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    案例简介:背景 香港芭蕾舞团是亚洲首屈一指的舞蹈公司之一,在一位新的艺术总监 Septime Webre 的领导下,该公司正在经历一场重大变革。我们被邀请开发一个品牌活动,吸引新的观众,改变人们对芭蕾只适合精英的看法。我们面临三个挑战: 会员人数减少,品牌语言不一致,香港芭蕾舞团虽然是一家享有盛誉的全国性公司,但感觉规模小且具有区域性。我们的目标是建立一个新的视觉标识和品牌外观,包含 Webre 的精神和革命性愿景,同时保持艺术形式和香港芭蕾舞团的完整性。 描述创意 (40% 的选票) 我们的意图是通过展示舞蹈的艺术性和能量来改变对芭蕾的看法。这是没有文字的讲故事。这个独特的想法推动了我们的思考和过程,推动我们发展品牌视觉效果,专注于芭蕾舞的美丽和优雅,舞者的优雅和力量,以及香港超现代和传统建筑的融合。我们被驱使向每个人开放芭蕾,使其成为一种令人兴奋的现场娱乐形式,每个人都可以通过人口统计数据获得。此外,我们希望激发自豪感,并推动人们对香港艺术和文化的认识。因此,我们希望创造一种强大的、可识别的视觉语言,这种语言除了香港芭蕾舞团之外,不属于任何人。这个中心是由艺术指导驱动的品牌摄影。 描述执行情况 (40% 的选票) “永不停息” 品牌活动始于首次建立香港芭蕾舞团视觉语言的核心原则,重点是品牌摄影。使用香港的标志性颜色,郁郁葱葱的中国红,以及凉爽的翡翠和薄荷绿色开发了丰富的调色板。标志性的地标性地点,无论是现代的还是历史的,都被选为舞者对抗重力运动的背景,以新旧融合为主题; 传统和创新; 以及艺术形式和建筑。从衣柜 (使用街头服装) 到头发和化妆的每一个细节都经过深思熟虑的创造,以完善一个公式,激发想象力,激励老一代和年轻人。简单地说,我们着眼于艺术方向来重新诠释舞蹈,建立现代香港的感觉,同时突出香港芭蕾的关键元素,这样他们的新视野才能闪耀。 列出结果 (20% 的选票) 在吸引观众和引起对公司的关注方面,结果是巨大的。香港芭蕾舞家庭俱乐部会员、订阅和一般门票销售的增长可归因于该活动。


    案例简介:Background Hong Kong Ballet, one of Asia’s premier dance companies, was undergoing a major transformation under the leadership of a new artistic director, Septime Webre. We were approached to develop a brand campaign that would reach a new audience and change the perception that ballet was only for the elite. There were three challenges we faced: membership was dwindling, brand language was inconsistent, and Hong Kong Ballet, while a prestigious national company, felt small and regional. Our goal was to establish a new visual identity and brand look encompassing the spirit and revolutionary vision of Webre while maintaining the integrity of the art form and the Hong Kong Ballet. Describe the creative idea (40% of vote) Our intent was to change the perception of ballet by showing the artistry and energy of dance. It is storytelling without words. This singular idea drove our thinking and process propelling us to develop brand visuals that focused on the beauty and elegance of ballet, the grace and strength of the dancers, and the mix of ultra-modern and traditional architecture of Hong Kong. We were driven to open ballet up to everyone, making it an exciting form of live entertainment that was accessible to everyone across demographics. Additionally, we looked to inspire pride and drive awareness around the art and culture in Hong Kong. Hence, we looked to create a strong, identifiable visual language that could belong to no one but the Hong Kong Ballet. At the center of this was brand photography driven by art direction. Describe the execution (40% of vote) The “Never Stand Still” brand campaign, began by first building the core principles of Hong Kong Ballet’s visual language with a focus on brand photography. A rich color palette was developed using the iconic colors of Hong Kong, lush China red, and cool jade and mint greens. Iconic landmark locations, both modern and historic were selected as a backdrop for the gravity defying movement of the dancers speaking to the merging of old and new; tradition and innovation; and art form and architecture. Every detail from wardrobe (using street clothes) to hair and makeup were thoughtfully created to perfect a formula to spark the imagination and inspire generations old and young. Simply, we looked at art direction to reinterpret dance and establish a sense of modern Hong Kong while highlighting the key elements of Hong Kong Ballet so their new vision could shine through. List the results (20% of vote) The results were tremendous with respect to building audiences and building buzz about the company. Growth in the Hong Kong Ballet family club membership, subscription, and general ticket sales can be attributed to the campaign.

    Never Stand Still

    案例简介:背景 香港芭蕾舞团是亚洲首屈一指的舞蹈公司之一,在一位新的艺术总监 Septime Webre 的领导下,该公司正在经历一场重大变革。我们被邀请开发一个品牌活动,吸引新的观众,改变人们对芭蕾只适合精英的看法。我们面临三个挑战: 会员人数减少,品牌语言不一致,香港芭蕾舞团虽然是一家享有盛誉的全国性公司,但感觉规模小且具有区域性。我们的目标是建立一个新的视觉标识和品牌外观,包含 Webre 的精神和革命性愿景,同时保持艺术形式和香港芭蕾舞团的完整性。 描述创意 (40% 的选票) 我们的意图是通过展示舞蹈的艺术性和能量来改变对芭蕾的看法。这是没有文字的讲故事。这个独特的想法推动了我们的思考和过程,推动我们发展品牌视觉效果,专注于芭蕾舞的美丽和优雅,舞者的优雅和力量,以及香港超现代和传统建筑的融合。我们被驱使向每个人开放芭蕾,使其成为一种令人兴奋的现场娱乐形式,每个人都可以通过人口统计数据获得。此外,我们希望激发自豪感,并推动人们对香港艺术和文化的认识。因此,我们希望创造一种强大的、可识别的视觉语言,这种语言除了香港芭蕾舞团之外,不属于任何人。这个中心是由艺术指导驱动的品牌摄影。 描述执行情况 (40% 的选票) “永不停息” 品牌活动始于首次建立香港芭蕾舞团视觉语言的核心原则,重点是品牌摄影。使用香港的标志性颜色,郁郁葱葱的中国红,以及凉爽的翡翠和薄荷绿色开发了丰富的调色板。标志性的地标性地点,无论是现代的还是历史的,都被选为舞者对抗重力运动的背景,以新旧融合为主题; 传统和创新; 以及艺术形式和建筑。从衣柜 (使用街头服装) 到头发和化妆的每一个细节都经过深思熟虑的创造,以完善一个公式,激发想象力,激励老一代和年轻人。简单地说,我们着眼于艺术方向来重新诠释舞蹈,建立现代香港的感觉,同时突出香港芭蕾的关键元素,这样他们的新视野才能闪耀。 列出结果 (20% 的选票) 在吸引观众和引起对公司的关注方面,结果是巨大的。香港芭蕾舞家庭俱乐部会员、订阅和一般门票销售的增长可归因于该活动。

    Never Stand Still

    案例简介:Background Hong Kong Ballet, one of Asia’s premier dance companies, was undergoing a major transformation under the leadership of a new artistic director, Septime Webre. We were approached to develop a brand campaign that would reach a new audience and change the perception that ballet was only for the elite. There were three challenges we faced: membership was dwindling, brand language was inconsistent, and Hong Kong Ballet, while a prestigious national company, felt small and regional. Our goal was to establish a new visual identity and brand look encompassing the spirit and revolutionary vision of Webre while maintaining the integrity of the art form and the Hong Kong Ballet. Describe the creative idea (40% of vote) Our intent was to change the perception of ballet by showing the artistry and energy of dance. It is storytelling without words. This singular idea drove our thinking and process propelling us to develop brand visuals that focused on the beauty and elegance of ballet, the grace and strength of the dancers, and the mix of ultra-modern and traditional architecture of Hong Kong. We were driven to open ballet up to everyone, making it an exciting form of live entertainment that was accessible to everyone across demographics. Additionally, we looked to inspire pride and drive awareness around the art and culture in Hong Kong. Hence, we looked to create a strong, identifiable visual language that could belong to no one but the Hong Kong Ballet. At the center of this was brand photography driven by art direction. Describe the execution (40% of vote) The “Never Stand Still” brand campaign, began by first building the core principles of Hong Kong Ballet’s visual language with a focus on brand photography. A rich color palette was developed using the iconic colors of Hong Kong, lush China red, and cool jade and mint greens. Iconic landmark locations, both modern and historic were selected as a backdrop for the gravity defying movement of the dancers speaking to the merging of old and new; tradition and innovation; and art form and architecture. Every detail from wardrobe (using street clothes) to hair and makeup were thoughtfully created to perfect a formula to spark the imagination and inspire generations old and young. Simply, we looked at art direction to reinterpret dance and establish a sense of modern Hong Kong while highlighting the key elements of Hong Kong Ballet so their new vision could shine through. List the results (20% of vote) The results were tremendous with respect to building audiences and building buzz about the company. Growth in the Hong Kong Ballet family club membership, subscription, and general ticket sales can be attributed to the campaign.



    Never Stand Still










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