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    Burn Racist Giga海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? 根据定义,该运动是直接的: 在对种族主义社交网络上的数据进行仔细分析之后,它仅确定了该精确目标。数据驱动的目标定位带来了完美的用户之旅, 直到演出结束时,演出已经筋疲力尽。 背景 互联网已成为种族主义者散布仇恨的主要渠道,尤其是在意大利。 《滚石》杂志是反对种族主义的长期斗士,他想做点什么来反对它。 描述创意 (投票30%) 秘密巨魔行动夺走了种族主义者的权力: 如果你在看种族主义视频,我们会带走你的互联网。 通过多次增加视频的文件大小。 描述策略 (投票20%) 意大利的种族主义就像一种病毒,在互联网上从一个帖子到一个帖子,从视频到视频传播,使其变得日益暴力和低俗,达到了前所未有的水平。 与往常一样,娱乐和音乐世界试图提高人们的意识,但是简单的话语和意图宣言似乎不再具有过去的力量。今天,我们想抛开我们的话语,采取行动,在任何其他宣言之前做一些具体和有效的事情,用自己的武器对抗这种种族主义病毒,让互联网成为一个更美好的地方,即使是一段时间。 描述执行 (投票20%) 在意大利,98% 的人有一个有限的数据的移动计划。平均每月6 GB。 因此,我们发起了一个有针对性的Facebook运动,将种族主义者引诱到带有种族主义视频的虚假微型网站。 这些视频被秘密地增加了尺寸: 从平均15MB到600 MB 当种族主义者观看视频时,他们会燃烧多达40倍的数据-几分钟后,他们就会离线。 通过开发自定义视频播放器并结合不同的方法来根据查看器动态增加数据使用量,我们可以在不被检测的情况下尽可能快地刻录尽可能多的数据。 通过通过针对种族主义者的移动facebook广告使网站可访问,我们确保只有种族主义者才能观看视频并烧掉他们的giga。 列出结果 (投票30%) + 5000 GB在10天内燃烧。 + 800种族主义者离线。 28米。揭露后的联系。 + rollingstone的1500% 流量增加。它


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? The campaign is direct by definition: after a careful analysis of data on racist social networks, it strucks only that precise target. Data-driven targeting has resulted in a perfect user journey, until gigs, at the end of the journey, have been exhausted. Background The internet has become a main channel for racists to spread hate, especially in Italy. Rolling Stone Magazine, long time fighter against racism, wanted to do something against it. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) A secret troll operation takes away power from racists: if you’re watching racist videos, we take away your internet. By increasing the file size of videos by multiple times. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Racism in Italy is like a virus that spreads on the internet from post to post, from video to video, making it more violent and vulgar day by day, reaching levels never seen before. As always, the world of entertainment and music tries to raise awareness, but simple words and declarations of intent no longer seem to have the strength of the past. Today, we want to set aside our words and move to action doing something concrete and effective before any other declaration, counteracting this racist virus with its own weapon, to make internet a better place for real, even for a while. Describe the execution (20% of vote) In Italy, 98% of people have a mobile plan with limited data. On average 6 GB per month. So we set up a targeted Facebook campaign that lures racists to a fake microsite with racist videos. These videos are secretly increased in size: From on average 15MB to up to 600 MB When racists watch the videos, they burn up to 40 times more data – and after a few minutes they're offline. By developing a custom video player and combining different methods to increase data usage dynamically depending on the viewer, we could burn as much data as fast as possible without being detected. By making the website accessible tonly hrough mobile facebook ads targeted at racists, we made sure that only racists watched the videos and burned their giga. List the results (30% of vote) +5000 GB burned in 10 days. +800 Racists offline. 28 Mio. Contacts after reveal. +1500% Traffic increase on rollingstone.it

    Burn Racist Giga

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? 根据定义,该运动是直接的: 在对种族主义社交网络上的数据进行仔细分析之后,它仅确定了该精确目标。数据驱动的目标定位带来了完美的用户之旅, 直到演出结束时,演出已经筋疲力尽。 背景 互联网已成为种族主义者散布仇恨的主要渠道,尤其是在意大利。 《滚石》杂志是反对种族主义的长期斗士,他想做点什么来反对它。 描述创意 (投票30%) 秘密巨魔行动夺走了种族主义者的权力: 如果你在看种族主义视频,我们会带走你的互联网。 通过多次增加视频的文件大小。 描述策略 (投票20%) 意大利的种族主义就像一种病毒,在互联网上从一个帖子到一个帖子,从视频到视频传播,使其变得日益暴力和低俗,达到了前所未有的水平。 与往常一样,娱乐和音乐世界试图提高人们的意识,但是简单的话语和意图宣言似乎不再具有过去的力量。今天,我们想抛开我们的话语,采取行动,在任何其他宣言之前做一些具体和有效的事情,用自己的武器对抗这种种族主义病毒,让互联网成为一个更美好的地方,即使是一段时间。 描述执行 (投票20%) 在意大利,98% 的人有一个有限的数据的移动计划。平均每月6 GB。 因此,我们发起了一个有针对性的Facebook运动,将种族主义者引诱到带有种族主义视频的虚假微型网站。 这些视频被秘密地增加了尺寸: 从平均15MB到600 MB 当种族主义者观看视频时,他们会燃烧多达40倍的数据-几分钟后,他们就会离线。 通过开发自定义视频播放器并结合不同的方法来根据查看器动态增加数据使用量,我们可以在不被检测的情况下尽可能快地刻录尽可能多的数据。 通过通过针对种族主义者的移动facebook广告使网站可访问,我们确保只有种族主义者才能观看视频并烧掉他们的giga。 列出结果 (投票30%) + 5000 GB在10天内燃烧。 + 800种族主义者离线。 28米。揭露后的联系。 + rollingstone的1500% 流量增加。它

    Burn Racist Giga

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? The campaign is direct by definition: after a careful analysis of data on racist social networks, it strucks only that precise target. Data-driven targeting has resulted in a perfect user journey, until gigs, at the end of the journey, have been exhausted. Background The internet has become a main channel for racists to spread hate, especially in Italy. Rolling Stone Magazine, long time fighter against racism, wanted to do something against it. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) A secret troll operation takes away power from racists: if you’re watching racist videos, we take away your internet. By increasing the file size of videos by multiple times. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Racism in Italy is like a virus that spreads on the internet from post to post, from video to video, making it more violent and vulgar day by day, reaching levels never seen before. As always, the world of entertainment and music tries to raise awareness, but simple words and declarations of intent no longer seem to have the strength of the past. Today, we want to set aside our words and move to action doing something concrete and effective before any other declaration, counteracting this racist virus with its own weapon, to make internet a better place for real, even for a while. Describe the execution (20% of vote) In Italy, 98% of people have a mobile plan with limited data. On average 6 GB per month. So we set up a targeted Facebook campaign that lures racists to a fake microsite with racist videos. These videos are secretly increased in size: From on average 15MB to up to 600 MB When racists watch the videos, they burn up to 40 times more data – and after a few minutes they're offline. By developing a custom video player and combining different methods to increase data usage dynamically depending on the viewer, we could burn as much data as fast as possible without being detected. By making the website accessible tonly hrough mobile facebook ads targeted at racists, we made sure that only racists watched the videos and burned their giga. List the results (30% of vote) +5000 GB burned in 10 days. +800 Racists offline. 28 Mio. Contacts after reveal. +1500% Traffic increase on rollingstone.it



    Burn Racist Giga










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