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    The Swedish Number短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 瑞典是一个开放和自由的国家。为了证明这一点,瑞典作为世界上第一个国家,有自己的电话号码。当你从国外打电话时,你会和一个瑞典的随机瑞典人联系。然后你可以谈论任何事情。瑞典的数字将国家形象的控制权交给了瑞典人自己。没有什么是审查或预先安排的。以言论自由的名义 -- 不管你有什么意见,这都很重要。瑞典号码是开放的,任何人都可以用普通电话打电话,但只能从国外打电话。瑞典人只需下载一个应用程序就可以注册为 “电话大使”。 执行 活动的中心是一个定制的复杂的基于云的交换机。世界上最大的之一。交换机确保电话只能从瑞典以外的地方打来,然后将它连接到一个随机的瑞典人排队接听。如果你有瑞典电话号码 (+ 46),你可以从应用商店下载瑞典号码应用程序。注册你的电子邮件和电话号码,就这样,然后你就可以开始接电话了。如果你不想有空,很容易关闭。超过 26.000 名瑞典人被列为 “电话大使”。该应用程序基于交换机板 open API 的给用户 概要 作为世界上第一个国家,瑞典作为一个国家,有自己的电话号码。当人们从国外打电话给它时,他们会和一个随机的瑞典人联系,以言论自由的名义,他们可以谈论任何事情。在一个人们躲在键盘后面的数字世界中,瑞典数字创造了许多与瑞典和瑞典价值观的精彩的人与人的会面。通过使用老式的模拟设备 -- 简单的电话。每一个电话都创造了瑞典独特的画面。瑞典是一个开放的国家,人们可以畅所欲言。 1766 年,瑞典是世界上第一个废除审查制度的国家。因此,在 250 年后的周年纪念日期间,当瑞典旅游协会想让更多的人访问瑞典时,他们决定向外界公布未经审查的真相。 结果 瑞典的数字立即在全球迅速传播。来自所有国家的人都在成千上万的电视直播节目和新闻频道、直播电台节目、报纸文章、博客、推特、 Facebook 上发现了它。100.000 打来电话,回答问题的瑞典人代表了社会的各个部分 -- 地理、年龄和观点。没有 (零!) 用于购买媒体或播种。到目前为止的结果 (4月底): 电话总数: 128.392 瑞典电话大使: 23.400No 国家电话: 178(世界 194) 累计通话时间 253 天。最长通话时间: 3 小时 42 分钟媒体印象: 91.07亿。媒体价值: 1.46亿美元。 战略 瑞典旅游协会是一个自 1885年以来一直扎根于瑞典旅游业的组织,在瑞典各地经营酒店和招待所。他们的主要目标是发展旅游业,鼓励瑞典人和外国人发现瑞典作为一个国家。世界变得越来越不确定,各国都关闭了交流方式。瑞典旅游协会想做相反的事情 -- 他们想向瑞典出售其人民的价值观和观点,无论他们是什么。因为每个瑞典人都有自己对国家的看法,所以每个电话都成为对瑞典的独特描述。在 webdishnumber.com 网页上,你会得到简单的背景,即瑞典数字电影和实时统计关于活动的电话号码、最新呼叫国家平均呼叫时间等。 执行 活动的中心是一个定制的复杂的基于云的交换机。世界上最大的之一。交换机确保电话只能从瑞典以外的地方打来,并将其连接到下一个瑞典人的线上接听。如果你有瑞典电话号码 (+ 46),你可以从应用商店下载瑞典号码应用程序。注册你的电子邮件和电话号码,就这样,然后你就可以开始接电话了。电话出现在你的手机里,像个普通电话。在网页 theswedishnumber.com 上,你会得到简单的背景,即瑞典数字电影和关于活动的统计数据 -- 电话号码。发布了一部通用电影,解释了这个项目。一周后,瑞典总理接听瑞典电话的电影上映了。 相关性 作为世界上第一个国家,瑞典作为一个国家,有自己的电话号码。当人们从国外打电话给它时,他们会和一个随机的瑞典人联系,以言论自由的名义,他们可以谈论任何事情。每一个电话都创造了瑞典独特的画面。瑞典的数字立即在全球范围内创造了参与。电话是 100.000 打来的。23.000 多名瑞典人入伍成为“电话大使 ”。主要媒体把它炸毁了,很多人拨打了这个号码,并在电视和广播中与随机的瑞典人进行了直播。 概要 瑞典是一个开放的国家,人们可以畅所欲言。1766 年,瑞典是世界上第一个废除审查制度的国家。因此,在 250 年后的周年纪念日期间,当瑞典旅游协会想让更多的人访问瑞典时,他们决定向外界公布未经审查的真相。 结果 瑞典的数字立即在全球迅速传播。来自所有国家的人都在成千上万的电视直播节目和新闻频道、直播电台节目、报纸文章、博客、推特、 Facebook 上发现了它。100.000 打来电话,回答问题的瑞典人代表了社会的各个部分 -- 地理、年龄和观点。没有 (零!) 用于购买媒体或播种。到目前为止 (4月底) 的结果: 电话总数: 128.392 瑞典电话大使: 26.069No 国家电话: 178(世界 194) 累计通话时间 253 天。最长通话时间: 3 小时 42 分钟媒体印象: 91.07亿。媒体价值: 1.46亿美元。 活动描述 作为世界上第一个国家,瑞典有自己的电话号码。当你从国外打电话时,你会和一个瑞典的随机瑞典人联系。然后你可以谈论任何事情。瑞典的数字将国家形象的控制权交给了瑞典人自己。没有什么是审查或预先安排的。以言论自由的名义 -- 无论你有什么意见,这都很重要。在一个人们躲在键盘后面的数字世界中,瑞典数字创造了许多与瑞典和瑞典价值观的精彩的人与人的会面。通过使用老式的模拟设备 -- 一个简单的电话。瑞典的号码是开放的,任何人都可以使用普通电话打电话,但只能从国外打电话。瑞典人只需下载一个应用程序就可以注册为 “电话大使”。 战略 瑞典旅游协会是一个自 1885年以来一直扎根于瑞典旅游业的组织,在瑞典各地经营酒店和招待所。他们的主要目标是发展旅游业,鼓励瑞典人和外国人发现瑞典作为一个国家。世界变得越来越不确定,各国都关闭了交流方式。瑞典旅游协会想要与之相反 -- 他们想向瑞典出售其民族的价值观和观点,无论他们是什么。因为每个瑞典人都有自己对国家的看法,所以每个电话都成为对瑞典的独特描述。


    案例简介:Campaign Description Sweden is an open and free country. To prove it Sweden, as the first country in the world, got its own phone number. When calling it from abroad you get connected to a random Swede, somewhere in Sweden. Then you can talk about anything. The Swedish Number gave the control of the image of the country to the Swedes themselves. Nothing was censored or pre-arranged. In the name of freedom of speech - what ever opinion you may have, it matters.The Swedish Number is open for anyone to call just by using a normal telephone, but only from abroad. Swedes register as "telephone ambassadors" simply by downloading an App. Execution The hub of the campaign was a tailor made sophisticated cloudbased switchboard. One of the largest in the world. The switchboard made sure that calls can only come in from outside Sweden and then it connects it to a random Swede in line to answer. That person is then moved to last in line.If you have a Swedish phone number (+46) you can download The Swedish Number App from App-Store. Register your email and phone number, that's it, then you can start taking calls. If you don't want to be available, its easy to turn off. More than 26.000 Swedes enlisted as "telephone ambassadors".The App is based on the switch Boards open API’s giving the user Synopsis As the first country in the world Sweden, as a country, got its own phone number. When people call it from abroad they get connected to a random Swede, and in the name of freedom of speech, they can talk about anything. In a digital world where people hide behind key boards, The Swedish Number created numerous of wonderful person to person meetings with Sweden and Swedish values in focus. By using something old fashioned and analog - a simple telephone. Every phone call created an unique picture of Sweden.Sweden is known for being an open country where people can speak their mind.And in the year 1766 Sweden was the first country in the world to abolish censorship. So during the anniversary 250 years later, when The Swedish Tourist Association wanted to make more people visit Sweden, they decided to give the outside world the UNCENSORED truth. Outcome The Swedish Number instantly spread rapidly across the globe. People from all countries found it on tens of thousands Live TV-Shows and News channels, Live radioshows, in newspaper articles, in bloggs, on Twitter, on Facebook. Calls came in by the 100.000 and the Swedish people answering represented all parts of society - geographically, ages and opinions.Nothing (ZERO!) was spent on bought media or seeding.The results so far (end of April):Total calls: 128.392Swedish Phone Ambassadors: 23.400No of countries calling: 178 (194 in the world)Accumulated calling time 253 days.Longest call: 3h 42minTotal media impressions: 9.107 billion.Media Value: 146 million dollars (US). Strategy The Swedish Tourist Association is an organisation with deep roots in Swedish tourism since 1885, running hotels and hostels all over Sweden. Their main objective is to develop tourism and to encourage both Swedes and foreigners to discover Sweden as a country.The world is getting more uncertain, countries are shutting down ways of communication. The Swedish Tourist Association wanted to do the opposite - they wanted to sell Sweden with its peoples values and opinions, whatever they might be.Since every Swede has his/her own perception of his/her country, every call becomes a unique description of Sweden.On the web page theswedishnumber.com, you get the simple background, i.e. The Swedish Number film and statistics in real time regarding the campaign - number of calls, latest calling country average calling time etc. Execution The hub of the campaign was a tailor made sophisticated cloudbased switchboard. One of the largest in the world. The switchboard made sure that calls can only come in from outside Sweden and the it connects it to the next Swede in line to answer. That person is then moved to last in line.If you have a Swedish phone number (+46) you can download The Swedish Number App from App-Store. Register your email and phone number, that's it, then you can start taking calls. The call shows up in your phone lika a normal call. On the web page theswedishnumber.com, you get the simple background, i.e. The Swedish Number film and statistics regarding the campaign - number of calls, calling.A general film was released, explaining the project. And one week after a film with the Swedish Prime Minister answering calls for The Swedish Number was released. Relevancy As the first country in the world Sweden, as a country, got its own phone number. When people call it from abroad they get connected to a random Swede, and in the name of freedom of speech, they can talk about anything. Every phone call created an unique picture of Sweden. The Swedish Number created immediately involvement all around the globe. The calls were coming in by the 100.000. And more than 23.000 Swedes enlisted as "telephone ambassadors". Major Media blew it up big, numerous called the number and spoke to random Swedes in live broadcasting on TV and radio. Synopsis Sweden is known for being an open country where people can speak their mind.And in the year 1766 Sweden was the first country in the world to abolish censorship. So during the anniversary 250 years later, when The Swedish Tourist Association wanted to make more people visit Sweden, they decided to give the outside world the uncensored truth. Outcome The Swedish Number instantly spread rapidly across the globe. People from all countries found it on tens of thousands Live TV-Shows and News channels, Live radioshows, in newspaper articles, in bloggs, on Twitter, on Facebook. Calls came in by the 100.000 and the Swedish people answering represented all parts of society - geographically, ages and opinions.Nothing (ZERO!) was spent on bought media or seeding.The results so far (end of April):Total calls: 128.392Swedish Phone Ambassadors: 26.069No of countries calling: 178 (194 in the world)Accumulated calling time 253 days.Longest call: 3h 42minTotal media impressions: 9.107 billion.Media Value: 146 million dollars (US). Campaign Description As the first country in the world, Sweden got its own phone number. When calling it from abroad you get connected to a random Swede, somewhere in Sweden. Then you can talk about anything. The Swedish Number gave the control of the image of the country to the Swedes themselves. Nothing was censored or pre-arranged. In the name of freedom of speech - what ever opinion you may have, it matters.In a digital world where people hide behind key boards, The Swedish Number created numerous of wonderful person to person meetings with Sweden and Swedish values in focus. By using something old fashioned and analog - a simple telephone.The Swedish Number is open for anyone to call just by using a normal telephone, but only from abroad. Swedes register as "telephone ambassadors" simply by downloading an App. Strategy The Swedish Tourist Association is an organisation with deep roots in Swedish tourism since 1885, running hotels and hostels all over Sweden. Their main objective is to develop tourism and to encourage both Swedes and foreigners to discover Sweden as a country.The world is getting more uncertain, countries are shutting down ways of communication. The Swedish Tourist Association wanted to to the opposite - they wanted to sell Sweden with its peoples values and opinions, whatever they might be.Since every Swede has his/her own perception of his/her country, every call becomes a unique description of Sweden.

    The Swedish Number

    案例简介:活动描述 瑞典是一个开放和自由的国家。为了证明这一点,瑞典作为世界上第一个国家,有自己的电话号码。当你从国外打电话时,你会和一个瑞典的随机瑞典人联系。然后你可以谈论任何事情。瑞典的数字将国家形象的控制权交给了瑞典人自己。没有什么是审查或预先安排的。以言论自由的名义 -- 不管你有什么意见,这都很重要。瑞典号码是开放的,任何人都可以用普通电话打电话,但只能从国外打电话。瑞典人只需下载一个应用程序就可以注册为 “电话大使”。 执行 活动的中心是一个定制的复杂的基于云的交换机。世界上最大的之一。交换机确保电话只能从瑞典以外的地方打来,然后将它连接到一个随机的瑞典人排队接听。如果你有瑞典电话号码 (+ 46),你可以从应用商店下载瑞典号码应用程序。注册你的电子邮件和电话号码,就这样,然后你就可以开始接电话了。如果你不想有空,很容易关闭。超过 26.000 名瑞典人被列为 “电话大使”。该应用程序基于交换机板 open API 的给用户 概要 作为世界上第一个国家,瑞典作为一个国家,有自己的电话号码。当人们从国外打电话给它时,他们会和一个随机的瑞典人联系,以言论自由的名义,他们可以谈论任何事情。在一个人们躲在键盘后面的数字世界中,瑞典数字创造了许多与瑞典和瑞典价值观的精彩的人与人的会面。通过使用老式的模拟设备 -- 简单的电话。每一个电话都创造了瑞典独特的画面。瑞典是一个开放的国家,人们可以畅所欲言。 1766 年,瑞典是世界上第一个废除审查制度的国家。因此,在 250 年后的周年纪念日期间,当瑞典旅游协会想让更多的人访问瑞典时,他们决定向外界公布未经审查的真相。 结果 瑞典的数字立即在全球迅速传播。来自所有国家的人都在成千上万的电视直播节目和新闻频道、直播电台节目、报纸文章、博客、推特、 Facebook 上发现了它。100.000 打来电话,回答问题的瑞典人代表了社会的各个部分 -- 地理、年龄和观点。没有 (零!) 用于购买媒体或播种。到目前为止的结果 (4月底): 电话总数: 128.392 瑞典电话大使: 23.400No 国家电话: 178(世界 194) 累计通话时间 253 天。最长通话时间: 3 小时 42 分钟媒体印象: 91.07亿。媒体价值: 1.46亿美元。 战略 瑞典旅游协会是一个自 1885年以来一直扎根于瑞典旅游业的组织,在瑞典各地经营酒店和招待所。他们的主要目标是发展旅游业,鼓励瑞典人和外国人发现瑞典作为一个国家。世界变得越来越不确定,各国都关闭了交流方式。瑞典旅游协会想做相反的事情 -- 他们想向瑞典出售其人民的价值观和观点,无论他们是什么。因为每个瑞典人都有自己对国家的看法,所以每个电话都成为对瑞典的独特描述。在 webdishnumber.com 网页上,你会得到简单的背景,即瑞典数字电影和实时统计关于活动的电话号码、最新呼叫国家平均呼叫时间等。 执行 活动的中心是一个定制的复杂的基于云的交换机。世界上最大的之一。交换机确保电话只能从瑞典以外的地方打来,并将其连接到下一个瑞典人的线上接听。如果你有瑞典电话号码 (+ 46),你可以从应用商店下载瑞典号码应用程序。注册你的电子邮件和电话号码,就这样,然后你就可以开始接电话了。电话出现在你的手机里,像个普通电话。在网页 theswedishnumber.com 上,你会得到简单的背景,即瑞典数字电影和关于活动的统计数据 -- 电话号码。发布了一部通用电影,解释了这个项目。一周后,瑞典总理接听瑞典电话的电影上映了。 相关性 作为世界上第一个国家,瑞典作为一个国家,有自己的电话号码。当人们从国外打电话给它时,他们会和一个随机的瑞典人联系,以言论自由的名义,他们可以谈论任何事情。每一个电话都创造了瑞典独特的画面。瑞典的数字立即在全球范围内创造了参与。电话是 100.000 打来的。23.000 多名瑞典人入伍成为“电话大使 ”。主要媒体把它炸毁了,很多人拨打了这个号码,并在电视和广播中与随机的瑞典人进行了直播。 概要 瑞典是一个开放的国家,人们可以畅所欲言。1766 年,瑞典是世界上第一个废除审查制度的国家。因此,在 250 年后的周年纪念日期间,当瑞典旅游协会想让更多的人访问瑞典时,他们决定向外界公布未经审查的真相。 结果 瑞典的数字立即在全球迅速传播。来自所有国家的人都在成千上万的电视直播节目和新闻频道、直播电台节目、报纸文章、博客、推特、 Facebook 上发现了它。100.000 打来电话,回答问题的瑞典人代表了社会的各个部分 -- 地理、年龄和观点。没有 (零!) 用于购买媒体或播种。到目前为止 (4月底) 的结果: 电话总数: 128.392 瑞典电话大使: 26.069No 国家电话: 178(世界 194) 累计通话时间 253 天。最长通话时间: 3 小时 42 分钟媒体印象: 91.07亿。媒体价值: 1.46亿美元。 活动描述 作为世界上第一个国家,瑞典有自己的电话号码。当你从国外打电话时,你会和一个瑞典的随机瑞典人联系。然后你可以谈论任何事情。瑞典的数字将国家形象的控制权交给了瑞典人自己。没有什么是审查或预先安排的。以言论自由的名义 -- 无论你有什么意见,这都很重要。在一个人们躲在键盘后面的数字世界中,瑞典数字创造了许多与瑞典和瑞典价值观的精彩的人与人的会面。通过使用老式的模拟设备 -- 一个简单的电话。瑞典的号码是开放的,任何人都可以使用普通电话打电话,但只能从国外打电话。瑞典人只需下载一个应用程序就可以注册为 “电话大使”。 战略 瑞典旅游协会是一个自 1885年以来一直扎根于瑞典旅游业的组织,在瑞典各地经营酒店和招待所。他们的主要目标是发展旅游业,鼓励瑞典人和外国人发现瑞典作为一个国家。世界变得越来越不确定,各国都关闭了交流方式。瑞典旅游协会想要与之相反 -- 他们想向瑞典出售其民族的价值观和观点,无论他们是什么。因为每个瑞典人都有自己对国家的看法,所以每个电话都成为对瑞典的独特描述。

    The Swedish Number

    案例简介:Campaign Description Sweden is an open and free country. To prove it Sweden, as the first country in the world, got its own phone number. When calling it from abroad you get connected to a random Swede, somewhere in Sweden. Then you can talk about anything. The Swedish Number gave the control of the image of the country to the Swedes themselves. Nothing was censored or pre-arranged. In the name of freedom of speech - what ever opinion you may have, it matters.The Swedish Number is open for anyone to call just by using a normal telephone, but only from abroad. Swedes register as "telephone ambassadors" simply by downloading an App. Execution The hub of the campaign was a tailor made sophisticated cloudbased switchboard. One of the largest in the world. The switchboard made sure that calls can only come in from outside Sweden and then it connects it to a random Swede in line to answer. That person is then moved to last in line.If you have a Swedish phone number (+46) you can download The Swedish Number App from App-Store. Register your email and phone number, that's it, then you can start taking calls. If you don't want to be available, its easy to turn off. More than 26.000 Swedes enlisted as "telephone ambassadors".The App is based on the switch Boards open API’s giving the user Synopsis As the first country in the world Sweden, as a country, got its own phone number. When people call it from abroad they get connected to a random Swede, and in the name of freedom of speech, they can talk about anything. In a digital world where people hide behind key boards, The Swedish Number created numerous of wonderful person to person meetings with Sweden and Swedish values in focus. By using something old fashioned and analog - a simple telephone. Every phone call created an unique picture of Sweden.Sweden is known for being an open country where people can speak their mind.And in the year 1766 Sweden was the first country in the world to abolish censorship. So during the anniversary 250 years later, when The Swedish Tourist Association wanted to make more people visit Sweden, they decided to give the outside world the UNCENSORED truth. Outcome The Swedish Number instantly spread rapidly across the globe. People from all countries found it on tens of thousands Live TV-Shows and News channels, Live radioshows, in newspaper articles, in bloggs, on Twitter, on Facebook. Calls came in by the 100.000 and the Swedish people answering represented all parts of society - geographically, ages and opinions.Nothing (ZERO!) was spent on bought media or seeding.The results so far (end of April):Total calls: 128.392Swedish Phone Ambassadors: 23.400No of countries calling: 178 (194 in the world)Accumulated calling time 253 days.Longest call: 3h 42minTotal media impressions: 9.107 billion.Media Value: 146 million dollars (US). Strategy The Swedish Tourist Association is an organisation with deep roots in Swedish tourism since 1885, running hotels and hostels all over Sweden. Their main objective is to develop tourism and to encourage both Swedes and foreigners to discover Sweden as a country.The world is getting more uncertain, countries are shutting down ways of communication. The Swedish Tourist Association wanted to do the opposite - they wanted to sell Sweden with its peoples values and opinions, whatever they might be.Since every Swede has his/her own perception of his/her country, every call becomes a unique description of Sweden.On the web page theswedishnumber.com, you get the simple background, i.e. The Swedish Number film and statistics in real time regarding the campaign - number of calls, latest calling country average calling time etc. Execution The hub of the campaign was a tailor made sophisticated cloudbased switchboard. One of the largest in the world. The switchboard made sure that calls can only come in from outside Sweden and the it connects it to the next Swede in line to answer. That person is then moved to last in line.If you have a Swedish phone number (+46) you can download The Swedish Number App from App-Store. Register your email and phone number, that's it, then you can start taking calls. The call shows up in your phone lika a normal call. On the web page theswedishnumber.com, you get the simple background, i.e. The Swedish Number film and statistics regarding the campaign - number of calls, calling.A general film was released, explaining the project. And one week after a film with the Swedish Prime Minister answering calls for The Swedish Number was released. Relevancy As the first country in the world Sweden, as a country, got its own phone number. When people call it from abroad they get connected to a random Swede, and in the name of freedom of speech, they can talk about anything. Every phone call created an unique picture of Sweden. The Swedish Number created immediately involvement all around the globe. The calls were coming in by the 100.000. And more than 23.000 Swedes enlisted as "telephone ambassadors". Major Media blew it up big, numerous called the number and spoke to random Swedes in live broadcasting on TV and radio. Synopsis Sweden is known for being an open country where people can speak their mind.And in the year 1766 Sweden was the first country in the world to abolish censorship. So during the anniversary 250 years later, when The Swedish Tourist Association wanted to make more people visit Sweden, they decided to give the outside world the uncensored truth. Outcome The Swedish Number instantly spread rapidly across the globe. People from all countries found it on tens of thousands Live TV-Shows and News channels, Live radioshows, in newspaper articles, in bloggs, on Twitter, on Facebook. Calls came in by the 100.000 and the Swedish people answering represented all parts of society - geographically, ages and opinions.Nothing (ZERO!) was spent on bought media or seeding.The results so far (end of April):Total calls: 128.392Swedish Phone Ambassadors: 26.069No of countries calling: 178 (194 in the world)Accumulated calling time 253 days.Longest call: 3h 42minTotal media impressions: 9.107 billion.Media Value: 146 million dollars (US). Campaign Description As the first country in the world, Sweden got its own phone number. When calling it from abroad you get connected to a random Swede, somewhere in Sweden. Then you can talk about anything. The Swedish Number gave the control of the image of the country to the Swedes themselves. Nothing was censored or pre-arranged. In the name of freedom of speech - what ever opinion you may have, it matters.In a digital world where people hide behind key boards, The Swedish Number created numerous of wonderful person to person meetings with Sweden and Swedish values in focus. By using something old fashioned and analog - a simple telephone.The Swedish Number is open for anyone to call just by using a normal telephone, but only from abroad. Swedes register as "telephone ambassadors" simply by downloading an App. Strategy The Swedish Tourist Association is an organisation with deep roots in Swedish tourism since 1885, running hotels and hostels all over Sweden. Their main objective is to develop tourism and to encourage both Swedes and foreigners to discover Sweden as a country.The world is getting more uncertain, countries are shutting down ways of communication. The Swedish Tourist Association wanted to to the opposite - they wanted to sell Sweden with its peoples values and opinions, whatever they might be.Since every Swede has his/her own perception of his/her country, every call becomes a unique description of Sweden.



    The Swedish Number










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