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    The Recyclable Tweet海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体有关? 一个可回收的帖子是一个不可能的想法,直到我们想出如何破解媒体格式来实现它,使生活的长期影响,甚至可以在回收系统中保留一个。多亏了这种想法,并且真正专注于我们邀请的互动细节,我们的媒体预算加倍努力,不仅为我们赢得了影响力,而且引发了分享的连锁反应,这给我们带来了压力。 背景 从健身包到手提包,从浴室柜到书桌抽屉,随便看看它们中的任何一个,你都可能会找到一罐肯定的 -- 世界上最畅销的止汗剂。但是,虽然每个人都知道肯定不会让你失望,但没有足够的人知道他们可以回收他们的罐头。 在品牌寻求更具可持续性的时代,当然已经是这样了。我们只需要找到一种有趣的方式让人们知道。 描述创意/见解 (投票30%) RT to Recycle的创建是为了回应消费者对除臭剂罐可回收的认识不足。 与Twitter合作,我们创建了世界上第一个 “可回收” 的推文,这种激活始于一个简单的推文。 由于Twitter独特的自动回复功能,当该图像被转发时,它变成了一种不同的铝制物品,展示了除臭剂可以变成的所有东西: 从轮子到水瓶,从铁环到跨栏,从灯到行走架…… 描述策略 (投票20%) 在英国各地的房屋中都有Sure cans,我们希望在有限的预算下广泛传播其可回收性。 由于英国40% 以上的家庭垃圾已经被回收利用,我们不需要将回收作为一个概念吸引我们的观众。在我们计划上线的地球日前后,我们知道他们已经被发人深省的信息轰炸了。 因此,我们选择采用不同的方法,而不是增加他们的罪恶感和生态疲劳。出现了令人难以置信的事实和统计数据,而出现了一种更加有趣和迷人的方法。 描述执行情况 (投票20%) 机械师很简单: 一条推广的推文,以及 # RTtoRecycle的邀请。每个RT都将气溶胶罐 “回收” 到不同的铝制物品中,从而使用户可以使用Twitter的自动回复功能发布所需数量的物品。 在Twitter first中,我们采用了菊花链自动回复机制,使随后的每条推文也具有交互性: 使用户能够更深入地了解回收罐的潜在旅程。 转推释放了一系列推文,这些推文入侵了该平台,其中有数千个铝制物体可以被回收。 对于每个RT,我们都延长了品牌互动,并增加了获得信息的机会: 超出我们原始媒体购买范围的潜在曝光率飙升。 列出结果 (投票30%) 我们的竞选活动以巨大的影响开始。我们的视频达到了510万,观看次数超过110万次。 在发射后的三天内,已经发现了1100多个物体。在第一次订婚之后,许多人继续跟随can的旅程: “rttorecycers” 平均每人转发两次。尽管该活动以英国为重点,但来自17个不同国家的twitter用户参与其中。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? A recyclable post was an impossible idea until we worked out how to hack media formats to make it happen, bringing to life the long term impact of keeping even one can in the recycling system. Thanks to that thinking, and a real focus on the details of the interactions we invited, our media budget worked doubly hard, not only buying us reach, but setting off chain reactions of sharing that supercharged it. Background From gym bags to handbags, bathroom cabinets to desk drawers, look in any of them and you’ll probably find a can of Sure - the world’s top selling anti-perspirant. But while everyone knows Sure won’t let you down, not enough people know they can recycle their cans. In a time when brands are looking to be more sustainable, Sure already is. We just needed to find an interesting way to let people know. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) RT to Recycle was created as a response to consumers' lack of awareness that their deodorant cans are recyclable. In partnership with Twitter, we created the world’s first ‘recyclable’ tweet, an activation that started with a simple Tweet of a Sure can. Thanks to a unique Twitter’s auto reply functionality, when that image was retweeted, it became a different aluminium item, showcasing all the things a deodorant can can become: from wheels to water bottles, hoops to hurdles, lamps to walking frames… Describe the strategy (20% of vote) With Sure cans present in homes across the UK, we wanted to spread the word of their recyclability far and wide - on a limited budget. With over 40% of the UK’s household waste already being recycled, we didn’t need to engage our audience with recycling as a concept. And in the period around Earth day when we planned to go live, we knew they’d already be bombarded by sobering messaging. So rather than add to their guilt and eco-fatigue, we chose to adopt a different approach. out went the hard-hitting facts and stats, and in came an altogether more playful and charming approach. Describe the execution (20% of vote) The mechanic was simple: a promoted tweet, and an invitation to #RTtoRecycle. Each RT ‘recycled’ the aerosol can into a different aluminium item, allowing users to tweet as many objects as they wanted, using Twitter’s auto-reply functionality. In a Twitter first, we daisy-chained auto-reply mechanics to make every subsequent tweet interactive, too: enabling users to engage more deeply with the story of the recycled can’s potential journey. The retweets unleashed a chain of tweets invading the platform with thousands of all the aluminium objects a Sure can can be once recycled. And with each RT, we lengthened the brand interaction and increased our chances of landing our message: potential exposures beyond our original media buy soared. List the results (30% of vote) Our campaign kicked off with a big impact. We achieved a reach of 5.1 million, with more than 1.1 million views of our videos. Within 3 days of launch, over 1100 objects had been revealed. After that first engagement, many went on to follow the can's journey further: with 'RTtoRecyclers' each retweeting twice on average. And despite the campaign's UK focus, twitter users from 17 different countries got involved.

    The Recyclable Tweet

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体有关? 一个可回收的帖子是一个不可能的想法,直到我们想出如何破解媒体格式来实现它,使生活的长期影响,甚至可以在回收系统中保留一个。多亏了这种想法,并且真正专注于我们邀请的互动细节,我们的媒体预算加倍努力,不仅为我们赢得了影响力,而且引发了分享的连锁反应,这给我们带来了压力。 背景 从健身包到手提包,从浴室柜到书桌抽屉,随便看看它们中的任何一个,你都可能会找到一罐肯定的 -- 世界上最畅销的止汗剂。但是,虽然每个人都知道肯定不会让你失望,但没有足够的人知道他们可以回收他们的罐头。 在品牌寻求更具可持续性的时代,当然已经是这样了。我们只需要找到一种有趣的方式让人们知道。 描述创意/见解 (投票30%) RT to Recycle的创建是为了回应消费者对除臭剂罐可回收的认识不足。 与Twitter合作,我们创建了世界上第一个 “可回收” 的推文,这种激活始于一个简单的推文。 由于Twitter独特的自动回复功能,当该图像被转发时,它变成了一种不同的铝制物品,展示了除臭剂可以变成的所有东西: 从轮子到水瓶,从铁环到跨栏,从灯到行走架…… 描述策略 (投票20%) 在英国各地的房屋中都有Sure cans,我们希望在有限的预算下广泛传播其可回收性。 由于英国40% 以上的家庭垃圾已经被回收利用,我们不需要将回收作为一个概念吸引我们的观众。在我们计划上线的地球日前后,我们知道他们已经被发人深省的信息轰炸了。 因此,我们选择采用不同的方法,而不是增加他们的罪恶感和生态疲劳。出现了令人难以置信的事实和统计数据,而出现了一种更加有趣和迷人的方法。 描述执行情况 (投票20%) 机械师很简单: 一条推广的推文,以及 # RTtoRecycle的邀请。每个RT都将气溶胶罐 “回收” 到不同的铝制物品中,从而使用户可以使用Twitter的自动回复功能发布所需数量的物品。 在Twitter first中,我们采用了菊花链自动回复机制,使随后的每条推文也具有交互性: 使用户能够更深入地了解回收罐的潜在旅程。 转推释放了一系列推文,这些推文入侵了该平台,其中有数千个铝制物体可以被回收。 对于每个RT,我们都延长了品牌互动,并增加了获得信息的机会: 超出我们原始媒体购买范围的潜在曝光率飙升。 列出结果 (投票30%) 我们的竞选活动以巨大的影响开始。我们的视频达到了510万,观看次数超过110万次。 在发射后的三天内,已经发现了1100多个物体。在第一次订婚之后,许多人继续跟随can的旅程: “rttorecycers” 平均每人转发两次。尽管该活动以英国为重点,但来自17个不同国家的twitter用户参与其中。

    The Recyclable Tweet

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? A recyclable post was an impossible idea until we worked out how to hack media formats to make it happen, bringing to life the long term impact of keeping even one can in the recycling system. Thanks to that thinking, and a real focus on the details of the interactions we invited, our media budget worked doubly hard, not only buying us reach, but setting off chain reactions of sharing that supercharged it. Background From gym bags to handbags, bathroom cabinets to desk drawers, look in any of them and you’ll probably find a can of Sure - the world’s top selling anti-perspirant. But while everyone knows Sure won’t let you down, not enough people know they can recycle their cans. In a time when brands are looking to be more sustainable, Sure already is. We just needed to find an interesting way to let people know. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) RT to Recycle was created as a response to consumers' lack of awareness that their deodorant cans are recyclable. In partnership with Twitter, we created the world’s first ‘recyclable’ tweet, an activation that started with a simple Tweet of a Sure can. Thanks to a unique Twitter’s auto reply functionality, when that image was retweeted, it became a different aluminium item, showcasing all the things a deodorant can can become: from wheels to water bottles, hoops to hurdles, lamps to walking frames… Describe the strategy (20% of vote) With Sure cans present in homes across the UK, we wanted to spread the word of their recyclability far and wide - on a limited budget. With over 40% of the UK’s household waste already being recycled, we didn’t need to engage our audience with recycling as a concept. And in the period around Earth day when we planned to go live, we knew they’d already be bombarded by sobering messaging. So rather than add to their guilt and eco-fatigue, we chose to adopt a different approach. out went the hard-hitting facts and stats, and in came an altogether more playful and charming approach. Describe the execution (20% of vote) The mechanic was simple: a promoted tweet, and an invitation to #RTtoRecycle. Each RT ‘recycled’ the aerosol can into a different aluminium item, allowing users to tweet as many objects as they wanted, using Twitter’s auto-reply functionality. In a Twitter first, we daisy-chained auto-reply mechanics to make every subsequent tweet interactive, too: enabling users to engage more deeply with the story of the recycled can’s potential journey. The retweets unleashed a chain of tweets invading the platform with thousands of all the aluminium objects a Sure can can be once recycled. And with each RT, we lengthened the brand interaction and increased our chances of landing our message: potential exposures beyond our original media buy soared. List the results (30% of vote) Our campaign kicked off with a big impact. We achieved a reach of 5.1 million, with more than 1.1 million views of our videos. Within 3 days of launch, over 1100 objects had been revealed. After that first engagement, many went on to follow the can's journey further: with 'RTtoRecyclers' each retweeting twice on average. And despite the campaign's UK focus, twitter users from 17 different countries got involved.



    The Recyclable Tweet






    广告公司: Lowe (英国 伦敦) 制作公司: Lowe




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