亚·杰西卡 (Jesica Garcia Jesica) 六岁时来到美国。她的父亲三岁时离开墨西哥,两年后拜访了墨西哥的家人。她妈妈当时给了他三个选择: 回到美国,忘记我们的存在,回来和我们住在一起,或者送我们去,这样我们就可以一起住在美国,她父亲一个月后送他们去。对于Jesica来说,来美国总是要与父亲团聚。她学习英语,并成为整个初中和高中的优等生。她目前在加州大学圣克鲁斯分校 (UC Santa Cruz) 辅修社会学。当大流行来袭时,杰西卡不得不收拾好行李,离开宿舍回到她父母在洛杉矶的家。推迟儿童到达行动 (DACA) 保护一些作为儿童被带到美国的非法移民免遭驱逐出境。去年,最高法院阻止了特朗普总统结束DACA的企图。拜登总统签署了一项行政命令,以维护该计划。这个项目是由 @ kchete77和 @ ivankphoto在 @ insidenatgeo新型冠状病毒肺炎记者应急基金的支持下创建的。家庭照片由杰西卡·加西亚提供。# DACA # Dreamers # HomeIsHere(1) Jesica (右) 和她的姐姐来美国的时候 (2,3) Jesica在洛杉矶Marina del Rey的一家杂货店工作。(4,5) 杰西卡在洛杉矶新家的肖像。(6) Jesica的爱好之一是拼凑大型拼图。(7,8) 杰西卡 (Jesica) 和父母搬到一个较小的地方租房后,装饰了她的新房间。(9,10) 一个小耶稣坐在加西亚一家的客厅里。有关此故事的更多信息,请查看Nat Geo在bio中的链接。

    国家地理 - Photos by Karla Gachet @kchete77 / “I feel a lot of anger and frustration at the country as a whole. I’ve been working so

    案例简介:Photos by Karla Gachet @kchete77 / “I feel a lot of anger and frustration at the country as a whole. I’ve been working so hard to have a clean record, to prove myself worthy, for what? For a country that doesn’t recognize or want me.” —Jesica Garcia Garcia Jesica, 22, came to the U.S. when she was six years old. Her father left Mexico when she was three and visited the family in Mexico two years later. Her mom gave him three choices then: Go back to the States and forget we exist, come back and live with us, or send for us so we can all live together in the U.S. Her father sent for them a month later. For Jesica, coming to the U.S. was always about reuniting with her dad. She learned English and became an honor student throughout middle and high school. She currently studies sociology with a minor in education at UC Santa Cruz. Jesica had to pack up her belongings and leave the dorms to come back to her parent’s house in Los Angeles when the pandemic hit. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) protects some undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children from deportation. President Trump’s attempt to end DACA was blocked by the Supreme Court last year. President Biden signed an executive order to preserve the program. This project was created by @kchete77 and @ivankphoto with the support of the @insidenatgeo COVID-19 Emergency Fund for Journalists. Family photo courtesy of Jesica Garcia. #DACA #Dreamers #HomeIsHere(1) Jesica (right) and her sister around the time they came to the U.S. (2, 3) Jesica works at a grocery store in Marina del Rey, Los Angeles. (4, 5) Portrait of Jesica at her new home in Los Angeles. (6) One of Jesica’s hobbies is putting together large puzzles. (7, 8) Jesica decorates her new room after moving to a smaller place with her parents to make rent. (9, 10) A baby Jesus sits in the Garcia family’s living room.Check out Nat Geo's link in bio for more on this story.


    国家地理 - Photos by Karla Gachet @kchete77 / “I feel a lot of anger and frustration at the country as a whole. I’ve been working so










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