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    案例简介:概要 我们需要将挑战者运动营养品牌的意识提升到一个过于严肃的类别中; 美化体育明星,展示赤裸的肌肉和无处不在的健身房环境。当然,我们有一流的体育天赋,但是我们需要以停止滚动和开始对话的方式使用它们。我们决定带他们离开健身房,而是展示散装粉末如何帮助他们度过日常生活; 从园艺到刷牙或购物。结果呢?很多 '这是 wtf 吗?' 但最重要的是,我们获得了一些严肃的关注。 战略 我们需要提高英国、德国和法国 18-25 岁健身房观众对散装粉末的认识。但这只是等式的一部分,因为如果人们不考虑我们,仅仅了解我们有什么意义呢?所以我们把简报转移到 “抓住他们的注意力,将散装粉末定位为具有适当幽默感的运动营养公司”, 因为给品牌增加个性和深度会比纯粹的功能性聚焦带来更好的结果。 相关性 这些电影都以体育、健康和健身名人为特色,在意想不到的环境中通过有趣的例子谈论他们是如何主宰每天的场景的。品牌只扮演配角 -- 重点是名人和他们的幽默故事。 结果 销售额同比增长 42% 46% 品牌宣传 33% 品牌考虑 27% 品牌知名度提升 954,000 YouTube 点击量超过 200万 Instagram 点击量超过 400 推特点击量 执行 主宰生活成了我们荒谬的过度团结的口号,鼓励各地的健身爱好者在日常任务中 “获胜”。一部品牌电影实现了这个概念,但是我们以一种非常不同的方式利用了我们的天赋,根据每个人的个性为他们写了定制的场景。安东尼 · 约书亚给盆景树做了一个励志演讲,汤姆 · 戴利用牙膏教我们价值,露西 · 沃森用她切割的语言风格主导对话。每个人都在他们的社交渠道和我们的渠道上运行。 活动描述 社交渠道上的健身行业充斥着著名大使,他们以严肃的语气就严肃的锻炼和严肃的饮食提出严肃的建议。我们想通过用幽默对观众说话,让自己与业内其他人区分开来。是的,我们想保持良好的状态,但是为什么我们不能边笑呢?所以我们以一种意想不到的方式使用我们的品牌大使; 把他们的舌头牢牢地放在他们肌肉发达的脸颊上,并就生活的各个方面给出建议。我们的明星对从园艺到肺活量的一切都提出了建议,嗯,给出了建议。虽然语气是开玩笑的,但信息是严肃的 -- 通过使用散装粉末并保持良好的状态,你的表现不仅会在健身房或赛道上有所提高, 但在日常生活本身。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 医疗保健监管机构政府电视台/媒体频道不得在任何儿童节目之前、期间或之后的休息时间内传播。 简要解释 观众 研究表明,锻炼和身体状况良好有助于大脑功能 -- 提高记忆、注意力、心理健康和创造力,这对生活有深远的影响。散装粉末提供健康补充剂,包括蛋白质奶昔,这不仅可以帮助你主宰健身房,还可以主宰生活本身。


    案例简介:Synopsis We needed to drive awareness of a challenger sports nutrition brand in a category that takes itself too seriously; glorifying sports stars, showing shirtless muscles and the ubiquitous gym setting. Sure, we had A-list sports talent of our own, but we needed to use them in a way that stops the scrolling and starts a conversation. We decided to take them out of the gym and instead show how Bulk Powders helps them to live their everyday lives; from gardening to brushing their teeth or carrying the shopping. And the result? A lot of 'WTF is this?' but most of all, we gained some serious attention. Strategy We needed to raise awareness of Bulk Powders among 18-25 year old gym goers in the UK, Germany and France. But this was only part of the equation, because what's the point of people just knowing about us if they're not considering us? So we shifted the brief to 'grab their attention and position Bulk Powders as the sports nutrition company with a proper sense of humour', because adding personality and depth to the brand would result in better results than a purely functional focus. Relevancy These films each feature sports, health and fitness celebrities in an unexpected settings talking through entertaining examples of how they Dominate every day scenarios. The brand plays only a supporting role - the focus is on the celebrity and their humorous stories. Outcome 42 % uplift in sales YOY (volume) 46% uplift in brand advocacy 33% uplift in brand consideration 27% uplift in brand awareness 954,000 YouTube hits Over 2 million Instagram views Over 400k Twitter views Execution Dominate Life became our absurd over-the-top rallying cry, encouraging gym goers everywhere to 'win' at everyday tasks. A brand film landed the concept, but we used our talent in a very different way by writing bespoke scenarios for each of them based on their personalities. Anthony Joshua gave a motivational speech to a bonsai tree, Tom Daley taught us about value using toothpaste and Lucy Watson used her cutting verbal style to dominate conversations. Each one ran on their social channels and ours. CampaignDescription The fitness industry on social channels are awash with famous ambassadors giving serious advice in a serious tone about serious workouts and serious diets. We wanted to set ourselves apart from the rest of the industry by using humour to speak to our audience. Yes we want to be in great shape, but why can’t we have a laugh while we do it? So we used our brand ambassadors in an unexpected way; by putting their tongues firmly in their muscular cheeks and giving advice on various aspects of life. Our stars gave advice on everything from gardening to lung capacity to, well, giving advice. While the tone was jokey, the message was serious – by using Bulk Powders and getting in great shape, your performances will improve not just in the gym or on the track, but in everyday life itself. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes • Healthcare regulatory bodies • Government • TV stations/media channels Not to be transmitted in the breaks immediately before, during or immediately after any children's programme. BriefExplanation Audience Research has shown that exercise and generally being in good shape can help brain functionality– improving memory, concentration, mental health and creativity, which can have profound effects on life. Bulk Powders provides health supplements, including protein shakes, that can not only help you dominate the gym, but dominate life itself.


    案例简介:概要 我们需要将挑战者运动营养品牌的意识提升到一个过于严肃的类别中; 美化体育明星,展示赤裸的肌肉和无处不在的健身房环境。当然,我们有一流的体育天赋,但是我们需要以停止滚动和开始对话的方式使用它们。我们决定带他们离开健身房,而是展示散装粉末如何帮助他们度过日常生活; 从园艺到刷牙或购物。结果呢?很多 '这是 wtf 吗?' 但最重要的是,我们获得了一些严肃的关注。 战略 我们需要提高英国、德国和法国 18-25 岁健身房观众对散装粉末的认识。但这只是等式的一部分,因为如果人们不考虑我们,仅仅了解我们有什么意义呢?所以我们把简报转移到 “抓住他们的注意力,将散装粉末定位为具有适当幽默感的运动营养公司”, 因为给品牌增加个性和深度会比纯粹的功能性聚焦带来更好的结果。 相关性 这些电影都以体育、健康和健身名人为特色,在意想不到的环境中通过有趣的例子谈论他们是如何主宰每天的场景的。品牌只扮演配角 -- 重点是名人和他们的幽默故事。 结果 销售额同比增长 42% 46% 品牌宣传 33% 品牌考虑 27% 品牌知名度提升 954,000 YouTube 点击量超过 200万 Instagram 点击量超过 400 推特点击量 执行 主宰生活成了我们荒谬的过度团结的口号,鼓励各地的健身爱好者在日常任务中 “获胜”。一部品牌电影实现了这个概念,但是我们以一种非常不同的方式利用了我们的天赋,根据每个人的个性为他们写了定制的场景。安东尼 · 约书亚给盆景树做了一个励志演讲,汤姆 · 戴利用牙膏教我们价值,露西 · 沃森用她切割的语言风格主导对话。每个人都在他们的社交渠道和我们的渠道上运行。 活动描述 社交渠道上的健身行业充斥着著名大使,他们以严肃的语气就严肃的锻炼和严肃的饮食提出严肃的建议。我们想通过用幽默对观众说话,让自己与业内其他人区分开来。是的,我们想保持良好的状态,但是为什么我们不能边笑呢?所以我们以一种意想不到的方式使用我们的品牌大使; 把他们的舌头牢牢地放在他们肌肉发达的脸颊上,并就生活的各个方面给出建议。我们的明星对从园艺到肺活量的一切都提出了建议,嗯,给出了建议。虽然语气是开玩笑的,但信息是严肃的 -- 通过使用散装粉末并保持良好的状态,你的表现不仅会在健身房或赛道上有所提高, 但在日常生活本身。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 医疗保健监管机构政府电视台/媒体频道不得在任何儿童节目之前、期间或之后的休息时间内传播。 简要解释 观众 研究表明,锻炼和身体状况良好有助于大脑功能 -- 提高记忆、注意力、心理健康和创造力,这对生活有深远的影响。散装粉末提供健康补充剂,包括蛋白质奶昔,这不仅可以帮助你主宰健身房,还可以主宰生活本身。


    案例简介:Synopsis We needed to drive awareness of a challenger sports nutrition brand in a category that takes itself too seriously; glorifying sports stars, showing shirtless muscles and the ubiquitous gym setting. Sure, we had A-list sports talent of our own, but we needed to use them in a way that stops the scrolling and starts a conversation. We decided to take them out of the gym and instead show how Bulk Powders helps them to live their everyday lives; from gardening to brushing their teeth or carrying the shopping. And the result? A lot of 'WTF is this?' but most of all, we gained some serious attention. Strategy We needed to raise awareness of Bulk Powders among 18-25 year old gym goers in the UK, Germany and France. But this was only part of the equation, because what's the point of people just knowing about us if they're not considering us? So we shifted the brief to 'grab their attention and position Bulk Powders as the sports nutrition company with a proper sense of humour', because adding personality and depth to the brand would result in better results than a purely functional focus. Relevancy These films each feature sports, health and fitness celebrities in an unexpected settings talking through entertaining examples of how they Dominate every day scenarios. The brand plays only a supporting role - the focus is on the celebrity and their humorous stories. Outcome 42 % uplift in sales YOY (volume) 46% uplift in brand advocacy 33% uplift in brand consideration 27% uplift in brand awareness 954,000 YouTube hits Over 2 million Instagram views Over 400k Twitter views Execution Dominate Life became our absurd over-the-top rallying cry, encouraging gym goers everywhere to 'win' at everyday tasks. A brand film landed the concept, but we used our talent in a very different way by writing bespoke scenarios for each of them based on their personalities. Anthony Joshua gave a motivational speech to a bonsai tree, Tom Daley taught us about value using toothpaste and Lucy Watson used her cutting verbal style to dominate conversations. Each one ran on their social channels and ours. CampaignDescription The fitness industry on social channels are awash with famous ambassadors giving serious advice in a serious tone about serious workouts and serious diets. We wanted to set ourselves apart from the rest of the industry by using humour to speak to our audience. Yes we want to be in great shape, but why can’t we have a laugh while we do it? So we used our brand ambassadors in an unexpected way; by putting their tongues firmly in their muscular cheeks and giving advice on various aspects of life. Our stars gave advice on everything from gardening to lung capacity to, well, giving advice. While the tone was jokey, the message was serious – by using Bulk Powders and getting in great shape, your performances will improve not just in the gym or on the track, but in everyday life itself. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes • Healthcare regulatory bodies • Government • TV stations/media channels Not to be transmitted in the breaks immediately before, during or immediately after any children's programme. BriefExplanation Audience Research has shown that exercise and generally being in good shape can help brain functionality– improving memory, concentration, mental health and creativity, which can have profound effects on life. Bulk Powders provides health supplements, including protein shakes, that can not only help you dominate the gym, but dominate life itself.









    广告公司: Droga5 (英国 伦敦) 制作公司: Biscuit Filmworks , D5X




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