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    JFK 总统图书馆推出互动纪录片纪念古巴导弹危机 50 周年

    案例简介:肯尼迪总统图书馆开展互动的纪录片 50TH 周年纪念古巴导弹危机 马丁的机构和工具的北美揭发肯尼迪遗产 波士顿,MA-2012年10月16日--约翰.F.肯尼迪总统图书馆今天宣布推出交互式多媒体文件月十周年纪念的古巴导弹危机。讲述了马修摩丁,www.cloudsovercuba.com,将搬到美国东部时间上午上午8点时在星期二, 10月16日-准确 6-10 年后苏联的导弹被发现在古巴--让世界各地的观众体验身临其境的纪录片,叙述故事的情节的危机的铆接细节, 同时也提供一个令人深思,小说中的 “如果” 的设想,这一紧张的对峙。 开发计划署同马丁原子能机构和工具的北美, 录影片中促成了危机始于 1959 古巴革命的菲德尔 · 卡斯特罗和继续坚持把导弹被取消在 1962年10月。在这一过程中,用户请到月活动在更深入地探讨通过专家访谈等谢尔顿 · M。斯特恩,JFK 总统图书馆的前历史学家,几本关于古巴导弹危机的书和文章的作者,以及苏联总理尼基塔 · 赫鲁晓夫的儿子谢尔盖 · 赫鲁晓夫。诸如对共产主义的恐惧、猪湾入侵和 ExComm 秘密录音等主题都从多个角度进行了引人入胜的详细探索。 利用 HTML5 、 Javascript 和网络插座技术,Cuba 云展示了纪录片格式的桌面和移动平台的前所未有的整合。随着纪录片的展开,数十张档案照片、视频、文件和录音会自动添加到数字档案中,并同步到电影中的关键时刻。Cuba 云采用独特的方法,基于观众所在的平台优化内容体验。手机用户在 Chrome 和 Safari 浏览器可以同步的手机或 iPad 设备的电影。这允许观众在电影期间从移动设备上的纪录片中访问支持内容,并在他们想要的时间和地点消费。完整的纪录片体验可在桌面浏览器上查看。 50 年后,想要关注危机中最重要的 13 天 “直播” 的用户可以导入与 JFK 和他的顾问的所有秘密 ExComm 会议, JFK 和赫鲁晓夫之间的信件以及其他材料只需点击一下就可以进入他们的 iCal 和 Google 日历,使他们在 “参加” 的会议和接收通信住满了将要采取的日子。 “这个项目的目标是让几代观众参与和教育古巴导弹危机,并激励他们在现代史上最危险的时刻更多地了解总统决策, JFK 图书馆基金会执行主任汤姆 · 麦克诺特说。“悲喜剧一部结合了传统的纪录片的互动体验,这个网站有望提升历史的重要性以及它与我们今天的生活。” 电影结束之前,用户可以随意进入一个令人心碎的短片,发生在另一个 2012 的古巴导弹危机并升级为核战争 6-10 年前。这个交织的故事由一位奥斯卡获奖电影摄影师精心拍摄,讲述了四个虚构角色的故事,他们每个人都以自己的方式记住了核战争的恐怖。作为纪录片的伴侣,这段经历充当了一篇评论,同时微妙地提醒人们战争的惨淡和人类代价。 这部纪录片讲述了赫鲁晓夫、卡斯特罗和肯尼迪的遗产,以及可以从危机中带走的人性化东西。 将要采取的天的纪录片,@ JFK1962 将现场实时推特的重要时刻,正是后 6-10 岁的古巴导弹危机。 这部电影提供了一部 26 分钟的原创纪录片,以档案镜头为基础,一部 10 分钟的短片,展示了 “假设” 的场景,以及 40 多分钟的专家历史学家采访。 关于 JFK 总统图书馆和博物馆: 约翰·肯尼迪总统图书馆和博物馆由国家档案和记录管理局管理,部分由非营利组织约翰·肯尼迪图书馆基金会支持。约翰 · F · 肯尼迪总统图书馆和博物馆以及肯尼迪图书馆基金会寻求通过奖学金、教育和社区项目来促进; 对美国政治、历史和文化的更多欣赏和理解; 治理过程和公共服务的重要性。 关于工具: Bicoastal Tool 是一家屡获殊荣的制作公司,代表顶级真人导演和广告项目的互动导演。自滑稽.视觉接触…… 和/或我Nteractive,工具的多样化独特人才名册在所有平台上创建令人难忘的商业和数字内容。 关于马丁公司: 总部位于弗吉尼亚州里士满的马丁公司提供统一广告、战略规划、媒体、直接回应、互动、数据分析、设计、品牌内容和本地销售线索生成。客户包括美国癌症协会、 BFGoodrich 、 Discover 、 GEICO 、 Hanes 、 Kraft 、 LivingSocial 、 Manpower 、 Mentos 、摩根士丹利、挪威邮轮、 PING 、必胜客、 USTA 和沃尔玛。

    JFK 总统图书馆推出互动纪录片纪念古巴导弹危机 50 周年

    案例简介:JFK PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY LAUNCHES INTERACTIVE DOCUMENTARY MARKING 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS The Martin Agency and Tool of North America Bring to Light Kennedy’s Legacy Boston, MA – October 16, 2012 – The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum today announced the launch of an interactive multimedia documentary marking the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Narrated by Matthew Modine, www.cloudsovercuba.com, will go live at 8am EST on Tuesday, October 16 – exactly 50 years after Soviet missiles were discovered in Cuba – allowing audiences around the world to experience an immersive documentary that depicts the full story of the crisis in riveting detail, while also offering a thought-provoking, fictional “what if” scenario to this tense standoff. Partnering with The Martin Agency and Tool of North America, the documentary follows the developments that led to the crisis beginning with the 1959 Cuban revolution led by Fidel Castro and continues on until the missiles are removed in October 1962. Along the way, the user is invited to explore 15 related events in greater depth via expert interviews including Sheldon M. Stern, former historian at the JFK Presidential Library and author of several books and articles on the Cuban Missile Crisis, and Sergei Khrushchev, son of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. Topics such as the fear of communism, the Bay of Pigs invasion and the secret ExComm recordings are all explored in fascinating detail from multiple perspectives. Leveraging HTML5, Javascript and web socket technology, Clouds Over Cuba exhibits an unprecedented integration of desktop and mobile platforms for the documentary film format. As the documentary unfolds, dozens of archival photos, videos, documents and audio recordings are automatically added to a digital dossier that is synced to key moments during the film. Clouds Over Cuba takes a unique approach towards optimizing the content experience based on the platform the viewer is on. Mobile users on Chrome and Safari browsers can sync their mobile or iPad devices with the film. This allows viewers to access supporting content from the documentary on their mobile device as it unfolds during the film and consume it when and where they want to. The full documentary film experience is viewable on desktop browser. Users who want to follow the 13 most important days of the crisis “live” exactly 50 years later can import all the secret ExComm meetings with JFK and his advisors, letters between JFK and Khrushchev and other material into their iCal and Google calendars with one click, enabling them to “attend” the meetings and receive the communications live over the 13 days. “The goal of this project is to engage and educate a multigenerational audience about the Cuban Missile Crisis, and motivate them to learn more about presidential decision-making during the most dangerous moment in modern history,” said Tom McNaught, Executive Director of the JFK Library Foundation. “By combining elements of a traditional documentary with an interactive experience, this site promises to elevate the importance of history and its relevance to our lives today.” Before the film concludes, users can optionally access a heartbreaking short film that takes place in an alternate 2012 in which the Cuban Missile Crisis did escalate into nuclear war 50 years earlier. Beautifully shot by an Oscar-winning cinematographer, this intertwining account tells the story of four fictional characters who each remember the horrors of nuclear war in their own way. As a companion to the documentary, the experience acts as a commentary while presenting a subtle reminder of the bleak, human costs of war. The documentary resolves with the legacies of Khrushchev, Castro and Kennedy and the humanizing things that can be taken away from the crisis. Throughout the 13 days of the documentary, @JFK1962 will be live-tweeting important moments in real time, exactly 50 years after the Cuban Missile Crisis. The film offers an original 26-minute documentary with a foundation of archival footage, a 10-minute short film showcasing the “what if” scenario and more than 40 minutes of interviews with expert historians. About the JFK Presidential Library and Museum: The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum is administered by the National Archives and Records Administration and supported, in part, by the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, a non-profit organization. The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum and the Kennedy Library Foundation seek to promote, through scholarship, educational and community programs; a greater appreciation and understanding of American politics, history, and culture; the process of governing and the importance of public service. About Tool: Bicoastal Tool is an award-winning production company, representing top live-action directors and interactive directors for advertising projects. From funny… visually engaging… and/or interactive, Tool’s diverse roster of unique talent creates unforgettable commercial and digital content across all platforms. About The Martin Agency: The Martin Agency, based in Richmond, Virginia, offers unified advertising, strategic planning, media, direct response, interactive, data analytics, design, branded content and local lead generation. Clients include American Cancer Society, BFGoodrich, Discover, GEICO, Hanes, Kraft, LivingSocial, Manpower, Mentos, Morgan Stanley, Norwegian Cruise Line, PING, Pizza Hut, USTA and Walmart.

    JFK Presidential Library Launches Interactive Documentary Marking 50th Anniversary of Cuban Missile Crisis

    案例简介:肯尼迪总统图书馆开展互动的纪录片 50TH 周年纪念古巴导弹危机 马丁的机构和工具的北美揭发肯尼迪遗产 波士顿,MA-2012年10月16日--约翰.F.肯尼迪总统图书馆今天宣布推出交互式多媒体文件月十周年纪念的古巴导弹危机。讲述了马修摩丁,www.cloudsovercuba.com,将搬到美国东部时间上午上午8点时在星期二, 10月16日-准确 6-10 年后苏联的导弹被发现在古巴--让世界各地的观众体验身临其境的纪录片,叙述故事的情节的危机的铆接细节, 同时也提供一个令人深思,小说中的 “如果” 的设想,这一紧张的对峙。 开发计划署同马丁原子能机构和工具的北美, 录影片中促成了危机始于 1959 古巴革命的菲德尔 · 卡斯特罗和继续坚持把导弹被取消在 1962年10月。在这一过程中,用户请到月活动在更深入地探讨通过专家访谈等谢尔顿 · M。斯特恩,JFK 总统图书馆的前历史学家,几本关于古巴导弹危机的书和文章的作者,以及苏联总理尼基塔 · 赫鲁晓夫的儿子谢尔盖 · 赫鲁晓夫。诸如对共产主义的恐惧、猪湾入侵和 ExComm 秘密录音等主题都从多个角度进行了引人入胜的详细探索。 利用 HTML5 、 Javascript 和网络插座技术,Cuba 云展示了纪录片格式的桌面和移动平台的前所未有的整合。随着纪录片的展开,数十张档案照片、视频、文件和录音会自动添加到数字档案中,并同步到电影中的关键时刻。Cuba 云采用独特的方法,基于观众所在的平台优化内容体验。手机用户在 Chrome 和 Safari 浏览器可以同步的手机或 iPad 设备的电影。这允许观众在电影期间从移动设备上的纪录片中访问支持内容,并在他们想要的时间和地点消费。完整的纪录片体验可在桌面浏览器上查看。 50 年后,想要关注危机中最重要的 13 天 “直播” 的用户可以导入与 JFK 和他的顾问的所有秘密 ExComm 会议, JFK 和赫鲁晓夫之间的信件以及其他材料只需点击一下就可以进入他们的 iCal 和 Google 日历,使他们在 “参加” 的会议和接收通信住满了将要采取的日子。 “这个项目的目标是让几代观众参与和教育古巴导弹危机,并激励他们在现代史上最危险的时刻更多地了解总统决策, JFK 图书馆基金会执行主任汤姆 · 麦克诺特说。“悲喜剧一部结合了传统的纪录片的互动体验,这个网站有望提升历史的重要性以及它与我们今天的生活。” 电影结束之前,用户可以随意进入一个令人心碎的短片,发生在另一个 2012 的古巴导弹危机并升级为核战争 6-10 年前。这个交织的故事由一位奥斯卡获奖电影摄影师精心拍摄,讲述了四个虚构角色的故事,他们每个人都以自己的方式记住了核战争的恐怖。作为纪录片的伴侣,这段经历充当了一篇评论,同时微妙地提醒人们战争的惨淡和人类代价。 这部纪录片讲述了赫鲁晓夫、卡斯特罗和肯尼迪的遗产,以及可以从危机中带走的人性化东西。 将要采取的天的纪录片,@ JFK1962 将现场实时推特的重要时刻,正是后 6-10 岁的古巴导弹危机。 这部电影提供了一部 26 分钟的原创纪录片,以档案镜头为基础,一部 10 分钟的短片,展示了 “假设” 的场景,以及 40 多分钟的专家历史学家采访。 关于 JFK 总统图书馆和博物馆: 约翰·肯尼迪总统图书馆和博物馆由国家档案和记录管理局管理,部分由非营利组织约翰·肯尼迪图书馆基金会支持。约翰 · F · 肯尼迪总统图书馆和博物馆以及肯尼迪图书馆基金会寻求通过奖学金、教育和社区项目来促进; 对美国政治、历史和文化的更多欣赏和理解; 治理过程和公共服务的重要性。 关于工具: Bicoastal Tool 是一家屡获殊荣的制作公司,代表顶级真人导演和广告项目的互动导演。自滑稽.视觉接触…… 和/或我Nteractive,工具的多样化独特人才名册在所有平台上创建令人难忘的商业和数字内容。 关于马丁公司: 总部位于弗吉尼亚州里士满的马丁公司提供统一广告、战略规划、媒体、直接回应、互动、数据分析、设计、品牌内容和本地销售线索生成。客户包括美国癌症协会、 BFGoodrich 、 Discover 、 GEICO 、 Hanes 、 Kraft 、 LivingSocial 、 Manpower 、 Mentos 、摩根士丹利、挪威邮轮、 PING 、必胜客、 USTA 和沃尔玛。

    JFK Presidential Library Launches Interactive Documentary Marking 50th Anniversary of Cuban Missile Crisis

    案例简介:JFK PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY LAUNCHES INTERACTIVE DOCUMENTARY MARKING 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS The Martin Agency and Tool of North America Bring to Light Kennedy’s Legacy Boston, MA – October 16, 2012 – The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum today announced the launch of an interactive multimedia documentary marking the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Narrated by Matthew Modine, www.cloudsovercuba.com, will go live at 8am EST on Tuesday, October 16 – exactly 50 years after Soviet missiles were discovered in Cuba – allowing audiences around the world to experience an immersive documentary that depicts the full story of the crisis in riveting detail, while also offering a thought-provoking, fictional “what if” scenario to this tense standoff. Partnering with The Martin Agency and Tool of North America, the documentary follows the developments that led to the crisis beginning with the 1959 Cuban revolution led by Fidel Castro and continues on until the missiles are removed in October 1962. Along the way, the user is invited to explore 15 related events in greater depth via expert interviews including Sheldon M. Stern, former historian at the JFK Presidential Library and author of several books and articles on the Cuban Missile Crisis, and Sergei Khrushchev, son of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. Topics such as the fear of communism, the Bay of Pigs invasion and the secret ExComm recordings are all explored in fascinating detail from multiple perspectives. Leveraging HTML5, Javascript and web socket technology, Clouds Over Cuba exhibits an unprecedented integration of desktop and mobile platforms for the documentary film format. As the documentary unfolds, dozens of archival photos, videos, documents and audio recordings are automatically added to a digital dossier that is synced to key moments during the film. Clouds Over Cuba takes a unique approach towards optimizing the content experience based on the platform the viewer is on. Mobile users on Chrome and Safari browsers can sync their mobile or iPad devices with the film. This allows viewers to access supporting content from the documentary on their mobile device as it unfolds during the film and consume it when and where they want to. The full documentary film experience is viewable on desktop browser. Users who want to follow the 13 most important days of the crisis “live” exactly 50 years later can import all the secret ExComm meetings with JFK and his advisors, letters between JFK and Khrushchev and other material into their iCal and Google calendars with one click, enabling them to “attend” the meetings and receive the communications live over the 13 days. “The goal of this project is to engage and educate a multigenerational audience about the Cuban Missile Crisis, and motivate them to learn more about presidential decision-making during the most dangerous moment in modern history,” said Tom McNaught, Executive Director of the JFK Library Foundation. “By combining elements of a traditional documentary with an interactive experience, this site promises to elevate the importance of history and its relevance to our lives today.” Before the film concludes, users can optionally access a heartbreaking short film that takes place in an alternate 2012 in which the Cuban Missile Crisis did escalate into nuclear war 50 years earlier. Beautifully shot by an Oscar-winning cinematographer, this intertwining account tells the story of four fictional characters who each remember the horrors of nuclear war in their own way. As a companion to the documentary, the experience acts as a commentary while presenting a subtle reminder of the bleak, human costs of war. The documentary resolves with the legacies of Khrushchev, Castro and Kennedy and the humanizing things that can be taken away from the crisis. Throughout the 13 days of the documentary, @JFK1962 will be live-tweeting important moments in real time, exactly 50 years after the Cuban Missile Crisis. The film offers an original 26-minute documentary with a foundation of archival footage, a 10-minute short film showcasing the “what if” scenario and more than 40 minutes of interviews with expert historians. About the JFK Presidential Library and Museum: The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum is administered by the National Archives and Records Administration and supported, in part, by the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, a non-profit organization. The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum and the Kennedy Library Foundation seek to promote, through scholarship, educational and community programs; a greater appreciation and understanding of American politics, history, and culture; the process of governing and the importance of public service. About Tool: Bicoastal Tool is an award-winning production company, representing top live-action directors and interactive directors for advertising projects. From funny… visually engaging… and/or interactive, Tool’s diverse roster of unique talent creates unforgettable commercial and digital content across all platforms. About The Martin Agency: The Martin Agency, based in Richmond, Virginia, offers unified advertising, strategic planning, media, direct response, interactive, data analytics, design, branded content and local lead generation. Clients include American Cancer Society, BFGoodrich, Discover, GEICO, Hanes, Kraft, LivingSocial, Manpower, Mentos, Morgan Stanley, Norwegian Cruise Line, PING, Pizza Hut, USTA and Walmart.

    JFK 总统图书馆推出互动纪录片纪念古巴导弹危机 50 周年


    JFK Presidential Library Launches Interactive Documentary Marking 50th Anniversary of Cuban Missile Crisis






    广告公司: The Martin Agency (美国 Richmond) 制作公司: Tool




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