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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? 我们的简报是出售Garagista啤酒厂。从事啤酒厂需要一种特殊的人,他不仅热爱精酿啤酒,而且有钱和有商业头脑实现自己的梦想。我们知道他们肯定会找的地方是啤酒冰箱。因此,我们没有在 “待售业务” 部分创建分类广告,而是制作了一款啤酒,实际上是针对精酿啤酒爱好者的广告。我们的目标再精确不过了。 背景 情况: 经过5年的成功经营,Garagista啤酒厂的老板史蒂夫 (Steve) 决定挂上啤酒厂的围裙并出售啤酒厂。 简介: 以不辜负啤酒厂不敬的声誉的方式出售Garagista啤酒厂。 描述创意 (投票30%) Garagista啤酒厂因其不敬,违反规则的运动而臭名昭著。不管是谁买了啤酒厂,都需要采用这个。因此,我们创建了一种啤酒来销售啤酒厂,而不是通常的商业销售渠道。推出待售啤酒-一种苦乐参半的IPA,它是一种啤酒,也是一则广告,可让您对所购买的啤酒厂有一个真实的味道。 包装设计不仅仅受到分类广告的启发,它是一个实际的分类广告,出现在南非一家主要报纸《阿格斯》上。然后将分类广告复制为标签,限量版瓶装包装和其他抵押品。 这种方法使我们能够将啤酒变成一个媒体渠道,以潜在的啤酒厂所有者为目标,他们肯定会寻找的地方-啤酒冰箱。它还可以在很少有精酿啤酒预算做广告的商店中 “节省” 媒体空间。 描述策略 (投票20%) 目标受众: 精酿啤酒爱好者,他们有胆量、资金和激情去做自己的啤酒厂。这些人通常从事高薪的公司工作或年轻的企业家。 方法: 与Garagista不敬甚至有时臭名昭著的品牌保持一致,我们选择退出通常的商业销售渠道。毕竟,无论谁购买啤酒厂,也都在购买该品牌,他们需要继续报道以保持忠实的客户群。我们还想找到一种方法,让我们的观众体验酿酒师的产品和技能。还有什么比Garagista酿造的实际液体更好的方法。 CTA: 拥有一家啤酒厂既是一项业务,又是一项充满激情的项目。我们的观众可能会实现他们的梦想。那么,还有什么比 “实现梦想,打电话给史蒂夫……” 更好的CTA呢? 描述执行 (投票20%) 实施: 苦乐参半的啤酒完善后,我们将其装瓶并分发。标签设计始于一家主要报纸的分类广告,然后我们将其转变为标签。然后将啤酒分发到南非西开普省的精酿啤酒商店,并在啤酒厂中提供。 时间线: 该活动在2018年5月进行了不到一个月的时间。 放置: 在南非西开普省的精酿啤酒商店的冰箱里。 比例: 分发了540瓶待售啤酒。 列出结果 (投票30%) € 640竞选支出 20个合法查询 一位购买啤酒厂50% 的买家 投资回报率: 150:1


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? Our brief was to sell the Garagista brewery. Taking on a brewery takes a special kind of person who not only loves craft beer, but has the money and business acumen to live their dream. The place we knew they'd definitely be looking was beer fridge. So, instead of creating a classified ad in the businesses for sale section, we made a beer that was actually an ad directed at craft beer enthusiasts. Our targeting couldn't have been more precise. Background Situation: After 5 successful years of being in business, Steve, the owner of the Garagista Brewery, decided to hang up his brewer's apron and sell the brewery. The brief: To sell the Garagista brewery in a way that lived up to the brewery's irreverent reputation. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) The Garagista brewery is notorious for its irreverent, rule-breaking campaigns. Whoever bought the brewery needed to adopt this. So, instead of the usual business-selling channels, we created a beer to sell the brewery. Introducing For Sale Ale - a bittersweet IPA that’s a beer, but also an ad giving you a literal taste of the brewery you’re buying. The packaging design wasn’t just inspired by classified advertising, it was an actual classified ad, which appeared in a major South African newspaper – The Argus. The classified ad was then reproduced as the label, limited edition bottle wrap and other collateral. This approach enabled us to turn our beer into a media channel which targets potential brewery owners in the place they would definitely be looking – the beer fridge. It also ‘stole’ media space in stores where few craft beers have the budget to advertise. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Target audience: Craft beer enthusiasts who had the guts, funds and passion to take on their own brewery. More often than not, these people were in high paying corporate jobs or younger entrepreneurs. Approach: In-line with Garagista's irreverent and sometimes notorious brand, we elected to step out of the usual business selling channels. After all, whoever was buying the brewery was also buying the brand and they needed to continue the story to maintain the loyal customer base. We also wanted to find a way of giving our audience a way of experiencing the product and the skills of the brewers. And what better way than with the actual liquid brewed by Garagista. CTA: Owning a brewery is as much a passion project as it is a business. And our audience would be likely living out their dream. So, what better CTA than 'Live the dream, call Steve..." Describe the execution (20% of vote) Implementation: Once the bittersweet ale had been perfected, we bottled and distributed them. The label design started as a classified ad in a major newspaper, which we then turned into the label. The beers were then distributed to craft beer stores across the Western Cape in South Africa, as well as made available in the brewery. Timeline: The campaign ran for just under a month in May 2018. Placement: In the fridges of craft beer stores across the Western Cape in South Africa. Scale: 540 bottles of For Sale Ale were distributed. List the results (30% of vote) €640 campaign spend 20 legitimate enquiries One buyer who purchased 50% of the brewery ROI: 150:1

    For Sale Ale

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? 我们的简报是出售Garagista啤酒厂。从事啤酒厂需要一种特殊的人,他不仅热爱精酿啤酒,而且有钱和有商业头脑实现自己的梦想。我们知道他们肯定会找的地方是啤酒冰箱。因此,我们没有在 “待售业务” 部分创建分类广告,而是制作了一款啤酒,实际上是针对精酿啤酒爱好者的广告。我们的目标再精确不过了。 背景 情况: 经过5年的成功经营,Garagista啤酒厂的老板史蒂夫 (Steve) 决定挂上啤酒厂的围裙并出售啤酒厂。 简介: 以不辜负啤酒厂不敬的声誉的方式出售Garagista啤酒厂。 描述创意 (投票30%) Garagista啤酒厂因其不敬,违反规则的运动而臭名昭著。不管是谁买了啤酒厂,都需要采用这个。因此,我们创建了一种啤酒来销售啤酒厂,而不是通常的商业销售渠道。推出待售啤酒-一种苦乐参半的IPA,它是一种啤酒,也是一则广告,可让您对所购买的啤酒厂有一个真实的味道。 包装设计不仅仅受到分类广告的启发,它是一个实际的分类广告,出现在南非一家主要报纸《阿格斯》上。然后将分类广告复制为标签,限量版瓶装包装和其他抵押品。 这种方法使我们能够将啤酒变成一个媒体渠道,以潜在的啤酒厂所有者为目标,他们肯定会寻找的地方-啤酒冰箱。它还可以在很少有精酿啤酒预算做广告的商店中 “节省” 媒体空间。 描述策略 (投票20%) 目标受众: 精酿啤酒爱好者,他们有胆量、资金和激情去做自己的啤酒厂。这些人通常从事高薪的公司工作或年轻的企业家。 方法: 与Garagista不敬甚至有时臭名昭著的品牌保持一致,我们选择退出通常的商业销售渠道。毕竟,无论谁购买啤酒厂,也都在购买该品牌,他们需要继续报道以保持忠实的客户群。我们还想找到一种方法,让我们的观众体验酿酒师的产品和技能。还有什么比Garagista酿造的实际液体更好的方法。 CTA: 拥有一家啤酒厂既是一项业务,又是一项充满激情的项目。我们的观众可能会实现他们的梦想。那么,还有什么比 “实现梦想,打电话给史蒂夫……” 更好的CTA呢? 描述执行 (投票20%) 实施: 苦乐参半的啤酒完善后,我们将其装瓶并分发。标签设计始于一家主要报纸的分类广告,然后我们将其转变为标签。然后将啤酒分发到南非西开普省的精酿啤酒商店,并在啤酒厂中提供。 时间线: 该活动在2018年5月进行了不到一个月的时间。 放置: 在南非西开普省的精酿啤酒商店的冰箱里。 比例: 分发了540瓶待售啤酒。 列出结果 (投票30%) € 640竞选支出 20个合法查询 一位购买啤酒厂50% 的买家 投资回报率: 150:1

    For Sale Ale

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? Our brief was to sell the Garagista brewery. Taking on a brewery takes a special kind of person who not only loves craft beer, but has the money and business acumen to live their dream. The place we knew they'd definitely be looking was beer fridge. So, instead of creating a classified ad in the businesses for sale section, we made a beer that was actually an ad directed at craft beer enthusiasts. Our targeting couldn't have been more precise. Background Situation: After 5 successful years of being in business, Steve, the owner of the Garagista Brewery, decided to hang up his brewer's apron and sell the brewery. The brief: To sell the Garagista brewery in a way that lived up to the brewery's irreverent reputation. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) The Garagista brewery is notorious for its irreverent, rule-breaking campaigns. Whoever bought the brewery needed to adopt this. So, instead of the usual business-selling channels, we created a beer to sell the brewery. Introducing For Sale Ale - a bittersweet IPA that’s a beer, but also an ad giving you a literal taste of the brewery you’re buying. The packaging design wasn’t just inspired by classified advertising, it was an actual classified ad, which appeared in a major South African newspaper – The Argus. The classified ad was then reproduced as the label, limited edition bottle wrap and other collateral. This approach enabled us to turn our beer into a media channel which targets potential brewery owners in the place they would definitely be looking – the beer fridge. It also ‘stole’ media space in stores where few craft beers have the budget to advertise. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Target audience: Craft beer enthusiasts who had the guts, funds and passion to take on their own brewery. More often than not, these people were in high paying corporate jobs or younger entrepreneurs. Approach: In-line with Garagista's irreverent and sometimes notorious brand, we elected to step out of the usual business selling channels. After all, whoever was buying the brewery was also buying the brand and they needed to continue the story to maintain the loyal customer base. We also wanted to find a way of giving our audience a way of experiencing the product and the skills of the brewers. And what better way than with the actual liquid brewed by Garagista. CTA: Owning a brewery is as much a passion project as it is a business. And our audience would be likely living out their dream. So, what better CTA than 'Live the dream, call Steve..." Describe the execution (20% of vote) Implementation: Once the bittersweet ale had been perfected, we bottled and distributed them. The label design started as a classified ad in a major newspaper, which we then turned into the label. The beers were then distributed to craft beer stores across the Western Cape in South Africa, as well as made available in the brewery. Timeline: The campaign ran for just under a month in May 2018. Placement: In the fridges of craft beer stores across the Western Cape in South Africa. Scale: 540 bottles of For Sale Ale were distributed. List the results (30% of vote) €640 campaign spend 20 legitimate enquiries One buyer who purchased 50% of the brewery ROI: 150:1



    For Sale Ale






    广告公司: Duke (南非 开普敦) 制作公司: Tin Toy




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