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    Monty's Christmas短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:简要解释 约翰 · 刘易斯 2014 圣诞广告延续了 “深思熟虑的礼物” 的主题,唤起了圣诞节时虚构的魔力,就像通过孩子的眼睛看到的那样。该广告以 “真爱” 为背景,讲述了一个小男孩萨姆和他的企鹅最好的朋友蒙蒂之间不太可能建立友谊的故事。 简要解释 约翰 · 刘易斯为 2014 举办的节日活动讲述了一个男孩迫不及待地想过圣诞节的故事,这样他就可以给他的企鹅朋友蒙蒂,他渴望的伴侣。 CG 企鹅蒙蒂是这场运动的明星,这场运动讲述了一个名叫萨姆和他想象中的朋友的感人故事。 执行 该团队花了几个月的时间精心制作蒙蒂,然后将他融入现实生活环境; 铸造了独特的阿德利企鹅,因为他们明显表达了自己的风格。主要的挑战是创造一个完整的 CG 企鹅,他将在自然世界中表现得真实,并提供真实情感的表现来增强讲故事的能力。实现这一点并增加更大的现实主义的一个因素包括创建一个复杂的羽毛系统,其中单个羽毛是从头开始制作的。 3D 团队最初建立了一个数字模型,一旦他的骨骼和肌肉系统到位,就进行了一系列测试,确定了他的运动风格,并增加了独特的角色怪癖。主要的挑战是传达蒙蒂的情感,而不给他人类的特征。这不仅表现在脸上,也表现在整个角色的移动方式上,所以蒙蒂的身体表现受到了极大的关注。山姆和蒙蒂之间的互动至关重要,因此将蒙蒂无缝合成到镜头中是 2D 团队最大的挑战。此外,该团队扩展了布景,增加了微妙的效果,包括寒冷的呼吸和雪加上创造了许多哑光绘画环境,例如,雪橇场景是在仲夏在三个不同的地方拍摄的。约翰 · 刘易斯的圣诞广告是英国广告日历中最受期待和记忆最深刻的广告之一,因此创造一个 CG 角色的风险很高,观众会在整个广告日历中与之联系并最终参与其中例如电影, 最动画生物通过激发我们从现实生活中识别的行为来描绘情感, 所以第一次见到他的新朋友时翅膀的拍打是从真正的企鹅在繁殖季节分开几个月后重聚的时候开始的,微妙的眼睛和喙的运动也有助于传达蒙蒂是感觉。


    案例简介:Brief Explanation The John Lewis 2014 Christmas commercial continues the theme of ‘thoughtful gifting’ by evoking the magic of make-believe at Christmas, as seen through a child’s eyes. Set to the track 'Real Love', the ad tells the tale of an unlikely friendship between a little boy, Sam, and his penguin best friend, Monty. Brief Explanation John Lewis' festive campaign for 2014 tells the tale of a boy who can't wait for Christmas so he can give his penguin friend, Monty, the companion he has longed for.Monty the CG penguin is the star of the campaign, which follows the heart-warming story of the boy named Sam and his imaginary friend. Execution The team spent months lovingly crafting Monty, then integrating him into the real-life environment; casting the distinctive Adelie penguin for their overtly expressive mannerisms. The main challenge was to create a fully CG penguin who would behave authentically within the natural world and deliver a performance of real emotion to enhance storytelling. One element to achieve this and add greater realism involved the creation of an intricate feather system, where individual feathers were crafted from scratch.The 3D team initially built a digital model and once his skeleton and muscle system were in place, a number of tests were carried out, determining his movement style and adding distinctive character quirks. The main challenge was conveying Monty’s emotions, without giving him human characteristics. This was not only conveyed in the face, it was in the way the whole character moved so there was huge focus on Monty’s physical performance.The interaction between Sam and Monty was vital therefore seamlessly compositing Monty into the shot footage was the biggest challenge for the 2D team. In addition, the team extended sets, added subtle effects including frosty breath and snow plus created a number of matte painted environments, for example, the sledging scene was shot in mid-summer in three separate locations.John Lewis Christmas ads are one of the most anticipated and most remembered campaigns in the British advertising calendar so the stakes were high to create a CG character the viewers would relate to and ultimately engage with throughout the film For example, most animated creatures portray emotions by eliciting behaviour we recognize from real life, so the flapping of the wings when meeting his new friend for the first time is taken from when real penguins are reunited after months apart during breeding season and Subtle eye and beak movements also help convey what Monty is feeling.

    Monty's Christmas

    案例简介:简要解释 约翰 · 刘易斯 2014 圣诞广告延续了 “深思熟虑的礼物” 的主题,唤起了圣诞节时虚构的魔力,就像通过孩子的眼睛看到的那样。该广告以 “真爱” 为背景,讲述了一个小男孩萨姆和他的企鹅最好的朋友蒙蒂之间不太可能建立友谊的故事。 简要解释 约翰 · 刘易斯为 2014 举办的节日活动讲述了一个男孩迫不及待地想过圣诞节的故事,这样他就可以给他的企鹅朋友蒙蒂,他渴望的伴侣。 CG 企鹅蒙蒂是这场运动的明星,这场运动讲述了一个名叫萨姆和他想象中的朋友的感人故事。 执行 该团队花了几个月的时间精心制作蒙蒂,然后将他融入现实生活环境; 铸造了独特的阿德利企鹅,因为他们明显表达了自己的风格。主要的挑战是创造一个完整的 CG 企鹅,他将在自然世界中表现得真实,并提供真实情感的表现来增强讲故事的能力。实现这一点并增加更大的现实主义的一个因素包括创建一个复杂的羽毛系统,其中单个羽毛是从头开始制作的。 3D 团队最初建立了一个数字模型,一旦他的骨骼和肌肉系统到位,就进行了一系列测试,确定了他的运动风格,并增加了独特的角色怪癖。主要的挑战是传达蒙蒂的情感,而不给他人类的特征。这不仅表现在脸上,也表现在整个角色的移动方式上,所以蒙蒂的身体表现受到了极大的关注。山姆和蒙蒂之间的互动至关重要,因此将蒙蒂无缝合成到镜头中是 2D 团队最大的挑战。此外,该团队扩展了布景,增加了微妙的效果,包括寒冷的呼吸和雪加上创造了许多哑光绘画环境,例如,雪橇场景是在仲夏在三个不同的地方拍摄的。约翰 · 刘易斯的圣诞广告是英国广告日历中最受期待和记忆最深刻的广告之一,因此创造一个 CG 角色的风险很高,观众会在整个广告日历中与之联系并最终参与其中例如电影, 最动画生物通过激发我们从现实生活中识别的行为来描绘情感, 所以第一次见到他的新朋友时翅膀的拍打是从真正的企鹅在繁殖季节分开几个月后重聚的时候开始的,微妙的眼睛和喙的运动也有助于传达蒙蒂是感觉。

    Monty's Christmas

    案例简介:Brief Explanation The John Lewis 2014 Christmas commercial continues the theme of ‘thoughtful gifting’ by evoking the magic of make-believe at Christmas, as seen through a child’s eyes. Set to the track 'Real Love', the ad tells the tale of an unlikely friendship between a little boy, Sam, and his penguin best friend, Monty. Brief Explanation John Lewis' festive campaign for 2014 tells the tale of a boy who can't wait for Christmas so he can give his penguin friend, Monty, the companion he has longed for.Monty the CG penguin is the star of the campaign, which follows the heart-warming story of the boy named Sam and his imaginary friend. Execution The team spent months lovingly crafting Monty, then integrating him into the real-life environment; casting the distinctive Adelie penguin for their overtly expressive mannerisms. The main challenge was to create a fully CG penguin who would behave authentically within the natural world and deliver a performance of real emotion to enhance storytelling. One element to achieve this and add greater realism involved the creation of an intricate feather system, where individual feathers were crafted from scratch.The 3D team initially built a digital model and once his skeleton and muscle system were in place, a number of tests were carried out, determining his movement style and adding distinctive character quirks. The main challenge was conveying Monty’s emotions, without giving him human characteristics. This was not only conveyed in the face, it was in the way the whole character moved so there was huge focus on Monty’s physical performance.The interaction between Sam and Monty was vital therefore seamlessly compositing Monty into the shot footage was the biggest challenge for the 2D team. In addition, the team extended sets, added subtle effects including frosty breath and snow plus created a number of matte painted environments, for example, the sledging scene was shot in mid-summer in three separate locations.John Lewis Christmas ads are one of the most anticipated and most remembered campaigns in the British advertising calendar so the stakes were high to create a CG character the viewers would relate to and ultimately engage with throughout the film For example, most animated creatures portray emotions by eliciting behaviour we recognize from real life, so the flapping of the wings when meeting his new friend for the first time is taken from when real penguins are reunited after months apart during breeding season and Subtle eye and beak movements also help convey what Monty is feeling.



    Monty's Christmas


    广告公司: 恒美 (英国 伦敦) 制作公司: Blink Productions




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