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    You're Accepted短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:执行 你被接受是 2016年4月在澳大利亚发起的一项运动。我们通过澳大利亚每个 LGBTI 青年经常光顾的网站 Minus18 发起了我们的倡议。我们的信息很简单; 你被接受会向你证明,外面的支持比你想象的要多得多。然后,LGBTI 青年可以登录 “你被接受” 应用程序,并向他们的朋友请求支持。我们将他们的好友列表与他们通过 Facebook 定制的受众定位系统提供的联系方式相匹配。然后,我们向这些人发出了个性化 (匿名) 的支持请求,告诉他们他们的一个朋友是 LGBTI,需要他们的支持。然后,他们的朋友可以简单地回复支持的信息。所有的信息都是为原始发送者整理的,这使得他们比以前想象的有更多的支持。 活动描述 “你被接受” 是匿名的 Facebook 工具,它让 LGBTI 青年有勇气 “走出去” 给他们的朋友和亲人,而不用担心被发现或歧视。这个平台允许他们从他们最亲近的人那里获得支持,并帮助他们判断他们的朋友会如何反应。一个人从请求支持开始。然后利用 Facebook 好友组和电子邮件/电话联系人,它允许人们第一次通过激光定向 Facebook 广告向朋友和家人发送匿名个性化信息。个性化的信息询问如果他们要 “出来”,他们是否会支持一个朋友 -- 但没有告诉他们到底是谁在请求。然后,朋友可以登录并直接向用户发送支持消息。 战略 我们的观众是双重的。主要目标是 15 岁至 24 岁的年轻澳大利亚人 -- 他们需要支持。这个年龄组与主流媒体的互动正在下降。但是,超过 90% 的主要目标积极参与社交媒体。所以我们故意创造了一个想法,源于他们的 Facebook 朋友群体。随着不同的信息被传递到不同的人口统计数据中,开展数字活动给了我们根据需要尽可能大声或谨慎的灵活性。我们的次要观众是他们的朋友 -- 我们需要支持的人。我们的想法使得 LGBTI 青年为我们寻找他们的朋友成为可能。每一个收到信息的人都是需要看到信息的人。意思是,绝对没有浪费。 结果 到目前为止,估计有 67% 的澳大利亚 LGBTI 青年参与了该倡议。导致超过 1.1。百万条支持信息。这项运动很快就在媒体和社交媒体上传播开来,仅通过盈利媒体就惠及了澳大利亚一半以上的人口。尽管这项倡议总是向人们展示他们真正得到了多少支持,但仍有大量年轻人感到自己有足够的力量 “站出来”,这是这场运动的直接结果。这种惊人的早期影响表明,一个简单的洞察力驱动的倡议可以以巨大的方式改变人们的生活。这个想法将超越常规运动的生活,并将作为一个持续的社会工具继续生活,这将改变在未来几年与自己的身份作斗争的 LGBTI 青年的生活。 概要 近年来,LGBTI 平等的方式发生了很大变化,但尽管取得了进展,仍有很长的路要走。LGBTI 青年面临着极高的不必要的偏见和暴力歧视,导致高比例的抑郁、自残,甚至自杀。社交媒体仍然是直言不讳的少数人传播仇恨和同性恋恐惧症的最大渠道,导致年轻人害怕仅仅是自己。减去 18,澳大利亚最大的同性恋、双性恋和变性者青年网络希望开展一场运动,既能增强人们的权能,又能发出简单但有力的信息; 他们得到的支持比他们想象的要多得多。


    案例简介:Execution You’re Accepted was an Australia-wide campaign launched in April, 2016. We launched our initiative through Minus18, the website frequented by every LGBTI youth in Australia. Our message was simple; You're Accepted will prove to you, that there's a lot more support out there than you might think.LGBTI youth could then log into the You're Accepted app and request support from their friends. We matched their friends list with contact details they provided via Facebook’s custom audience targeting system. We then sent out personalised (anonymous) requests of support to these individuals, telling them one of their friends was LGBTI and needed their support. Their friends could then simply reply with messages of support. All messages were collated for the original sender, making it obvious they had more support than ever previously imagined. Campaign Description You’re Accepted is the anonymous Facebook tool that gives LGBTI youth the courage to 'come out' to their friends and loved ones without any fear of being discovered or discriminated against. The platform allows them to garner support from people they’re closest to and helps them to gauge how their friends will react. A person begins by requesting support. Then utilising Facebook friend groups and email/phone contacts, it allows people, for the first time, to send anonymous personalised messages to friends and family through laser targeted Facebook ads.The personalised messages asked if they’d support a friend if they were to 'come out' – without telling them who exactly was requesting it. Friends could then log in and send messages of support directly back to the user. Strategy Our audience was twofold. The main target being LGBTI young Australians aged between 15 and 24 - they needed support. This age group’s interaction with mainstream media is on the decline. But, over 90% of the primary target actively engage with social media. So we purposely created an idea which stemmed from their Facebook friend groups. With different messages being delivered to different demographics, running a digital campaign gave us the flexibility to be as loud or as discreet as needed. Our secondary audience were their friends - the ones we needed to GIVE the support. Our idea made it possible for the LGBTI youth to target their friends for us. Every single person who received a message was exactly the right person needed to see it. Meaning, there was absolutely no wastage. Outcome So far an estimated 67% of Australian LGBTI youth have engaged with the initiative. Leading to over 1.1. million messages of support. The campaign was quickly picked up and spread across the media and social media, reaching over half of Australia's population through earned media alone. Although the initiative was always about showing people how much support they really have, there have been a huge number of young people who have felt empowered enough to 'come out' as a direct result of the campaign. This astonishing early impact has shown that a simple insight driven initiative can change people’s lives in a huge way.The idea is set to transcend the life of a regular campaign and will live on as an ongoing social tool, that will transform the lives of LGBTI youth struggling with their identities for years to come. Synopsis A lot has changed in the way of LGBTI equality in recent years, but despite progress, there’s still a long way to go. LGBTI youth face an extremely high amount of unwarranted prejudices and violent discrimination, causing high rates of depression, self-harm, and even suicide.Social media remains the largest channel for a vocal minority to spread hate and homophobia, resulting in young people having a fear of simply being who they are.Minus 18, Australia’s largest LGBTI youth network, wanted to deploy a campaign that could empower people while also sending a simple but powerful message; they have a lot more support than they might think.

    You're Accepted

    案例简介:执行 你被接受是 2016年4月在澳大利亚发起的一项运动。我们通过澳大利亚每个 LGBTI 青年经常光顾的网站 Minus18 发起了我们的倡议。我们的信息很简单; 你被接受会向你证明,外面的支持比你想象的要多得多。然后,LGBTI 青年可以登录 “你被接受” 应用程序,并向他们的朋友请求支持。我们将他们的好友列表与他们通过 Facebook 定制的受众定位系统提供的联系方式相匹配。然后,我们向这些人发出了个性化 (匿名) 的支持请求,告诉他们他们的一个朋友是 LGBTI,需要他们的支持。然后,他们的朋友可以简单地回复支持的信息。所有的信息都是为原始发送者整理的,这使得他们比以前想象的有更多的支持。 活动描述 “你被接受” 是匿名的 Facebook 工具,它让 LGBTI 青年有勇气 “走出去” 给他们的朋友和亲人,而不用担心被发现或歧视。这个平台允许他们从他们最亲近的人那里获得支持,并帮助他们判断他们的朋友会如何反应。一个人从请求支持开始。然后利用 Facebook 好友组和电子邮件/电话联系人,它允许人们第一次通过激光定向 Facebook 广告向朋友和家人发送匿名个性化信息。个性化的信息询问如果他们要 “出来”,他们是否会支持一个朋友 -- 但没有告诉他们到底是谁在请求。然后,朋友可以登录并直接向用户发送支持消息。 战略 我们的观众是双重的。主要目标是 15 岁至 24 岁的年轻澳大利亚人 -- 他们需要支持。这个年龄组与主流媒体的互动正在下降。但是,超过 90% 的主要目标积极参与社交媒体。所以我们故意创造了一个想法,源于他们的 Facebook 朋友群体。随着不同的信息被传递到不同的人口统计数据中,开展数字活动给了我们根据需要尽可能大声或谨慎的灵活性。我们的次要观众是他们的朋友 -- 我们需要支持的人。我们的想法使得 LGBTI 青年为我们寻找他们的朋友成为可能。每一个收到信息的人都是需要看到信息的人。意思是,绝对没有浪费。 结果 到目前为止,估计有 67% 的澳大利亚 LGBTI 青年参与了该倡议。导致超过 1.1。百万条支持信息。这项运动很快就在媒体和社交媒体上传播开来,仅通过盈利媒体就惠及了澳大利亚一半以上的人口。尽管这项倡议总是向人们展示他们真正得到了多少支持,但仍有大量年轻人感到自己有足够的力量 “站出来”,这是这场运动的直接结果。这种惊人的早期影响表明,一个简单的洞察力驱动的倡议可以以巨大的方式改变人们的生活。这个想法将超越常规运动的生活,并将作为一个持续的社会工具继续生活,这将改变在未来几年与自己的身份作斗争的 LGBTI 青年的生活。 概要 近年来,LGBTI 平等的方式发生了很大变化,但尽管取得了进展,仍有很长的路要走。LGBTI 青年面临着极高的不必要的偏见和暴力歧视,导致高比例的抑郁、自残,甚至自杀。社交媒体仍然是直言不讳的少数人传播仇恨和同性恋恐惧症的最大渠道,导致年轻人害怕仅仅是自己。减去 18,澳大利亚最大的同性恋、双性恋和变性者青年网络希望开展一场运动,既能增强人们的权能,又能发出简单但有力的信息; 他们得到的支持比他们想象的要多得多。

    You're Accepted

    案例简介:Execution You’re Accepted was an Australia-wide campaign launched in April, 2016. We launched our initiative through Minus18, the website frequented by every LGBTI youth in Australia. Our message was simple; You're Accepted will prove to you, that there's a lot more support out there than you might think.LGBTI youth could then log into the You're Accepted app and request support from their friends. We matched their friends list with contact details they provided via Facebook’s custom audience targeting system. We then sent out personalised (anonymous) requests of support to these individuals, telling them one of their friends was LGBTI and needed their support. Their friends could then simply reply with messages of support. All messages were collated for the original sender, making it obvious they had more support than ever previously imagined. Campaign Description You’re Accepted is the anonymous Facebook tool that gives LGBTI youth the courage to 'come out' to their friends and loved ones without any fear of being discovered or discriminated against. The platform allows them to garner support from people they’re closest to and helps them to gauge how their friends will react. A person begins by requesting support. Then utilising Facebook friend groups and email/phone contacts, it allows people, for the first time, to send anonymous personalised messages to friends and family through laser targeted Facebook ads.The personalised messages asked if they’d support a friend if they were to 'come out' – without telling them who exactly was requesting it. Friends could then log in and send messages of support directly back to the user. Strategy Our audience was twofold. The main target being LGBTI young Australians aged between 15 and 24 - they needed support. This age group’s interaction with mainstream media is on the decline. But, over 90% of the primary target actively engage with social media. So we purposely created an idea which stemmed from their Facebook friend groups. With different messages being delivered to different demographics, running a digital campaign gave us the flexibility to be as loud or as discreet as needed. Our secondary audience were their friends - the ones we needed to GIVE the support. Our idea made it possible for the LGBTI youth to target their friends for us. Every single person who received a message was exactly the right person needed to see it. Meaning, there was absolutely no wastage. Outcome So far an estimated 67% of Australian LGBTI youth have engaged with the initiative. Leading to over 1.1. million messages of support. The campaign was quickly picked up and spread across the media and social media, reaching over half of Australia's population through earned media alone. Although the initiative was always about showing people how much support they really have, there have been a huge number of young people who have felt empowered enough to 'come out' as a direct result of the campaign. This astonishing early impact has shown that a simple insight driven initiative can change people’s lives in a huge way.The idea is set to transcend the life of a regular campaign and will live on as an ongoing social tool, that will transform the lives of LGBTI youth struggling with their identities for years to come. Synopsis A lot has changed in the way of LGBTI equality in recent years, but despite progress, there’s still a long way to go. LGBTI youth face an extremely high amount of unwarranted prejudices and violent discrimination, causing high rates of depression, self-harm, and even suicide.Social media remains the largest channel for a vocal minority to spread hate and homophobia, resulting in young people having a fear of simply being who they are.Minus 18, Australia’s largest LGBTI youth network, wanted to deploy a campaign that could empower people while also sending a simple but powerful message; they have a lot more support than they might think.



    You're Accepted










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