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    案例简介:用你自己的风格喝酒 -- INNORED 为韩国标志性的 Binggrae 香蕉味牛奶创造了创新的我的稻草运动 韩国首尔 -- 广受欢迎的乳制品/冰淇淋品牌 Binggrae 的香蕉味牛奶于 1974年首次推出,是韩国最具标志性的饮料之一,长期以来一直受到消费者的喜爱, 无论年龄,其美味清爽的味道。 作为一个有着悠久历史的无处不在的品牌,其制造商的一个当代担忧是,它可能会成为年轻一代的日常饮料。 为了解决这一问题,INNORED 创建了 “我的草莓” 运动,这是一种创新的新方法,让千禧一代成为新一代香蕉味牛奶消费者。 活动概念 当听到 “香蕉味牛奶” 时,韩国年轻人首先想到的是韩国传统陶器 “瓦罐” 形状的食品容器, 一种 40 多年来一直保持不变的容易辨认的相似物。 这种形状也为香蕉味牛奶赢得了深情的绰号 “ddung ba”,它翻译成英语 “可爱,胖乎乎的香蕉”。 除了这个和它的瓦罐状容器,另一个与香蕉味牛奶相关的特征是饮料中含有的薄黄色吸管。尽管流行的流行语是 “只有草莓才有真正的味道”,但稻草本身已经被瓦罐状的容器蒙上了阴影。 考虑到这一点,INNORED 接受了挑战,通过一场专注于吸管的运动来扩展香蕉味牛奶的独特魅力。通过超越其作为饮用设备的功能角色,INNORED 试图将其定位为 “合作伙伴配件” -- 提供独特、新鲜的外观,补充典型形状的容器, 同时调整运动,以创新的新方式吸引千禧一代。 虽然功能仍然是用来喝香蕉味牛奶的吸管,但 INNORED 试图在享受饮料时创造一种新颖的体验,它设计巧妙, 用普通的稻草与年轻的生活方式保持一致。 为了提供这种体验,INNORED 开发了五种不同版本的 “我的稻草” (林格稻草、巨型稻草、一杆稻草、 SOS 稻草和爱情稻草) 在五个月的时间里,与 Binggrae 和备受推崇的英国设计咨询公司 “金尼尔 · 杜福特” 合作。 为了实现生产全新和创新的东西的目标,团队专注于 MyStraw 开发的两个主要原则: 1。虽然拥有自己独特的个性和一点幽默,但每根稻草都必须协同突出特色的 “瓦罐” 形状。 稻草设计也必须与千禧一代及其生活方式产生共鸣。 MyStraw 的五种类型 所有由 INNORED 创作的 MyStraw 都是在实际使用的情况下完成的,而不仅仅是商业拍摄中美观的道具。因此,每个 MyStraw 设计都是用高质量的食品级材料建造的。 巨大的稻草 这是一种消费者的吸管,他们发现传统的薄吸管适合休闲饮酒,但太薄了,在韩国炎热的夏天或激烈的一轮锻炼后,无法享受足够的一口。 这种巨大的吸管直径比它瘦的表亲大四倍,它让香蕉味的牛奶爱好者可以享受一口以上的乐趣。而且,不同于其薄的塑料产品,这种巨大的吸管是用不锈钢制成的,可以很容易地储存在冰箱里,随时随地享受终极的冷香蕉牛奶体验。 作为配套配件,INNORED 还开发了一种专门设计的刷子来清洁巨大的吸管以供重复使用。 林格吸管 多年来,韩国人经常把香蕉味的牛奶作为一种提神的方式来护理宿醉。有了这种洞察力,林格的稻草是针对韩国千禧一代的,他们以忙碌的生活方式结识朋友, 参加俱乐部或参加公司活动 -- 所有这些有时都包括倒回几杯饮料。 林格的吸管是一根 1.7米长的管子,看起来就像医院的 IV, 给人的印象是,当他们躺下享受香蕉味牛奶的舒缓味道时,他们的宿醉正在被治愈。 SOS 稻草 像大多数同胞一样,韩国千禧一代喜欢辛辣的食物。然而,即使是最顽固的热食物爱好者,在韩国烹饪中经常发现的辛辣有时也会太多。 利用这一洞察力,INNORED 创造了 SOS Straw,这是一种灭火器形状的装置,允许用户将香蕉味的牛奶直接喷到嘴里,在一口辛辣的食物后灭火。 爱稻草 一天,一次镜头,一个标签: 很少有一天韩国千禧一代不上传他们生活中的某个时刻到 Instagram。他们经常用标签 # Lovestagram 这样做,这是 lo 的常用声明之一韩国夫妇的爱。 爱情吸管是一种心形吸管,专为情侣拍照自拍,一起享用香蕉味牛奶而设计。两根吸管之间只有 9厘米的距离,这对夫妇不能在不接触脸颊的情况下喝酒,因为他们完美地捕捉了一个浪漫的时刻。 一杆吸管 有些人根本吃不饱香蕉味的牛奶。那么,为什么不同时喝几瓶呢?这种吸管是为那些渴望不止一瓶香蕉牛奶来满足口渴的千禧一代开发的,允许他们同时喝多瓶。 以防他们不想要太多的好东西,一杆吸管精心设计了一个紧急塞,允许人们调节流量。 考虑到 “Mukbang” 的流行,这是一种视听广播,主持人在与观众互动的同时吃大量食物, 当消费者自愿开始挑战他们一次可以喝多少瓶时,这并不奇怪。 活动结果 在五个介绍 MyStraw 五种类型的在线活动视频的在线发布后的 12 天内,他们总共获得了 1000万多次观看。到第3 周,这个数字达到了令人印象深刻的 2000万次观看。 社交媒体上超过 11,300 的视频份额,很明显,建立一个新的目标, 香蕉味牛奶的新的创新品牌定位在千禧一代的目标人群中取得了成功。 活动发布一周后,五种 MyStraw 类型中的三种被作为受欢迎的韩国电子商务平台 Gmarket 上的产品生产出来。在网上销售的第一天,购买了 3,000 套,一周内,所有的 MyStraw 产品都完全售罄。 展望未来,营销策略是在 8月通过在两个被称为 “黄色咖啡馆” 的实体品牌商店提供吸管来驾驭流行浪潮。 尤其令香蕉味牛奶制造商高兴的是 YouTube 影响者以及其他普通消费者的反应,他们自愿上传了我的稻草产品评论, 获得超过 140万次浏览 -- 价值超过 8000万韩元 (72,000 美元) 的有机媒体曝光。 广告行业专家特别注意到目标消费者本身的积极反应。 “目前,MyStraw 产品实际上是作为 Gmarket 上的产品制造的,这标志着从广告仅仅试图雕刻一个吸引人的框架、海报或 CC 的时代发生了转变, 谷歌韩国高级经理金天祥说: “这是关于品牌内容,进一步设计和提供品牌体验。”。 “仍在电视上宣传自己的公司和品牌说,'我们是数字公司' 或 '我们是移动公司'”,应该认真考虑真正重要的是什么, 正如 “我的草莓” 活动所显示的那样,”金补充道。 观看视频然后自己尝试产品的消费者,正在上传他们使用标签 # MyStraw 和 # BananaFlavoredMilk 的体验。 当前运动的多功能性及其成功的有机增长和与不断发展的千禧一代思维的共鸣,是理想的结果, 说明 INNORED 实现了它的目标,即采用一个传统上受欢迎的品牌,并给它一个新的、创新的旋转,吸引新一代消费者。 INNORED 期待着更多的千禧一代以自己独特的方式享受香蕉味牛奶,并期待着未来该产品继续以其对消费者口味的吸引力而发展。


    案例简介:Drinking with Your Own Style - INNORED Creates Innovative MyStraw Campaign for South Korea’s Iconic Binggrae Banana Flavored Milk SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA - First launched in 1974, the popular dairy/ice cream brand Binggrae’s Banana Flavored Milk is one of South Korea’s most iconic beverages and has long been loved by the consumers, regardless of age, for its deliciously refreshing flavor. As a ubiquitous brand with a long history, one contemporary concern for its makers is that it might come across to a younger generation as an everyday drink. To address this insight, INNORED created the ‘MyStraw’ campaign, an innovative and fresh new approach to engage millennials as the new generation of Banana Flavored Milk consumers. Campaign Concept One of the first things that pops into the mind of Korean youth when hearing “Banana Flavored Milk” is the Korean traditional earthenware ‘crock pot’ shaped food container, an easily recognizable likeness that has remained unchanged for more than 40 years. The shape has also earned Banana Flavored Milk the affectionate nickname ‘ddung ba’, which translates into English as ‘cute, chubby banana’. Along with this and its crock pot shaped container, another feature associated with Banana Flavored Milk is the thin, yellow straw included with the beverage. Despite the popular catchphrase ‘true taste only with a straw’, the straw itself has been overshadowed by the crock pot shaped container. With this in mind, INNORED accepted the challenge to expand on Banana Flavored Milk’s unique charm with a campaign focusing on the straw. By looking beyond its functional role as a drinking device, INNORED sought to position it as a ‘partner accessory’ —offering a unique, fresh look that complements the characteristically shaped container, while tailoring the campaign to engage millennials in an innovative new way. While the function is still that of a straw used to drink Banana Flavored Milk, INNORED sought to create a novel experience when enjoying the beverage with a line of cleverly-designed, out of the ordinary straws in tune with a youthful lifestyle. To deliver this experience, INNORED developed five different versions of “MyStraws” (Ringer Straw, Giant Straw, One Shot Straw, SOS Straw, and Love Straw) over a period of five months in collaboration with Binggrae, and the highly-regarded UK design consulting company, ‘Kinneir Dufort’. To achieve the goal of producing something completely new and innovative, the team focused on two primary principles for the development of MyStraw: 1. While possessing its own unique personality and a touch of humor, each straw must synergistically accentuate the characteristic ‘crock pot’ shape. 2. The straw design must also resonate with millennials and their lifestyle. The Five Types of MyStraw All of the MyStraw’s created by INNORED were done so with a practical use in mind, not simply for aesthetically pleasing props in a commercial shoot. Therefore, each of the MyStraw designs were constructed with high quality food-grade materials. The Giant Straw A straw for consumers who find the traditional thin straw good for a casual session of drinking, but too thin to enjoy a sufficient mouthful during Korea’s sweltering hot summers or after an intense round of exercise. Four times larger in diameter than its thin cousin, The Giant Straw allows Banana Flavored Milk lovers to enjoy more than a mouthful. And, unlike its thin, plastic counterpart, The Giant Straw was made with stainless steel, which can easily be stored inside the fridge for the ultimate, cold banana milk experience anytime. As an accompanying accessory, INNORED additionally developed a specially designed brush to clean the The Giant Straw for reuse. Ringer Straw Over the years, Koreans have often turned to Banana Flavored Milk as a refreshing way to nurse a hangover. With this insight, the Ringer’s Straw is aimed at Korean Millennials who engage in a busy lifestyle of meeting friends, participating in clubs or joining in company events —all of which sometimes involve tossing back a few drinks. The Ringer’s Straw is a 1.7 meter long tube that looks just like a hospital IV, giving the impression that one is being cured of their hangover as they lay down and enjoy the soothing taste of Banana Flavored Milk. SOS Straw Like most of their compatriots, Korean millennials love spicy food. However, for even the most hardened hot food lovers, the spiciness often found in Korean cuisine can sometimes be too much to take. Utilizing this insight, INNORED created the SOS Straw, a fire extinguisher-shaped device that allows users to spray Banana Flavored Milk directly into their mouth to put the fire out after a mouthful of spicy food. Love Straw A DAY, A SHOT, A HASHTAG: Rarely a day passes by when Korean Millennials don’t upload a moment of their life to Instagram. And they often do so with the hashtag #Lovestagram, which is one of the popularly used declarations of love and affection by Korean couples. The Love Straw is a heart-shaped straw, designed for couples to take photogenic selfies, enjoying Banana Flavored Milk together. With a narrow 9cm distance between the two straws, the pair can’t drink without touching cheek-to-cheek for that perfect capture of a romantic moment together. One Shot Straw Some people simply can’t get enough of Banana Flavored Milk. So, why not drink several bottles at once? This straw was developed for those millennials who long for more than just one bottle of banana milk to satisfy their thirst, allowing them to drink multiple bottles simultaneously. Just in case they don’t want too much of a good thing, the One Shot Straw was thoughtfully designed with an emergency stopper that allows the person to regulate the flow. Considering the popularity of “Mukbang”, which is an audiovisual broadcast in which a host eats large quantities of food while interacting with the viewers, it will come as no surprise when consumers voluntarily start the challenge to see how many bottles they can drink at one time. Campaign Results Within 12 days of the online release of five campaign videos introducing the five types of MyStraw’s online, they collectively garnered over 10 million views. By the 3rd week that number reached an impressive 20 million views. With over 11,300 shares of the videos across social media, it was immediately clear that the goal of establishing a fresh, new and innovative brand positioning of Banana Flavored Milk was a success with the millennial target demographic. One week into the campaign release, three of the five MyStraw types were manufactured as products available on the popular Korean ecommerce platform, Gmarket. On the first day of the online sales, 3,000 sets were purchased and, within a week, all of the MyStraw products were completely sold out. Moving forward, the marketing strategy is to ride the wave of popularity by making the straws available at two brick-and-mortar brand shops known as ‘Yellow Cafe’ in mid-August this year. Particularly pleasing to the makers of Banana Flavored Milk was the reaction of YouTube influencers, as well as other ordinary consumers, who voluntarily uploaded MyStraw product reviews, garnering more than 1.4 million views —amounting to over 80 million KRW ($72,000USD) worth of organic media exposure. The positive response from the target consumers themselves was particularly well noted by ad industry experts. “Currently, MyStraw products are actually manufactured as products on Gmarket, marking a shift from a time when advertisements solely sought to carve out a catchy frame, poster, or a CC, to where it’s about brand content and further designing, and providing, a brand experience,” said Google Korea Senior Manager, Cheon-seok Kim. “Companies and brands who are still promoting themselves saying, ‘We are digital’ or ‘We are a mobile company” on TV, should give serious thought to what is truly important, as was displayed by the ‘MyStraw’ campaign,” Kim added. Consumers who watch the videos and then try the products for themselves, are uploading their experience using the hashtags #MyStraw and #BananaFlavoredMilk. The versatility of the current campaign and its successful organic growth and resonance with the ever-evolving millennial mindset, is the ideal result, illustrating that INNORED accomplished its goal of taking a traditionally popular brand and giving it a fresh new, innovative spin that appeals to a new generation of consumers. INNORED looks forward to more millennials enjoying Banana Flavored Milk in their own unique way, and a future where the product continues to evolve in its appeal to their tastes as consumers.


    案例简介:用你自己的风格喝酒 -- INNORED 为韩国标志性的 Binggrae 香蕉味牛奶创造了创新的我的稻草运动 韩国首尔 -- 广受欢迎的乳制品/冰淇淋品牌 Binggrae 的香蕉味牛奶于 1974年首次推出,是韩国最具标志性的饮料之一,长期以来一直受到消费者的喜爱, 无论年龄,其美味清爽的味道。 作为一个有着悠久历史的无处不在的品牌,其制造商的一个当代担忧是,它可能会成为年轻一代的日常饮料。 为了解决这一问题,INNORED 创建了 “我的草莓” 运动,这是一种创新的新方法,让千禧一代成为新一代香蕉味牛奶消费者。 活动概念 当听到 “香蕉味牛奶” 时,韩国年轻人首先想到的是韩国传统陶器 “瓦罐” 形状的食品容器, 一种 40 多年来一直保持不变的容易辨认的相似物。 这种形状也为香蕉味牛奶赢得了深情的绰号 “ddung ba”,它翻译成英语 “可爱,胖乎乎的香蕉”。 除了这个和它的瓦罐状容器,另一个与香蕉味牛奶相关的特征是饮料中含有的薄黄色吸管。尽管流行的流行语是 “只有草莓才有真正的味道”,但稻草本身已经被瓦罐状的容器蒙上了阴影。 考虑到这一点,INNORED 接受了挑战,通过一场专注于吸管的运动来扩展香蕉味牛奶的独特魅力。通过超越其作为饮用设备的功能角色,INNORED 试图将其定位为 “合作伙伴配件” -- 提供独特、新鲜的外观,补充典型形状的容器, 同时调整运动,以创新的新方式吸引千禧一代。 虽然功能仍然是用来喝香蕉味牛奶的吸管,但 INNORED 试图在享受饮料时创造一种新颖的体验,它设计巧妙, 用普通的稻草与年轻的生活方式保持一致。 为了提供这种体验,INNORED 开发了五种不同版本的 “我的稻草” (林格稻草、巨型稻草、一杆稻草、 SOS 稻草和爱情稻草) 在五个月的时间里,与 Binggrae 和备受推崇的英国设计咨询公司 “金尼尔 · 杜福特” 合作。 为了实现生产全新和创新的东西的目标,团队专注于 MyStraw 开发的两个主要原则: 1。虽然拥有自己独特的个性和一点幽默,但每根稻草都必须协同突出特色的 “瓦罐” 形状。 稻草设计也必须与千禧一代及其生活方式产生共鸣。 MyStraw 的五种类型 所有由 INNORED 创作的 MyStraw 都是在实际使用的情况下完成的,而不仅仅是商业拍摄中美观的道具。因此,每个 MyStraw 设计都是用高质量的食品级材料建造的。 巨大的稻草 这是一种消费者的吸管,他们发现传统的薄吸管适合休闲饮酒,但太薄了,在韩国炎热的夏天或激烈的一轮锻炼后,无法享受足够的一口。 这种巨大的吸管直径比它瘦的表亲大四倍,它让香蕉味的牛奶爱好者可以享受一口以上的乐趣。而且,不同于其薄的塑料产品,这种巨大的吸管是用不锈钢制成的,可以很容易地储存在冰箱里,随时随地享受终极的冷香蕉牛奶体验。 作为配套配件,INNORED 还开发了一种专门设计的刷子来清洁巨大的吸管以供重复使用。 林格吸管 多年来,韩国人经常把香蕉味的牛奶作为一种提神的方式来护理宿醉。有了这种洞察力,林格的稻草是针对韩国千禧一代的,他们以忙碌的生活方式结识朋友, 参加俱乐部或参加公司活动 -- 所有这些有时都包括倒回几杯饮料。 林格的吸管是一根 1.7米长的管子,看起来就像医院的 IV, 给人的印象是,当他们躺下享受香蕉味牛奶的舒缓味道时,他们的宿醉正在被治愈。 SOS 稻草 像大多数同胞一样,韩国千禧一代喜欢辛辣的食物。然而,即使是最顽固的热食物爱好者,在韩国烹饪中经常发现的辛辣有时也会太多。 利用这一洞察力,INNORED 创造了 SOS Straw,这是一种灭火器形状的装置,允许用户将香蕉味的牛奶直接喷到嘴里,在一口辛辣的食物后灭火。 爱稻草 一天,一次镜头,一个标签: 很少有一天韩国千禧一代不上传他们生活中的某个时刻到 Instagram。他们经常用标签 # Lovestagram 这样做,这是 lo 的常用声明之一韩国夫妇的爱。 爱情吸管是一种心形吸管,专为情侣拍照自拍,一起享用香蕉味牛奶而设计。两根吸管之间只有 9厘米的距离,这对夫妇不能在不接触脸颊的情况下喝酒,因为他们完美地捕捉了一个浪漫的时刻。 一杆吸管 有些人根本吃不饱香蕉味的牛奶。那么,为什么不同时喝几瓶呢?这种吸管是为那些渴望不止一瓶香蕉牛奶来满足口渴的千禧一代开发的,允许他们同时喝多瓶。 以防他们不想要太多的好东西,一杆吸管精心设计了一个紧急塞,允许人们调节流量。 考虑到 “Mukbang” 的流行,这是一种视听广播,主持人在与观众互动的同时吃大量食物, 当消费者自愿开始挑战他们一次可以喝多少瓶时,这并不奇怪。 活动结果 在五个介绍 MyStraw 五种类型的在线活动视频的在线发布后的 12 天内,他们总共获得了 1000万多次观看。到第3 周,这个数字达到了令人印象深刻的 2000万次观看。 社交媒体上超过 11,300 的视频份额,很明显,建立一个新的目标, 香蕉味牛奶的新的创新品牌定位在千禧一代的目标人群中取得了成功。 活动发布一周后,五种 MyStraw 类型中的三种被作为受欢迎的韩国电子商务平台 Gmarket 上的产品生产出来。在网上销售的第一天,购买了 3,000 套,一周内,所有的 MyStraw 产品都完全售罄。 展望未来,营销策略是在 8月通过在两个被称为 “黄色咖啡馆” 的实体品牌商店提供吸管来驾驭流行浪潮。 尤其令香蕉味牛奶制造商高兴的是 YouTube 影响者以及其他普通消费者的反应,他们自愿上传了我的稻草产品评论, 获得超过 140万次浏览 -- 价值超过 8000万韩元 (72,000 美元) 的有机媒体曝光。 广告行业专家特别注意到目标消费者本身的积极反应。 “目前,MyStraw 产品实际上是作为 Gmarket 上的产品制造的,这标志着从广告仅仅试图雕刻一个吸引人的框架、海报或 CC 的时代发生了转变, 谷歌韩国高级经理金天祥说: “这是关于品牌内容,进一步设计和提供品牌体验。”。 “仍在电视上宣传自己的公司和品牌说,'我们是数字公司' 或 '我们是移动公司'”,应该认真考虑真正重要的是什么, 正如 “我的草莓” 活动所显示的那样,”金补充道。 观看视频然后自己尝试产品的消费者,正在上传他们使用标签 # MyStraw 和 # BananaFlavoredMilk 的体验。 当前运动的多功能性及其成功的有机增长和与不断发展的千禧一代思维的共鸣,是理想的结果, 说明 INNORED 实现了它的目标,即采用一个传统上受欢迎的品牌,并给它一个新的、创新的旋转,吸引新一代消费者。 INNORED 期待着更多的千禧一代以自己独特的方式享受香蕉味牛奶,并期待着未来该产品继续以其对消费者口味的吸引力而发展。


    案例简介:Drinking with Your Own Style - INNORED Creates Innovative MyStraw Campaign for South Korea’s Iconic Binggrae Banana Flavored Milk SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA - First launched in 1974, the popular dairy/ice cream brand Binggrae’s Banana Flavored Milk is one of South Korea’s most iconic beverages and has long been loved by the consumers, regardless of age, for its deliciously refreshing flavor. As a ubiquitous brand with a long history, one contemporary concern for its makers is that it might come across to a younger generation as an everyday drink. To address this insight, INNORED created the ‘MyStraw’ campaign, an innovative and fresh new approach to engage millennials as the new generation of Banana Flavored Milk consumers. Campaign Concept One of the first things that pops into the mind of Korean youth when hearing “Banana Flavored Milk” is the Korean traditional earthenware ‘crock pot’ shaped food container, an easily recognizable likeness that has remained unchanged for more than 40 years. The shape has also earned Banana Flavored Milk the affectionate nickname ‘ddung ba’, which translates into English as ‘cute, chubby banana’. Along with this and its crock pot shaped container, another feature associated with Banana Flavored Milk is the thin, yellow straw included with the beverage. Despite the popular catchphrase ‘true taste only with a straw’, the straw itself has been overshadowed by the crock pot shaped container. With this in mind, INNORED accepted the challenge to expand on Banana Flavored Milk’s unique charm with a campaign focusing on the straw. By looking beyond its functional role as a drinking device, INNORED sought to position it as a ‘partner accessory’ —offering a unique, fresh look that complements the characteristically shaped container, while tailoring the campaign to engage millennials in an innovative new way. While the function is still that of a straw used to drink Banana Flavored Milk, INNORED sought to create a novel experience when enjoying the beverage with a line of cleverly-designed, out of the ordinary straws in tune with a youthful lifestyle. To deliver this experience, INNORED developed five different versions of “MyStraws” (Ringer Straw, Giant Straw, One Shot Straw, SOS Straw, and Love Straw) over a period of five months in collaboration with Binggrae, and the highly-regarded UK design consulting company, ‘Kinneir Dufort’. To achieve the goal of producing something completely new and innovative, the team focused on two primary principles for the development of MyStraw: 1. While possessing its own unique personality and a touch of humor, each straw must synergistically accentuate the characteristic ‘crock pot’ shape. 2. The straw design must also resonate with millennials and their lifestyle. The Five Types of MyStraw All of the MyStraw’s created by INNORED were done so with a practical use in mind, not simply for aesthetically pleasing props in a commercial shoot. Therefore, each of the MyStraw designs were constructed with high quality food-grade materials. The Giant Straw A straw for consumers who find the traditional thin straw good for a casual session of drinking, but too thin to enjoy a sufficient mouthful during Korea’s sweltering hot summers or after an intense round of exercise. Four times larger in diameter than its thin cousin, The Giant Straw allows Banana Flavored Milk lovers to enjoy more than a mouthful. And, unlike its thin, plastic counterpart, The Giant Straw was made with stainless steel, which can easily be stored inside the fridge for the ultimate, cold banana milk experience anytime. As an accompanying accessory, INNORED additionally developed a specially designed brush to clean the The Giant Straw for reuse. Ringer Straw Over the years, Koreans have often turned to Banana Flavored Milk as a refreshing way to nurse a hangover. With this insight, the Ringer’s Straw is aimed at Korean Millennials who engage in a busy lifestyle of meeting friends, participating in clubs or joining in company events —all of which sometimes involve tossing back a few drinks. The Ringer’s Straw is a 1.7 meter long tube that looks just like a hospital IV, giving the impression that one is being cured of their hangover as they lay down and enjoy the soothing taste of Banana Flavored Milk. SOS Straw Like most of their compatriots, Korean millennials love spicy food. However, for even the most hardened hot food lovers, the spiciness often found in Korean cuisine can sometimes be too much to take. Utilizing this insight, INNORED created the SOS Straw, a fire extinguisher-shaped device that allows users to spray Banana Flavored Milk directly into their mouth to put the fire out after a mouthful of spicy food. Love Straw A DAY, A SHOT, A HASHTAG: Rarely a day passes by when Korean Millennials don’t upload a moment of their life to Instagram. And they often do so with the hashtag #Lovestagram, which is one of the popularly used declarations of love and affection by Korean couples. The Love Straw is a heart-shaped straw, designed for couples to take photogenic selfies, enjoying Banana Flavored Milk together. With a narrow 9cm distance between the two straws, the pair can’t drink without touching cheek-to-cheek for that perfect capture of a romantic moment together. One Shot Straw Some people simply can’t get enough of Banana Flavored Milk. So, why not drink several bottles at once? This straw was developed for those millennials who long for more than just one bottle of banana milk to satisfy their thirst, allowing them to drink multiple bottles simultaneously. Just in case they don’t want too much of a good thing, the One Shot Straw was thoughtfully designed with an emergency stopper that allows the person to regulate the flow. Considering the popularity of “Mukbang”, which is an audiovisual broadcast in which a host eats large quantities of food while interacting with the viewers, it will come as no surprise when consumers voluntarily start the challenge to see how many bottles they can drink at one time. Campaign Results Within 12 days of the online release of five campaign videos introducing the five types of MyStraw’s online, they collectively garnered over 10 million views. By the 3rd week that number reached an impressive 20 million views. With over 11,300 shares of the videos across social media, it was immediately clear that the goal of establishing a fresh, new and innovative brand positioning of Banana Flavored Milk was a success with the millennial target demographic. One week into the campaign release, three of the five MyStraw types were manufactured as products available on the popular Korean ecommerce platform, Gmarket. On the first day of the online sales, 3,000 sets were purchased and, within a week, all of the MyStraw products were completely sold out. Moving forward, the marketing strategy is to ride the wave of popularity by making the straws available at two brick-and-mortar brand shops known as ‘Yellow Cafe’ in mid-August this year. Particularly pleasing to the makers of Banana Flavored Milk was the reaction of YouTube influencers, as well as other ordinary consumers, who voluntarily uploaded MyStraw product reviews, garnering more than 1.4 million views —amounting to over 80 million KRW ($72,000USD) worth of organic media exposure. The positive response from the target consumers themselves was particularly well noted by ad industry experts. “Currently, MyStraw products are actually manufactured as products on Gmarket, marking a shift from a time when advertisements solely sought to carve out a catchy frame, poster, or a CC, to where it’s about brand content and further designing, and providing, a brand experience,” said Google Korea Senior Manager, Cheon-seok Kim. “Companies and brands who are still promoting themselves saying, ‘We are digital’ or ‘We are a mobile company” on TV, should give serious thought to what is truly important, as was displayed by the ‘MyStraw’ campaign,” Kim added. Consumers who watch the videos and then try the products for themselves, are uploading their experience using the hashtags #MyStraw and #BananaFlavoredMilk. The versatility of the current campaign and its successful organic growth and resonance with the ever-evolving millennial mindset, is the ideal result, illustrating that INNORED accomplished its goal of taking a traditionally popular brand and giving it a fresh new, innovative spin that appeals to a new generation of consumers. INNORED looks forward to more millennials enjoying Banana Flavored Milk in their own unique way, and a future where the product continues to evolve in its appeal to their tastes as consumers.









    广告公司: INNORED (韩国 汉城) 制作公司: WePP




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