lowe's -我们都可以用一个安静的角落坐下来放松,看一本好书,所以对于这个 # TransformationTuesday,我们正在展示
案例简介:我们都可以用一个安静的角落坐下来,用一本好书放松一下,所以在这个 # TransformationTuesday,我们向你展示 @ monicamangin是如何把她家的一个角落变成完美的阅读角落的!。在下面查看有关解决您自己的彩色书籍转换的说明,并在下周回来参加一个新的 # TransformationTuesday项目。不要忘记向我们展示你是如何在这段时间里通过使用 # home变得为你的空间工作的 .. C O L O R B L O C K B O K材料: 喷漆 (你选择的调色板),旧书 (您仍然想保留和阅读的书!)1 ️⃣为您的调色板中的每种颜色将书籍分组到单独的堆栈中。2 ️⃣一次喷涂一叠,书页面向您,并保持书本关闭。3 ️⃣在安排书籍以创建彩虹渐变之前,请留出时间干燥。
lowe's -我们都可以用一个安静的角落坐下来放松,看一本好书,所以对于这个 # TransformationTuesday,我们正在展示
案例简介:We could all use a quiet corner to sit down and relax with a good book, so for this #TransformationTuesday we’re showing you how @monicamangin transformed a corner of her home into the perfect reading nook!.Check out instructions for tackling your own colorful book transformation below and come back next week for a new #TransformationTuesday project. Don't forget to show us how you’re making your space work for you during this time by using #HomeBecomes..C O L O R B L O C K B O O K SMaterials: spray paint (color palette of your choice), old books (ones that you still want to keep and read!)1️⃣ Group books into separate stacks for each color in your palette.2️⃣ Spray paint one stack at a time with the pages facing you and keeping the books closed.3️⃣ Allow time to dry before arranging books to create a rainbow gradient.
lowe's - We could all use a quiet corner to sit down and relax with a good book, so for this #TransformationTuesday we’re showin
案例简介:我们都可以用一个安静的角落坐下来,用一本好书放松一下,所以在这个 # TransformationTuesday,我们向你展示 @ monicamangin是如何把她家的一个角落变成完美的阅读角落的!。在下面查看有关解决您自己的彩色书籍转换的说明,并在下周回来参加一个新的 # TransformationTuesday项目。不要忘记向我们展示你是如何在这段时间里通过使用 # home变得为你的空间工作的 .. C O L O R B L O C K B O K材料: 喷漆 (你选择的调色板),旧书 (您仍然想保留和阅读的书!)1 ️⃣为您的调色板中的每种颜色将书籍分组到单独的堆栈中。2 ️⃣一次喷涂一叠,书页面向您,并保持书本关闭。3 ️⃣在安排书籍以创建彩虹渐变之前,请留出时间干燥。
lowe's - We could all use a quiet corner to sit down and relax with a good book, so for this #TransformationTuesday we’re showin
案例简介:We could all use a quiet corner to sit down and relax with a good book, so for this #TransformationTuesday we’re showing you how @monicamangin transformed a corner of her home into the perfect reading nook!.Check out instructions for tackling your own colorful book transformation below and come back next week for a new #TransformationTuesday project. Don't forget to show us how you’re making your space work for you during this time by using #HomeBecomes..C O L O R B L O C K B O O K SMaterials: spray paint (color palette of your choice), old books (ones that you still want to keep and read!)1️⃣ Group books into separate stacks for each color in your palette.2️⃣ Spray paint one stack at a time with the pages facing you and keeping the books closed.3️⃣ Allow time to dry before arranging books to create a rainbow gradient.
lowe's -我们都可以用一个安静的角落坐下来放松,看一本好书,所以对于这个 # TransformationTuesday,我们正在展示
lowe's - We could all use a quiet corner to sit down and relax with a good book, so for this #TransformationTuesday we’re showin
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