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    Connecting Seats短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 荷兰皇家航空公司致力于将人们聚集在一起: 它将世界各地的家人、朋友和其他关系团结在一起。荷航希望利用圣诞节前后的日子传达团结、团结和分享的信息。这一信息会触动人们,对品牌产生同情,并有助于荷航的品牌宗旨 “通过创造难忘的体验来移动你的世界”。由于荷兰皇家航空公司的媒体预算有限,这一信息必须通过 “赚来的媒体” 传递给全球尽可能多的人。 结果 • 20 多万的意见。•超过基准的股票数量和评论数量为 110,000 +。•95% 在社交媒体上的积极回应。•社交视频上的情感联系得分远高于基准。•Trendwatching.com 、 PSFK 、 Yahoo!等权威媒体覆盖全球另外,谷歌欧洲在其社交渠道上共享。•获得 10% 个最佳得分荷兰皇家航空内容 执行 座位的设计是为了让你的头放在中间,两边都有扬声器。定向麦克风促进了音频连接。连接座位使用谷歌的云语音、翻译和网络语音 api 来翻译每种语言,包括多种方言。我们从设计椅子开始,为期 3 个月。椅子 (织物、颜色、形状) 灵感来自荷兰皇家航空公司的世界商务舱。椅子放在阿姆斯特丹史基浦机场。当一个人坐下时,椅子立即开始说话,在座位上使用传感器。我们用椅子聚集了来自 30 多个国家的许多旅行者,并表明荷兰皇家航空公司将人们聚集在一起。 活动描述 机场是世界上最繁忙的地方,挤满了来自不同背景的人。但是由于语言障碍,乘客在等待航班时往往不会建立人际关系。我们创建了 “连接座”: 两个座位,实时翻译每种语言,允许不同语言的旅行者相互交谈。有了这种体验,我们开始在圣诞节期间将随机的旅行者聚集在一起。这些座位产生了一些温暖而情绪化的聊天,人们在聊天中交换了对世界的看法和节日的问候。来自 30 多个国家的旅行者把他们的手机或书籍放在一边,互相开放。最好的时刻变成了一个社交视频。


    案例简介:Synopsis KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is in the business of bringing people together: it unites families, friends and other relations all over the world. KLM wanted to use the days around Christmas to communicate a message of unity, togetherness and sharing. A message that would touch people, create sympathy for the brand and would contribute to KLM’s brand purpose ‘Moving your world by creating memorable experiences’. A message that had to reach as many people around the globe as possible through ‘earned media’, since KLM’s media budget was limited. Outcome • 20+ million views. • Number of shares and comments above benchmark with 110,000+. • 95% positive response on social media. • Emotional connection on social video scored well above benchmark. • Global media coverage by authoritative media such as Trendwatching.com, PSFK, Yahoo! plus shared by Google Europe on its social channels. • Amongst the 10% best scoring KLM content Execution The seats were designed to rest your head in the centre, with speakers on each side. A directional microphone facilitated the audio connection. The Connecting Seats used Google’s Cloud Speech, Translation and Web Speech APIs to translate every language, including multiple dialects. We started by designing the chairs over a 3-month period. The chairs (fabric, colours, shapes) where inspired by KLM’s World Business Class. The chairs were placed at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. When a person took a seat, the chair immediately started talking, using sensors in de seating. With the chairs we brought together many travellers from over 30 countries and showed that KLM brings people together. CampaignDescription Airports are some of the busiest places in the world, crowded with people from different backgrounds. But because of language barriers, passengers tend not to make human connections while waiting for their flights. We created ‘Connecting Seats’: 2 seats that translate every language in real time, allowing travellers with different languages to talk to each other. With this experience, we set out to bring random travellers together during the Christmas season. The Seats yielded some warm and emotional chats, in which people exchanged views on the world and holiday greetings. Travellers from over 30 countries put their phones or books aside and opened up to each other. The best moments were turned into a social video.

    Connecting Seats

    案例简介:概要 荷兰皇家航空公司致力于将人们聚集在一起: 它将世界各地的家人、朋友和其他关系团结在一起。荷航希望利用圣诞节前后的日子传达团结、团结和分享的信息。这一信息会触动人们,对品牌产生同情,并有助于荷航的品牌宗旨 “通过创造难忘的体验来移动你的世界”。由于荷兰皇家航空公司的媒体预算有限,这一信息必须通过 “赚来的媒体” 传递给全球尽可能多的人。 结果 • 20 多万的意见。•超过基准的股票数量和评论数量为 110,000 +。•95% 在社交媒体上的积极回应。•社交视频上的情感联系得分远高于基准。•Trendwatching.com 、 PSFK 、 Yahoo!等权威媒体覆盖全球另外,谷歌欧洲在其社交渠道上共享。•获得 10% 个最佳得分荷兰皇家航空内容 执行 座位的设计是为了让你的头放在中间,两边都有扬声器。定向麦克风促进了音频连接。连接座位使用谷歌的云语音、翻译和网络语音 api 来翻译每种语言,包括多种方言。我们从设计椅子开始,为期 3 个月。椅子 (织物、颜色、形状) 灵感来自荷兰皇家航空公司的世界商务舱。椅子放在阿姆斯特丹史基浦机场。当一个人坐下时,椅子立即开始说话,在座位上使用传感器。我们用椅子聚集了来自 30 多个国家的许多旅行者,并表明荷兰皇家航空公司将人们聚集在一起。 活动描述 机场是世界上最繁忙的地方,挤满了来自不同背景的人。但是由于语言障碍,乘客在等待航班时往往不会建立人际关系。我们创建了 “连接座”: 两个座位,实时翻译每种语言,允许不同语言的旅行者相互交谈。有了这种体验,我们开始在圣诞节期间将随机的旅行者聚集在一起。这些座位产生了一些温暖而情绪化的聊天,人们在聊天中交换了对世界的看法和节日的问候。来自 30 多个国家的旅行者把他们的手机或书籍放在一边,互相开放。最好的时刻变成了一个社交视频。

    Connecting Seats

    案例简介:Synopsis KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is in the business of bringing people together: it unites families, friends and other relations all over the world. KLM wanted to use the days around Christmas to communicate a message of unity, togetherness and sharing. A message that would touch people, create sympathy for the brand and would contribute to KLM’s brand purpose ‘Moving your world by creating memorable experiences’. A message that had to reach as many people around the globe as possible through ‘earned media’, since KLM’s media budget was limited. Outcome • 20+ million views. • Number of shares and comments above benchmark with 110,000+. • 95% positive response on social media. • Emotional connection on social video scored well above benchmark. • Global media coverage by authoritative media such as Trendwatching.com, PSFK, Yahoo! plus shared by Google Europe on its social channels. • Amongst the 10% best scoring KLM content Execution The seats were designed to rest your head in the centre, with speakers on each side. A directional microphone facilitated the audio connection. The Connecting Seats used Google’s Cloud Speech, Translation and Web Speech APIs to translate every language, including multiple dialects. We started by designing the chairs over a 3-month period. The chairs (fabric, colours, shapes) where inspired by KLM’s World Business Class. The chairs were placed at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. When a person took a seat, the chair immediately started talking, using sensors in de seating. With the chairs we brought together many travellers from over 30 countries and showed that KLM brings people together. CampaignDescription Airports are some of the busiest places in the world, crowded with people from different backgrounds. But because of language barriers, passengers tend not to make human connections while waiting for their flights. We created ‘Connecting Seats’: 2 seats that translate every language in real time, allowing travellers with different languages to talk to each other. With this experience, we set out to bring random travellers together during the Christmas season. The Seats yielded some warm and emotional chats, in which people exchanged views on the world and holiday greetings. Travellers from over 30 countries put their phones or books aside and opened up to each other. The best moments were turned into a social video.



    Connecting Seats










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