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    WHEAT THINS & COLBERT短视频广告营销案例



    小麦薄饼 & 科尔伯特

    案例简介:描述活动/条目 在很大程度上,品牌娱乐和集成是受欢迎的,而且在一定程度上是受期待的,这取决于项目。具体来说,对于我们的作品,我们面临着在整合和认可之间走一条细线的挑战。几个网络、人才等都小心翼翼地不让它看起来像是产品的付费代言人。网络也经常要求与任何类型的整合相关的媒体承诺,这取决于节目。 结果 我们对小麦变薄的挑战是,它被视为一个古老的品牌。一个有营养的,无聊的,过时的,对年轻消费者没有吸引力的。饼干类的销售额总体上有所下降。我们需要一种方法来将小麦变薄带回主流,并成为千禧一代的首选零食。鉴于小麦薄花了这么多时间迎合老年消费者,我们需要一种以令人难忘的方式突破我们的目标。我们知道我们的目标包括 “强盗” -- 那些依靠放牧来支撑他们一天的人。他们期望伟大的品味和令人兴奋的味道,这个目标之间的分享和对话是关键。所以,我们的目标是找到一种方法,让小麦变薄成为这个群体的一个考虑因素,同时让它们令人兴奋、可分享和有趣。我们需要找到一个与我们的目标直接对话的声音。有人可以把小麦稀释它需要的注意力,一个人可以立即改变每个人的看法。那个人是斯蒂芬 · 科尔伯特。小麦薄饼被写进了 2月23日播出的首播集。科尔伯特有史以来第一次将小麦薄饼无缝地编织到整个 7 分钟的节目中。以品牌的简介为起点,科尔伯特带来了他梦寐以求的幽默感和讽刺,创造了他迄今为止最难忘的片段之一。 斯蒂芬 · 科尔伯特和他的节目《科尔伯特报告》经常吸引大量特定的观众。人们喜欢他的节目,期待某种幽默,以及科尔伯特关于宗教、政治等的著名评论。他经常在社交空间获得关注,几个备受瞩目的网站展示了他一些更令人难忘的片段。他还设法在他的网站上吸引了大量观众,用户可以在那里观看完整的剧集或剧集剪辑。我们整合的特别节目是本赛季第三高的节目。 有史以来第一次,在将近 7 分钟的时间里,科尔伯特简短地把小麦变薄,并以他唯一能做的方式解剖了它。这个节目是本赛季排名第三的节目,自播出以来,已经在网上被观看了近 760,000 次。在节目播出后的几分钟内,社交空间在推特上爆发出数百条评论。小麦薄膜在 24 小时内还增加了近 6,000 名 Facebook 粉丝。几个主要的媒体 -- 赫芬顿邮报、 AdWeek 、消费主义者、代理间谍和其他人 -- 也对这个故事做出了重大的公关回应。整合成为网络上的一个大话题,也允许品牌通过品牌的推特页面与消费者进行双向对话。最终,整合将品牌推向了新的陌生领域,通过这样做,消费者已经把这个地方视为新闻和喜剧的来源,立即达到了他们想要的目标。最后,科尔伯特表达了他标志性的幽默感和讽刺 -- 并立即改变了我们核心目标中对小麦变薄的看法。

    小麦薄饼 & 科尔伯特

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry For the most part, branded entertainment and integrations are welcome – and to a certain degree – expected, depending on the program. Specifically, for our piece we faced the challenge of walking the fine line between integration and endorsement. Several networks, talent, etc. are careful to not make it appear as though they are a paid endorser of the product. Networks will also often ask for a media commitment tied to any type of integration, and this varies depending on the show. Results Our challenge with Wheat Thins was that it was perceived as an older brand. One that was nutritious, boring, outdated and unappealing to the younger consumer. The cracker category in general was seeing a decline in sales. We needed a way to bring Wheat Thins back to the mainstream and become a consideration to Millennials as a go-to snack. Given that Wheat Thins had spent so much time catering to an older consumer, we needed a way to breakthrough to our target in a memorable way. We knew our target consisted of ‘Power Snackers’ – those relying on grazing to carry them through the day. They expect great taste and exciting flavours, and sharing and conversation among this target is key. So, our objective was to find a way to make Wheat Thins a consideration among this group, along with making them exciting, shareable and fun. We needed to find a voice that spoke directly to our target. Someone that could bring Wheat Thins the attention it needed, and a personality who could instantly change everyone’s perception. That person was Stephen Colbert. Wheat Thins was written into a premiere episode that aired on 23 Feb. For the first time ever, Colbert seamlessly wove Wheat Thins into an entire 7-minute segment of the show. Using the brand’s brief as a starting point, Colbert brought his coveted sense of humour and satire to create one of his more memorable segments to date. Stephen Colbert and his show, ‘The Colbert Report,’ regularly draw a large and specific audience. People tune into his show expecting a certain type of humour, along with Colbert's famous commentary on religion, politics, etc. He regularly gains traction in the social space, and several high-profile websites feature some of his more memorable segments. He also manages to grab a large audience on his site where users are able to watch full episodes – or clips of episodes. The particular show our integration was a part of was the third highest rated of the season. For the first time ever, and for nearly 7 minutes, Colbert took the Wheat Thins brief and dissected it in a way only he could do. This particular show was the third highest rated of the season and since airing, has been viewed nearly 760,000 times online. Within minutes of the segment airing, the social space exploded with hundreds of comments on Twitter. Wheat Thins also added nearly 6,000 Facebook fans in the span of 24 hours. There was also a major PR response with several major outlets – Huffington Post, AdWeek, Consumerist, Agency Spy and others – picking up on the story. The integration became a big topic of conversation on the web, and also allowed for the brand to begin a 2-way conversation with their consumers via the brand’s Twitter page. Ultimately, the integration pushed the brand into new and unfamiliar territory and in doing so, instantly reached the target they desired in a place consumers already looked to as a source of news and comedy. In the end, Colbert delivered his trademark sense of humour and satire – and instantly changed the perception of Wheat Thins among our core target.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目 在很大程度上,品牌娱乐和集成是受欢迎的,而且在一定程度上是受期待的,这取决于项目。具体来说,对于我们的作品,我们面临着在整合和认可之间走一条细线的挑战。几个网络、人才等都小心翼翼地不让它看起来像是产品的付费代言人。网络也经常要求与任何类型的整合相关的媒体承诺,这取决于节目。 结果 我们对小麦变薄的挑战是,它被视为一个古老的品牌。一个有营养的,无聊的,过时的,对年轻消费者没有吸引力的。饼干类的销售额总体上有所下降。我们需要一种方法来将小麦变薄带回主流,并成为千禧一代的首选零食。鉴于小麦薄花了这么多时间迎合老年消费者,我们需要一种以令人难忘的方式突破我们的目标。我们知道我们的目标包括 “强盗” -- 那些依靠放牧来支撑他们一天的人。他们期望伟大的品味和令人兴奋的味道,这个目标之间的分享和对话是关键。所以,我们的目标是找到一种方法,让小麦变薄成为这个群体的一个考虑因素,同时让它们令人兴奋、可分享和有趣。我们需要找到一个与我们的目标直接对话的声音。有人可以把小麦稀释它需要的注意力,一个人可以立即改变每个人的看法。那个人是斯蒂芬 · 科尔伯特。小麦薄饼被写进了 2月23日播出的首播集。科尔伯特有史以来第一次将小麦薄饼无缝地编织到整个 7 分钟的节目中。以品牌的简介为起点,科尔伯特带来了他梦寐以求的幽默感和讽刺,创造了他迄今为止最难忘的片段之一。 斯蒂芬 · 科尔伯特和他的节目《科尔伯特报告》经常吸引大量特定的观众。人们喜欢他的节目,期待某种幽默,以及科尔伯特关于宗教、政治等的著名评论。他经常在社交空间获得关注,几个备受瞩目的网站展示了他一些更令人难忘的片段。他还设法在他的网站上吸引了大量观众,用户可以在那里观看完整的剧集或剧集剪辑。我们整合的特别节目是本赛季第三高的节目。 有史以来第一次,在将近 7 分钟的时间里,科尔伯特简短地把小麦变薄,并以他唯一能做的方式解剖了它。这个节目是本赛季排名第三的节目,自播出以来,已经在网上被观看了近 760,000 次。在节目播出后的几分钟内,社交空间在推特上爆发出数百条评论。小麦薄膜在 24 小时内还增加了近 6,000 名 Facebook 粉丝。几个主要的媒体 -- 赫芬顿邮报、 AdWeek 、消费主义者、代理间谍和其他人 -- 也对这个故事做出了重大的公关回应。整合成为网络上的一个大话题,也允许品牌通过品牌的推特页面与消费者进行双向对话。最终,整合将品牌推向了新的陌生领域,通过这样做,消费者已经把这个地方视为新闻和喜剧的来源,立即达到了他们想要的目标。最后,科尔伯特表达了他标志性的幽默感和讽刺 -- 并立即改变了我们核心目标中对小麦变薄的看法。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry For the most part, branded entertainment and integrations are welcome – and to a certain degree – expected, depending on the program. Specifically, for our piece we faced the challenge of walking the fine line between integration and endorsement. Several networks, talent, etc. are careful to not make it appear as though they are a paid endorser of the product. Networks will also often ask for a media commitment tied to any type of integration, and this varies depending on the show. Results Our challenge with Wheat Thins was that it was perceived as an older brand. One that was nutritious, boring, outdated and unappealing to the younger consumer. The cracker category in general was seeing a decline in sales. We needed a way to bring Wheat Thins back to the mainstream and become a consideration to Millennials as a go-to snack. Given that Wheat Thins had spent so much time catering to an older consumer, we needed a way to breakthrough to our target in a memorable way. We knew our target consisted of ‘Power Snackers’ – those relying on grazing to carry them through the day. They expect great taste and exciting flavours, and sharing and conversation among this target is key. So, our objective was to find a way to make Wheat Thins a consideration among this group, along with making them exciting, shareable and fun. We needed to find a voice that spoke directly to our target. Someone that could bring Wheat Thins the attention it needed, and a personality who could instantly change everyone’s perception. That person was Stephen Colbert. Wheat Thins was written into a premiere episode that aired on 23 Feb. For the first time ever, Colbert seamlessly wove Wheat Thins into an entire 7-minute segment of the show. Using the brand’s brief as a starting point, Colbert brought his coveted sense of humour and satire to create one of his more memorable segments to date. Stephen Colbert and his show, ‘The Colbert Report,’ regularly draw a large and specific audience. People tune into his show expecting a certain type of humour, along with Colbert's famous commentary on religion, politics, etc. He regularly gains traction in the social space, and several high-profile websites feature some of his more memorable segments. He also manages to grab a large audience on his site where users are able to watch full episodes – or clips of episodes. The particular show our integration was a part of was the third highest rated of the season. For the first time ever, and for nearly 7 minutes, Colbert took the Wheat Thins brief and dissected it in a way only he could do. This particular show was the third highest rated of the season and since airing, has been viewed nearly 760,000 times online. Within minutes of the segment airing, the social space exploded with hundreds of comments on Twitter. Wheat Thins also added nearly 6,000 Facebook fans in the span of 24 hours. There was also a major PR response with several major outlets – Huffington Post, AdWeek, Consumerist, Agency Spy and others – picking up on the story. The integration became a big topic of conversation on the web, and also allowed for the brand to begin a 2-way conversation with their consumers via the brand’s Twitter page. Ultimately, the integration pushed the brand into new and unfamiliar territory and in doing so, instantly reached the target they desired in a place consumers already looked to as a source of news and comedy. In the end, Colbert delivered his trademark sense of humour and satire – and instantly changed the perception of Wheat Thins among our core target.

    小麦薄饼 & 科尔伯特












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