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    案例简介:描述活动/条目 70 多年来,截击一直是澳大利亚青年的象征。近年来,该品牌一直在下降,原因是缺乏对凌空的风格评论员和影响者的 “证书” 的认识。凌空希望利用他们的复古吸引力,重新推出 3 种经典风格。我们的任务是以一种将品牌与青年观众牢固地重新联系起来的方式复述最初的截击故事。在我们发现产品档案中缺少许多截击设计后,我们发起了一项 “澳大利亚磨损严重的截击” 的全国性搜索,并要求澳大利亚人在他们的家里寻找丢失或遗忘的鞋子。为了确保大规模曝光,我们招募了一个专家小组来策划搜索,并选择一个将重新启动的 “获奖发现”。该小组进行了一次高调的新闻发布会,他们呼吁澳大利亚人将他们截击的照片上传到 Facebook。我们的小组入围了 31 对在墨尔本联邦广场展出的比赛,然后选择了 1973年的一对凌空跳高,将于 2012年在全国范围内重新推出。媒体和消费者的反应非同寻常,在电视、广播和网络上实现了大众媒体的曝光。亮点包括 21 个品牌电视报道,活动覆盖了超过 1700 万人。这次搜索发现了一对 1973年的凌空跳高,此后又被重新推出,还发现了之前丢失的 10 种其他凌空风格,这些风格现在将在未来两年重新发布。 描述客户的简报 为了重新吸引年轻观众,凌空决定从 1959年、 1965 和 1975 重新推出三种经典风格。为此,我们的任务是重新讲述最初的截击故事,将品牌与 24 岁的男性 (他们的靶心消费者) 联系起来。我们对定性消费者洞察的分析显示,年轻观众认为,如果品牌拥有合法遗产,他们只有 “许可” 才能利用复古趋势。因此,我们知道教育青少年观众了解凌空的标志性证书是绝对关键的,以确保 3 种重置风格会引起共鸣。 结果 媒体的反应是惊人的,通过电视、广播和在线实现了大众媒体的报道。亮点包括 21 个品牌的电视报道,其中 15 个在整个发布日的国家新闻片段上播放。超过 23,000 名粉丝被添加到 Facebook 页面,没有媒体支出。这项运动吸引了超过 1700 万人,并在赢得的媒体上交付了超过 200万澳元。作为这次活动的直接结果,凌空超过了本季度的销售预测,阻止了下降,销售额增长了 14%。这次搜索发现了一双罕见的 1973年凌空跳伞,此后又重新推出,在时尚和生活方式媒体中获得了好评。也许更重要的是,搜索还发现了以前丢失的 10 种截击风格,这些风格现在将在未来两年重新发布,给截击一个可信的、长期的复古重启策略。 执行 为了确保这项运动能够获得大规模曝光,我们招募了一个专家小组来策划搜索并选择 “中奖结果”。为了吸引我们的时尚意识的青年观众,我们任命西蒙 · 伍德为《运动鞋怪胎》国际杂志的编辑。为了吸引主流媒体,我们还任命了前澳大利亚网球冠军 Evonne Goolagong AO MBE,他穿着截击鞋在 1971年赢得了温布尔登锦标赛。我们的策展人在新闻发布会上宣布在悉尼白城网球场展开搜索。他们呼吁澳大利亚人进行搜索,并要求他们将截击发现的照片上传到 Facebook。该小组入围了在墨尔本联邦广场展出的 31 对,然后选择了 1973年的一对凌空跳伞,将于 2012年重新推出。竞选活动的启动、展览和获奖夫妇的宣布都得到了密集的媒体关系战略的支持。 形势 1939 年,澳大利亚网球传奇人物阿德里安 · 奎斯特穿着一双借来的船鞋赢得了戴维斯杯。他对人字鞋底的抓地力印象深刻,因此他要求邓洛普轮胎厂制造一种具有革命性抓地力的鞋子: 截击诞生了。从那以后的每一代人,截击都作为澳大利亚的非官方鞋,被无数的偶像所喜爱和佩戴。但是近年来,凌空在有影响力的青年观众中有点失落,一个巨大的机会存在,可以重新点燃这个国家对这个品牌的潜在爱。 战略 当我们向凌空询问他们的档案时,他们透露他们的许多鞋子设计多年来都不见了。考虑到他们的传统和人们对这个品牌的喜爱,我们决定在全国范围内搜索 “澳大利亚破旧的子弹”,要求全国范围内搜索他们的阁楼和衣柜S 为已经丢失或遗忘的截击鞋。我们的动机不仅是在 reset vintage 系列周围推动大众媒体的意识,还可能发掘新的截击风格,这些风格也可能在未来几年重新推出。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry For over 7 decades, the Volley has been the symbol of Australian youth. In recent years, the brand has been in decline due to lack of awareness of Volley’s ‘credentials’ amongst style commentators and influencers. Volley wished to leverage their retro appeal and relaunch 3 classic styles. We were tasked with retelling the original Volley story in a way that would firmly reconnect the brand with a youth audience. Following our discovery that many Volley designs were missing from the product archive, we launched a national search for ‘Australia’s Well Worn Volleys’ and asked Australians to search their homes for shoes that had been lost or forgotten. To ensure mass exposure, we enlisted a panel of experts to curate the search and select a ‘winning discovery’ that would be relaunched. The panel conducted a high profile press conference, where they appealed to Australians to upload photos of their Volley finds to Facebook. Our panel shortlisted 31 pairs which were exhibited in Melbourne’s Federation Square and then chose a pair of 1973 Volley High Leaps to be relaunched nationally in 2012. The reaction from the media and consumers was extraordinary, achieving mass media exposure across TV, radio and online. Highlights included 21 pieces of branded TV coverage and the campaign reached over 17m people. The search uncovered a pair of 1973 Volley High Leaps, which have since been relaunched and also unearthed 10 other Volley styles previously lost, these styles will now be re-released over the next 2 years. Describe the brief from the client To re-engage the youth audience, Volley decided to relaunch 3 classic styles from 1959, 1965 and 1975. To do so, we were tasked with re-telling the original Volley story in a way that would connect the brand with 24 year-old males (their bull's-eye consumer). Our analysis of qualitative consumer insights revealed youth audiences believe that brands only have ‘permission’ to tap into vintage trends if they have a legitimate heritage. We therefore knew it was going to be absolutely critical to educate the youth audience about Volley’s iconic credentials, to ensure the 3 reset styles would resonate. Results The response from the media was phenomenal, achieving mass media coverage across TV, radio and online. Highlights included 21 pieces of branded TV coverage, 15 of which ran on national news segments throughout the launch day. Over 23,000 fans were added to the Facebook page with no media spend. The campaign reached over 17m people and delivered over AUS$2 million in earned media. As a direct result of this campaign, Volley exceeded its sales forecast for the quarter, halting the decline, with sales up 14% in value. The search uncovered a rare pair of 1973 Volley Hi-Leaps, which have since been relaunched, achieving critical acclaim amongst fashion and lifestyle media. Perhaps even more importantly, the search also uncovered 10 Volley styles previously lost, these styles will now be re-released over the next 2 years, giving Volley a credible, long term vintage relaunch strategy. Execution To ensure the campaign would achieve mass exposure, we enlisted a panel of experts to curate the search and select the ‘winning find’. To appeal to our style conscious youth audience, we appointed Simon ‘Woody’ Wood, editor of international fanzine ‘Sneaker Freaker’. To draw the mainstream media, we also appointed former Australian tennis champion Evonne Goolagong AO MBE, who won the Wimbledon Championships in 1971 wearing Volley shoes. Our curators fronted a press conference to launch the search at Sydney’s White City tennis ground. They appealed to Australians to get searching and asked them to upload photos of their Volley finds to Facebook. The panel shortlisted 31 pairs which were exhibited in Melbourne’s Federation Square and then chose a pair of 1973 Volley Hi-Leaps to be relaunched in 2012. The campaign launch, the exhibition and the announcement of the winning pair were each supported with intensive media relations strategies. The Situation In 1939 Australian tennis legend Adrian Quist won the Davies Cup wearing a pair of borrowed boat shoes. He was so impressed with the grip of the herringbone sole, that he asked the Dunlop tyre factory to create a shoe with a revolutionary grip: The Volley was born. For every generation since, the Volley has served as the unofficial shoe of Australia and has been loved and worn by countless icons. But in recent years, Volley has got a little lost amongst the influential youth audience and a huge opportunity existed to reignite the nation’s latent love for this brand. The Strategy When we asked Volley for access to their archive, they revealed that many of their shoe designs had gone missing over the years. Given their heritage and the affection people have for the brand, we decided to launch a national search for ‘Australia’s Well Worn Volleys’ to ask the nation to search their attics and wardrobes for Volley shoes that had been lost or forgotten. Our motivation was not only to drive mass press awareness around the reset vintage range, but to potentially unearth new Volley styles that could also be relaunched in years to come.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目 70 多年来,截击一直是澳大利亚青年的象征。近年来,该品牌一直在下降,原因是缺乏对凌空的风格评论员和影响者的 “证书” 的认识。凌空希望利用他们的复古吸引力,重新推出 3 种经典风格。我们的任务是以一种将品牌与青年观众牢固地重新联系起来的方式复述最初的截击故事。在我们发现产品档案中缺少许多截击设计后,我们发起了一项 “澳大利亚磨损严重的截击” 的全国性搜索,并要求澳大利亚人在他们的家里寻找丢失或遗忘的鞋子。为了确保大规模曝光,我们招募了一个专家小组来策划搜索,并选择一个将重新启动的 “获奖发现”。该小组进行了一次高调的新闻发布会,他们呼吁澳大利亚人将他们截击的照片上传到 Facebook。我们的小组入围了 31 对在墨尔本联邦广场展出的比赛,然后选择了 1973年的一对凌空跳高,将于 2012年在全国范围内重新推出。媒体和消费者的反应非同寻常,在电视、广播和网络上实现了大众媒体的曝光。亮点包括 21 个品牌电视报道,活动覆盖了超过 1700 万人。这次搜索发现了一对 1973年的凌空跳高,此后又被重新推出,还发现了之前丢失的 10 种其他凌空风格,这些风格现在将在未来两年重新发布。 描述客户的简报 为了重新吸引年轻观众,凌空决定从 1959年、 1965 和 1975 重新推出三种经典风格。为此,我们的任务是重新讲述最初的截击故事,将品牌与 24 岁的男性 (他们的靶心消费者) 联系起来。我们对定性消费者洞察的分析显示,年轻观众认为,如果品牌拥有合法遗产,他们只有 “许可” 才能利用复古趋势。因此,我们知道教育青少年观众了解凌空的标志性证书是绝对关键的,以确保 3 种重置风格会引起共鸣。 结果 媒体的反应是惊人的,通过电视、广播和在线实现了大众媒体的报道。亮点包括 21 个品牌的电视报道,其中 15 个在整个发布日的国家新闻片段上播放。超过 23,000 名粉丝被添加到 Facebook 页面,没有媒体支出。这项运动吸引了超过 1700 万人,并在赢得的媒体上交付了超过 200万澳元。作为这次活动的直接结果,凌空超过了本季度的销售预测,阻止了下降,销售额增长了 14%。这次搜索发现了一双罕见的 1973年凌空跳伞,此后又重新推出,在时尚和生活方式媒体中获得了好评。也许更重要的是,搜索还发现了以前丢失的 10 种截击风格,这些风格现在将在未来两年重新发布,给截击一个可信的、长期的复古重启策略。 执行 为了确保这项运动能够获得大规模曝光,我们招募了一个专家小组来策划搜索并选择 “中奖结果”。为了吸引我们的时尚意识的青年观众,我们任命西蒙 · 伍德为《运动鞋怪胎》国际杂志的编辑。为了吸引主流媒体,我们还任命了前澳大利亚网球冠军 Evonne Goolagong AO MBE,他穿着截击鞋在 1971年赢得了温布尔登锦标赛。我们的策展人在新闻发布会上宣布在悉尼白城网球场展开搜索。他们呼吁澳大利亚人进行搜索,并要求他们将截击发现的照片上传到 Facebook。该小组入围了在墨尔本联邦广场展出的 31 对,然后选择了 1973年的一对凌空跳伞,将于 2012年重新推出。竞选活动的启动、展览和获奖夫妇的宣布都得到了密集的媒体关系战略的支持。 形势 1939 年,澳大利亚网球传奇人物阿德里安 · 奎斯特穿着一双借来的船鞋赢得了戴维斯杯。他对人字鞋底的抓地力印象深刻,因此他要求邓洛普轮胎厂制造一种具有革命性抓地力的鞋子: 截击诞生了。从那以后的每一代人,截击都作为澳大利亚的非官方鞋,被无数的偶像所喜爱和佩戴。但是近年来,凌空在有影响力的青年观众中有点失落,一个巨大的机会存在,可以重新点燃这个国家对这个品牌的潜在爱。 战略 当我们向凌空询问他们的档案时,他们透露他们的许多鞋子设计多年来都不见了。考虑到他们的传统和人们对这个品牌的喜爱,我们决定在全国范围内搜索 “澳大利亚破旧的子弹”,要求全国范围内搜索他们的阁楼和衣柜S 为已经丢失或遗忘的截击鞋。我们的动机不仅是在 reset vintage 系列周围推动大众媒体的意识,还可能发掘新的截击风格,这些风格也可能在未来几年重新推出。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry For over 7 decades, the Volley has been the symbol of Australian youth. In recent years, the brand has been in decline due to lack of awareness of Volley’s ‘credentials’ amongst style commentators and influencers. Volley wished to leverage their retro appeal and relaunch 3 classic styles. We were tasked with retelling the original Volley story in a way that would firmly reconnect the brand with a youth audience. Following our discovery that many Volley designs were missing from the product archive, we launched a national search for ‘Australia’s Well Worn Volleys’ and asked Australians to search their homes for shoes that had been lost or forgotten. To ensure mass exposure, we enlisted a panel of experts to curate the search and select a ‘winning discovery’ that would be relaunched. The panel conducted a high profile press conference, where they appealed to Australians to upload photos of their Volley finds to Facebook. Our panel shortlisted 31 pairs which were exhibited in Melbourne’s Federation Square and then chose a pair of 1973 Volley High Leaps to be relaunched nationally in 2012. The reaction from the media and consumers was extraordinary, achieving mass media exposure across TV, radio and online. Highlights included 21 pieces of branded TV coverage and the campaign reached over 17m people. The search uncovered a pair of 1973 Volley High Leaps, which have since been relaunched and also unearthed 10 other Volley styles previously lost, these styles will now be re-released over the next 2 years. Describe the brief from the client To re-engage the youth audience, Volley decided to relaunch 3 classic styles from 1959, 1965 and 1975. To do so, we were tasked with re-telling the original Volley story in a way that would connect the brand with 24 year-old males (their bull's-eye consumer). Our analysis of qualitative consumer insights revealed youth audiences believe that brands only have ‘permission’ to tap into vintage trends if they have a legitimate heritage. We therefore knew it was going to be absolutely critical to educate the youth audience about Volley’s iconic credentials, to ensure the 3 reset styles would resonate. Results The response from the media was phenomenal, achieving mass media coverage across TV, radio and online. Highlights included 21 pieces of branded TV coverage, 15 of which ran on national news segments throughout the launch day. Over 23,000 fans were added to the Facebook page with no media spend. The campaign reached over 17m people and delivered over AUS$2 million in earned media. As a direct result of this campaign, Volley exceeded its sales forecast for the quarter, halting the decline, with sales up 14% in value. The search uncovered a rare pair of 1973 Volley Hi-Leaps, which have since been relaunched, achieving critical acclaim amongst fashion and lifestyle media. Perhaps even more importantly, the search also uncovered 10 Volley styles previously lost, these styles will now be re-released over the next 2 years, giving Volley a credible, long term vintage relaunch strategy. Execution To ensure the campaign would achieve mass exposure, we enlisted a panel of experts to curate the search and select the ‘winning find’. To appeal to our style conscious youth audience, we appointed Simon ‘Woody’ Wood, editor of international fanzine ‘Sneaker Freaker’. To draw the mainstream media, we also appointed former Australian tennis champion Evonne Goolagong AO MBE, who won the Wimbledon Championships in 1971 wearing Volley shoes. Our curators fronted a press conference to launch the search at Sydney’s White City tennis ground. They appealed to Australians to get searching and asked them to upload photos of their Volley finds to Facebook. The panel shortlisted 31 pairs which were exhibited in Melbourne’s Federation Square and then chose a pair of 1973 Volley Hi-Leaps to be relaunched in 2012. The campaign launch, the exhibition and the announcement of the winning pair were each supported with intensive media relations strategies. The Situation In 1939 Australian tennis legend Adrian Quist won the Davies Cup wearing a pair of borrowed boat shoes. He was so impressed with the grip of the herringbone sole, that he asked the Dunlop tyre factory to create a shoe with a revolutionary grip: The Volley was born. For every generation since, the Volley has served as the unofficial shoe of Australia and has been loved and worn by countless icons. But in recent years, Volley has got a little lost amongst the influential youth audience and a huge opportunity existed to reignite the nation’s latent love for this brand. The Strategy When we asked Volley for access to their archive, they revealed that many of their shoe designs had gone missing over the years. Given their heritage and the affection people have for the brand, we decided to launch a national search for ‘Australia’s Well Worn Volleys’ to ask the nation to search their attics and wardrobes for Volley shoes that had been lost or forgotten. Our motivation was not only to drive mass press awareness around the reset vintage range, but to potentially unearth new Volley styles that could also be relaunched in years to come.













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