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    The Three Fingers短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 因为我们不被允许对奥运会说一句话,所以我们找到了另一种说话的方式。受观看排球运动员在团队中使用手势交流的启发,我们创建了自己的手势。我们称之为阿迪达斯 3 指。任何人都可以用它来为参加奥运会的中国女排加油。这是一种与球队联系的聪明方式 -- 当他们输掉一场比赛时,作为鼓励,或者作为推动他们赢得更多比赛的动力。球迷们在社交媒体上做了这个标志,在里约的比赛中,在奥运会期间传播了一个由一个不是奥运会合作伙伴的品牌创建的手牌。 执行 从介绍手牌到每场比赛为球队欢呼,阿迪达斯在每一步都创建了相关的内容帖子来保持对话的领先地位。我们创作了原创作品,在社交媒体上分享,以鼓励、激励和激励。每件艺术品都是由不同的艺术家设计的,不仅捕捉到了每场比赛前的兴奋,还捕捉到了每一次胜利和每一次失败的希望。 战略 在我们创建了阿迪达斯 3 指之后,中国女排在社交媒体上向球迷介绍了手牌。我们利用球员和 KOLs 来鼓励球迷支持中国队。阿迪达斯赢得了球迷的支持,在每场比赛前后激发了用户生成的内容。在整个旅程中,直到决赛,阿迪达斯对一路上的每一种情况都做出了内容帖子的反应,确保保持对话的领先地位。当中国赢得金牌时,在社交媒体上,甚至在上海的天际线上,都可以看到这个手势。 结果 3亿的社交媒体浏览量; 150,000 篇讨论; 阿迪达斯女孩粉丝基数增加 20%; 成为奥运会期间讨论最多的第二大品牌。 概要 奥运会是世界上最大的体育赛事。每个品牌都想成为这一时期所有炒作和兴奋的一部分,尤其是对于像阿迪达斯这样的运动品牌。但是阿迪达斯不是奥运会的官方合作伙伴,这意味着我们不被允许说任何与奥运会相关的事情。我们必须找到一种方法,不仅要在奥运会期间保持相关性,还要成为顶级品牌。


    案例简介:CampaignDescription Because we weren’t allowed to say a word about the Olympics, we found another way to speak. Inspired by watching volleyball players using hand signs to communicate within the team, we created our very own hand sign. We call it the Adidas 3 Fingers. Anyone could use it to cheer on the China Women’s Volleyball Team, who were participating in the Olympics. It was a clever way to connect with the team—as encouragement when they lost a game, or as motivation to drive them towards winning more games. Fans did the sign all over social media, and during the matches in Rio, spreading a hand sign created by a brand that wasn't an Olympics partner, during the Olympics. Execution Every step of the way—from introducing the hand sign to cheering the team on with every match—Adidas created relevant content posts to stay on top of the conversation. We created original artwork that was shared throughout social media to encourage, motivate, and inspire. Each artwork is uniquely designed by different artists, capturing not only the excitement before each game, but also the exhilaration of every win and hope with each loss. Strategy After we created the Adidas 3 Fingers, the China Women’s Volleyball Team took to social media and introduced the hand sign to the fans. We leveraged on the players and KOLs to encourage fans to show support for the China team. Adidas rallied for support from the fans, inspiring user generated content before and after each match. Throughout the entire journey until the finals, Adidas reacted with content posts for every situation along the way, making sure to stay on top of the conversation. When China won Gold, the hand sign was seen on a multitude of fans, all over social media, and even gracing the Shanghai skyline. Outcome 300 Million Social Media Views;150,000 pieces of discussion;20% increase in adidasgirls fan base;Became the second most discussed brand during the Olympics. Synopsis The Olympics is the world’s biggest sporting event. Every brand wants to be part of the all the hype and excitement during this period, especially for a sports brand like Adidas. But Adidas wasn’t an official Olympics partner, which meant we weren’t allowed to say anything related to the Games. We had to find a way to not only stay relevant during the Olympics, but to also be the top-of-mind brand.

    The Three Fingers

    案例简介:活动描述 因为我们不被允许对奥运会说一句话,所以我们找到了另一种说话的方式。受观看排球运动员在团队中使用手势交流的启发,我们创建了自己的手势。我们称之为阿迪达斯 3 指。任何人都可以用它来为参加奥运会的中国女排加油。这是一种与球队联系的聪明方式 -- 当他们输掉一场比赛时,作为鼓励,或者作为推动他们赢得更多比赛的动力。球迷们在社交媒体上做了这个标志,在里约的比赛中,在奥运会期间传播了一个由一个不是奥运会合作伙伴的品牌创建的手牌。 执行 从介绍手牌到每场比赛为球队欢呼,阿迪达斯在每一步都创建了相关的内容帖子来保持对话的领先地位。我们创作了原创作品,在社交媒体上分享,以鼓励、激励和激励。每件艺术品都是由不同的艺术家设计的,不仅捕捉到了每场比赛前的兴奋,还捕捉到了每一次胜利和每一次失败的希望。 战略 在我们创建了阿迪达斯 3 指之后,中国女排在社交媒体上向球迷介绍了手牌。我们利用球员和 KOLs 来鼓励球迷支持中国队。阿迪达斯赢得了球迷的支持,在每场比赛前后激发了用户生成的内容。在整个旅程中,直到决赛,阿迪达斯对一路上的每一种情况都做出了内容帖子的反应,确保保持对话的领先地位。当中国赢得金牌时,在社交媒体上,甚至在上海的天际线上,都可以看到这个手势。 结果 3亿的社交媒体浏览量; 150,000 篇讨论; 阿迪达斯女孩粉丝基数增加 20%; 成为奥运会期间讨论最多的第二大品牌。 概要 奥运会是世界上最大的体育赛事。每个品牌都想成为这一时期所有炒作和兴奋的一部分,尤其是对于像阿迪达斯这样的运动品牌。但是阿迪达斯不是奥运会的官方合作伙伴,这意味着我们不被允许说任何与奥运会相关的事情。我们必须找到一种方法,不仅要在奥运会期间保持相关性,还要成为顶级品牌。

    The Three Fingers

    案例简介:CampaignDescription Because we weren’t allowed to say a word about the Olympics, we found another way to speak. Inspired by watching volleyball players using hand signs to communicate within the team, we created our very own hand sign. We call it the Adidas 3 Fingers. Anyone could use it to cheer on the China Women’s Volleyball Team, who were participating in the Olympics. It was a clever way to connect with the team—as encouragement when they lost a game, or as motivation to drive them towards winning more games. Fans did the sign all over social media, and during the matches in Rio, spreading a hand sign created by a brand that wasn't an Olympics partner, during the Olympics. Execution Every step of the way—from introducing the hand sign to cheering the team on with every match—Adidas created relevant content posts to stay on top of the conversation. We created original artwork that was shared throughout social media to encourage, motivate, and inspire. Each artwork is uniquely designed by different artists, capturing not only the excitement before each game, but also the exhilaration of every win and hope with each loss. Strategy After we created the Adidas 3 Fingers, the China Women’s Volleyball Team took to social media and introduced the hand sign to the fans. We leveraged on the players and KOLs to encourage fans to show support for the China team. Adidas rallied for support from the fans, inspiring user generated content before and after each match. Throughout the entire journey until the finals, Adidas reacted with content posts for every situation along the way, making sure to stay on top of the conversation. When China won Gold, the hand sign was seen on a multitude of fans, all over social media, and even gracing the Shanghai skyline. Outcome 300 Million Social Media Views;150,000 pieces of discussion;20% increase in adidasgirls fan base;Became the second most discussed brand during the Olympics. Synopsis The Olympics is the world’s biggest sporting event. Every brand wants to be part of the all the hype and excitement during this period, especially for a sports brand like Adidas. But Adidas wasn’t an official Olympics partner, which meant we weren’t allowed to say anything related to the Games. We had to find a way to not only stay relevant during the Olympics, but to also be the top-of-mind brand.



    The Three Fingers






    广告公司: 腾迈 (中国 上海) 制作公司: UIDWORKS




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