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    案例简介:讴歌推出全新 ILX,成为讴歌品牌的新门户 竞选以电视、数字和印刷为目标的 Y 一代观众 加州托兰斯 2012年6月4日电-Acura 推出了一场全面的营销活动,首次推出 ILX,这是一款全新的紧凑型豪华轿车,定位为 Acura 品牌的门户。与讴歌唱片公司 rp & 合作开发的以 Y 一代为中心的活动旨在帮助充满活力的年轻消费者通过电视、数字和印刷广告进入奢侈品市场。 “一系列标准的讴歌特色,起价 25,900 美元,使 ILX 成为奢侈品市场的理想门户,也是新一代年轻买家的讴歌品牌, 国家营销运营副总裁迈克 · 阿卡维蒂说。“这项活动将有助于吸引寻求补充其积极生活方式的潜在客户。" 这两个电视和影院广告采用了 Ting Tings 和 Nick Waterhouse 的著名曲调,利用了一个分割的屏幕,描绘了同步的 Yers 一代,同时建立了他们的职业生涯和社会生活, 一边蜿蜒穿过机场和公司办公室,另一边游览高档度假村和夜总会。在每个广告中,角色在 ILX 的驾驶座上结束旅程。“生活应该是责任和乐趣的平等部分,” 画外音说。“介绍新的 Acura ILX。向上移动。没有安定下来。" 苏西 · 罗西克说: “这些广告捕捉到了典型的 Y 一代生活方式的二元性 -- 工作他们的第一份工作,试图给人留下深刻印象,同时也腾出时间去享受乐趣和生活。” 讴歌广告经理。“Acura ILX 是一种可以在任何环境中留下深刻印象的车辆,我们想用这些斑点来传达这一点。" 这两个电视节目现在都在讴歌的 YouTube 频道 (“机场” 、 “办公室”) 上直播在他们的首次空中亮相之前,从 6月4日开始,在 ESPN 6月5日的 NBA 总决赛以及 6月15日和 17 日的美国广播公司的 NBA 总决赛期间,他们出现在全国。有线电视包括 G4 、 Spike TV 、 AMC 和 E!频道。 由于 Y 一代对数字媒体的固有兴趣,讴歌计划通过有史以来最大的互动媒体预算来支持 ILX 的发布。位置安排在 Xbox LIVE 、 Pandora 和 GOOD 等网站上。 今年夏天,在洛杉矶、纽约、旧金山、费城和芝加哥,消费者也可以在自动驾驶周末活动中与全新的 ILX 互动。预计每天约有 200 名与会者参加。


    案例简介:Acura Launches All-New ILX, New Gateway to the Acura Brand CAMPAIGN TARGETS GEN Y AUDIENCE WITH TV, DIGITAL AND PRINT TORRANCE, Calif., June 4, 2012 — Acura has launched a comprehensive marketing campaign to debut the ILX, an all-new compact luxury sedan positioned as the gateway to the Acura brand. The Gen Y-focused campaign developed with rp&, Acura's agency of record, is designed to help usher energetic, young consumers into the luxury market with TV, digital and print advertising. "A rich array of standard Acura features, at a starting price of $25,900, makes the ILX the ideal gateway to the luxury market and the Acura brand for a new generation of young buyers," said Mike Accavitti, Vice President of National Marketing Operations. "This campaign will serve to engage potential customers looking to complement their active lifestyles." Featuring notable tunes from The Ting Tings and Nick Waterhouse, the two TV and in-theater ads utilize a split screen portraying synchronized Gen Yers simultaneously building their careers and social lives, winding through airports and corporate offices on one side and navigating upscale resorts and nightclubs on the other. In each ad, the character ends the journey in the driver's seat of an ILX. "Life should be equal parts responsibility and fun," says the voice-over. "Introducing the new Acura ILX. Move up. Without settling down." "These ads capture the duality of a typical Gen Y lifestyle—working their first job and trying to make an impression while also making time to have fun and live it up," said Susie Rossick, Manager of Acura Advertising. "The Acura ILX is the kind of vehicle that can impress in any setting, and we wanted to convey that with these spots." Both TV spots are now live on Acura's YouTube channel ("Airport", "Office") prior to their on air debut which begins June 4 with a national presence during the NBA conference finals on ESPN June 5, as well as the NBA finals on ABC on June 15 and 17. Cable TV includes networks such as G4, Spike TV, AMC and the E! channel. Because of Gen Y's inherent interest in digital media, Acura plans to support the ILX launch with its largest-ever budget allocation to interactive media. Placements are scheduled on sites such as Xbox LIVE, Pandora and GOOD. Consumers can also interact with the all-new ILX at Autoweek ride-and-drive weekend events this summer in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Philadelphia and Chicago. Approximately 200 attendees are expected to participate each day.


    案例简介:讴歌推出全新 ILX,成为讴歌品牌的新门户 竞选以电视、数字和印刷为目标的 Y 一代观众 加州托兰斯 2012年6月4日电-Acura 推出了一场全面的营销活动,首次推出 ILX,这是一款全新的紧凑型豪华轿车,定位为 Acura 品牌的门户。与讴歌唱片公司 rp & 合作开发的以 Y 一代为中心的活动旨在帮助充满活力的年轻消费者通过电视、数字和印刷广告进入奢侈品市场。 “一系列标准的讴歌特色,起价 25,900 美元,使 ILX 成为奢侈品市场的理想门户,也是新一代年轻买家的讴歌品牌, 国家营销运营副总裁迈克 · 阿卡维蒂说。“这项活动将有助于吸引寻求补充其积极生活方式的潜在客户。" 这两个电视和影院广告采用了 Ting Tings 和 Nick Waterhouse 的著名曲调,利用了一个分割的屏幕,描绘了同步的 Yers 一代,同时建立了他们的职业生涯和社会生活, 一边蜿蜒穿过机场和公司办公室,另一边游览高档度假村和夜总会。在每个广告中,角色在 ILX 的驾驶座上结束旅程。“生活应该是责任和乐趣的平等部分,” 画外音说。“介绍新的 Acura ILX。向上移动。没有安定下来。" 苏西 · 罗西克说: “这些广告捕捉到了典型的 Y 一代生活方式的二元性 -- 工作他们的第一份工作,试图给人留下深刻印象,同时也腾出时间去享受乐趣和生活。” 讴歌广告经理。“Acura ILX 是一种可以在任何环境中留下深刻印象的车辆,我们想用这些斑点来传达这一点。" 这两个电视节目现在都在讴歌的 YouTube 频道 (“机场” 、 “办公室”) 上直播在他们的首次空中亮相之前,从 6月4日开始,在 ESPN 6月5日的 NBA 总决赛以及 6月15日和 17 日的美国广播公司的 NBA 总决赛期间,他们出现在全国。有线电视包括 G4 、 Spike TV 、 AMC 和 E!频道。 由于 Y 一代对数字媒体的固有兴趣,讴歌计划通过有史以来最大的互动媒体预算来支持 ILX 的发布。位置安排在 Xbox LIVE 、 Pandora 和 GOOD 等网站上。 今年夏天,在洛杉矶、纽约、旧金山、费城和芝加哥,消费者也可以在自动驾驶周末活动中与全新的 ILX 互动。预计每天约有 200 名与会者参加。


    案例简介:Acura Launches All-New ILX, New Gateway to the Acura Brand CAMPAIGN TARGETS GEN Y AUDIENCE WITH TV, DIGITAL AND PRINT TORRANCE, Calif., June 4, 2012 — Acura has launched a comprehensive marketing campaign to debut the ILX, an all-new compact luxury sedan positioned as the gateway to the Acura brand. The Gen Y-focused campaign developed with rp&, Acura's agency of record, is designed to help usher energetic, young consumers into the luxury market with TV, digital and print advertising. "A rich array of standard Acura features, at a starting price of $25,900, makes the ILX the ideal gateway to the luxury market and the Acura brand for a new generation of young buyers," said Mike Accavitti, Vice President of National Marketing Operations. "This campaign will serve to engage potential customers looking to complement their active lifestyles." Featuring notable tunes from The Ting Tings and Nick Waterhouse, the two TV and in-theater ads utilize a split screen portraying synchronized Gen Yers simultaneously building their careers and social lives, winding through airports and corporate offices on one side and navigating upscale resorts and nightclubs on the other. In each ad, the character ends the journey in the driver's seat of an ILX. "Life should be equal parts responsibility and fun," says the voice-over. "Introducing the new Acura ILX. Move up. Without settling down." "These ads capture the duality of a typical Gen Y lifestyle—working their first job and trying to make an impression while also making time to have fun and live it up," said Susie Rossick, Manager of Acura Advertising. "The Acura ILX is the kind of vehicle that can impress in any setting, and we wanted to convey that with these spots." Both TV spots are now live on Acura's YouTube channel ("Airport", "Office") prior to their on air debut which begins June 4 with a national presence during the NBA conference finals on ESPN June 5, as well as the NBA finals on ABC on June 15 and 17. Cable TV includes networks such as G4, Spike TV, AMC and the E! channel. Because of Gen Y's inherent interest in digital media, Acura plans to support the ILX launch with its largest-ever budget allocation to interactive media. Placements are scheduled on sites such as Xbox LIVE, Pandora and GOOD. Consumers can also interact with the all-new ILX at Autoweek ride-and-drive weekend events this summer in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Philadelphia and Chicago. Approximately 200 attendees are expected to participate each day.









    广告公司: rp& (美国 圣莫尼卡) 制作公司: MJZ




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