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    KPN Safe Lock短视频广告营销案例



    KPN 安全锁

    案例简介:概要 在荷兰,骑自行车的孩子发生智能手机相关事故是一个快速增长的问题。我们的简介: 开发一种解决方案,大大提高儿童骑自行车的安全性,并在此过程中,帮助 KPN 获得作为负责任电信提供商的独特地位。与神经科学研究所合作,我们研究了智能手机对儿童交通安全的影响。结果显示,智能手机不断分散骑自行车儿童的注意力 -- 即使他们不使用智能手机。孩子们忍不住好奇,智能手机通知需要即时关注。目前阻止干扰的选项是有限的。苹果的汽车模式或三星的 “不分散注意力” 模式等解决方案需要手动打开,这很容易被遗忘,或者可以简单地关闭, 为总是想和朋友保持联系的一代人提供一条简单的出路。 战略 KPN 的存在是为了帮助所有年龄段的人探索技术提供的机会,并以负责任的方式这样做。儿童中与智能手机相关的交通事故越来越多,这促使我们审视 KPN 如何承担起作为电信品牌的责任。我们的目标是通过开展一场不仅仅是通信的运动,将 KPN 定位为交通安全的倡导者。为了实现这一目标,我们着手积极制定一个真正的解决方案,大大提高儿童的安全。这导致了安全锁的想法。与此同时,我们开展了一项运动,提高人们对智能手机相关分心问题的认识,并声称 KPN 是一个负责任的电信品牌。 结果 安全锁于 2017年6月首次作为原型出现。包括《纽约时报》、《华盛顿邮报》和《边缘》在内的国内和国际媒体广泛报道了它的推出,并覆盖了荷兰 (一个只有 1000万人口的国家) 的 1700万多人全世界超过 1.8亿人 -- 所有这些都在不到 5 天的时间里。我们的 YouTube 视频强调了智能手机分心的危险,观看次数超过 100万次,影响者的 Instagram 帖子获得了超过 350,000 个赞。我们的新闻稿向全球电信提供商发出了公开邀请,邀请他们与我们合作,在全球范围内推出这一解决方案。我们相信,这种创新可以在包括汽车在内的各种交通方式中实施,并为未来几年将变得越来越紧迫的问题提供了强有力的解决方案。尤其是年轻司机。 执行 安全锁通过蓝牙连接到儿童手机上的安全锁应用程序。当自行车解锁时,它会向应用程序发送信号。然后,该应用程序向 KPN 网络发送信号,KPN 网络暂时阻止与儿童智能手机之间的所有数据和语音通信。当锁再次关闭时,从锁向应用程序发送第二个信号,应用程序通知 KPN 网络再次启用与智能手机的所有数据和语音通信。该解决方案由三部分组成: 锁本身、配套应用程序和增强的 KPN 蜂窝网络。安全锁原型于 2017年6月亮相。经过 2017年11月的封闭目标组测试,该网络自 2月以来一直处于运行状态。实际产品现在可以预先订购,并将在 9月新学年开始前推出 Android 应用程序。IOS 应用程序将在年底前推出。 活动描述 凭借安全锁,KPN 成为世界上第一个通过暂时阻止最年轻用户访问其蜂窝网络来提高其流量安全的电信提供商。KPN 安全锁,一种自行车锁,充当二进制开关。当自行车解锁时,KPN 蜂窝和数据网络被锁定,禁用所有数据和语音通信。当自行车被重新锁定时,网络被解锁,孩子们可以再次自由使用他们的手机。在紧急情况下,总是可以到达报警号码。为了实现这一目标,我们必须增强 KPN 蜂窝网络,使其能够暂时阻止与特定智能手机的所有数据和语音通信。这把锁对孩子们来说非常容易使用,因为它建立在用类似风格的 O 形锁锁定他们自行车的现有习惯的基础上。

    KPN 安全锁

    案例简介:Synopsis Smartphone-related accidents among kids riding their bicycles are a fast-growing problem in the Netherlands. Our brief: to develop a solution that dramatically increases the safety of children on their bicycles and, in doing so, to help KPN claim a unique position as a responsible telecom provider. In partnership with a neuroscientific research institute, we studied the effects of smartphones on traffic safety among children. The results showed that smartphones present a constant distraction to cycling children - even when they aren’t using them. Kids can’t help being curious, and smartphone notifications demand instant attention. Current options to block distractions are limited. Solutions such as Apple’s Car Mode or Samsung’s Do Not Distract mode need to be turned on manually, which is easily forgotten, or can be simply switched off, offering an easy way out to a generation that always wants to stay in touch with their friends. Strategy KPN exists to help people of all ages to explore the opportunities provided by technology, and to do so in a responsible way. The rising number of smartphone-related traffic accidents among children triggered us to examine how KPN could shoulder its responsibility as a telecom brand. Our aim was to position KPN as a champion of traffic safety by developing a campaign that would go well beyond just communications. In order to achieve this, we set out to actively develop a real solution that would significantly increase the safety of children. This led to the idea for the Safe Lock. In parallel, we developed a campaign to raise awareness for the issue of smartphone-related distraction and to claim a strong position for KPN as a responsible telecom brand. Outcome The Safe Lock was first presented as a prototype in June 2017. Its introduction was widely reported by both national and international press, including The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Verge, and reached over 10 million people in The Netherlands (a country of only 17 million) and over 180 million people worldwide – all in less than 5 days. Our YouTube videos highlighting the dangers of smartphone distraction were watched over one million times and the influencers’ Instagram posts received over 350,000 likes. Our press release issued an open invitation to telecom providers worldwide, to collaborate with us on the introduction of this solution around the globe. We believe that this innovation can be implemented in a wide range of transportation modes, including cars, and offers a powerful solution to a problem that will become increasingly urgent in the years to come. Especially among young drivers. Execution The Safe Lock connects to the Safe Lock app on the child’s phone via Bluetooth. When the bicycle is unlocked, it sends a signal to the app. The app then sends a signal to the KPN network, which temporarily blocks all data and voice communication to and from the child’s smartphone. When the lock is closed again, a second signal is sent from the lock to the app, and the app notifies the KPN network to enable all data and voice communication to the smartphone again. The solution consists of three parts: the lock itself, a companion app and the enhanced KPN cellular network. The Safe Lock prototype was unveiled in June, 2017. After a closed target group test in november 2017, the network has been live since February. The actual product can now be pre-ordered and will be launched, with an Android app before the beginning of the new school year in September. The iOS app will follow before the end of the year. CampaignDescription With Safe Lock, KPN becomes the first telecom provider in the world to increase the traffic safety of its youngest users by temporarily blocking their access to its cellular network. KPN Safe Lock, a bicycle lock that acts as a binary switch. When the bicycle is unlocked, the KPN cellular and data network is locked, disabling all data and voice communication. When the bicycle is locked back up, the network is unlocked and kids can freely use their phone again. In case of an emergency, the alarm number can always be reached. To make this possible, we had to enhance the KPN cellular network, enabling it to temporarily block all data and voice communication to a specific smartphone. The lock is very easy to use for kids, as it builds on the existing habit of locking their bike with a similar style O-lock.

    KPN Safe Lock

    案例简介:概要 在荷兰,骑自行车的孩子发生智能手机相关事故是一个快速增长的问题。我们的简介: 开发一种解决方案,大大提高儿童骑自行车的安全性,并在此过程中,帮助 KPN 获得作为负责任电信提供商的独特地位。与神经科学研究所合作,我们研究了智能手机对儿童交通安全的影响。结果显示,智能手机不断分散骑自行车儿童的注意力 -- 即使他们不使用智能手机。孩子们忍不住好奇,智能手机通知需要即时关注。目前阻止干扰的选项是有限的。苹果的汽车模式或三星的 “不分散注意力” 模式等解决方案需要手动打开,这很容易被遗忘,或者可以简单地关闭, 为总是想和朋友保持联系的一代人提供一条简单的出路。 战略 KPN 的存在是为了帮助所有年龄段的人探索技术提供的机会,并以负责任的方式这样做。儿童中与智能手机相关的交通事故越来越多,这促使我们审视 KPN 如何承担起作为电信品牌的责任。我们的目标是通过开展一场不仅仅是通信的运动,将 KPN 定位为交通安全的倡导者。为了实现这一目标,我们着手积极制定一个真正的解决方案,大大提高儿童的安全。这导致了安全锁的想法。与此同时,我们开展了一项运动,提高人们对智能手机相关分心问题的认识,并声称 KPN 是一个负责任的电信品牌。 结果 安全锁于 2017年6月首次作为原型出现。包括《纽约时报》、《华盛顿邮报》和《边缘》在内的国内和国际媒体广泛报道了它的推出,并覆盖了荷兰 (一个只有 1000万人口的国家) 的 1700万多人全世界超过 1.8亿人 -- 所有这些都在不到 5 天的时间里。我们的 YouTube 视频强调了智能手机分心的危险,观看次数超过 100万次,影响者的 Instagram 帖子获得了超过 350,000 个赞。我们的新闻稿向全球电信提供商发出了公开邀请,邀请他们与我们合作,在全球范围内推出这一解决方案。我们相信,这种创新可以在包括汽车在内的各种交通方式中实施,并为未来几年将变得越来越紧迫的问题提供了强有力的解决方案。尤其是年轻司机。 执行 安全锁通过蓝牙连接到儿童手机上的安全锁应用程序。当自行车解锁时,它会向应用程序发送信号。然后,该应用程序向 KPN 网络发送信号,KPN 网络暂时阻止与儿童智能手机之间的所有数据和语音通信。当锁再次关闭时,从锁向应用程序发送第二个信号,应用程序通知 KPN 网络再次启用与智能手机的所有数据和语音通信。该解决方案由三部分组成: 锁本身、配套应用程序和增强的 KPN 蜂窝网络。安全锁原型于 2017年6月亮相。经过 2017年11月的封闭目标组测试,该网络自 2月以来一直处于运行状态。实际产品现在可以预先订购,并将在 9月新学年开始前推出 Android 应用程序。IOS 应用程序将在年底前推出。 活动描述 凭借安全锁,KPN 成为世界上第一个通过暂时阻止最年轻用户访问其蜂窝网络来提高其流量安全的电信提供商。KPN 安全锁,一种自行车锁,充当二进制开关。当自行车解锁时,KPN 蜂窝和数据网络被锁定,禁用所有数据和语音通信。当自行车被重新锁定时,网络被解锁,孩子们可以再次自由使用他们的手机。在紧急情况下,总是可以到达报警号码。为了实现这一目标,我们必须增强 KPN 蜂窝网络,使其能够暂时阻止与特定智能手机的所有数据和语音通信。这把锁对孩子们来说非常容易使用,因为它建立在用类似风格的 O 形锁锁定他们自行车的现有习惯的基础上。

    KPN Safe Lock

    案例简介:Synopsis Smartphone-related accidents among kids riding their bicycles are a fast-growing problem in the Netherlands. Our brief: to develop a solution that dramatically increases the safety of children on their bicycles and, in doing so, to help KPN claim a unique position as a responsible telecom provider. In partnership with a neuroscientific research institute, we studied the effects of smartphones on traffic safety among children. The results showed that smartphones present a constant distraction to cycling children - even when they aren’t using them. Kids can’t help being curious, and smartphone notifications demand instant attention. Current options to block distractions are limited. Solutions such as Apple’s Car Mode or Samsung’s Do Not Distract mode need to be turned on manually, which is easily forgotten, or can be simply switched off, offering an easy way out to a generation that always wants to stay in touch with their friends. Strategy KPN exists to help people of all ages to explore the opportunities provided by technology, and to do so in a responsible way. The rising number of smartphone-related traffic accidents among children triggered us to examine how KPN could shoulder its responsibility as a telecom brand. Our aim was to position KPN as a champion of traffic safety by developing a campaign that would go well beyond just communications. In order to achieve this, we set out to actively develop a real solution that would significantly increase the safety of children. This led to the idea for the Safe Lock. In parallel, we developed a campaign to raise awareness for the issue of smartphone-related distraction and to claim a strong position for KPN as a responsible telecom brand. Outcome The Safe Lock was first presented as a prototype in June 2017. Its introduction was widely reported by both national and international press, including The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Verge, and reached over 10 million people in The Netherlands (a country of only 17 million) and over 180 million people worldwide – all in less than 5 days. Our YouTube videos highlighting the dangers of smartphone distraction were watched over one million times and the influencers’ Instagram posts received over 350,000 likes. Our press release issued an open invitation to telecom providers worldwide, to collaborate with us on the introduction of this solution around the globe. We believe that this innovation can be implemented in a wide range of transportation modes, including cars, and offers a powerful solution to a problem that will become increasingly urgent in the years to come. Especially among young drivers. Execution The Safe Lock connects to the Safe Lock app on the child’s phone via Bluetooth. When the bicycle is unlocked, it sends a signal to the app. The app then sends a signal to the KPN network, which temporarily blocks all data and voice communication to and from the child’s smartphone. When the lock is closed again, a second signal is sent from the lock to the app, and the app notifies the KPN network to enable all data and voice communication to the smartphone again. The solution consists of three parts: the lock itself, a companion app and the enhanced KPN cellular network. The Safe Lock prototype was unveiled in June, 2017. After a closed target group test in november 2017, the network has been live since February. The actual product can now be pre-ordered and will be launched, with an Android app before the beginning of the new school year in September. The iOS app will follow before the end of the year. CampaignDescription With Safe Lock, KPN becomes the first telecom provider in the world to increase the traffic safety of its youngest users by temporarily blocking their access to its cellular network. KPN Safe Lock, a bicycle lock that acts as a binary switch. When the bicycle is unlocked, the KPN cellular and data network is locked, disabling all data and voice communication. When the bicycle is locked back up, the network is unlocked and kids can freely use their phone again. In case of an emergency, the alarm number can always be reached. To make this possible, we had to enhance the KPN cellular network, enabling it to temporarily block all data and voice communication to a specific smartphone. The lock is very easy to use for kids, as it builds on the existing habit of locking their bike with a similar style O-lock.

    KPN 安全锁


    KPN Safe Lock










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