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    Color For The Colorblind短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:观众 目标观众是色盲人士。他们当然与油漆公司有着不寻常的关系,因为他们不能正确地看到和选择颜色。通过我们的眼镜技术,我们能够与他们建立一种新的、有意义的情感关系。但是,更重要的是,通过给色盲带来颜色,Valspar 给每个人带来了对颜色的更多欣赏。 客户简报或目标 Valspar 油漆公司认为每个人都应该充分体验颜色。即使是色盲。世界上有超过 3亿人是色盲。Valspar 与一个创新的光学实验室 EnChroma 合作,为每个人带来色彩。特殊的眼镜被创造出来,使色盲能够在他们的生活中第一次看到完整的颜色。这是一个非常有针对性的活动,旨在接触到非常具体的观众,色盲。在活动的每一个接触点,从在线到店内 POS,再到专门为色盲设计的特殊户外活动,消费者被鼓励通过分享他们的色盲故事来直接回应。我们捕获了这些信息,并利用这些回复进一步吸引消费者并推动对话。每一条信息都指向我们的网站,在那里消费者可以购买眼镜并找到最近的 Valspar 零售商。 执行 我们开始的目标是著名的有影响力的色盲人士,他们第一次用我们的眼镜定制设计的套件来体验颜色。影响者包括比尔·克林顿、马克·扎克伯格和克里斯 · 诺兰。一个类似的工具包被发送到几十个技术和设计出版物和博客。随着观众开始体验这部电影并分享他们的故事,我们的公关和社交团队做出了回应,并让消费者参与到关于色盲和每个人对颜色的欣赏的对话中。我们的行动呼吁鼓励在网上分享故事,我们给我们社交网站上分享的最好的故事发送了眼镜。我们在店内安装了带眼镜的特殊显示器,并在博物馆和植物园等地点安装了特殊显示器,以直接让那些受影响的人欣赏颜色。每一条信息都指向我们的网站,在那里消费者可以购买眼镜并找到最近的 Valspar 零售商。 结果 仅在一个月内,该活动就获得了 8亿多个媒体的印象。成千上万的色盲故事被消费者分享,我们创建了第一个全球色盲社区。对于我们在 Enchroma 的合作伙伴来说,他们在 4 周内就卖完了眼镜。3亿色盲人现在有机会第一次看到颜色。通过给色盲带来颜色,Valspar 给每个人带来了对颜色的更多欣赏。 概要 因为消费者认为油漆公司几乎都是一样的,我们需要颠覆传统渠道。通过与 EnChroma 光学实验室合作,Valspar 除了分发纪录片之外,还能够直接从我们的网站上分发特殊的色盲校正眼镜, 点燃关于色彩体验的有意义的对话。


    案例简介:Audience The target audience was colorblind people. They of course have an unusual relationship with paint companies because they are not able to correctly see and choose colors. Through the technology of our glasses, we were able to create a new, meaningful and emotional relationship with them. But, more importantly, by bringing color to the colorblind, Valspar brought a greater appreciation of color to everyone. Client Brief Or Objective The Valspar paint company believes everyone should experience color to the fullest. Even the colorblind. Over 300 million people in the world are colorblind. Valspar worked with EnChroma, an innovative optical lab, to bring color to everyone. Special glasses were created to enable the colorblind to see the full spectrum of color for the first time in their lives. This was a highly targeted campaign designed to reach a very specific audience, the colorblind. At every touchpoint of the campaign from online to in-store POS to special out-of-home designed especially for the colorblind, consumers were encouraged to directly respond by sharing their stories of colorblindness. We captured this information and used the responses to further engage consumers and fuel the conversation. Every piece of communication was directed to our website where consumers were able to purchase glasses and find the nearest Valspar retailer. Execution We started by targeting famous influential colorblind people with a custom-designed kit with our glasses for them to experience color for the first time. The influencers included Bill Clinton, Mark Zuckerberg, and Chris Nolan. A similar kit was sent to dozens of technology and design publications and blogs. As viewers began experiencing the film and sharing their stories, our PR and social teams responded and engaged consumers to fuel the conversation about colorblindness and the appreciation of color for everyone. Our call to action encouraged sharing of stories online and we sent glasses to the best stories shared on our social site. We installed special displays in-store with the glasses and at locations like museums and arboretums to directly enable those afflicted to appreciate color. Every piece of communication was directed to our website where consumers were able to purchase glasses and find the nearest Valspar retailer. Outcome The campaign had over 800 million media impressions in just one month. Thousands of colorblind stories were shared by consumers, and we created the first global colorblind community. For our partners at Enchroma, they sold out of glasses in 4 weeks. 300 million colorblind people now have the opportunity to see color for the first time. By bringing color to the colorblind, Valspar brought a greater appreciation of color to everyone. Synopsis Because consumers perceive paint companies to all be pretty much the same, we needed to subvert traditional channels. By partnering with EnChroma Optical Labs, Valspar was able – in addition to distributing a documentary – to distribute special pairs of colorblind-correcting glasses directly from our website, igniting a meaningful conversation about the experience of color.

    Color For The Colorblind

    案例简介:观众 目标观众是色盲人士。他们当然与油漆公司有着不寻常的关系,因为他们不能正确地看到和选择颜色。通过我们的眼镜技术,我们能够与他们建立一种新的、有意义的情感关系。但是,更重要的是,通过给色盲带来颜色,Valspar 给每个人带来了对颜色的更多欣赏。 客户简报或目标 Valspar 油漆公司认为每个人都应该充分体验颜色。即使是色盲。世界上有超过 3亿人是色盲。Valspar 与一个创新的光学实验室 EnChroma 合作,为每个人带来色彩。特殊的眼镜被创造出来,使色盲能够在他们的生活中第一次看到完整的颜色。这是一个非常有针对性的活动,旨在接触到非常具体的观众,色盲。在活动的每一个接触点,从在线到店内 POS,再到专门为色盲设计的特殊户外活动,消费者被鼓励通过分享他们的色盲故事来直接回应。我们捕获了这些信息,并利用这些回复进一步吸引消费者并推动对话。每一条信息都指向我们的网站,在那里消费者可以购买眼镜并找到最近的 Valspar 零售商。 执行 我们开始的目标是著名的有影响力的色盲人士,他们第一次用我们的眼镜定制设计的套件来体验颜色。影响者包括比尔·克林顿、马克·扎克伯格和克里斯 · 诺兰。一个类似的工具包被发送到几十个技术和设计出版物和博客。随着观众开始体验这部电影并分享他们的故事,我们的公关和社交团队做出了回应,并让消费者参与到关于色盲和每个人对颜色的欣赏的对话中。我们的行动呼吁鼓励在网上分享故事,我们给我们社交网站上分享的最好的故事发送了眼镜。我们在店内安装了带眼镜的特殊显示器,并在博物馆和植物园等地点安装了特殊显示器,以直接让那些受影响的人欣赏颜色。每一条信息都指向我们的网站,在那里消费者可以购买眼镜并找到最近的 Valspar 零售商。 结果 仅在一个月内,该活动就获得了 8亿多个媒体的印象。成千上万的色盲故事被消费者分享,我们创建了第一个全球色盲社区。对于我们在 Enchroma 的合作伙伴来说,他们在 4 周内就卖完了眼镜。3亿色盲人现在有机会第一次看到颜色。通过给色盲带来颜色,Valspar 给每个人带来了对颜色的更多欣赏。 概要 因为消费者认为油漆公司几乎都是一样的,我们需要颠覆传统渠道。通过与 EnChroma 光学实验室合作,Valspar 除了分发纪录片之外,还能够直接从我们的网站上分发特殊的色盲校正眼镜, 点燃关于色彩体验的有意义的对话。

    Color For The Colorblind

    案例简介:Audience The target audience was colorblind people. They of course have an unusual relationship with paint companies because they are not able to correctly see and choose colors. Through the technology of our glasses, we were able to create a new, meaningful and emotional relationship with them. But, more importantly, by bringing color to the colorblind, Valspar brought a greater appreciation of color to everyone. Client Brief Or Objective The Valspar paint company believes everyone should experience color to the fullest. Even the colorblind. Over 300 million people in the world are colorblind. Valspar worked with EnChroma, an innovative optical lab, to bring color to everyone. Special glasses were created to enable the colorblind to see the full spectrum of color for the first time in their lives. This was a highly targeted campaign designed to reach a very specific audience, the colorblind. At every touchpoint of the campaign from online to in-store POS to special out-of-home designed especially for the colorblind, consumers were encouraged to directly respond by sharing their stories of colorblindness. We captured this information and used the responses to further engage consumers and fuel the conversation. Every piece of communication was directed to our website where consumers were able to purchase glasses and find the nearest Valspar retailer. Execution We started by targeting famous influential colorblind people with a custom-designed kit with our glasses for them to experience color for the first time. The influencers included Bill Clinton, Mark Zuckerberg, and Chris Nolan. A similar kit was sent to dozens of technology and design publications and blogs. As viewers began experiencing the film and sharing their stories, our PR and social teams responded and engaged consumers to fuel the conversation about colorblindness and the appreciation of color for everyone. Our call to action encouraged sharing of stories online and we sent glasses to the best stories shared on our social site. We installed special displays in-store with the glasses and at locations like museums and arboretums to directly enable those afflicted to appreciate color. Every piece of communication was directed to our website where consumers were able to purchase glasses and find the nearest Valspar retailer. Outcome The campaign had over 800 million media impressions in just one month. Thousands of colorblind stories were shared by consumers, and we created the first global colorblind community. For our partners at Enchroma, they sold out of glasses in 4 weeks. 300 million colorblind people now have the opportunity to see color for the first time. By bringing color to the colorblind, Valspar brought a greater appreciation of color to everyone. Synopsis Because consumers perceive paint companies to all be pretty much the same, we needed to subvert traditional channels. By partnering with EnChroma Optical Labs, Valspar was able – in addition to distributing a documentary – to distribute special pairs of colorblind-correcting glasses directly from our website, igniting a meaningful conversation about the experience of color.



    Color For The Colorblind





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