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    The Single Release短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:执行 在斯德哥尔摩的战略地点,目标观众在那里闲逛,我们发布了今年夏天晚些时候乐队在音乐节上演奏的信息。只有一条消息。例如; 在啤酒杯垫上,我们放了一个乐队,另一个在咖啡馆的咖啡杯上,另一个在比萨饼盒上。在三个月里,我们只向 20 个人发行了 20 个艺术家。他们明确呼吁采取行动,在社交媒体上分享这一独家新闻。 概要 Popaganda 是斯德哥尔摩的一个音乐节。它始于 14 年前,作为一个小型独立/另类流行音乐节。今天是斯德哥尔摩最大的音乐节。今年,他们想回到自己的根源,找回另一种感觉。目标是通过将社交媒体的活动增加 10%,在斯德哥尔摩的年轻音乐人群中大肆宣传。与去年相比,第一个月的门票销售增加了 10%。 结果 与前一年相比,第一个月的门票销售增加了 18%。(目标 10%) 社交媒体上的追随者增加了: INSTAGRAM 22% (目标 10%) TWITTER 40% (目标 10%) FACEBOOK 10,5% (目标 10%) 相关性 这是一个音乐节的运动,有一个明确的目标观众,他们参与了释放艺术家的活动。竞选活动也有一个明确的直接反应机制。 活动描述 这个想法是让粉丝们释放艺术家排队,在斯德哥尔摩的年轻音乐人群中大肆宣传。在过去的几年里,这个节日在社交媒体上做了几次活动,吸引了他们的观众。今年,我们想测试一下这场订婚,让球迷们扮演主要角色,成为我们的公关大使。一个社会实验,Popaganda 完全依赖观众的参与。 战略 由于 Popaganda 想回到他们的另类根源,我们决定做与你通常做的相反的事情 (新闻稿、海报、平面广告等)。) 当释放艺术家排队时。策略是让粉丝成为我们的公关人员,让他们为我们做这件事。一个社会实验适合一个节日带来替代回来!


    案例简介:Execution On strategic places in Stockholm, where the target audience hang out, we placed messages of what bands are playing at the festival later this summer. Only ONE message on ONE thing. For example; on a beer coaster we put one band, another one on a coffee cup in a café, another one on a pizza box etc. During three months we released twenty artists to only twenty people. There was a clear call to action for them to share this exclusive news in social media. Synopsis Popaganda is a music festival in Stockholm. It started 14 years ago as a small indie/alternative pop festival. Today it's the biggest music festival in Stockholm. This year they wanted to go back to their roots, and get the alternative feeling back. The objective was to create a hype amongst the young music crowd in Stockholm by increase the activity in social media by 10%. And increase the ticket sales the first month of sales by 10% compared to last year. Outcome Ticket sales increased the first month by 18% compared to previous year. (Goal 10%)Followers on social media increased by:INSTAGRAM 22% (Goal 10%)TWITTER 40% (Goal 10%)FACEBOOK 10,5% (Goal 10%) Relevancy It’s a campaign for a music festival with a well defined target audience who participated in releasing the artist line up themselves. The campaign aslo had a clear direct response mechanism. CampaignDescription The idea was to let the fans release the artist line up, building a hype amongst the young music crowd in Stockholm. The past couple of years the festival has done several campaign in social media, engaging their audience. This year we wanted to put that engagement to a test and let the fans play the main part and become our PR-ambassadeurs. A social experiment where Popaganda fully relied on the audience's engagement. Strategy Since Popaganda wanted to go back to their alternative roots, we decided to do the opposite of what you normally do (press release, posters, print ads etc.) when releasing the artist line up. The strategy was to let the fans become our PR people and let them do it for us. A social experiment suited for a festival bringing alternative back!

    The Single Release

    案例简介:执行 在斯德哥尔摩的战略地点,目标观众在那里闲逛,我们发布了今年夏天晚些时候乐队在音乐节上演奏的信息。只有一条消息。例如; 在啤酒杯垫上,我们放了一个乐队,另一个在咖啡馆的咖啡杯上,另一个在比萨饼盒上。在三个月里,我们只向 20 个人发行了 20 个艺术家。他们明确呼吁采取行动,在社交媒体上分享这一独家新闻。 概要 Popaganda 是斯德哥尔摩的一个音乐节。它始于 14 年前,作为一个小型独立/另类流行音乐节。今天是斯德哥尔摩最大的音乐节。今年,他们想回到自己的根源,找回另一种感觉。目标是通过将社交媒体的活动增加 10%,在斯德哥尔摩的年轻音乐人群中大肆宣传。与去年相比,第一个月的门票销售增加了 10%。 结果 与前一年相比,第一个月的门票销售增加了 18%。(目标 10%) 社交媒体上的追随者增加了: INSTAGRAM 22% (目标 10%) TWITTER 40% (目标 10%) FACEBOOK 10,5% (目标 10%) 相关性 这是一个音乐节的运动,有一个明确的目标观众,他们参与了释放艺术家的活动。竞选活动也有一个明确的直接反应机制。 活动描述 这个想法是让粉丝们释放艺术家排队,在斯德哥尔摩的年轻音乐人群中大肆宣传。在过去的几年里,这个节日在社交媒体上做了几次活动,吸引了他们的观众。今年,我们想测试一下这场订婚,让球迷们扮演主要角色,成为我们的公关大使。一个社会实验,Popaganda 完全依赖观众的参与。 战略 由于 Popaganda 想回到他们的另类根源,我们决定做与你通常做的相反的事情 (新闻稿、海报、平面广告等)。) 当释放艺术家排队时。策略是让粉丝成为我们的公关人员,让他们为我们做这件事。一个社会实验适合一个节日带来替代回来!

    The Single Release

    案例简介:Execution On strategic places in Stockholm, where the target audience hang out, we placed messages of what bands are playing at the festival later this summer. Only ONE message on ONE thing. For example; on a beer coaster we put one band, another one on a coffee cup in a café, another one on a pizza box etc. During three months we released twenty artists to only twenty people. There was a clear call to action for them to share this exclusive news in social media. Synopsis Popaganda is a music festival in Stockholm. It started 14 years ago as a small indie/alternative pop festival. Today it's the biggest music festival in Stockholm. This year they wanted to go back to their roots, and get the alternative feeling back. The objective was to create a hype amongst the young music crowd in Stockholm by increase the activity in social media by 10%. And increase the ticket sales the first month of sales by 10% compared to last year. Outcome Ticket sales increased the first month by 18% compared to previous year. (Goal 10%)Followers on social media increased by:INSTAGRAM 22% (Goal 10%)TWITTER 40% (Goal 10%)FACEBOOK 10,5% (Goal 10%) Relevancy It’s a campaign for a music festival with a well defined target audience who participated in releasing the artist line up themselves. The campaign aslo had a clear direct response mechanism. CampaignDescription The idea was to let the fans release the artist line up, building a hype amongst the young music crowd in Stockholm. The past couple of years the festival has done several campaign in social media, engaging their audience. This year we wanted to put that engagement to a test and let the fans play the main part and become our PR-ambassadeurs. A social experiment where Popaganda fully relied on the audience's engagement. Strategy Since Popaganda wanted to go back to their alternative roots, we decided to do the opposite of what you normally do (press release, posters, print ads etc.) when releasing the artist line up. The strategy was to let the fans become our PR people and let them do it for us. A social experiment suited for a festival bringing alternative back!



    The Single Release










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