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    案例简介:国际知名的室内设计工作室Duggan推出独家家居用品品牌Trove,由伦敦代理ShopTalk提供整体品牌标识。Trove是一家家具系列,拥有定制的、复古的和精心采购的珍宝,可在网上和该品牌的伦敦西部旗舰精品店购买,由Studio Duggan打造,是其美学的真正表现。Studio Duggan接近ShopTalk,因为它希望Trove存在于一个美丽的世界中,这个世界将充分反映其独特的设计愿望和专业知识,使人们能够自信地选择精心策划的永恒作品。为了实现这一目标,ShopTalk为Trove编织了一个完整的品牌故事,创造了一个融合了物理和数字的分层和有趣的空间,带顾客踏上一个神秘世界的旅程,在每一个转折中庆祝品牌。ShopTalk的创始人兼导演、动物吸引力保罗 · 费里说: “当杜根工作室接近我们时,团队表达了对雄伟动物和异国情调版画的热爱。我们把这种创造性的 “感觉” 变成了一片遥远的土地 -- 特洛夫的神秘世界。“我们想传达一种排他性的感觉,以吸引有眼光的人。著名的工作室Duggan正在开放其 “设计宝库”,供人们寻找和发现,因此传达一种兴奋和探索的感觉非常重要。但是这项工作也必须在商业意义上无缝运作。"数不清的财富ShopTalk与插画家Tatiana De Nicolay一起创作了一系列美丽的插图,标志着人们与Trove的互动和旅程,包括代表永恒和永恒的豹子,一条保护特洛夫世界钥匙的蛇,运输珍贵货物的热气球,传达诚实和透明的眼睛。王国的钥匙包含了 “sd”,代表了对杜根工作室专业知识的访问,也兼作棕榈树,唤起了一种遥远奢华的感觉。华丽的插图和符号,以及定制的serif字体,已被设计用于所有品牌接触点,从instore和在线路标,一直到盒子,丝带,袋子和标签。丰富而优雅的氛围也让Trove与其更普遍的削减同行不同。杜根工作室的导演蒂芙尼 · 杜根说: “我们很高兴我们有幸被推荐到我们新的合资企业Trove的ShopTalk。我们在他们身上找到了一个真正的合作伙伴,他花时间理解我们的愿景,并将其转化为有形的品牌。保罗和詹姆斯知识渊博、积极主动、热情、富有创造力,最重要的是,处理起来非常可爱。他们为我们创造的世界让我们再高兴不过了 -- 它超越了所有的期望。"关于ShopTalk在英国一些领先的创意机构工作了十多年后,联合创始人兼董事保罗 · 费里和联合创始人兼创意总监詹姆斯 · 伍德,决定在2017年成立自己的工作室,使命是改善人与物之间的关系。詹姆斯和保罗认为创造性思维应该和最终产出一样适用于工作过程和客户关系。这允许ShopTalk在内部或外部担任业务伙伴,顾问和供应商。不超过客户实际需要的。他们很快为包括德勤、roomgo、Arm、滴答滴答茶和早餐俱乐部在内的客户积累了一系列富有创意的获奖作品。在网上、推特、Instagram和领英上找到他们。


    案例简介:Internationally renowned interior-design house Studio Duggan launches exclusive homeware brand Trove, with holistic brand identity by London agency ShopTalk. Trove – a furniture range with bespoke, vintage and carefully sourced treasures available online and at the brand’s West London flagship boutique – has been created by Studio Duggan as a true expression of its aesthetic. Studio Duggan approached ShopTalk because it wanted Trove to exist in a beautiful world that would fully reflect its own unique design aspirations and expertise, empowering people to choose carefully curated, timeless pieces with confidence. To achieve this, ShopTalk has woven together an entire brand story for Trove, creating a layered and intriguing space that incorporates the physical and digital, taking customers on a journey through a mystical world that celebrates the brand at every twist and turn. Animal attraction Paul Ferry, Founder and Director, ShopTalk, says: “When Studio Duggan approached us, the team expressed a love for majestic animals and exotic prints. We took that creative ‘feeling’ and turned it into a faraway land – the mystical world of Trove. “We wanted to convey a sense of exclusivity to appeal to discerning people. The renowned Studio Duggan is opening up its ‘treasure trove’ of designs for people to seek out and discover, so it was important to convey a sense of excitement and exploration. But the work had to function seamlessly in a commercial sense, too.” Untold riches ShopTalk worked alongside illustrator Tatiana De Nicolay to create a beautiful series of illustrations to signpost people’s interaction and journey with Trove, including a leopard to represent permanence and timelessness, a serpent to protect the key to the world of Trove, a hot-air balloon to transport precious cargo, and eyes to convey honesty and transparency. The key to the kingdom incorporates ‘SD’ to represent access to Studio Duggan’s expertise, and also doubles as a palm tree, evoking a sense of far-flung luxury. The ornate illustrations and symbols, alongside a bespoke serif font, have been devised to work across all brand touchpoints, from instore and online signposting, right through to the boxes, ribbons, bags and tags. The rich and elegant ambiance sets Trove apart from its more ubiquitous pared-back peers, too. Tiffany Duggan, Director, Studio Duggan, says: “We’re thrilled that we were lucky enough to be recommended to ShopTalk for our new venture, Trove. We found in them a true partner who took the time to understand our vision and translate it into a tangible brand. Paul and James are knowledgeable, proactive, enthusiastic, creative and, above all, just so lovely to deal with. We couldn’t be happier with the world of Trove that they have created for us – it has surpassed every expectation.” About ShopTalk After more than ten years working at some of the UK’s leading creative agencies, Paul Ferry, Co-founder and Director, and James Wood, Co-founder and Creative Director, decided to set up their own studio in 2017 with the mission of improving the relationship between people and things. James and Paul believe that creative thinking should apply as much to the working process and client relationships as the final output. This allows ShopTalk to work as business partner, consultant and supplier, in-house or out of house. No more and no less than clients actually need. They have quickly amassed a varied and creative body of award-winning work for clients including Deloitte, roomgo, Arm, Tick Tock Tea and The Breakfast Club. Find them online, on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

    ShopTalk Takes Interior-Design House, Studio Duggan, On a Magical Mystery Tour

    案例简介:国际知名的室内设计工作室Duggan推出独家家居用品品牌Trove,由伦敦代理ShopTalk提供整体品牌标识。Trove是一家家具系列,拥有定制的、复古的和精心采购的珍宝,可在网上和该品牌的伦敦西部旗舰精品店购买,由Studio Duggan打造,是其美学的真正表现。Studio Duggan接近ShopTalk,因为它希望Trove存在于一个美丽的世界中,这个世界将充分反映其独特的设计愿望和专业知识,使人们能够自信地选择精心策划的永恒作品。为了实现这一目标,ShopTalk为Trove编织了一个完整的品牌故事,创造了一个融合了物理和数字的分层和有趣的空间,带顾客踏上一个神秘世界的旅程,在每一个转折中庆祝品牌。ShopTalk的创始人兼导演、动物吸引力保罗 · 费里说: “当杜根工作室接近我们时,团队表达了对雄伟动物和异国情调版画的热爱。我们把这种创造性的 “感觉” 变成了一片遥远的土地 -- 特洛夫的神秘世界。“我们想传达一种排他性的感觉,以吸引有眼光的人。著名的工作室Duggan正在开放其 “设计宝库”,供人们寻找和发现,因此传达一种兴奋和探索的感觉非常重要。但是这项工作也必须在商业意义上无缝运作。"数不清的财富ShopTalk与插画家Tatiana De Nicolay一起创作了一系列美丽的插图,标志着人们与Trove的互动和旅程,包括代表永恒和永恒的豹子,一条保护特洛夫世界钥匙的蛇,运输珍贵货物的热气球,传达诚实和透明的眼睛。王国的钥匙包含了 “sd”,代表了对杜根工作室专业知识的访问,也兼作棕榈树,唤起了一种遥远奢华的感觉。华丽的插图和符号,以及定制的serif字体,已被设计用于所有品牌接触点,从instore和在线路标,一直到盒子,丝带,袋子和标签。丰富而优雅的氛围也让Trove与其更普遍的削减同行不同。杜根工作室的导演蒂芙尼 · 杜根说: “我们很高兴我们有幸被推荐到我们新的合资企业Trove的ShopTalk。我们在他们身上找到了一个真正的合作伙伴,他花时间理解我们的愿景,并将其转化为有形的品牌。保罗和詹姆斯知识渊博、积极主动、热情、富有创造力,最重要的是,处理起来非常可爱。他们为我们创造的世界让我们再高兴不过了 -- 它超越了所有的期望。"关于ShopTalk在英国一些领先的创意机构工作了十多年后,联合创始人兼董事保罗 · 费里和联合创始人兼创意总监詹姆斯 · 伍德,决定在2017年成立自己的工作室,使命是改善人与物之间的关系。詹姆斯和保罗认为创造性思维应该和最终产出一样适用于工作过程和客户关系。这允许ShopTalk在内部或外部担任业务伙伴,顾问和供应商。不超过客户实际需要的。他们很快为包括德勤、roomgo、Arm、滴答滴答茶和早餐俱乐部在内的客户积累了一系列富有创意的获奖作品。在网上、推特、Instagram和领英上找到他们。

    ShopTalk Takes Interior-Design House, Studio Duggan, On a Magical Mystery Tour

    案例简介:Internationally renowned interior-design house Studio Duggan launches exclusive homeware brand Trove, with holistic brand identity by London agency ShopTalk. Trove – a furniture range with bespoke, vintage and carefully sourced treasures available online and at the brand’s West London flagship boutique – has been created by Studio Duggan as a true expression of its aesthetic. Studio Duggan approached ShopTalk because it wanted Trove to exist in a beautiful world that would fully reflect its own unique design aspirations and expertise, empowering people to choose carefully curated, timeless pieces with confidence. To achieve this, ShopTalk has woven together an entire brand story for Trove, creating a layered and intriguing space that incorporates the physical and digital, taking customers on a journey through a mystical world that celebrates the brand at every twist and turn. Animal attraction Paul Ferry, Founder and Director, ShopTalk, says: “When Studio Duggan approached us, the team expressed a love for majestic animals and exotic prints. We took that creative ‘feeling’ and turned it into a faraway land – the mystical world of Trove. “We wanted to convey a sense of exclusivity to appeal to discerning people. The renowned Studio Duggan is opening up its ‘treasure trove’ of designs for people to seek out and discover, so it was important to convey a sense of excitement and exploration. But the work had to function seamlessly in a commercial sense, too.” Untold riches ShopTalk worked alongside illustrator Tatiana De Nicolay to create a beautiful series of illustrations to signpost people’s interaction and journey with Trove, including a leopard to represent permanence and timelessness, a serpent to protect the key to the world of Trove, a hot-air balloon to transport precious cargo, and eyes to convey honesty and transparency. The key to the kingdom incorporates ‘SD’ to represent access to Studio Duggan’s expertise, and also doubles as a palm tree, evoking a sense of far-flung luxury. The ornate illustrations and symbols, alongside a bespoke serif font, have been devised to work across all brand touchpoints, from instore and online signposting, right through to the boxes, ribbons, bags and tags. The rich and elegant ambiance sets Trove apart from its more ubiquitous pared-back peers, too. Tiffany Duggan, Director, Studio Duggan, says: “We’re thrilled that we were lucky enough to be recommended to ShopTalk for our new venture, Trove. We found in them a true partner who took the time to understand our vision and translate it into a tangible brand. Paul and James are knowledgeable, proactive, enthusiastic, creative and, above all, just so lovely to deal with. We couldn’t be happier with the world of Trove that they have created for us – it has surpassed every expectation.” About ShopTalk After more than ten years working at some of the UK’s leading creative agencies, Paul Ferry, Co-founder and Director, and James Wood, Co-founder and Creative Director, decided to set up their own studio in 2017 with the mission of improving the relationship between people and things. James and Paul believe that creative thinking should apply as much to the working process and client relationships as the final output. This allows ShopTalk to work as business partner, consultant and supplier, in-house or out of house. No more and no less than clients actually need. They have quickly amassed a varied and creative body of award-winning work for clients including Deloitte, roomgo, Arm, Tick Tock Tea and The Breakfast Club. Find them online, on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.



    ShopTalk Takes Interior-Design House, Studio Duggan, On a Magical Mystery Tour






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