案例简介:天才青年,治疗,GAMEFLY 和 BLAKE GRIFFIN 提高惊人的酒吧 加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,2012年12月14日: 有趣或死推出的制作公司天才青年导演蒂姆 · 凯彻西德与治疗工作室编辑克里斯汀 · 麦卡西合作,激励你参加日常狗服装竞赛, 宠物鹰在 droll new: 60/: 30 对 GameFly 来说 “太棒了”,直接为客户制作。随着头发触发喜剧的时机,现场功能洛杉矶。快船明星和前滑稽或死亡 “实习生” 布雷克 · 格里芬教育我们什么是惊人的,巧妙地编辑了经典美国电视风格的混搭和断拍的幽默感。 天才青年为这项运动设计了机智的概念,作为项目的创意和制作伙伴。格里芬的拍摄时间有限,加上雄心勃勃的特技和复杂的视觉效果,需要为为期两天的拍摄进行细致的前期制作。Ketchersid 和天才青年的创意总监 Ryan McNeely 与 GameFly 营销团队合作,为视频游戏租赁品牌微调了他另类、高度程式化的喜剧概念。视觉生物担任该项目的初级视觉特效主管,与 Ketchersid 密切合作,捕捉所有必要的镜头,以获得用于提升非常规幽默的雄心勃勃的视觉效果。实际效果也为令人难忘的场景时刻铺平了道路。例如,格里芬在现场结束时戏剧性的升空时刻,他穿上喷气式飞机,发射液氮雾, 特技协调员真的把有线电视操纵和 251 磅的篮球明星升到空中。 Ketchersid 指出,“尽管有大量的繁文缛节涉及批准一个特技,让 NBA 顶级运动员之一真正升空, 那一刻与视觉创造的视觉效果相结合,形成了一个滑稽的视觉效果。 ketchersid 补充道,“布莱克和他一起工作很棒:他真的可以保持自己的状态,而且很搞笑,所以我们在后期制作中没有任何困难,可以找到很多选择和替代选择。" 编辑克里斯汀 · 麦卡西和天才青年是经常的合作者,他们一起为老密尔沃基、米勒 · 莱特和起亚开展了活动。导演蒂姆 · 凯彻西德 (Tim Ketchersid) 习惯于在《滑稽或死亡》杂志的创意集体中工作,他在编辑过程中一直亲自动手。这使得团队能够不断地激发彼此的想法,以增强现场的喜剧效果。麦凯西与导演密切合作,捕捉到了他们追求的原创、古怪的语调。McCasey 说,“在一个有天赋的青年和视觉生物的协作环境中工作是很棒的。喜剧点有真正的节奏感,结合了对话、声音效果和音乐。蒂姆和我喜欢尝试所有的元素,让他们以合适的喜剧语调在一起演奏。" “令人惊叹” 在位于超级下面的短小精悍的格里芬 · 伍登里打开,“GameFly 展示了如何与布莱克 · 格里芬一起变得令人惊叹。” 他带着期待的目光转向我们,“哦,你好。你想变得很棒吗?我希望如此,”然后给出了他的建议。我们第一次看到两个无聊的朋友安装了一辆疲惫的溅射踏板车,格里芬建议 “不要这样做。相反,这样做。”他认可的运输方式是一款赛车,火焰画的 T 型,由现在穿着皮革的笑着的朋友驾驶。下一个 “不要” 是朋友和他们的 lapdogs 的愚蠢的肖像。匡威的 “做” 是朋友们疯狂地在一群家犬拉的沙漠雪橇上摆姿势。 格里芬继续说道,“我相信你们中的一些人认为你已经掌握了惊人的东西。我们看到陈词滥调的魔术师把一个女人切成两半: “不要。 “做”: 这个女人把她的腿切成两半,跳舞远离她快乐的挥动的上半身。“我会告诉你什么并不神奇,” 他说,当我们看到朋友们从一个冷漠的商店店员那里购买电子游戏时,“60 美元,伙计们, 一脸震惊地掠过朋友们的脸。回到格里芬,“你想要一张去神奇的头等舱票吗?你可以玩得开心。GameFly 提供超过 8,000 个视频游戏,没有滞纳金,没有被糟糕的游戏烧毁的机会,也没有免费的 PC 下载。太棒了。”格里芬在他的火箭背包里即将起飞的时候,临别的话是:“ 玩得开心。是惊人的。” 关于天才青年 天才青年是亚当 · 麦凯和威尔 · 法瑞尔的滑稽或死亡的精品创意商业制作部门。天才青年名册上充满了热情的导演、制片人和对独特喜剧故事充满热情的特效艺术家。天才青年获得了 8 个 Centaris 奖,这是他们自己创造的一个奖项,因为他们对自己的真人电影、运动图形和视觉特效能力非常有信心。不可用于色情拍摄。 关于治疗 在焦虑和偶尔疯狂的商业,功能,音乐视频和互动项目,治疗工作室提供避难所。在创始人乔 · 迪桑托、约翰 · 拉姆齐、雷恩 · 沃特斯和杜比 · 怀特的带领下,获奖团队在为 Playstation 、克莱斯勒、索尼等客户的创造性编辑和后期制作方面不断取得突破, 富国银行、动视银行、公共广播公司和起亚。坐落在一个平静的,最先进的西洛杉矶空间,治疗功能定制编辑,整理,设计,音频和颜色分级套房。Www.youneedtherapy.tv
案例简介:GIFTED YOUTH, THERAPY, GAMEFLY AND BLAKE GRIFFIN RAISE THE BAR FOR AMAZING Los Angeles, CA, December 14, 2012: Funny or Die-launched production company Gifted Youth director Tim Ketchersid teams up with Therapy Studios editor Kristin McCasey to inspire your to take your everyday dog costume contests, and pet eagles to the next level in the droll new :60/:30 “Be Amazing” for GameFly, produced directly for the client. With hair-trigger comedic timing, the spot features L.A. Clippers star and former Funny or Die “intern” Blake Griffin schooling us on what constitutes amazing in a deftly-edited mash up of classic Americana television style and an off beat sense of humor. Gifted Youth devised the witty concept for the campaign, serving as both a creative and production partner on the project. Limited on set time with Griffin, plus highly ambitious stunts and complex visual effects called for a meticulous pre-production for the two-day shoot. Ketchersid and Gifted Youth’s Creative Director Ryan McNeely collaborated with the GameFly marketing team to fine-tune his offbeat, highly stylized comedic concept for the video game rental brand. Visual Creatures served as the onset VFX Supervisor on the project, working closely with Ketchersid to capture all the necessary shots for the ambitious visual effects used to elevate the unconventional humor. Practical effects also paved the way for memorable on set moments. For instance, Griffin’s dramatic lift-off moment at the end of the spot, in which he donned a jet pack emitting liquid nitrogen fog, had stunt coordinators literally raising the cable-rigged and 6’10”, 251 lb basketball star into the air. Notes Ketchersid, “Though there was a significant amount of red tape involved with approvals for a stunt to literally lift one of the NBA’s top athletes in the air, that moment combined with Visual Creatures’ visual effects made for a hilarious visual punch line.” Adds Ketchersid, “Blake is amazing to work with: he can really hold his own and is hilarious, so we didn’t have any difficulty getting lots of options and alternate takes to work with in post production.” Editor Kristin McCasey and Gifted Youth are frequent collaborators, having worked together on campaigns for Old Milwaukee, Miller Lite and KIA. Used to working in a creative collective at Funny Or Die, director Tim Ketchersid remained hands-on through the editorial process. This allowed the team to continually bounce ideas off one another to enhance the comedy in the spot. McCasey worked closely with the director to capture the original, quirky tone they were aiming for. Says McCasey, “It’s great working in a collaborative environment with Gifted Youth and Visual Creatures. Comedy spots have a real sense of rhythm, combining dialogue, sound effects and music. Tim and I enjoyed experimenting with all the elements to get them to play well together for just the right comedic tone.” “Be Amazing” opens on a dapper Griffin woodenly positioned under the super, “GameFly Presents How To Be Amazing with Blake Griffin.” He turns to us with an expectant, “Oh, hello. Do you want to be amazing? I hope so,” then offers his tips. We first see two bored friends mounting a tired, sputtering scooter, accompanied by Griffin advising, “Don’t do this. Do this instead.” His approved mode of conveyance is a racing, flame-painted Model T, piloted by the now leather-clad and laughing friends. The next “Don’t” is a sappy portrait of the friends and their lapdogs. The converse “Do” is the friends wildly posed on a desert bobsled not-yet-pulled by a pack of domestic dogs. Griffin continues, “I’m sure there are some of you out there who think you’ve already mastered the amazing.” We see the clichéd magician cutting a woman in half: a “Don’t.” The “Do”: the woman cut in half with her legs dancing far apart from her happy and waving upper body. “I’ll tell you what’s not amazing,” he says, as we see the friends buying a video game from an indifferent store clerk, “60 bucks, dudes,” a look of shock washing across the friends’ faces. Back to Griffin, “You want a first-class ticket to amazing? You can get GameFly. GameFly offers over 8,000 video game titles with no late fees, no chances of getting burned by a bad game and free PC downloads. Amazing.” Griffin’s parting words, as he’s about to take off in his rocket pack, are: “Get GameFly. Be amazing.” About Gifted Youth Gifted Youth is the boutique creative commercial production division of Adam McKay and Will Ferrell’s Funny Or Die. The Gifted Youth roster is teeming, swarming in fact, with enthusiastic directors, producers, and effects artists with a passion for unique comedic storytelling. Gifted Youth has been honored with 8 Centaris Awards, an award they made up to give themselves, because they’re pretty confident in their live action film, motion graphics, and VFX capabilities. Not available for pornography shoots. About Therapy Amidst the anxiety and occasional insanity of commercial, feature, music video, and interactive projects, Therapy Studios offers refuge. Led by founders Joe DiSanto, John Ramsey, Wren Waters and Doobie White, the award-winning team is constantly achieving breakthroughs in creative editorial and post-production for clients like Playstation, Chrysler, Sony, Wells Fargo, Activision, PBS, and KIA. Housed in a calming, state-of-the-art West LA space, Therapy features custom-built editorial, finishing, design, audio, and color grading suites. www.youneedtherapy.tv
Be Amazing
案例简介:天才青年,治疗,GAMEFLY 和 BLAKE GRIFFIN 提高惊人的酒吧 加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,2012年12月14日: 有趣或死推出的制作公司天才青年导演蒂姆 · 凯彻西德与治疗工作室编辑克里斯汀 · 麦卡西合作,激励你参加日常狗服装竞赛, 宠物鹰在 droll new: 60/: 30 对 GameFly 来说 “太棒了”,直接为客户制作。随着头发触发喜剧的时机,现场功能洛杉矶。快船明星和前滑稽或死亡 “实习生” 布雷克 · 格里芬教育我们什么是惊人的,巧妙地编辑了经典美国电视风格的混搭和断拍的幽默感。 天才青年为这项运动设计了机智的概念,作为项目的创意和制作伙伴。格里芬的拍摄时间有限,加上雄心勃勃的特技和复杂的视觉效果,需要为为期两天的拍摄进行细致的前期制作。Ketchersid 和天才青年的创意总监 Ryan McNeely 与 GameFly 营销团队合作,为视频游戏租赁品牌微调了他另类、高度程式化的喜剧概念。视觉生物担任该项目的初级视觉特效主管,与 Ketchersid 密切合作,捕捉所有必要的镜头,以获得用于提升非常规幽默的雄心勃勃的视觉效果。实际效果也为令人难忘的场景时刻铺平了道路。例如,格里芬在现场结束时戏剧性的升空时刻,他穿上喷气式飞机,发射液氮雾, 特技协调员真的把有线电视操纵和 251 磅的篮球明星升到空中。 Ketchersid 指出,“尽管有大量的繁文缛节涉及批准一个特技,让 NBA 顶级运动员之一真正升空, 那一刻与视觉创造的视觉效果相结合,形成了一个滑稽的视觉效果。 ketchersid 补充道,“布莱克和他一起工作很棒:他真的可以保持自己的状态,而且很搞笑,所以我们在后期制作中没有任何困难,可以找到很多选择和替代选择。" 编辑克里斯汀 · 麦卡西和天才青年是经常的合作者,他们一起为老密尔沃基、米勒 · 莱特和起亚开展了活动。导演蒂姆 · 凯彻西德 (Tim Ketchersid) 习惯于在《滑稽或死亡》杂志的创意集体中工作,他在编辑过程中一直亲自动手。这使得团队能够不断地激发彼此的想法,以增强现场的喜剧效果。麦凯西与导演密切合作,捕捉到了他们追求的原创、古怪的语调。McCasey 说,“在一个有天赋的青年和视觉生物的协作环境中工作是很棒的。喜剧点有真正的节奏感,结合了对话、声音效果和音乐。蒂姆和我喜欢尝试所有的元素,让他们以合适的喜剧语调在一起演奏。" “令人惊叹” 在位于超级下面的短小精悍的格里芬 · 伍登里打开,“GameFly 展示了如何与布莱克 · 格里芬一起变得令人惊叹。” 他带着期待的目光转向我们,“哦,你好。你想变得很棒吗?我希望如此,”然后给出了他的建议。我们第一次看到两个无聊的朋友安装了一辆疲惫的溅射踏板车,格里芬建议 “不要这样做。相反,这样做。”他认可的运输方式是一款赛车,火焰画的 T 型,由现在穿着皮革的笑着的朋友驾驶。下一个 “不要” 是朋友和他们的 lapdogs 的愚蠢的肖像。匡威的 “做” 是朋友们疯狂地在一群家犬拉的沙漠雪橇上摆姿势。 格里芬继续说道,“我相信你们中的一些人认为你已经掌握了惊人的东西。我们看到陈词滥调的魔术师把一个女人切成两半: “不要。 “做”: 这个女人把她的腿切成两半,跳舞远离她快乐的挥动的上半身。“我会告诉你什么并不神奇,” 他说,当我们看到朋友们从一个冷漠的商店店员那里购买电子游戏时,“60 美元,伙计们, 一脸震惊地掠过朋友们的脸。回到格里芬,“你想要一张去神奇的头等舱票吗?你可以玩得开心。GameFly 提供超过 8,000 个视频游戏,没有滞纳金,没有被糟糕的游戏烧毁的机会,也没有免费的 PC 下载。太棒了。”格里芬在他的火箭背包里即将起飞的时候,临别的话是:“ 玩得开心。是惊人的。” 关于天才青年 天才青年是亚当 · 麦凯和威尔 · 法瑞尔的滑稽或死亡的精品创意商业制作部门。天才青年名册上充满了热情的导演、制片人和对独特喜剧故事充满热情的特效艺术家。天才青年获得了 8 个 Centaris 奖,这是他们自己创造的一个奖项,因为他们对自己的真人电影、运动图形和视觉特效能力非常有信心。不可用于色情拍摄。 关于治疗 在焦虑和偶尔疯狂的商业,功能,音乐视频和互动项目,治疗工作室提供避难所。在创始人乔 · 迪桑托、约翰 · 拉姆齐、雷恩 · 沃特斯和杜比 · 怀特的带领下,获奖团队在为 Playstation 、克莱斯勒、索尼等客户的创造性编辑和后期制作方面不断取得突破, 富国银行、动视银行、公共广播公司和起亚。坐落在一个平静的,最先进的西洛杉矶空间,治疗功能定制编辑,整理,设计,音频和颜色分级套房。Www.youneedtherapy.tv
Be Amazing
案例简介:GIFTED YOUTH, THERAPY, GAMEFLY AND BLAKE GRIFFIN RAISE THE BAR FOR AMAZING Los Angeles, CA, December 14, 2012: Funny or Die-launched production company Gifted Youth director Tim Ketchersid teams up with Therapy Studios editor Kristin McCasey to inspire your to take your everyday dog costume contests, and pet eagles to the next level in the droll new :60/:30 “Be Amazing” for GameFly, produced directly for the client. With hair-trigger comedic timing, the spot features L.A. Clippers star and former Funny or Die “intern” Blake Griffin schooling us on what constitutes amazing in a deftly-edited mash up of classic Americana television style and an off beat sense of humor. Gifted Youth devised the witty concept for the campaign, serving as both a creative and production partner on the project. Limited on set time with Griffin, plus highly ambitious stunts and complex visual effects called for a meticulous pre-production for the two-day shoot. Ketchersid and Gifted Youth’s Creative Director Ryan McNeely collaborated with the GameFly marketing team to fine-tune his offbeat, highly stylized comedic concept for the video game rental brand. Visual Creatures served as the onset VFX Supervisor on the project, working closely with Ketchersid to capture all the necessary shots for the ambitious visual effects used to elevate the unconventional humor. Practical effects also paved the way for memorable on set moments. For instance, Griffin’s dramatic lift-off moment at the end of the spot, in which he donned a jet pack emitting liquid nitrogen fog, had stunt coordinators literally raising the cable-rigged and 6’10”, 251 lb basketball star into the air. Notes Ketchersid, “Though there was a significant amount of red tape involved with approvals for a stunt to literally lift one of the NBA’s top athletes in the air, that moment combined with Visual Creatures’ visual effects made for a hilarious visual punch line.” Adds Ketchersid, “Blake is amazing to work with: he can really hold his own and is hilarious, so we didn’t have any difficulty getting lots of options and alternate takes to work with in post production.” Editor Kristin McCasey and Gifted Youth are frequent collaborators, having worked together on campaigns for Old Milwaukee, Miller Lite and KIA. Used to working in a creative collective at Funny Or Die, director Tim Ketchersid remained hands-on through the editorial process. This allowed the team to continually bounce ideas off one another to enhance the comedy in the spot. McCasey worked closely with the director to capture the original, quirky tone they were aiming for. Says McCasey, “It’s great working in a collaborative environment with Gifted Youth and Visual Creatures. Comedy spots have a real sense of rhythm, combining dialogue, sound effects and music. Tim and I enjoyed experimenting with all the elements to get them to play well together for just the right comedic tone.” “Be Amazing” opens on a dapper Griffin woodenly positioned under the super, “GameFly Presents How To Be Amazing with Blake Griffin.” He turns to us with an expectant, “Oh, hello. Do you want to be amazing? I hope so,” then offers his tips. We first see two bored friends mounting a tired, sputtering scooter, accompanied by Griffin advising, “Don’t do this. Do this instead.” His approved mode of conveyance is a racing, flame-painted Model T, piloted by the now leather-clad and laughing friends. The next “Don’t” is a sappy portrait of the friends and their lapdogs. The converse “Do” is the friends wildly posed on a desert bobsled not-yet-pulled by a pack of domestic dogs. Griffin continues, “I’m sure there are some of you out there who think you’ve already mastered the amazing.” We see the clichéd magician cutting a woman in half: a “Don’t.” The “Do”: the woman cut in half with her legs dancing far apart from her happy and waving upper body. “I’ll tell you what’s not amazing,” he says, as we see the friends buying a video game from an indifferent store clerk, “60 bucks, dudes,” a look of shock washing across the friends’ faces. Back to Griffin, “You want a first-class ticket to amazing? You can get GameFly. GameFly offers over 8,000 video game titles with no late fees, no chances of getting burned by a bad game and free PC downloads. Amazing.” Griffin’s parting words, as he’s about to take off in his rocket pack, are: “Get GameFly. Be amazing.” About Gifted Youth Gifted Youth is the boutique creative commercial production division of Adam McKay and Will Ferrell’s Funny Or Die. The Gifted Youth roster is teeming, swarming in fact, with enthusiastic directors, producers, and effects artists with a passion for unique comedic storytelling. Gifted Youth has been honored with 8 Centaris Awards, an award they made up to give themselves, because they’re pretty confident in their live action film, motion graphics, and VFX capabilities. Not available for pornography shoots. About Therapy Amidst the anxiety and occasional insanity of commercial, feature, music video, and interactive projects, Therapy Studios offers refuge. Led by founders Joe DiSanto, John Ramsey, Wren Waters and Doobie White, the award-winning team is constantly achieving breakthroughs in creative editorial and post-production for clients like Playstation, Chrysler, Sony, Wells Fargo, Activision, PBS, and KIA. Housed in a calming, state-of-the-art West LA space, Therapy features custom-built editorial, finishing, design, audio, and color grading suites. www.youneedtherapy.tv
Be Amazing
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