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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与集成相关? 下一分钟的法律是一个完整的项目: 从法律本身的宣布到每一篇交流文章,使法律广为人知。与巴西联邦检察院合作,这是该国妇女的重大胜利。去年11月25日 (消除对妇女的暴力行为国际日),每一家香奈儿电视台、杂志、报纸、OOH频道、广播电台和数字平台都帮助每一位巴西妇女了解了这项法律。 描述您所在国家/地区有关健康与健康沟通的任何限制或法规,包括: N/A 健康与健康工作必须证明其如何符合 “改变生活的创造力” 标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? Next Minute Law是一项法律,确保在该国的公立医院,公共卫生诊所和公共卫生实验室向强奸受害者提供免费,即时的援助。为了帮助解决悲惨的统计数据,联邦检察和卫生部增加了80% 避孕药和PEP供应 (艾滋病毒鸡尾酒)。这种援助非常昂贵,只有医疗保健成员才能获得。对受害者的征服和每个巴西人的健康权。 背景 巴西联邦检察机关面临着一个悲惨的现实: 每天1,388起强奸案。几乎每分钟一个。其中98% 是女性。78% 发生在14岁以下的人身上。面对这一现实,原子能机构需要带来的不仅仅是沟通。我们必须帮助制定一项保护强奸受害者的法律。确保免费,立即援助在公立医院强奸受害者的法律。然后,通过提高对这些悲惨数字的认识,让这个国家的每一位妇女了解法律和她们立即在公立医院得到援助的权利。 描述创意 (投票20%) 3月8日 (妇女节),我们与联邦检察院合作,帮助法律合法化。一旦获得批准,为了使其令人难忘,我们为它创造了一个名字: 《下一分钟法》,该法确保为公立医院的强奸受害者提供免费,即时的援助。袭击发生后的一分钟。在发布当天,这是一个24小时的视频,其中每分钟都有一个新的受害者遭到袭击。在暴力事件频发且公共照明很少的街道上安装了照明强度为6倍的广告牌,不仅可以告知法律,还可以防止新的攻击。在肥皂剧中,每当发生虚构的虐待行为时,扮演受害者的女演员都会在商业休息期间回来,以提醒其他潜在的受害者注意袭击后应遵循的正确程序。Google工具帮助对强奸报告进行地理位置分析,以便立即在医院和警察局提供帮助。 描述策略 (投票30%) 为了帮助改变这一现实并促进法律的发展,首先,我们需要巴西最高当局宣布这一消息: 巴西联邦检察署。为了使它广为人知并令人难忘,我们必须为它命名,以便该国的每个妇女都可以了解它并与之相关。 描述执行情况 (投票30%) 要宣布法律,首先我们必须宣布悲剧。巴西人不知道每天有1,388起强奸案的悲惨统计数字。然后,根据这个令人震惊的数字,我们传达了法律,以帮助目标受众在每个健康接触点帮助受害者。在电视上,我们推出了一个1分钟的点,以告知一个强奸案/分钟的速度。在网上,我们在主要频道上播放了24小时的视频。数字影响者,Youtubers,名人,歌手,电视主持人,每个人都帮助传播了有关法律的信息。在11月25日 (消除对妇女的暴力行为国际日),每个电视频道,杂志,报纸,OOH频道和数字平台都在谈论它。 列出结果 (投票20%) 9.86亿媒体印象 广告召回中的35% 提升 杂志封面 脱口秀 该项目在联合国妇女署纽约 关于健康: 获得避孕药和PEP的机会80% 增加 关于安全: 圣保罗有10个新的妇女警察局在24/7工作。2021年全国将有30个新车站。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Integrated? Next Minute Law is a full project: from the announcement of the law itself to every communication piece to turn the law well known. In partnership with the Federal Prosecution Service of Brazil, it was a major victory for women in the country. Last November 25th (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women), every TV Chanel, magazine, newspaper, OOH channel, radio station and digital platform helped inform every Brazilian woman about the law. Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: N/A Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? Next Minute Law is a law that ensures free, immediate assistance to rape victims in public hospitals, public health clinics and public health laboratories in the country. To help tackle the tragic statistics Public Federal Prosecution and Health Ministry increased in 80% contraceptive pills and PEP supply (HIV cocktail). Such assistance was extremely costly and available only to healthcare members. A conquer for victims and a health right to every Brazilian. Background The Federal Prosecution Service of Brazil faces a tragic reality: 1,388 rape cases per day. Almost one per minute. 98% of them are women. And 78% happen with those under the age of 14. With this reality, the agency needed to bring much more than communication to the table. We had to help bring to life a law to protect rape victims. A law that ensures free, immediate assistance to rape victims in public hospitals. And then, by raising awareness to these tragic numbers, inform every single woman in the country about the law and their right to be assisted immediately at public hospitals. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) On March 8th (Women’s Day), in partnership with Federal Prosecution Service, we helped legitimate the law. Once approved, to make it memorable, we coined a name for it: The next minute law, which ensures free, immediate assistance to rape victims at public hospitals. The minute after the assault. On the launch day, a 24-hour video in which in every minute, a new victim is assaulted. Billboards with lighting 6 times stronger were installed on streets with high incidence of violence and little pubic lighting in order to not only inform about the law, but also to prevent new assaults. On soap operas, whenever a fictional abuse happened, the actress performing the victim would back during the commercial break to alert other potential victims about the right procedure to be followed after an assault. A Google tool helped geolocate rape reports for immediate assistance at hospitals and police stations. Describe the strategy (30% of vote) To help change this reality and promote the law, first we needed the highest authority in Brazil to announce it: the Federal Prosecution Service of Brazil. To make it well known and memorable, we had to coin a name for it, so that every woman in the country could learn about it and relate to it. Describe the execution (30% of vote) To announce the law, first we had to announce the tragedy. Brazilians were not aware of this tragic statistics of 1,388 rape cases every day. Then, based on this shocking number, we communicated the law to help assist victims in every health touchpoint for the target audience. On TV, we launched a 1-minute spot to inform the one rape case/minute rate. Online we had a 24-hour video on major channels. Digital influencers, Youtubers, celebrities, singers, TV hosts, everyone helped spread the word about the law. On November 25th (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women), every TV channel, magazine, newspaper, OOH channel and digital platform talked about it. List the results (20% of vote) 986 million media impressions 35% lift in ad recall Magazine covers Talk shows The project was presented at UN Women NY Regarding health: 80% increase in the access to contraceptive pills and PEP Regarding safety: 10 new women’s police stations in Sao Paulo working 24/7. There will be 30 new stations around the country by 2021.

    Next Minute law - case

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与集成相关? 下一分钟的法律是一个完整的项目: 从法律本身的宣布到每一篇交流文章,使法律广为人知。与巴西联邦检察院合作,这是该国妇女的重大胜利。去年11月25日 (消除对妇女的暴力行为国际日),每一家香奈儿电视台、杂志、报纸、OOH频道、广播电台和数字平台都帮助每一位巴西妇女了解了这项法律。 描述您所在国家/地区有关健康与健康沟通的任何限制或法规,包括: N/A 健康与健康工作必须证明其如何符合 “改变生活的创造力” 标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? Next Minute Law是一项法律,确保在该国的公立医院,公共卫生诊所和公共卫生实验室向强奸受害者提供免费,即时的援助。为了帮助解决悲惨的统计数据,联邦检察和卫生部增加了80% 避孕药和PEP供应 (艾滋病毒鸡尾酒)。这种援助非常昂贵,只有医疗保健成员才能获得。对受害者的征服和每个巴西人的健康权。 背景 巴西联邦检察机关面临着一个悲惨的现实: 每天1,388起强奸案。几乎每分钟一个。其中98% 是女性。78% 发生在14岁以下的人身上。面对这一现实,原子能机构需要带来的不仅仅是沟通。我们必须帮助制定一项保护强奸受害者的法律。确保免费,立即援助在公立医院强奸受害者的法律。然后,通过提高对这些悲惨数字的认识,让这个国家的每一位妇女了解法律和她们立即在公立医院得到援助的权利。 描述创意 (投票20%) 3月8日 (妇女节),我们与联邦检察院合作,帮助法律合法化。一旦获得批准,为了使其令人难忘,我们为它创造了一个名字: 《下一分钟法》,该法确保为公立医院的强奸受害者提供免费,即时的援助。袭击发生后的一分钟。在发布当天,这是一个24小时的视频,其中每分钟都有一个新的受害者遭到袭击。在暴力事件频发且公共照明很少的街道上安装了照明强度为6倍的广告牌,不仅可以告知法律,还可以防止新的攻击。在肥皂剧中,每当发生虚构的虐待行为时,扮演受害者的女演员都会在商业休息期间回来,以提醒其他潜在的受害者注意袭击后应遵循的正确程序。Google工具帮助对强奸报告进行地理位置分析,以便立即在医院和警察局提供帮助。 描述策略 (投票30%) 为了帮助改变这一现实并促进法律的发展,首先,我们需要巴西最高当局宣布这一消息: 巴西联邦检察署。为了使它广为人知并令人难忘,我们必须为它命名,以便该国的每个妇女都可以了解它并与之相关。 描述执行情况 (投票30%) 要宣布法律,首先我们必须宣布悲剧。巴西人不知道每天有1,388起强奸案的悲惨统计数字。然后,根据这个令人震惊的数字,我们传达了法律,以帮助目标受众在每个健康接触点帮助受害者。在电视上,我们推出了一个1分钟的点,以告知一个强奸案/分钟的速度。在网上,我们在主要频道上播放了24小时的视频。数字影响者,Youtubers,名人,歌手,电视主持人,每个人都帮助传播了有关法律的信息。在11月25日 (消除对妇女的暴力行为国际日),每个电视频道,杂志,报纸,OOH频道和数字平台都在谈论它。 列出结果 (投票20%) 9.86亿媒体印象 广告召回中的35% 提升 杂志封面 脱口秀 该项目在联合国妇女署纽约 关于健康: 获得避孕药和PEP的机会80% 增加 关于安全: 圣保罗有10个新的妇女警察局在24/7工作。2021年全国将有30个新车站。

    Next Minute law - case

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Integrated? Next Minute Law is a full project: from the announcement of the law itself to every communication piece to turn the law well known. In partnership with the Federal Prosecution Service of Brazil, it was a major victory for women in the country. Last November 25th (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women), every TV Chanel, magazine, newspaper, OOH channel, radio station and digital platform helped inform every Brazilian woman about the law. Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: N/A Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? Next Minute Law is a law that ensures free, immediate assistance to rape victims in public hospitals, public health clinics and public health laboratories in the country. To help tackle the tragic statistics Public Federal Prosecution and Health Ministry increased in 80% contraceptive pills and PEP supply (HIV cocktail). Such assistance was extremely costly and available only to healthcare members. A conquer for victims and a health right to every Brazilian. Background The Federal Prosecution Service of Brazil faces a tragic reality: 1,388 rape cases per day. Almost one per minute. 98% of them are women. And 78% happen with those under the age of 14. With this reality, the agency needed to bring much more than communication to the table. We had to help bring to life a law to protect rape victims. A law that ensures free, immediate assistance to rape victims in public hospitals. And then, by raising awareness to these tragic numbers, inform every single woman in the country about the law and their right to be assisted immediately at public hospitals. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) On March 8th (Women’s Day), in partnership with Federal Prosecution Service, we helped legitimate the law. Once approved, to make it memorable, we coined a name for it: The next minute law, which ensures free, immediate assistance to rape victims at public hospitals. The minute after the assault. On the launch day, a 24-hour video in which in every minute, a new victim is assaulted. Billboards with lighting 6 times stronger were installed on streets with high incidence of violence and little pubic lighting in order to not only inform about the law, but also to prevent new assaults. On soap operas, whenever a fictional abuse happened, the actress performing the victim would back during the commercial break to alert other potential victims about the right procedure to be followed after an assault. A Google tool helped geolocate rape reports for immediate assistance at hospitals and police stations. Describe the strategy (30% of vote) To help change this reality and promote the law, first we needed the highest authority in Brazil to announce it: the Federal Prosecution Service of Brazil. To make it well known and memorable, we had to coin a name for it, so that every woman in the country could learn about it and relate to it. Describe the execution (30% of vote) To announce the law, first we had to announce the tragedy. Brazilians were not aware of this tragic statistics of 1,388 rape cases every day. Then, based on this shocking number, we communicated the law to help assist victims in every health touchpoint for the target audience. On TV, we launched a 1-minute spot to inform the one rape case/minute rate. Online we had a 24-hour video on major channels. Digital influencers, Youtubers, celebrities, singers, TV hosts, everyone helped spread the word about the law. On November 25th (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women), every TV channel, magazine, newspaper, OOH channel and digital platform talked about it. List the results (20% of vote) 986 million media impressions 35% lift in ad recall Magazine covers Talk shows The project was presented at UN Women NY Regarding health: 80% increase in the access to contraceptive pills and PEP Regarding safety: 10 new women’s police stations in Sao Paulo working 24/7. There will be 30 new stations around the country by 2021.



    Next Minute law - case






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