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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关? OMO在中东的一个关键品牌属性上落后了: 去污。另一方面,消费者对洗衣粉的 “去污效果” 主张免疫,对前后演示持怀疑态度,并且不欢迎超市中的样品。我们需要一个解决方案来证明OMO的去污效果。OMO标签使消费者能够通过令人惊讶和身临其境的体验亲眼目睹OMO的去污效果。我们偷偷把它送到他们的洗衣机,让他们负责取样。新的分类抽样技术赢得了消费者的心,并转化为实际的业务成果。 背景 OMO声称 “污垢是好的”,倡导儿童积极生活,赢得了消费者的心。但无法转化为商业。OMO在中东的一个关键品牌属性上落后了: 去污。(1) 尽管 “去污” 是OMO声称的核心,但它仍然落后于 “去污”,这令人费解。 但可以理解。消费者被大量 “恼人” 的超市抽样轰炸 (2)。与演示前后的陈词滥调相同-破旧的破布进入肥皂桶,然后变成令人眼花white乱的白色。因此,消费者对有效去除污渍的主张持怀疑态度,并对此免疫。我们没有什么不同。更糟糕的是,竞争的媒体口袋欺负了我们。 我们需要用另一个 “有效去除污渍” 的信息来吸引消费者的注意。但是我们的手被绑住了。索赔,演示或采样都不会做。 (1) 尼尔森 “清洁污垢”,2018 (2) 业务知识-研究 “客户不喜欢销售人员的7件事”,2016 描述创意 (投票20%) 我们小心翼翼地让消费者在他们自己的服装上,在他们自己的机器上进行了意想不到的个人现场演示。我们离开了超市,把我们的产品带到人们的衣服上,然后他们出去弄脏了。 我们中断了采样并创建了一种新的介质: OMO标签。就像您会在所有新衣服上找到的标签一样,但完全由OMO洗涤剂和100% 水溶性制成。 为了重申我们倡导积极生活方式的事业,我们与黎巴嫩最大的体育商店合作。把标签放在最脏的衣服上。消费者必须简单地取下标签并将其放入洗衣机中。足够的洗涤剂可以洗三件衣服-知道妈妈通常会分开洗非常脏的运动服。 这使妈妈们能够亲自测试洗涤剂,并见证OMO去污剂的优越性。 描述策略 (投票20%) 年轻母亲比以往任何时候都更有权力。但是,尽管他们是一支强大的劳动力队伍,但他们仍然保持着传统的性别角色 (1)。因此,有更多的责任和更少的时间进行实验。他们坚持自己的选择 (2)。 没有任何要求可以改变他们的想法。持怀疑态度,他们希望行动胜于雄辩。78% 想在购买前试用产品 (3)。但是,尽管他们充耳不闻,我们如何让他们尝试产品呢? 抽样?当然。事实证明,消费者讨厌被 “烦人” 的销售人员 (尤其是洗涤剂) 打断,同时试图离开繁忙的商店,保持理智 (4)。谁能责怪他们? 该策略可以归结为一个问题: 我们如何谨慎地将其放入洗衣机? (1) 路透社,2016 (2) 营销周,2018 (3) EMI事件跟踪调查,2015 (4) 业务知识-研究 “客户不喜欢销售人员的7件事”,2016 描述执行情况 (投票30%) 我们不想在超市里 “惹恼” 妈妈们,我们想成为他们喜欢的东西的一部分。我们寻找一个可以帮助我们倡导积极生活的地方,妈妈们喜欢购物的地方,以及我们可以展示OMO有效去除超级脏衣服上的污渍的地方。 与Sports 4合作,我们在受欢迎的球员的球衣上放置了5000 OMO标签,适用于儿童和青少年。将我们积极生活的理念不仅扩展到孩子,而且扩展到年轻人。每个标签都显示OMO标语 “污垢是好的”。就这样,我们在消费者知道之前就把样品送到了他们的手中。 为了展示标签的工作原理,我们创建了一个在Facebook,YouTube和Instagram上共享的演示视频。然后,我们将店内妈妈们对标签的反应变成了真正有趣的在线电影。结束了一个无聊的采样时代,开始了一个新的真实而有趣的时代。 列出结果 (投票30%) 业务: OMO的净销售额在活动结束后的两个月内45% 增长,与去年同期相比增长100%。市场份额从3.2% 增加到4.6%,代表着惊人的45% 增长。 品牌爱: 与 “去污” 的关联增加了38% 从一个害羞的8%,1个月后的运动。粉丝在Instagram上50%,在facb上20%Ok,并在Twitter上18%。OMO的积极在线情绪也67% 增长,负面情绪50% 下降。 品牌参与: 5,000消费者亲身体验了OMO有效去污效果。但是,连锁反应在网上达到了黎巴嫩43% 的人口,OMO的在线提及71% 增加。 竞选人气: OMO Tag与Adage,Ads-of-the-world,Executive,Marketeer,Adforum等达成了国际对话能力,赞扬了这项创新,并进一步提高了OMO的有效去污声誉。 行业: 在见证了重大的竞选成功后,联合利华将在来年将OMO标签带到13个其他市场,以及黎巴嫩的3个其他网点。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation? OMO was behind on a key brand attribute in the Middle East: stain removal. On the other hand, consumers were immune to the sea of ‘stain-removal-effectiveness’ claims by laundry detergents, skeptical about before-and-after demos, and unwelcoming to samples in the supermarket. We needed a solution to prove OMO’s stain-removal-effectiveness. The OMO Tag allowed consumers to witness, first-hand, the stain-removal-effectiveness of OMO through a surprising and immersive experience. We secretly made it to their washer and put them in charge of the sampling. The new- to-category sampling technique won the hearts of consumers and translated into real business results. Background OMO claim “dirt is good”, that advocates for kids’ active lives, won the hearts of consumers. But couldn’t translate into business. OMO was behind on a key brand attribute in the Middle East: stain removal.(1) Lagging behind on ‘stain removal’ despite it being at the heart of OMO claim was puzzling. But understandable. Consumers were bombarded by a sea of “annoying” supermarket sampling(2). Same with clichéd before-and-after demos - where worn-out rags go into a soap bucket and come out blindingly white. Hence, consumers grew skeptical and immune to claims of effective-stain-removal. We were no different. Worse, the media pockets of competition bullied us out. We needed to catch the attention of consumers, with another ‘effective-stain-removal’ message. But our hands were tied. Neither a claim, nor a demo, nor a sampling would do. (1) Nielsen “The dirt on cleaning,” 2018 (2) Business Know-how-research “7 Things customers dislike about salespeople,” 2016 Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) We discreetly surprised consumers with an unexpected personal live demo, on their own garments, in their own machine. We moved away from supermarkets, and took our product to people’s clothes, before they go out and get dirty. We disrupted sampling and created a new medium: the OMO tag. Like the tag you’ll find on all new clothes, but made entirely out of OMO detergent and 100% water-soluble. To reassert our cause of advocating for an active lifestyle, we partnered with Lebanon’s biggest sports’ shop. Placed the tags on the types of clothes that get dirtiest. Consumers had to simply remove the tag and put it inside their washing machines. Enough detergent to wash up to three garments – knowing moms normally wash the very dirty sports garments separately. This enabled moms to personally test the detergent and witness the superiority of OMO stain-removing power. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Young mothers are more empowered than ever. But while they are a strong workforce, they still keep their traditional gender roles(1). Hence, have more responsibilities and less time for experimentation. They stick to their preferred choices(2). No claim can change their mind. Skeptical, they want actions that speak louder than words. 78% want to try a product before purchasing(3). But how do we get them to try a product despite them turning a deaf ear? Sampling? of course. But no. Turned out consumers hate being interrupted by “annoying” salespeople (especially for detergent), while trying to get out of the busy store with their sanity intact(4). And who can blame them? The strategy boiled down to one question: how can we discreetly make it to their washer? (1) Reuters, 2016 (2) Marketing Week, 2018 (3) EMI Event Track survey, 2015 (4) Business Know-how-research “7 Things customers dislike about salespeople,” 2016 Describe the execution (30% of vote) We didn't want to ‘annoy’ moms in the supermarket, we wanted to be part of something they love. We looked for a place that helps our advocacy for active lives, where mums enjoy shopping, and where we could demonstrate OMO effective-stain-removal on clothes that get super-dirty. Partnering with Sports 4ever, we placed 5000 OMO tags on Jerseys of popular players, meant for kids and teenagers. Extending our idea of active life to not just kids, but young people too. Each tag displayed OMO tagline ‘Dirt is good.’ And just like that, we got samples into consumers’ hands, before they knew. To show how the tag works, we created a demonstration video shared on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. We then turned in-store mums’ reaction to the tag into a genuine entertaining online film. Ending with that an era of boring sampling and starting a new authentic and amusing one. List the results (30% of vote) Business: OMO’s Net Sales grew 45% over 2 months following the campaign, representing a 100% Volume Growth over the same period from the previous year. Market-Share increased from 3.2% to 4.6%, representing a whopping 45% growth. Brand Love: Association with “stain removal” increased 38% from a shy 8%, 1 month after the campaign. Fans grew 50% on Instagram, 20% on Facebook, and 18% on Twitter. OMO’s positive online-sentiment also grew 67%, and the negative dropped 50%. Brand Engagement: 5,000 consumers experienced, first-hand, OMO effective-stain-removal. But the ripple effect reached 43% of Lebanon’s population online, growing OMO’s online mentions 71%. Campaign Popularity: OMO Tag reached international talk-ability with Adage, Ads-of-the-world, Executive, Marketeer, Adforum etc., commending the innovation, and further raising OMO’s effective-stain-removal reputation. Industry: Unilever is taking OMO Tag to 13 other markets in the coming year, and 3 other outlets in Lebanon, upon their request after witnessing significant campaign success.

    OMO Tag

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关? OMO在中东的一个关键品牌属性上落后了: 去污。另一方面,消费者对洗衣粉的 “去污效果” 主张免疫,对前后演示持怀疑态度,并且不欢迎超市中的样品。我们需要一个解决方案来证明OMO的去污效果。OMO标签使消费者能够通过令人惊讶和身临其境的体验亲眼目睹OMO的去污效果。我们偷偷把它送到他们的洗衣机,让他们负责取样。新的分类抽样技术赢得了消费者的心,并转化为实际的业务成果。 背景 OMO声称 “污垢是好的”,倡导儿童积极生活,赢得了消费者的心。但无法转化为商业。OMO在中东的一个关键品牌属性上落后了: 去污。(1) 尽管 “去污” 是OMO声称的核心,但它仍然落后于 “去污”,这令人费解。 但可以理解。消费者被大量 “恼人” 的超市抽样轰炸 (2)。与演示前后的陈词滥调相同-破旧的破布进入肥皂桶,然后变成令人眼花white乱的白色。因此,消费者对有效去除污渍的主张持怀疑态度,并对此免疫。我们没有什么不同。更糟糕的是,竞争的媒体口袋欺负了我们。 我们需要用另一个 “有效去除污渍” 的信息来吸引消费者的注意。但是我们的手被绑住了。索赔,演示或采样都不会做。 (1) 尼尔森 “清洁污垢”,2018 (2) 业务知识-研究 “客户不喜欢销售人员的7件事”,2016 描述创意 (投票20%) 我们小心翼翼地让消费者在他们自己的服装上,在他们自己的机器上进行了意想不到的个人现场演示。我们离开了超市,把我们的产品带到人们的衣服上,然后他们出去弄脏了。 我们中断了采样并创建了一种新的介质: OMO标签。就像您会在所有新衣服上找到的标签一样,但完全由OMO洗涤剂和100% 水溶性制成。 为了重申我们倡导积极生活方式的事业,我们与黎巴嫩最大的体育商店合作。把标签放在最脏的衣服上。消费者必须简单地取下标签并将其放入洗衣机中。足够的洗涤剂可以洗三件衣服-知道妈妈通常会分开洗非常脏的运动服。 这使妈妈们能够亲自测试洗涤剂,并见证OMO去污剂的优越性。 描述策略 (投票20%) 年轻母亲比以往任何时候都更有权力。但是,尽管他们是一支强大的劳动力队伍,但他们仍然保持着传统的性别角色 (1)。因此,有更多的责任和更少的时间进行实验。他们坚持自己的选择 (2)。 没有任何要求可以改变他们的想法。持怀疑态度,他们希望行动胜于雄辩。78% 想在购买前试用产品 (3)。但是,尽管他们充耳不闻,我们如何让他们尝试产品呢? 抽样?当然。事实证明,消费者讨厌被 “烦人” 的销售人员 (尤其是洗涤剂) 打断,同时试图离开繁忙的商店,保持理智 (4)。谁能责怪他们? 该策略可以归结为一个问题: 我们如何谨慎地将其放入洗衣机? (1) 路透社,2016 (2) 营销周,2018 (3) EMI事件跟踪调查,2015 (4) 业务知识-研究 “客户不喜欢销售人员的7件事”,2016 描述执行情况 (投票30%) 我们不想在超市里 “惹恼” 妈妈们,我们想成为他们喜欢的东西的一部分。我们寻找一个可以帮助我们倡导积极生活的地方,妈妈们喜欢购物的地方,以及我们可以展示OMO有效去除超级脏衣服上的污渍的地方。 与Sports 4合作,我们在受欢迎的球员的球衣上放置了5000 OMO标签,适用于儿童和青少年。将我们积极生活的理念不仅扩展到孩子,而且扩展到年轻人。每个标签都显示OMO标语 “污垢是好的”。就这样,我们在消费者知道之前就把样品送到了他们的手中。 为了展示标签的工作原理,我们创建了一个在Facebook,YouTube和Instagram上共享的演示视频。然后,我们将店内妈妈们对标签的反应变成了真正有趣的在线电影。结束了一个无聊的采样时代,开始了一个新的真实而有趣的时代。 列出结果 (投票30%) 业务: OMO的净销售额在活动结束后的两个月内45% 增长,与去年同期相比增长100%。市场份额从3.2% 增加到4.6%,代表着惊人的45% 增长。 品牌爱: 与 “去污” 的关联增加了38% 从一个害羞的8%,1个月后的运动。粉丝在Instagram上50%,在facb上20%Ok,并在Twitter上18%。OMO的积极在线情绪也67% 增长,负面情绪50% 下降。 品牌参与: 5,000消费者亲身体验了OMO有效去污效果。但是,连锁反应在网上达到了黎巴嫩43% 的人口,OMO的在线提及71% 增加。 竞选人气: OMO Tag与Adage,Ads-of-the-world,Executive,Marketeer,Adforum等达成了国际对话能力,赞扬了这项创新,并进一步提高了OMO的有效去污声誉。 行业: 在见证了重大的竞选成功后,联合利华将在来年将OMO标签带到13个其他市场,以及黎巴嫩的3个其他网点。

    OMO Tag

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation? OMO was behind on a key brand attribute in the Middle East: stain removal. On the other hand, consumers were immune to the sea of ‘stain-removal-effectiveness’ claims by laundry detergents, skeptical about before-and-after demos, and unwelcoming to samples in the supermarket. We needed a solution to prove OMO’s stain-removal-effectiveness. The OMO Tag allowed consumers to witness, first-hand, the stain-removal-effectiveness of OMO through a surprising and immersive experience. We secretly made it to their washer and put them in charge of the sampling. The new- to-category sampling technique won the hearts of consumers and translated into real business results. Background OMO claim “dirt is good”, that advocates for kids’ active lives, won the hearts of consumers. But couldn’t translate into business. OMO was behind on a key brand attribute in the Middle East: stain removal.(1) Lagging behind on ‘stain removal’ despite it being at the heart of OMO claim was puzzling. But understandable. Consumers were bombarded by a sea of “annoying” supermarket sampling(2). Same with clichéd before-and-after demos - where worn-out rags go into a soap bucket and come out blindingly white. Hence, consumers grew skeptical and immune to claims of effective-stain-removal. We were no different. Worse, the media pockets of competition bullied us out. We needed to catch the attention of consumers, with another ‘effective-stain-removal’ message. But our hands were tied. Neither a claim, nor a demo, nor a sampling would do. (1) Nielsen “The dirt on cleaning,” 2018 (2) Business Know-how-research “7 Things customers dislike about salespeople,” 2016 Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) We discreetly surprised consumers with an unexpected personal live demo, on their own garments, in their own machine. We moved away from supermarkets, and took our product to people’s clothes, before they go out and get dirty. We disrupted sampling and created a new medium: the OMO tag. Like the tag you’ll find on all new clothes, but made entirely out of OMO detergent and 100% water-soluble. To reassert our cause of advocating for an active lifestyle, we partnered with Lebanon’s biggest sports’ shop. Placed the tags on the types of clothes that get dirtiest. Consumers had to simply remove the tag and put it inside their washing machines. Enough detergent to wash up to three garments – knowing moms normally wash the very dirty sports garments separately. This enabled moms to personally test the detergent and witness the superiority of OMO stain-removing power. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Young mothers are more empowered than ever. But while they are a strong workforce, they still keep their traditional gender roles(1). Hence, have more responsibilities and less time for experimentation. They stick to their preferred choices(2). No claim can change their mind. Skeptical, they want actions that speak louder than words. 78% want to try a product before purchasing(3). But how do we get them to try a product despite them turning a deaf ear? Sampling? of course. But no. Turned out consumers hate being interrupted by “annoying” salespeople (especially for detergent), while trying to get out of the busy store with their sanity intact(4). And who can blame them? The strategy boiled down to one question: how can we discreetly make it to their washer? (1) Reuters, 2016 (2) Marketing Week, 2018 (3) EMI Event Track survey, 2015 (4) Business Know-how-research “7 Things customers dislike about salespeople,” 2016 Describe the execution (30% of vote) We didn't want to ‘annoy’ moms in the supermarket, we wanted to be part of something they love. We looked for a place that helps our advocacy for active lives, where mums enjoy shopping, and where we could demonstrate OMO effective-stain-removal on clothes that get super-dirty. Partnering with Sports 4ever, we placed 5000 OMO tags on Jerseys of popular players, meant for kids and teenagers. Extending our idea of active life to not just kids, but young people too. Each tag displayed OMO tagline ‘Dirt is good.’ And just like that, we got samples into consumers’ hands, before they knew. To show how the tag works, we created a demonstration video shared on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. We then turned in-store mums’ reaction to the tag into a genuine entertaining online film. Ending with that an era of boring sampling and starting a new authentic and amusing one. List the results (30% of vote) Business: OMO’s Net Sales grew 45% over 2 months following the campaign, representing a 100% Volume Growth over the same period from the previous year. Market-Share increased from 3.2% to 4.6%, representing a whopping 45% growth. Brand Love: Association with “stain removal” increased 38% from a shy 8%, 1 month after the campaign. Fans grew 50% on Instagram, 20% on Facebook, and 18% on Twitter. OMO’s positive online-sentiment also grew 67%, and the negative dropped 50%. Brand Engagement: 5,000 consumers experienced, first-hand, OMO effective-stain-removal. But the ripple effect reached 43% of Lebanon’s population online, growing OMO’s online mentions 71%. Campaign Popularity: OMO Tag reached international talk-ability with Adage, Ads-of-the-world, Executive, Marketeer, Adforum etc., commending the innovation, and further raising OMO’s effective-stain-removal reputation. Industry: Unilever is taking OMO Tag to 13 other markets in the coming year, and 3 other outlets in Lebanon, upon their request after witnessing significant campaign success.



    OMO Tag










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