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    案例简介:概要 二战的教训: 这些故事必须在每年的 5月4日和 5 日传递,荷兰人纪念二战的伤亡,并庆祝他们的自由。但是越来越少的战争目击者仍然活着。这意味着更少的人进行的新一代具有独特的个人故事。当我们读到一篇报纸文章,在这篇文章中,退伍军人请求传递他们的故事,这让我们思考。连接人们是 KPN 的使命。那么 KPN 如何将今天年轻的人和二战期间年轻的人联系起来,并帮助传递他们的故事呢?我们如何让这对 KPN 品牌产生积极影响?我们的总预算为 736,000 欧元,目标是接触 900,000 名青少年 (50%),并在核心受众中提升 KPN 品牌。 结果 年轻人观看了价值 130万分钟的历史课《 Evert_45 》的故事达到了 70% 的年轻人,其中 93% 的年轻人对这一倡议做出了积极回应。三周内,荷兰年轻人自愿观看了 130万多分钟的历史课。看到这一压倒性的反应,教师们现在正在二战中使用 Evert_45 的故事,Evert_45.com 将于 2018年被纳入荷兰学校课程。Evert_45 倡议也对品牌形象产生了积极影响。大多数人认为这是 KPN 提出的一项有价值 (87%) 和可信 (71%) 的倡议。在那些认可该活动的人中,相关品牌声明的得分明显更高,“kpn 让你感觉自由” 的得分为 24% 对 18%,“kpn 为社会增加价值” 的得分为 18% 对 15%。考虑到短期竞选,这是一个显著的结果。 执行 真实的历史故事尽管 Evert_45 的角色是虚构的,但他的故事是基于第二次世界大战中普通荷兰人的真实故事。历史学家 J · 罗森达尔博士保障了历史准确性。退伍军人、教师和荷兰抵抗博物馆监督了进一步的发展。Evert _ 45 vlogging 就像今天 evert _ 45 通过他自己的 YouTube 和 Instagram 频道分享他的故事。在三周的时间里,Evert_45 分享了 12 个 vlog,总共 54 分钟的视频,以及 Instagram 上的许多帖子和故事。我们将内容的位置和持续时间与观众的消费行为相匹配。为了应对某些项目的流行,我们调整了发布时间表,增加了更新的频率。在 evert45.com 网站上,我们保存了 Evert 的故事 -- 以及目击者的故事 -- 作为后代的数字档案。 活动描述 Evert_45: 一个男孩通过社交媒体讲述他的故事,从 1945年开始,一个男孩今天和孩子们分享他关于二战的第一手资料,使用他们生活和呼吸的工具。还有什么更好的方法让年轻人体验战争的现实和自由的价值?在荷兰的民族解放庆典上,Evert_45 就是这样做的。Evert_45 是一种身临其境的运动表现目前一系列网络共享,YouTube 和 evert45.com。埃弗特的战争故事讲述了他逃离德国劳改营后发现他哥哥躲藏的旅程。叙述了精心制作的大量深入采访二战目击者,历史学家们和老师。这项倡议是为了回应荷兰报纸对老年抵抗战士的采访而制定的,他们恳求在不再告诉他们的时候让他们的故事继续下去。


    案例简介:Synopsis Lessons from WWII: these stories must be passed on Every year on May 4th and 5th, the Dutch commemorate the casualties of WWII, and celebrate their freedom. But fewer and fewer eye-witnesses of the war are still alive. This means fewer people are able to engage new generations with their unique personal stories. When we read a newspaper article in which war veterans reached out with a plea to pass on their stories, it got us thinking. It is KPN’s mission to connect people. So how could KPN connect those who are young today with those who were young during WWII and help to pass on their stories? And how could we let this reflect positively on the KPN brand? With a total budget of €736,000 we aimed to reach 900,000 teenagers (50%) and to boost the KPN brand among its core audience. Outcome Young people watched 1.3 million minutes worth of history lessons The story of Evert_45 reached 70% of young people, with 93% of them responding positively to the initiative. Within three weeks, young Dutch people voluntarily (!) watched over 1.3 million minutes of history lessons. Seeing this overwhelming response, teachers are now using Evert_45’s story in their lessons on WWII and Evert_45.com is due to be included in the Dutch school curriculum as of 2018. The Evert_45 initiative also had a positive impact on brand image. Most think this is a valuable (87%) and credible (71%) initiative by KPN. Scores on relevant brand statements are significantly higher among those who recognise the campaign, with ‘KPN makes you feel free’ at 24% vs. 18% and ‘KPN adds value to society’ at 18% vs. 15%. A remarkable result, considering the short campaign period. Execution Real historical stories Even though the character of Evert_45 is fictional, his story is based on true stories of ordinary Dutch people from the Second World War. Historical accuracy was safeguarded by historian Dr. J. Rosendaal. Further development was overseen by veterans, teachers, and the Dutch Resistance Museum. Evert_45 vlogging like today Evert_45 shares his story through his own YouTube and Instagram channels. Over a period of three weeks, Evert_45 shared 12 vlogs with a total of 54 minutes of video, as well as numerous posts and stories on Instagram. We matched the placement and duration of our content to our audience’s consumption behaviour. In response to the popularity of certain items we adapted our posting schedule, increasing the frequency of updates. On the evert45.com website, we preserved Evert’s story – and the story of eyewitnesses – as a digital archive for future generations. CampaignDescription Evert_45: a boy who tells his story through social media, from the year 1945 A boy sharing his first-hand account of WWII with kids today, using the tools they live and breathe. What better way to let young people experience the reality of war and the value of freedom? During national liberation celebrations in the Netherlands, Evert_45 did just that. Evert_45 is an immersive campaign played out as an ongoing series on Instagram, YouTube and evert45.com. Evert’s war story recounts his journey to find his brother in hiding after escaping a German labour camp. The narrative was carefully crafted from numerous insightful interviews with WWII eyewitnesses, historians and teachers. The initiative was developed in response to Dutch newspaper interviews with elderly resistance fighters who pleaded to keep their stories alive when they would no longer be around to tell them.


    案例简介:概要 二战的教训: 这些故事必须在每年的 5月4日和 5 日传递,荷兰人纪念二战的伤亡,并庆祝他们的自由。但是越来越少的战争目击者仍然活着。这意味着更少的人进行的新一代具有独特的个人故事。当我们读到一篇报纸文章,在这篇文章中,退伍军人请求传递他们的故事,这让我们思考。连接人们是 KPN 的使命。那么 KPN 如何将今天年轻的人和二战期间年轻的人联系起来,并帮助传递他们的故事呢?我们如何让这对 KPN 品牌产生积极影响?我们的总预算为 736,000 欧元,目标是接触 900,000 名青少年 (50%),并在核心受众中提升 KPN 品牌。 结果 年轻人观看了价值 130万分钟的历史课《 Evert_45 》的故事达到了 70% 的年轻人,其中 93% 的年轻人对这一倡议做出了积极回应。三周内,荷兰年轻人自愿观看了 130万多分钟的历史课。看到这一压倒性的反应,教师们现在正在二战中使用 Evert_45 的故事,Evert_45.com 将于 2018年被纳入荷兰学校课程。Evert_45 倡议也对品牌形象产生了积极影响。大多数人认为这是 KPN 提出的一项有价值 (87%) 和可信 (71%) 的倡议。在那些认可该活动的人中,相关品牌声明的得分明显更高,“kpn 让你感觉自由” 的得分为 24% 对 18%,“kpn 为社会增加价值” 的得分为 18% 对 15%。考虑到短期竞选,这是一个显著的结果。 执行 真实的历史故事尽管 Evert_45 的角色是虚构的,但他的故事是基于第二次世界大战中普通荷兰人的真实故事。历史学家 J · 罗森达尔博士保障了历史准确性。退伍军人、教师和荷兰抵抗博物馆监督了进一步的发展。Evert _ 45 vlogging 就像今天 evert _ 45 通过他自己的 YouTube 和 Instagram 频道分享他的故事。在三周的时间里,Evert_45 分享了 12 个 vlog,总共 54 分钟的视频,以及 Instagram 上的许多帖子和故事。我们将内容的位置和持续时间与观众的消费行为相匹配。为了应对某些项目的流行,我们调整了发布时间表,增加了更新的频率。在 evert45.com 网站上,我们保存了 Evert 的故事 -- 以及目击者的故事 -- 作为后代的数字档案。 活动描述 Evert_45: 一个男孩通过社交媒体讲述他的故事,从 1945年开始,一个男孩今天和孩子们分享他关于二战的第一手资料,使用他们生活和呼吸的工具。还有什么更好的方法让年轻人体验战争的现实和自由的价值?在荷兰的民族解放庆典上,Evert_45 就是这样做的。Evert_45 是一种身临其境的运动表现目前一系列网络共享,YouTube 和 evert45.com。埃弗特的战争故事讲述了他逃离德国劳改营后发现他哥哥躲藏的旅程。叙述了精心制作的大量深入采访二战目击者,历史学家们和老师。这项倡议是为了回应荷兰报纸对老年抵抗战士的采访而制定的,他们恳求在不再告诉他们的时候让他们的故事继续下去。


    案例简介:Synopsis Lessons from WWII: these stories must be passed on Every year on May 4th and 5th, the Dutch commemorate the casualties of WWII, and celebrate their freedom. But fewer and fewer eye-witnesses of the war are still alive. This means fewer people are able to engage new generations with their unique personal stories. When we read a newspaper article in which war veterans reached out with a plea to pass on their stories, it got us thinking. It is KPN’s mission to connect people. So how could KPN connect those who are young today with those who were young during WWII and help to pass on their stories? And how could we let this reflect positively on the KPN brand? With a total budget of €736,000 we aimed to reach 900,000 teenagers (50%) and to boost the KPN brand among its core audience. Outcome Young people watched 1.3 million minutes worth of history lessons The story of Evert_45 reached 70% of young people, with 93% of them responding positively to the initiative. Within three weeks, young Dutch people voluntarily (!) watched over 1.3 million minutes of history lessons. Seeing this overwhelming response, teachers are now using Evert_45’s story in their lessons on WWII and Evert_45.com is due to be included in the Dutch school curriculum as of 2018. The Evert_45 initiative also had a positive impact on brand image. Most think this is a valuable (87%) and credible (71%) initiative by KPN. Scores on relevant brand statements are significantly higher among those who recognise the campaign, with ‘KPN makes you feel free’ at 24% vs. 18% and ‘KPN adds value to society’ at 18% vs. 15%. A remarkable result, considering the short campaign period. Execution Real historical stories Even though the character of Evert_45 is fictional, his story is based on true stories of ordinary Dutch people from the Second World War. Historical accuracy was safeguarded by historian Dr. J. Rosendaal. Further development was overseen by veterans, teachers, and the Dutch Resistance Museum. Evert_45 vlogging like today Evert_45 shares his story through his own YouTube and Instagram channels. Over a period of three weeks, Evert_45 shared 12 vlogs with a total of 54 minutes of video, as well as numerous posts and stories on Instagram. We matched the placement and duration of our content to our audience’s consumption behaviour. In response to the popularity of certain items we adapted our posting schedule, increasing the frequency of updates. On the evert45.com website, we preserved Evert’s story – and the story of eyewitnesses – as a digital archive for future generations. CampaignDescription Evert_45: a boy who tells his story through social media, from the year 1945 A boy sharing his first-hand account of WWII with kids today, using the tools they live and breathe. What better way to let young people experience the reality of war and the value of freedom? During national liberation celebrations in the Netherlands, Evert_45 did just that. Evert_45 is an immersive campaign played out as an ongoing series on Instagram, YouTube and evert45.com. Evert’s war story recounts his journey to find his brother in hiding after escaping a German labour camp. The narrative was carefully crafted from numerous insightful interviews with WWII eyewitnesses, historians and teachers. The initiative was developed in response to Dutch newspaper interviews with elderly resistance fighters who pleaded to keep their stories alive when they would no longer be around to tell them.













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