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    Rio Carioca Beer户外广告营销案例




    案例简介:11:21为里约卡里奥卡啤酒推出电影和新的活动布局。 马卡把所有的注意力都放在交付上,并在社交网络上发起新的行动。 自近五年前推出以来,Cerveja Rio Carioca一直以幽默和机遇指导其沟通。它们是每周一次的作品,有时是每天一次,只有在大流行期间,品牌的影响力才会在社交网络上增长4,600% 以上。 里奥 · 卡里奥卡的创始人兼总经理路易斯 · 爱德华多 · 维埃拉说,“将我们的沟通集中在最终公众身上的策略,总是带着幽默、机遇和制造噪音,被证明是正确的,即使现在,这种交付已经成为主要的分销渠道。" 自检疫开始以来,所有品牌传播都专注于通过主要市场参与者增加交货。 由此,里约卡里奥卡的分销获得了国力,这是品牌长期以来的渴望,因为传播的反响一直是全国性的,甚至是国际的。 11:21与电影制片人波尔沃 · Content、导演古斯塔沃 · 提索特和音频制作人诺瓦 · 翁达合作,创作了一个广告,播放检疫时代》的典型交流。 他们是悲伤的人,看着窗外,毫无希望,没有希望。信说这很难,但我们会赢。一切都停止了,但我们会赢。图像显示封闭的酒吧。字体保持在同一行: 一切都关闭了,但它会打开。 所有这一切都发生在一个悲伤的轨道上,图像在PB中,似乎品牌已经放弃了幽默。 只是没有。 当电影的信件说 “这很难,但它会打开” 时,他补充说 “你今天可以打开”,而悲伤的演员看起来很惊讶。黑白图像是彩色的,然后刻字给出了解决方案: 要求交付并在今天打开您的Rio Carioca。 这部电影的签名带有品牌的概念,即 “没有病毒持有里约精神”。 根据商业总监古斯塔沃 · 提索特的说法,“我一直是里约通信的粉丝。当与该品牌合作的机会出现时,我们非常兴奋,因为我们知道这将是一个原创而有趣的项目。整个拍摄过程很遥远,圣保罗和巴西利亚的场景尊重检疫" 机会 在《机遇》的帖子中,以同样的速度和通常的幽默继续,新奇的是一个新的图形面孔,一个甚至更简单的布局,它进一步重视标题,该活动自成立以来的明星,以及包装。 据首席执行官兼CCO 11:21说,“是时候更新我们为品牌制造的噪音了”。


    案例简介:11:21 launches film and new campaign layout for Rio Carioca Beer. Marca puts all focus on delivery and launches new actions on social networks. Since its launch almost five years ago, Cerveja Rio Carioca has guided its communication in humor and opportunity. They are weekly pieces, sometimes daily, that only during the pandemic made the reach of the brand grow more than 4,600% on social networks. According to Luiz Eduardo Vieira, Founder and General Director of Rio Carioca, “the strategy of focusing our communication on the final public, always with humor, opportunity and making noise, proved to be correct, even now, that delivery has become the main distribution channel . ” All brand communication since the beginning of the quarantine has focused on increasing delivery through major market players. With that, the distribution of Rio Carioca gained national strength, which was a desire of the brand for a long time, since the repercussion of communication has always been national and even international. In partnership with film producer Polvo Content, director Gustavo Tissot, and audio producer Nova Onda, 11:21 created a commercial that plays with the typical communication of quarantine times. They are sad people, looking out the window, at nothing, without hope. Letterings say it is difficult, but we will win. Everything is stopped, but we will win. The images show closed bars. And the lettering remains on the same line: Everything is closed, but it will open. All of this happens with a sad track, images in PB, it seems that the brand has given up humor. Only not. When the letterings of the film say that "it is difficult, but it will open", he adds that "you can open today" and the actor who was sad looks surprised. The black and white image is colored and the lettering then gives the solution: Ask for delivery and open your Rio Carioca today. The film's signature plays with the concept of the brand saying that “there is no virus that holds the spirit of Rio”. According to Gustavo Tissot, commercial director, “I have always been a fan of Rio Carioca communication. When the opportunity to work with the brand came up, we were very excited because we knew it would be an original and fun project. The entire filming was remote, with scenes in São Paulo and Brasília, respecting the quarantine. ” OPPORTUNITY In the posts of opportunity, which continue at the same pace and with the usual humor, the novelty is a new graphic face, an even simpler layout, which further values ​​the title, star of the campaign since its inception, and the packaging . According to Gustavo Bastos, CEO and CCO at 11:21, “it was time to renew the noise we make for the brand”.

    Rio Carioca Beer

    案例简介:11:21为里约卡里奥卡啤酒推出电影和新的活动布局。 马卡把所有的注意力都放在交付上,并在社交网络上发起新的行动。 自近五年前推出以来,Cerveja Rio Carioca一直以幽默和机遇指导其沟通。它们是每周一次的作品,有时是每天一次,只有在大流行期间,品牌的影响力才会在社交网络上增长4,600% 以上。 里奥 · 卡里奥卡的创始人兼总经理路易斯 · 爱德华多 · 维埃拉说,“将我们的沟通集中在最终公众身上的策略,总是带着幽默、机遇和制造噪音,被证明是正确的,即使现在,这种交付已经成为主要的分销渠道。" 自检疫开始以来,所有品牌传播都专注于通过主要市场参与者增加交货。 由此,里约卡里奥卡的分销获得了国力,这是品牌长期以来的渴望,因为传播的反响一直是全国性的,甚至是国际的。 11:21与电影制片人波尔沃 · Content、导演古斯塔沃 · 提索特和音频制作人诺瓦 · 翁达合作,创作了一个广告,播放检疫时代》的典型交流。 他们是悲伤的人,看着窗外,毫无希望,没有希望。信说这很难,但我们会赢。一切都停止了,但我们会赢。图像显示封闭的酒吧。字体保持在同一行: 一切都关闭了,但它会打开。 所有这一切都发生在一个悲伤的轨道上,图像在PB中,似乎品牌已经放弃了幽默。 只是没有。 当电影的信件说 “这很难,但它会打开” 时,他补充说 “你今天可以打开”,而悲伤的演员看起来很惊讶。黑白图像是彩色的,然后刻字给出了解决方案: 要求交付并在今天打开您的Rio Carioca。 这部电影的签名带有品牌的概念,即 “没有病毒持有里约精神”。 根据商业总监古斯塔沃 · 提索特的说法,“我一直是里约通信的粉丝。当与该品牌合作的机会出现时,我们非常兴奋,因为我们知道这将是一个原创而有趣的项目。整个拍摄过程很遥远,圣保罗和巴西利亚的场景尊重检疫" 机会 在《机遇》的帖子中,以同样的速度和通常的幽默继续,新奇的是一个新的图形面孔,一个甚至更简单的布局,它进一步重视标题,该活动自成立以来的明星,以及包装。 据首席执行官兼CCO 11:21说,“是时候更新我们为品牌制造的噪音了”。

    Rio Carioca Beer

    案例简介:11:21 launches film and new campaign layout for Rio Carioca Beer. Marca puts all focus on delivery and launches new actions on social networks. Since its launch almost five years ago, Cerveja Rio Carioca has guided its communication in humor and opportunity. They are weekly pieces, sometimes daily, that only during the pandemic made the reach of the brand grow more than 4,600% on social networks. According to Luiz Eduardo Vieira, Founder and General Director of Rio Carioca, “the strategy of focusing our communication on the final public, always with humor, opportunity and making noise, proved to be correct, even now, that delivery has become the main distribution channel . ” All brand communication since the beginning of the quarantine has focused on increasing delivery through major market players. With that, the distribution of Rio Carioca gained national strength, which was a desire of the brand for a long time, since the repercussion of communication has always been national and even international. In partnership with film producer Polvo Content, director Gustavo Tissot, and audio producer Nova Onda, 11:21 created a commercial that plays with the typical communication of quarantine times. They are sad people, looking out the window, at nothing, without hope. Letterings say it is difficult, but we will win. Everything is stopped, but we will win. The images show closed bars. And the lettering remains on the same line: Everything is closed, but it will open. All of this happens with a sad track, images in PB, it seems that the brand has given up humor. Only not. When the letterings of the film say that "it is difficult, but it will open", he adds that "you can open today" and the actor who was sad looks surprised. The black and white image is colored and the lettering then gives the solution: Ask for delivery and open your Rio Carioca today. The film's signature plays with the concept of the brand saying that “there is no virus that holds the spirit of Rio”. According to Gustavo Tissot, commercial director, “I have always been a fan of Rio Carioca communication. When the opportunity to work with the brand came up, we were very excited because we knew it would be an original and fun project. The entire filming was remote, with scenes in São Paulo and Brasília, respecting the quarantine. ” OPPORTUNITY In the posts of opportunity, which continue at the same pace and with the usual humor, the novelty is a new graphic face, an even simpler layout, which further values ​​the title, star of the campaign since its inception, and the packaging . According to Gustavo Bastos, CEO and CCO at 11:21, “it was time to renew the noise we make for the brand”.



    Rio Carioca Beer










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