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    The Views are Different Here短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:Tourism toronto 今天发起了一场新的营销活动,展示了加拿大市中心的不同观点。“这里的风景不同” 是一项基于视频的活动,旨在向国际游客展示多伦多成为加拿大最大城市和访问量最大的目的地的兴奋和多样性。这个标题既表达了标志性的物理观点,也表达了 definetoron 的开放观点。 “多伦多是一个真正独特的城市,充满了建筑、街区、文化和湖泊的壮观景色,也是一个你可以找到独特方式看待世界的地方, 安德鲁 · 韦尔说,多伦多旅游局执行副总裁兼首席营销官。与创意机构 J. 沃尔特 · 汤普森多伦多在过去的一年里,最初在美国市场展开,该活动将成为多伦多在世界主要市场的销售和营销计划的基础。通过一个新的中央视频 -- 所有这些都是新拍摄的,最初是由音乐组成的 -- 这项运动将在整个春天在网上推出,包括额外的主题视频和数字广告, 通过 MEC 加拿大计划的复杂的行为目标接触消费者。视频可以 atwww.SeeTorontoNow.com 观看。“营销目的地必须不仅仅是列出要做的事情。这场运动令人兴奋,发现仅靠多伦多就可以占领的特殊领土,”威尔先生说。为了抓住多伦多的机会,新的竞选活动坚定地相信多伦多是加拿大充满活力、进步的大城市。“多伦多是真正的加拿大市中心。这场运动是我们对我们是谁以及是什么让多伦多成为世界上独一无二的地方的赌注,多伦多是一个可以参观、见面、探索然后再次参观的地方,”威尔先生说。由大多伦多酒店协会的目的地营销计划资助,新的活动利用了多伦多的旅游势头。在过去几年里,多伦多的旅游人数创下历史新高,主要市场包括美国和加拿大。美国, 中国,美国 k. 德国、日本和墨西哥。该视频系列由多伦多的后期制作公司制作,以 realTorontonians 为特色。这首歌是由多伦多自己的迈克 · 怀斯创作的《我对你施了咒语》的原创曲目,也是由阿波罗工作室在多伦多制作的,多伦多诗人和歌手的声乐表演, 贝瑟尼 · 李


    案例简介:A new marketing campaign launched today by Tourism Torontoshows how the views are different in Canada’s Downtown. “The Views Are Different Here” is avideo-based campaign designed to show international travelers both the excitement anddiversity that have made Toronto Canada’s largest city and most-visited destination. Thecampaign title speaks to both the iconic physical views and the open-minded views that defineToronto.“Toronto is a truly unique city filled with spectacular views of architecture, neighbourhoods,culture and the lake, and also a place where you’ll find a unique way of looking at the world,”said Andrew Weir, Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of Tourism Toronto.Developed with creative agency, J. Walter Thompson Toronto over the past year and launchinginitially in the U.S. market, the campaign will be the foundation of Toronto’s sales and marketingprograms in key markets around the world. Leading with a central new video – all newly shotand with originally composed music – the campaign will roll out online through the spring withadditional themed videos and digital ads, reaching consumers through sophisticatedbehavioural targeting planned by MEC Canada. Videos can be viewed atwww.SeeTorontoNow.com.“Marketing a destination has to be more than listing the things to do. This campaign createsexcitement and finds that special territory that Toronto alone can occupy,” said Mr. Weir.There is a strong wave of interest in Canada right now. To seize that opportunity for Toronto,the new campaign reinforces with bold confidence that Toronto is the vibrant, progressive, bigcity of Canada.“Toronto is truly Canada’s downtown. This campaign is our stake in the ground about who weare and what makes Toronto unique in the world as a place to visit, meet, explore, and then visitagain,” said Mr. Weir.Made possible by funding from the Greater Toronto Hotel Association’s Destination MarketingProgram, the new campaign capitalizes on Toronto’s tourism momentum. Toronto has seenrecord tourism numbers for the past several years, driven by steady growth from key marketsincluding the U.S., China, U.K., Germany, Japan and Mexico.The video series was produced with Toronto-based post-production houses, featuring realTorontonians. The song is an original track sampling of “I Put a Spell on You” composed byToronto’s own Mike Wise and produced by Apollo Studios also in Toronto, with vocalperformance by Toronto poet and singer, Bethany Lee.

    The Views are Different Here

    案例简介:Tourism toronto 今天发起了一场新的营销活动,展示了加拿大市中心的不同观点。“这里的风景不同” 是一项基于视频的活动,旨在向国际游客展示多伦多成为加拿大最大城市和访问量最大的目的地的兴奋和多样性。这个标题既表达了标志性的物理观点,也表达了 definetoron 的开放观点。 “多伦多是一个真正独特的城市,充满了建筑、街区、文化和湖泊的壮观景色,也是一个你可以找到独特方式看待世界的地方, 安德鲁 · 韦尔说,多伦多旅游局执行副总裁兼首席营销官。与创意机构 J. 沃尔特 · 汤普森多伦多在过去的一年里,最初在美国市场展开,该活动将成为多伦多在世界主要市场的销售和营销计划的基础。通过一个新的中央视频 -- 所有这些都是新拍摄的,最初是由音乐组成的 -- 这项运动将在整个春天在网上推出,包括额外的主题视频和数字广告, 通过 MEC 加拿大计划的复杂的行为目标接触消费者。视频可以 atwww.SeeTorontoNow.com 观看。“营销目的地必须不仅仅是列出要做的事情。这场运动令人兴奋,发现仅靠多伦多就可以占领的特殊领土,”威尔先生说。为了抓住多伦多的机会,新的竞选活动坚定地相信多伦多是加拿大充满活力、进步的大城市。“多伦多是真正的加拿大市中心。这场运动是我们对我们是谁以及是什么让多伦多成为世界上独一无二的地方的赌注,多伦多是一个可以参观、见面、探索然后再次参观的地方,”威尔先生说。由大多伦多酒店协会的目的地营销计划资助,新的活动利用了多伦多的旅游势头。在过去几年里,多伦多的旅游人数创下历史新高,主要市场包括美国和加拿大。美国, 中国,美国 k. 德国、日本和墨西哥。该视频系列由多伦多的后期制作公司制作,以 realTorontonians 为特色。这首歌是由多伦多自己的迈克 · 怀斯创作的《我对你施了咒语》的原创曲目,也是由阿波罗工作室在多伦多制作的,多伦多诗人和歌手的声乐表演, 贝瑟尼 · 李

    The Views are Different Here

    案例简介:A new marketing campaign launched today by Tourism Torontoshows how the views are different in Canada’s Downtown. “The Views Are Different Here” is avideo-based campaign designed to show international travelers both the excitement anddiversity that have made Toronto Canada’s largest city and most-visited destination. Thecampaign title speaks to both the iconic physical views and the open-minded views that defineToronto.“Toronto is a truly unique city filled with spectacular views of architecture, neighbourhoods,culture and the lake, and also a place where you’ll find a unique way of looking at the world,”said Andrew Weir, Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of Tourism Toronto.Developed with creative agency, J. Walter Thompson Toronto over the past year and launchinginitially in the U.S. market, the campaign will be the foundation of Toronto’s sales and marketingprograms in key markets around the world. Leading with a central new video – all newly shotand with originally composed music – the campaign will roll out online through the spring withadditional themed videos and digital ads, reaching consumers through sophisticatedbehavioural targeting planned by MEC Canada. Videos can be viewed atwww.SeeTorontoNow.com.“Marketing a destination has to be more than listing the things to do. This campaign createsexcitement and finds that special territory that Toronto alone can occupy,” said Mr. Weir.There is a strong wave of interest in Canada right now. To seize that opportunity for Toronto,the new campaign reinforces with bold confidence that Toronto is the vibrant, progressive, bigcity of Canada.“Toronto is truly Canada’s downtown. This campaign is our stake in the ground about who weare and what makes Toronto unique in the world as a place to visit, meet, explore, and then visitagain,” said Mr. Weir.Made possible by funding from the Greater Toronto Hotel Association’s Destination MarketingProgram, the new campaign capitalizes on Toronto’s tourism momentum. Toronto has seenrecord tourism numbers for the past several years, driven by steady growth from key marketsincluding the U.S., China, U.K., Germany, Japan and Mexico.The video series was produced with Toronto-based post-production houses, featuring realTorontonians. The song is an original track sampling of “I Put a Spell on You” composed byToronto’s own Mike Wise and produced by Apollo Studios also in Toronto, with vocalperformance by Toronto poet and singer, Bethany Lee.



    The Views are Different Here










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