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    Lumsden Design设计的新旗舰博物馆商店在现代艺术博物馆开业

    案例简介:由建筑师Diller Scofidio Renfro与Gensler合作设计的现代艺术博物馆新的5,200平方英尺旗舰店,Lumsden design的零售设计本月在博物馆大厅附近开业。旨在通过双入口吸引路人和有门票的博物馆参观者,新的零售位置从博物馆内的各个地方清晰可见,并无缝地融入了整体博物馆体验。现在,现代艺术博物馆的游客可以期待一个戏剧性的改造前立面,其特征是一条街外入口,通向一座夹层桥,俯瞰博物馆大厅附近的新博物馆商店。通过中央楼梯或圆形玻璃电梯进入空间,游客进入商店之前首先会注意到的是一个30英尺高的巨大的地板到天花板的墙壁展示,展示了由零售商品团队选择的无与伦比的与艺术相关的出版物,以及所有六个策展部门的同行。商店的前景是在低密度固定装置上展示的高质量设计对象的所在地,这些对象由实心铝铸造而成,具有独特而精致的外观。这些产品均由博物馆的零售团队精心挑选,并获得MoMA策展人的认可,反映了该机构的国际知名设计愿景。在夹层下方的商店北侧,是高密度的固定装置,展示了各种艺术复制产品,例如版画,明信片,文具和礼物以及独特的书桌配件,个人产品和服装。所有展示装置和配件均采用简单而优雅的形式设计,以反映MoMA的简约美感,并使用了在所有MoMA设计商店中看到的既定材料和调色板。考虑将游客的注意力集中在精心选择的产品类别上; 固定装置的设计具有内置的灵活性,可以根据需要将单元连接在一起或重新配置。销售和业务发展总监露丝·夏皮罗 (Ruth Shapiro) 表示: “Lumsden对我们的品牌,产品提供的独特性以及零售业在博物馆游客体验中的作用有天生的了解。”“我们已经合作成功地对纽约博物馆和日本多家商店对面的MoMA设计商店进行了翻新,因此在我们的新旗舰店上进行合作非常有意义。”Lumsden Design创意总监Callum Lumsden表示: “我们与项目建筑师Diller Scofidio Renfro和Gensler在零售环境上密切合作,确保该空间与MoMA作为世界领先文化目的地的地位相匹配。外部参考是微妙的,但是一旦你走进商店,每个接触点都是精心制作的,以创造终极的文化零售体验。“。这个项目是Lumsden与MoMA品牌长期合作关系中的最新项目,该项目已经见证了纽约和日本MoMA设计商店的交付。

    Lumsden Design设计的新旗舰博物馆商店在现代艺术博物馆开业

    案例简介:The new 5,200 square foot flagship store at The Museum of Modern Art designed by architects Diller Scofidio + Renfro in collaboration with Gensler, with retail design by Lumsden Design opened this month adjacent to the lobby of the Museum. Intended to attract passers-by and ticketed museumgoers alike with dual entrances, the new retail position is clearly visible from various points within the Museum and seamlessly integrates into the overall Museum experience. Visitors to MoMA can now expect a dramatically remodelled front elevation, featuring an off-street entrance leading to a mezzanine bridge overlooking the new Museum Store adjacent to the lobby of the Museum. Accessing the space via a central staircase or circular glazed elevator, the first thing visitors will notice before descending into the store is a vast 30-foot tall floor-to-ceiling wall display that showcases an unparalleled selection of art-related publications selected by the retail merchandising team, along with counterparts from all six curatorial departments. The foreground of the store is home to high quality design objects displayed on low-density fixtures, cast in solid aluminium for a distinctive and refined finish. Each of these products has been handpicked by the Museum’s retail team and approved by MoMA curators, reflecting the internationally renowned design vision of the institution. On the north side of the store beneath the mezzanine level are high density fixtures displaying a comprehensive selection of art-reproduction products such as prints, postcards, stationery and gifts as well as unique desk accessories, personal products and apparel. All display fixtures and accessories have been designed with simple and elegant forms to reflect MoMA’s pared-back aesthetic, using the established material and colour palette seen across all MoMA Design Stores. Consideration was made to focus the visitors’ attention on the carefully selected product assortment; the fixtures were designed with inbuilt flexibility allowing units to be joined together or reconfigured as needed. "Lumsden has an innate understanding of our brand, the uniqueness of our product offering and retail's role in the museum visitor experience," says Ruth Shapiro, Director of Sales and Business Development. "We've worked together on the successful renovation of the MoMA Design Store across from the Museum in New York and multiple stores in Japan, so it made perfect sense to collaborate on our new flagship store." Callum Lumsden, Creative Director, Lumsden Design said: “We worked closely with project architects Diller Scofidio + Renfro and Gensler on the retail environment, ensuring the space would match MoMA’s status as a world-leading cultural destination. The external references are subtle but once you step inside the store, each touchpoint is carefully crafted to create the ultimate cultural retail experience.” This project is the latest in Lumsden’s longstanding relationship with the MoMA brand which has seen the delivery of MoMA Design Stores in New York and Japan.

    New Flagship Museum Store Designed by Lumsden Design Opens at The Museum of Modern Art

    案例简介:由建筑师Diller Scofidio Renfro与Gensler合作设计的现代艺术博物馆新的5,200平方英尺旗舰店,Lumsden design的零售设计本月在博物馆大厅附近开业。旨在通过双入口吸引路人和有门票的博物馆参观者,新的零售位置从博物馆内的各个地方清晰可见,并无缝地融入了整体博物馆体验。现在,现代艺术博物馆的游客可以期待一个戏剧性的改造前立面,其特征是一条街外入口,通向一座夹层桥,俯瞰博物馆大厅附近的新博物馆商店。通过中央楼梯或圆形玻璃电梯进入空间,游客进入商店之前首先会注意到的是一个30英尺高的巨大的地板到天花板的墙壁展示,展示了由零售商品团队选择的无与伦比的与艺术相关的出版物,以及所有六个策展部门的同行。商店的前景是在低密度固定装置上展示的高质量设计对象的所在地,这些对象由实心铝铸造而成,具有独特而精致的外观。这些产品均由博物馆的零售团队精心挑选,并获得MoMA策展人的认可,反映了该机构的国际知名设计愿景。在夹层下方的商店北侧,是高密度的固定装置,展示了各种艺术复制产品,例如版画,明信片,文具和礼物以及独特的书桌配件,个人产品和服装。所有展示装置和配件均采用简单而优雅的形式设计,以反映MoMA的简约美感,并使用了在所有MoMA设计商店中看到的既定材料和调色板。考虑将游客的注意力集中在精心选择的产品类别上; 固定装置的设计具有内置的灵活性,可以根据需要将单元连接在一起或重新配置。销售和业务发展总监露丝·夏皮罗 (Ruth Shapiro) 表示: “Lumsden对我们的品牌,产品提供的独特性以及零售业在博物馆游客体验中的作用有天生的了解。”“我们已经合作成功地对纽约博物馆和日本多家商店对面的MoMA设计商店进行了翻新,因此在我们的新旗舰店上进行合作非常有意义。”Lumsden Design创意总监Callum Lumsden表示: “我们与项目建筑师Diller Scofidio Renfro和Gensler在零售环境上密切合作,确保该空间与MoMA作为世界领先文化目的地的地位相匹配。外部参考是微妙的,但是一旦你走进商店,每个接触点都是精心制作的,以创造终极的文化零售体验。“。这个项目是Lumsden与MoMA品牌长期合作关系中的最新项目,该项目已经见证了纽约和日本MoMA设计商店的交付。

    New Flagship Museum Store Designed by Lumsden Design Opens at The Museum of Modern Art

    案例简介:The new 5,200 square foot flagship store at The Museum of Modern Art designed by architects Diller Scofidio + Renfro in collaboration with Gensler, with retail design by Lumsden Design opened this month adjacent to the lobby of the Museum. Intended to attract passers-by and ticketed museumgoers alike with dual entrances, the new retail position is clearly visible from various points within the Museum and seamlessly integrates into the overall Museum experience. Visitors to MoMA can now expect a dramatically remodelled front elevation, featuring an off-street entrance leading to a mezzanine bridge overlooking the new Museum Store adjacent to the lobby of the Museum. Accessing the space via a central staircase or circular glazed elevator, the first thing visitors will notice before descending into the store is a vast 30-foot tall floor-to-ceiling wall display that showcases an unparalleled selection of art-related publications selected by the retail merchandising team, along with counterparts from all six curatorial departments. The foreground of the store is home to high quality design objects displayed on low-density fixtures, cast in solid aluminium for a distinctive and refined finish. Each of these products has been handpicked by the Museum’s retail team and approved by MoMA curators, reflecting the internationally renowned design vision of the institution. On the north side of the store beneath the mezzanine level are high density fixtures displaying a comprehensive selection of art-reproduction products such as prints, postcards, stationery and gifts as well as unique desk accessories, personal products and apparel. All display fixtures and accessories have been designed with simple and elegant forms to reflect MoMA’s pared-back aesthetic, using the established material and colour palette seen across all MoMA Design Stores. Consideration was made to focus the visitors’ attention on the carefully selected product assortment; the fixtures were designed with inbuilt flexibility allowing units to be joined together or reconfigured as needed. "Lumsden has an innate understanding of our brand, the uniqueness of our product offering and retail's role in the museum visitor experience," says Ruth Shapiro, Director of Sales and Business Development. "We've worked together on the successful renovation of the MoMA Design Store across from the Museum in New York and multiple stores in Japan, so it made perfect sense to collaborate on our new flagship store." Callum Lumsden, Creative Director, Lumsden Design said: “We worked closely with project architects Diller Scofidio + Renfro and Gensler on the retail environment, ensuring the space would match MoMA’s status as a world-leading cultural destination. The external references are subtle but once you step inside the store, each touchpoint is carefully crafted to create the ultimate cultural retail experience.” This project is the latest in Lumsden’s longstanding relationship with the MoMA brand which has seen the delivery of MoMA Design Stores in New York and Japan.

    Lumsden Design设计的新旗舰博物馆商店在现代艺术博物馆开业


    New Flagship Museum Store Designed by Lumsden Design Opens at The Museum of Modern Art










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