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    Alzheimer Atm短视频广告营销案例



    Alzheimer Atm

    案例简介:战略 成千上万的人每天使用圣达菲银行的自动取款机。每次他们这样做,他们都必须输入只有他们知道和记住的密码。利用使用自动取款机的人流量,我们用他们以非常直接的方式向那天路过银行的每个人传递信息,并邀请他们从他们居住的同一台自动取款机上捐款。 相关性 老年痴呆症是一种严重的疾病,它极大地影响着患有老年痴呆症的人,也影响着与他们生活在一起的人。这就是为什么,为了提高对这个问题的认识,我们接触了普通人,让他们感受到一个患有老年痴呆症的人的感觉。为了做到这一点,我们做了一个简单但强大的激活。我们使用了一个我们力所能及的、人们日常使用的元素: 自动取款机。这种激活是在银行的几个分支机构中进行的,直接接触到成千上万的人。 执行 老年痴呆症自动取款机在整个圣达菲省实施,在整个国际老年痴呆症日在银行的各个分支机构实施。利用每天使用自动取款机的大量人流,我们在不同的自动取款机上进行了一次激活,让人们过上难忘的经历,感受阿尔茨海默氏症患者每天的几分钟感受。 结果 我们的信息在一天之内传递给了阿根廷全国 25,458 人。11,039 人自愿捐款。 概要 世界上有 3500万以上的人患有老年痴呆症。在阿根廷,只有 10% 的人接受了这种疾病的适当治疗。圣达菲银行希望通过一次简单的经历来提高人们的认识。 活动描述 我们使用我们拥有的工具进行了简单但强大的激活。自动取款机。为了提高社会对阿尔茨海默氏症等重要问题的认识,我们对自动取款机进行了干预,并使它们成为我们客户难忘的经历。激活包括当客户输入他的 pin 时,自动取款机告诉他/她这是错误的。经过三次失败的尝试,自动取款机告诉他们,这是阿尔茨海默氏症患者每天的感受,它还告诉他们,只有很小一部分患者接受了适当的治疗。最后,我们邀请他们捐款,帮助这些人得到更好的待遇。

    Alzheimer Atm

    案例简介:Strategy Thousands of people use daily the ATMs of Banco Santa Fe. And every time they do they have to enter the PIN that only they know and remember.Taking advantage of this flow of people that use ATMs, we used them to deliver the message in a very direct way to each of the people who passed by the bank that day and inviting them to make a donation from the same ATM where they lived the experience. Relevancy Alzheimer is a severe disease that affects in a great way the people that suffer from it, but also to those that live with them.This is why, to raise awareness of the issue, we reached ordinary people and made them feel what a person with Alzheimer feels like. To accomplish this, we made a simple but powerful activation. We used an element that was within our reach and that people use daily: the ATMs.This activation was carried out in several branches of the bank, reaching thousands of people in direct way. Execution ALZHEIMER ATM was implemented throughout the province of Santa Fe, in the various branches of the bank throughout the International Alzheimer’s Day.Taking advantage of the significant flow of people who use the ATMs per day , we performed an activation at different ATMs for people to live an unforgettable experience and feel for a few minutes what a person with Alzheimer feels every day. Outcome Our message reached 25,458 people in one day throughout Argentina. 11,039 people made a voluntary donation. Synopsis There are more than 35 million people in the world with Alzheimer's.In Argentina only 10 % of people receive appropriate treatment for this disease.Banco Santa Fe wanted to raise awareness in people through a simple experience. Campaign Description We conducted a simple but powerful activation using an instrument that we had at our disposal. The ATMs.Seeking to raise awareness in society on such an important issue as Alzheimer's, we intervened the ATMs and made them become an unforgettable experience for our customers.The activation consisted in that when a customer entered his pin, the ATM told him/her it was wrong . After three failed attempts , the ATM told them that this was how a person with Alzheimer felt every day and it also told them that only a very small percentage of patients receive proper treatment. Finally we invited them to make a donation to help these people to have a better treatment.

    Alzheimer Atm

    案例简介:战略 成千上万的人每天使用圣达菲银行的自动取款机。每次他们这样做,他们都必须输入只有他们知道和记住的密码。利用使用自动取款机的人流量,我们用他们以非常直接的方式向那天路过银行的每个人传递信息,并邀请他们从他们居住的同一台自动取款机上捐款。 相关性 老年痴呆症是一种严重的疾病,它极大地影响着患有老年痴呆症的人,也影响着与他们生活在一起的人。这就是为什么,为了提高对这个问题的认识,我们接触了普通人,让他们感受到一个患有老年痴呆症的人的感觉。为了做到这一点,我们做了一个简单但强大的激活。我们使用了一个我们力所能及的、人们日常使用的元素: 自动取款机。这种激活是在银行的几个分支机构中进行的,直接接触到成千上万的人。 执行 老年痴呆症自动取款机在整个圣达菲省实施,在整个国际老年痴呆症日在银行的各个分支机构实施。利用每天使用自动取款机的大量人流,我们在不同的自动取款机上进行了一次激活,让人们过上难忘的经历,感受阿尔茨海默氏症患者每天的几分钟感受。 结果 我们的信息在一天之内传递给了阿根廷全国 25,458 人。11,039 人自愿捐款。 概要 世界上有 3500万以上的人患有老年痴呆症。在阿根廷,只有 10% 的人接受了这种疾病的适当治疗。圣达菲银行希望通过一次简单的经历来提高人们的认识。 活动描述 我们使用我们拥有的工具进行了简单但强大的激活。自动取款机。为了提高社会对阿尔茨海默氏症等重要问题的认识,我们对自动取款机进行了干预,并使它们成为我们客户难忘的经历。激活包括当客户输入他的 pin 时,自动取款机告诉他/她这是错误的。经过三次失败的尝试,自动取款机告诉他们,这是阿尔茨海默氏症患者每天的感受,它还告诉他们,只有很小一部分患者接受了适当的治疗。最后,我们邀请他们捐款,帮助这些人得到更好的待遇。

    Alzheimer Atm

    案例简介:Strategy Thousands of people use daily the ATMs of Banco Santa Fe. And every time they do they have to enter the PIN that only they know and remember.Taking advantage of this flow of people that use ATMs, we used them to deliver the message in a very direct way to each of the people who passed by the bank that day and inviting them to make a donation from the same ATM where they lived the experience. Relevancy Alzheimer is a severe disease that affects in a great way the people that suffer from it, but also to those that live with them.This is why, to raise awareness of the issue, we reached ordinary people and made them feel what a person with Alzheimer feels like. To accomplish this, we made a simple but powerful activation. We used an element that was within our reach and that people use daily: the ATMs.This activation was carried out in several branches of the bank, reaching thousands of people in direct way. Execution ALZHEIMER ATM was implemented throughout the province of Santa Fe, in the various branches of the bank throughout the International Alzheimer’s Day.Taking advantage of the significant flow of people who use the ATMs per day , we performed an activation at different ATMs for people to live an unforgettable experience and feel for a few minutes what a person with Alzheimer feels every day. Outcome Our message reached 25,458 people in one day throughout Argentina. 11,039 people made a voluntary donation. Synopsis There are more than 35 million people in the world with Alzheimer's.In Argentina only 10 % of people receive appropriate treatment for this disease.Banco Santa Fe wanted to raise awareness in people through a simple experience. Campaign Description We conducted a simple but powerful activation using an instrument that we had at our disposal. The ATMs.Seeking to raise awareness in society on such an important issue as Alzheimer's, we intervened the ATMs and made them become an unforgettable experience for our customers.The activation consisted in that when a customer entered his pin, the ATM told him/her it was wrong . After three failed attempts , the ATM told them that this was how a person with Alzheimer felt every day and it also told them that only a very small percentage of patients receive proper treatment. Finally we invited them to make a donation to help these people to have a better treatment.

    Alzheimer Atm


    Alzheimer Atm










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